
8 Reviews
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Kitchen Party (1997)
8 September 2000
I saw this movie on Superchannel when there was absolutely nothing else on. The synopsis was something like "Teenagers have a party in the kitchen when their parents aren't home". I thought, "that sounds lame, kinda like 'Can't Hardly Wait'". I watched it anyway. During the first few minutes I thought it was a little slow, and prepared myself to be bored out of my mind. Then the movie got going.

Finally, a good Canadian movie!!! I had no idea it was Canadian, until about half-way through, when I realized that none of the cast had accents!

Anyway, on to the movie itself. Such a great little film. It completely brought me back to my high school/college days. The characters were REAL - they didn't seem like they were reading scripts or trying for laughs. I didn't feel like my emotions were being fooled around with. This is an HONEST movie.

The acting was really great (I thought). Each character was very well developed.

The ONE problem (very minor) I had with this movie, was the fact that the parents of Scott and Steve were so anal about keeping their carpets perfect, yet they did NOT seem like those type of people when they were out with their friends. That part just didn't gel for me.

But, aside from that very minor set-back, I really liked this movie. I can't say enough good things about it. It was so ON. A REAL movie that actually describes the feelings that go with being a teenager, old enough to move out of the house, but STILL living with your dreaded parents. I can't recommend this movie to enough people.

After seeing this movie, I've GOTTA go rent "Suburbanites".
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Very Fun, Worth a Watch
29 August 2000
Not a great movie, but very fun if you like silly fantasy. I love it. If you like Princess Bride, you'll probably like this movie (though it doesn't come close to PB).

Definitely worth a watch on a rainy day.
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999 TV Movie)
Excellent Casting
29 August 2000
The casting in this movie could not have been better. I saw this movie before I knew what Steve Jobs looked like, acted like. About a month later, I saw Steve Jobs on CNN. My God! Noah Wyle did an INCREDIBLE job with his mannerisms, the way he speaks, etc...! And Anthony Michael Hall! Wow! As another user said, he was born to play Bill Gates. This movie sucked me in - it's one of the better made for tv movies I've seen, and although I might have wanted a bit more from it from a "history" point of view, I found it very entertaining. It's worth watching just for the incredible performances.
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Office Space (1999)
29 August 2000
This movie is one of my favourite comedies. I work in an office. I can relate. Oh, the times I've wanted to kidnap office equipment, take it out to a field, and beat on it.

Great performances, especially by Stephen Root, who I'm a BIG fan of. Even Jennifer Aniston (who I'm not usually that fond of) turns in a very good performance, given her limited material.

Loved the storyline, loved the one-liners. I need to OWN this movie.
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A Nice Surprise
29 August 2000
Rented this movie not knowing what it was about - the video store guy recommended it. I loved it. Got really caught up in it, cool action/gun scenes, and neat ideas. Worth the rental price.
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Go (1999)
Fun Movie
29 August 2000
I liked this movie well enough to watch it twice. I waited 'til it came out on video, but made sure to see it, because it stars Sarah Polley, who I've been a fan of since her "Road to Avonlea" days. This is not a serious movie. It's fun, upbeat, quick, and for those with short attention spans. I liked it. I didn't think it was as incredible as some say, but enjoyable enough to watch it twice. So many people have compared it to Pulp Fiction. Frankly, the only similarity I see between the two, is the "jumping around timelines". Which I like. Good movie to watch, just don't bother trying to analyze it - you won't come up with much.
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Fight Club (1999)
Surprisingly Good
29 August 2000
Not as violent as I thought it would be. As a huge wimp (I can't even watch "Are you afraid of the dark"), I thought I'd freak out at the violence and hate this movie. Boy, was I surprised. Very interesting plot, kept me thoroughly entertained. Worth a few watches.
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How's it going, hotstuff?
29 August 2000
I LOVE this movie. It's fun and silly - if you love Breakfast Club, Fast Times, Ferris Bueller, and Weird Science, you will most likely love this movie, too. This is one of those movies I can watch OVER and OVER and OVER again and NEVER get sick of.
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