
4 Reviews
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Tour of Duty (1987–1990)
honest show that doesn't hold back
22 August 2000
I caught this show, actually by accident. I'm pretty young, and most people (myself included) wouldn't expect someone my age to get hooked on this kind of show. But I thought this would give me a better opportunity to learn more about the Vietnam War. This show was probably as accurate as television will get, when it comes to "war shows". It's a great show, which I catch on re-runs. PLEASE, watch this show!!!!!! It's not afraid to show the reality of war (or, as real as television can get these days). I totally dismissed this show the first time I heard about it. I thought "this must be one of those shows that you can't understand unless you've been there". I was wrong. This show really pulls you in. It's just plain good.
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Early Edition (1996–2000)
just plain good
27 July 2000
I was really sad to see that this show had been cancelled. I actually only started seeing this show in re-runs on Fox Family. Here was a smart show, no cliches, no mush, no garbage. Here was a show that you would actually feel comfortable watching with everyone from your thirteen year-old son/daughter to Grandma. Here was a show that caught my family's attention, and, for once, kept it. The acting was great, the storyline was original, and the setting for this show was perfect- Chicago. All you need to know is that it's about a guy (Gary Hobson), down on his luck, who starts getting tomorrow's paper today. Unlike most people, he uses the paper to save lives, not to win the lottery. This becomes his life. The show's got morals. How many shows on television today can you say that about?
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simply beautiful
25 July 2000
This movie blew me away completely. I am a Jonathan Taylor Thomas fan, and had been waiting to see him in a new movie. Some of his others films were pretty corny, and I was afraid that he would not escape his "bubble gum, sugar-sweet" image, However, this film proves he can do drama as well as the next guy. Everyone in my family enjoyed the movie tremendously- especially me. Ellen Burnstyn is superb as Mattie, the elderly God-fearing woman practically looking forward her to funeral, until Wesley comes along. He brings youth and joy to her life, and she brings intelligence, truth, and God into his. Both sides benefit from this experience. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for a heartfelt, meaningful drama that is also sweet and funny.
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Angel's Dance (1999)
the acting was better than the script
25 July 2000
I'll be honest- the reason I rented this movie was because I am a huge fan of Kyle Chandler's (most notably from Early Edition). Since he usually plays the good guy, I wanted to see him as in a different role (out of curiosity). The plot itself also drew me in; a wanna-be hitman (Tony Greco- a.k.a. Mr. Chandler) must kill a person at random before he is trusted with the life- or, rather, the death- of a witness who will testify against someone in "the family". The movies was nothing like I expected. It was sick, I hated the end (if you saw it, you'd know why), and there were so many unnecessary parts. Basically- it was filthy, and made little sense. Yes, it was a mob movie, and yes the guns do go BOOM. But there's more to a movie than that. This film acted as if it didn't have the time to go into detail- just deal with it and understand it. The acting really made up for it- James Belushi was pretty amusing as "The Rose". Sheryl Lee made Angel seem as believable as she could get. She surprised me the most. And Kyle Chandler was equally convincing as an anxious newcomer to "the family". If only the script did justice to the actors.
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