
14 Reviews
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Kill, kill, kill... and get bored !
2 March 2002
Movie from Thailand about a killer doing his job... i.e. killing ! By mixing flashbacks, an expected love story, a tragic end, and a lot of killing the director managed to create a very boring and unsurprising movie. Add to that some non-sense some slow motions - Asiatic directors simply love it - and you have a less than second rate violent movie.

I guess the biggest challenge that the director succeeded in overcoming was in making the killings last for almost 2 hours. If this is the type of movie that Asia enjoys then it is rather sad, depressing, gloom and boring.

I have just read the review of another IMDB member and did not find this movie well directed at all nor did I learn anything about Thailand. Did he really watch the same movie ? This one was classified 18 (i.e. for adults only) and does not contain an ounce of information on what Thailand is really like (unless of course Thailand is a country full of murderers and assassins). If Thailand is like in the movie then corpses must pile up in the toilets !

Violence to the extreme is not sufficient to make a decent movie, and this one definitively lack of all the ingredients to make it even watchable. My advise: stay home and read a book.
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Rat Race (2001)
Crap race, gutter movie !
17 February 2002
Rate race has everything to be a good movie: great actors and a not too bad story. Unfortunately it does not succeed in making us laugh. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty of interesting things but it never really takes off and all the humour is minus 10. Probably the most original parts of the movie are the one about nazi and heart transplant (they make you smile but nothing more). Besides that it is not funny... at all ! It becomes such a bore that one's only hope was for it to end ASAP.

Making a movie is difficult. Making a funny movie is even more difficult. Neither the actors nor the director succeeded. I will not be surprised if it ends on the bottom shelf of your video store. But I'll be extremely surprised if anybody picks it up.

Don't waste a Euro on this trash.
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Gosford Park (2001)
Very British !
16 February 2002
Very British, a mix of Agatha Christie and British humour directed by a brilliant director. The British countryside is well showed as it really is; i.e. green, empty and wet. In another word: miserable. Hopefully most of the movie is set within a large manor with all the characters staying warm by sitting next to the fire place. Indeed, don't expect car chase nor fancy action scenes. It is more a movie of the mind rather than of the 'streets'. It may not be attractive to the average British spectator - unless this one is over 50 or has passed the age to vandalise whatever is nearest to his seat (which nowadays may bring him around 50 anyway). Indeed, this very old-fashioned British style movie is set in a time when the UK had still some colonies, at a time when British were hypocrites and had lot of pride. Unfortunately, it does not reflect today's situation except in the hypocrisy and pride. Maybe it is nice to have this movie and to remind British spectators that they live in a small country that has no colony left and that is not an empire anymore. Welcome back to earth ! This small thing out of the way the movie is watchable and almost enjoyable. With characters each having a secret to hide, and each secret being revealed up to the last minute. Definitely a must see for a nice evening.
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Indian family meeting
16 February 2002
Interesting and enjoyable for the little insight it gives into Indian culture despite a non-original story. From the first scene one can guess that there is going to be 'problems' or at least a small scandal with the bride and one of the guest, that a love story will start with another, and that one will become a responsible man. So nothing really special, nothing really new, but still enjoyable to watch even if there are some pathetic moments of indecision.

This movie is like if India was discovering itself. It is nice for a country to realise - after everybody else did - that Indians are not perfect and are human like us. That despite the laziness of the men and their machismo they are weak and highly dependent on women. It is unusual to watch these proud pathetic men doing miserable schemes to themselves and their relatives.

Women on the contrary appear strong and knows what they want. They are more in touch with the reality and the changing of their world. But still they are confined to house keeping tasks.

A nice insight into 21st century India trying to evolve from its 17th century social constraints despite earning $ the hard way in the USA and Australia.
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Shallow Hal (2001)
A not so shallow story but a poorly filmed movie.
16 February 2002
The idea is interesting - even if highly American oriented (indeed not many country but the US have to 'deal' with fat people to this extent). What is unusual is to have a movie that talk about this problem in a humorous way. I do not think fat people are perceived in a negative way on the contrary the movie makes them into stars. It may change the perception of fat people on the US. Overall it appears more like a movie that tries to show that we are all human regardless of our physical problems. Whether one is fat, a dwarf, disfigured or else we are still human with emotions and feeling. That is the nice part of the movie. Basically it is about accepting the other even if he/she is not a Hollywood stereotype. It is a difficult topic to address and to present in a movie and I think that presenting it with humour was probably the only way to go. Otherwise it would have been to depressing for all of us. So these are the good points of the movie.

Unfortunately, the movie was badly filmed. Indeed, too often did I see the microphone above the head of the main character. Even a 15 years old kid shooting a home movie wouldn't do such basic mistake. It is a disgrace to Hollywood and to the director. Did they watch the movie before distributing it ?
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An Ocean of American stereotypes.
16 February 2002
Thief wants his girl back and plan a job to rob his rival. He gathers a team. The robbery is a success and the girl goes back with him. A rather superficial story set in the colourful and well illuminated Las Vegas. The actors play well but not all are convincing. The robbery is ingenious and is the core of the movie. But towards the end there was this feeling of unfinished business. As if a piece was missing. Or maybe a too superficial movie. The trailer was more attractive than the movie itself. Nevertheless, it is still enjoyable to watch.
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Fun for all, from 7 to 77
2 February 2002
Finally, an entertaining, non-violent, funny movie (computer animation) hits the screen. This movie can be watched from 7 to 77 with no fear of monsters. Pixar did - again - an excellent job in terms of computer animation and story telling for the whole family. In addition there is a short hilarious animated cartoon before the main feature.

The story is original with funny bits and pieces everywhere up to the last line of the credentials: "No monsters was hurt during the filming". Monster Inc is a bowl of fresh air in the jungle of war/violent/horror movies that have been recently released.

Colourful and without a second wasted Monsters Inc. is a must to watch. Take your kids, your wife, dog/cat/goldfish and go and see it now ! If you are single, do the same. You won't regret it. It's better than any Disney movie to date.
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Eye See You (2002)
Another good guy vs. bad guy violent movie
2 February 2002
Stallone is back as the average FBI agent that looses his girlfriend, becomes alcoholic is sent to a D-Tox establishment in the middle of nowhere, recovers and gets his revenge over the bady. Plenty of blood and flash backs that haunt the hero but as in any 'good' Hollywood movie the hero always win and gets a new girlfriend on the top.

Besides the fact that the events occur in a remotely located hospital in the mountains, (almost sounds like a Shinning type of story), the movie is not very attractive. We fail to believe in any of the actors and even Stallone seems to be bored 'acting'. Spectators also will get bored, unless you are a serial killer looking for a new way to murder cops.

The movie fails to entertain and is a long way before it could reach even the ankle of movies such as 'The Silence of the Lambs' or 'Seven'. This movie is a feeble attempt to keep Stallone busy.

Keep walking to the next screen and don't bother wasting a buck.
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Training Day (2001)
Bad cop, good cop, violence.
1 February 2002
This movie can be summarised by: bad cop, good cop, violence. There is nothing more, nothing deeper, nothing exciting, nothing new. It is not the first movie about bad cops doing bad things and getting punished. It's not the first movie about black & white cops either. Let's hope it will be the last.

There is nothing to say about the acting. Both Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke are playing very well, but the movie never really kicks off and the end is predictable. The movie compensates its poor scenario by a wave of violence and insults. If the US are really like that then it is difficult to understand why anybody would like to immigrate over there. What comes out of the movie is not so much the fact that the nice cop wins but more how poor and miserable the US are. Indeed, not only is the movie showing drugs, violence, alcohol, etc. but it also reveals that 99.9% of Americans are only interested in money. I guess the 'happy end' part shows that there is 0.1% that are above corruption and bribery.

A dead boring violent movie that is best to avoid unless you are into this kind of low level scenario.
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American Military Propaganda
27 January 2002
Another movie about another "Vietnam" type of war. This time it is in Somalia and US GIs are getting wiped off by civilian soldiers from Africa.

Lots of shooting. As usual US soldiers are depicted as the nice guys while Somalia people are the badies. But the scenario doesn't go very far and one has no idea why this war (genocide ?) is being fought. What are the political reasons behind that ? What is the real reason of the presence of the US in Somalia ? The only conclusion that can be made is that they leave very soon after this 'battle' (probably because there was no oil to exploit).

The movie is well filmed and actors are doing a good job, there is no denying that, but this is not sufficient to make a good movie. Indeed, the story is too superficial with more shooting than anything else. So much shooting that one is looking forward to the end ASAP.

As such and in the current context of the Afghanistan bombing this movie looks more like a propaganda movie to rally American public opinion and shows that if the US weren't there the world will be out of control. It also shows the stupidity of war and how expandable human lives are.
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
Unexpected disturbing movie
27 January 2002
Well played, well directed, good scenario... all the ingredients for a good 21st century movie.

A really unexpected movie where dream and reality are mixed for the greatest pleasure of the audience. Not surprisingly the scenario is based on a non-American book which may explain why all the usual Hollywood clichés are absent from this movie. The plot is well thought and goes beyond the typical thriller story.

This movie is for people wanting more than just violence and guns. Be prepared for a bit of thinking and don't expect a "vegetables watch" type of movie.

The US poster doesn't give justice to the movie and tries to promote Tom Cruise. It is not a love story nor an action driven movie but a passionate quest for happiness in today's disturbing world. Tom Cruise is excellent all along the film.

If no-one told you about it yet, then don't waste another minute and "GO and WATCH it".
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Swordfish (2001)
Entertaining and exciting.
26 January 2002
This movie about terrorism and computer hacking is definitely worth watching. Travolta is excellent as an ex-CIA agent trying to fight terrorism using terrorist ways (i.e. bombing, etc.). But to do that he needs money and decide to steal it from the US government. Add to that a hint of political intrigue and a few unexpected but brilliant stunts and you've got a really entertaining movie.

Fortunately this movie was release before 11th September 2001, otherwise its release would certainly have been re-scheduled to a later date. But since terrorism is rather a hot news at the moment, the movie could not have come at a better date. Keeping in mind that this is a fictional movie, the initial idea would seem quite appealing to some. But whatever the current political situation this movie contains enough bounces to entertain even the most choosy spectators.
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Average thriller movie for an average audience.
26 January 2002
An interesting idea and well played movie but the plot can be discovered by any non-Sherlock Holmes viewer 20 minutes after the movie starts. We wait desperately during the remaining part of the movie to see how the baddy will be killed. Not many surprises just a box-standard American movie where the teenagers orphans avenge their parents' death in a more or less expected manner.

Filming and directing are fine but the credibility of the actors varies quite a lot and there is nothing really exceptional in the scenario.

If you have nothing to do and have some time to kill this movie may be worth watching. Otherwise grab a book !
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Family depression in South France: or how to waste 2 hours.
26 September 2000
The story of a family whose father immigrated from Spain to France during the Spanish war against the dictator Franco. They have to move out and end up living with the son of the father, who lives with his girlfriend, a 45 years old stripper that keeps repeating that she wants to quit because she is too old and ugly for this job. At the end the complete family (around 9 people ?) come to live together in a tiny house. Somehow there are two young children (that we see only once at the beginning of the movie and never again !). They are all unemployed or going bankrupt and compete to see who will be the most depressed ! Family problems. Lack of money. Sterility. Infidelity. Drugs. Everything is there to depress the spectator even more. The movie could end with the idea that an unexpected birth will bring hope and joy, if more depressing stuff wasn't at the corner. A dark picture of immigrant lives while recession hits France. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone. One does not feel anything for this family, no sadness, no joy, no life. The scenario is too light. The dialogues are poor. The location (suburbs of Marseilles) is as depressing as the play of these unknown actors.
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