
36 Reviews
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Supersex (2024– )
Extremely well played
1 April 2024
Don't get fooled by the title and the premise.

This is a deep drama series.

Yes, there are some sex scenes, but they are never self serving, but have meaning.

You won't see the "making of" porn movies, but you get a character drama played extremely well by very talented actors.

I am pretty sure that this movie has put the industry in a too generous light, even if you actually get a little taste, how it is in the inside in reality.

I enjoyed the series very much and I can only recommend it.

Apparently some people, who wrote reviews here didn't really understand what it is all about, like the writer whose review is on the main page with the title of "Highly romanticised sleazy life":

If that guy thought, this movie is an "advertising" for sleazy lifestyle and tries to romanticize how porn actors are rich people competing on the same level with Hollywood stars, then he saw a different movie or he just have no clue about anything in life.

If you like drama, watch it. If you want to watch porn, go to pornhub.
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Postal (2007)
Borderline genius
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie was unfairly rated so low.

I can imagine, how people playing the game do not like this movie, just like most book readers do not like the movie version of their favorite books.

I never played the game and I also watched this movie when I was 54 years old and to be honest, I loved every second of it.

I loved all the small details, like the Dr. Mengele's First Aid Station sign and the popping sound when Uncle Dave lifts the head of the blonde girl from his crotch and all the sick jokes about 9/11 and all the racial jokes and all the other jokes too.

I think, this movie is actually a masterpiece of social critic and it's even more relevant in 2023.

You can hate Uwe Boll for being Uwe Boll or whatever reason you have, but this movie is borderline genius.
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Ten stars just for
17 May 2023
The movie is a solid Statham movie with the usual good action and funny one liners.

Ten stars just for having the balls to make the bad guys ukrainian in 2023.

If Statham and Ritchie don't get cancelled over this, there is still hope for humanity.

As we all know, ukrainians are the worst criminals, who basically rule the organized crime business all over eastern europe and Ukraine is the most corrupt country in the world. It's not me, who says this. It's Bill Gates and all the US politicians who are saying this. At least they said this until 2019. There are videos about it. Check them out if you don't believe me.

Now in 2023 you are basically a Nazi, if you say something slightly inconvenient about ukrainians and Ukraine. I am even curious if this review will go through.

Why I am telling this? Not because I want to bring politics into this, but because I still have 300 characters to write, after I have nothing more to say about the movie.
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The Ark (2023– )
Getting pretty good
19 March 2023
Yes, it is a cheaply produced show, but all the culture snobs who write reviews after 15 minutes watching the pilot are simply that: unreliable snobs who have no clue about anything and you shouldn't listen to.

The show's characters are loveble enough to keep watching the first few episodes.

At latest in the 5th episode it starts getting interesting and at the 7th episode the mytery is pretty exciting to wait eagerly for the next episode.

This show at least doesn't try to pretend being an oscar winning drama by getting into politics and intrigues "in medias res", making you just turning your head around, wondering who is with whom. You also don't need 3 seasons to watch for finally learning to distinguish the two asian women from eachother, like so many shows do nowadays, like Star Trek Discovery or Star Wars Andor, just to name a few from the sci-fi genre.

This is a show for relaxing. It doesn't want to change the world nor tries to win anything, it just wants to entertain you and it does the job well.
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Budapest (2018)
The Hangover in French
4 March 2019
I was born and raised in Budapest, but I live in the west since over thirty years now and even if I think, that some of the things in the movie were a bit exaggerated and maybe possible after the fall of communism, during the years when nobody knew how to continue, but not today, I also think that the other reviewers giving this movie a 1 star rating out of national pride, are just disgusting butthurt snobs and probably nationalist scum, who have no humor and actually hurt the image of Hungary more, than they would believe. Do not listen to them.

The movie is very funny and knowing that it's true and that you can really visit their website and book these trips makes it even funnier.

It's a shame that the site is only in french and you can't book these trips from the country I live in.

I laughed and enjoyed myself very much during the movie and the Hungarian music they used made me nostalgic.

If you liked the first Hangover, you will like this one too.
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The Week Of (2018)
Utter crap
13 May 2018
Why is Netflix paying for this crap? I have no idea how all those famous and semi famous actors got involved with this. They probably didn't read the script, although I am certain that there wasn't a script at all, they just came because they thought they can trust Adam Sandler.

Normally I like Adam Sandler movies, but he didn't even tyr with this one.

I think it was just for getting money from Netflix and to increase the portfolio of his family and friends, who wouldn't be employed by anybody else. It seems Adam Sandler wanted to put even his plumber into this movie. And not just that, but he wanted to put everybody into every scene.

There is a 40 years old looking guy in the movie in a recurring supporting role who has an imdb credit of 4 short movies and whose biography was written by himself.

I think that says everything about this movie.

It's just random scenes put together with too many people in them who are talking all at once.

I was able to watch maybe 20 minutes, then I had to switch it off.
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Attraction (2017)
Good ideas, but could have been better
17 February 2018
30 years old high school students acting totally irrational. Actions and reactions are totally far fetched and pulled from thin air without any sense or reason.

The movie is clearly trying to be a metaphor for today's refugee crisis and the mood of today's Europe, but it seems that not even the director knows on which side he stands.

At the beginning he lets the main female character being the one who starts the whole (racist) conflict in the first place, but then he apparently forgets what the characters did until now and lets turn them 180°, just to match today's liberal expectations.

Some ideas and the setting are very refreshening for anybody who is used to US movies and the special effects are exceptionally well made, but it still lacks imagination and it just draws on cliches.

None the less - and I never thought I would say something like this ever - I would like to see more russian movies of this caliber.
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Death Note (I) (2017)
Don't believe the Anime snobs!
29 August 2017
This movie is amazing!

The negative reviews of all the anime kids are crap! Don't believe a word and don't believe the rating!

I am somebody who hates anime and even all those who watch them.

I watched this movie because of the story and because of the negative reviews of those little elitist snobs.

The movie reminds me much of Donnie Darko. It has twists, suspension and a cool story. I never thought, you could get so much out of the simple story of "guy can people by writing their names down".

If you like intense, suspense stories and well made movies and the supernatural, you have to watch it!
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Ben-Hur (2016)
Soulless crap
14 February 2017
I loved the old movie and re-watched it many times. I also loved the book and have read it many times.

This movie is a soulless crap that can't get any emotions out of me.

It's obvious that they were concentrating on the action and mainly on the race, and everything else was secondary.

After the race I had the feeling that they said on the set "okay guys, we got it, now let's finish this up quick, so we can go home".

The actors were completely boring and unimportant. I didn't care for any of them for a second.

All the scenes, which should have had meanings or at least emotions, were just there to fill up the time until the race can begin and they were shot quick, because they had to be there.
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What was this?
1 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As others say, this movie has no story. And they are right.

I still don't know what John Voight's role was, or that other guy's with him.

I still don't know who the blond guy was at the end and why he was hiding behind Colin Farrell's mask.

This movie was nothing else, than a visual effects demo for the company who made them.

I actually fell asleep and had to re watch the last third of the movie after I woke up.

It was very well made for what it is and the acting was good, but that still doesn't make it a good movie.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
A wannabe deep movie
14 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Very slow paced, trying too hard to be deep and dramatic.

I enjoyed the movie, but I don't think it's that good as everybody tries to make it.

My reference for deep and meaningful sci-fi story telling is Contact with Jodie Foster. That movie has so many layers and so many things to say and so many characters to transport the messages (because Contact has many), while this one has one simple message, which is milked to death already: work together for a better life and future instead of fighting each other.

And that message is brought to you on a lower grade school class level. What I mean? The world is divided into 12 parts and every part gets some data, which they have to share with each other and put together to get the result that probably will save humanity(?).

Just like when the teacher splits the class into groups for a school project and every group has to solve a partial task and put together their results to get the answer.

This movie is just like Interstellar. A pseudo intellectual movie for half informed book-smart people, so they feel themselves good for understanding and enjoying it while their "dumb" friends complain about it.

I don't even start on things, like "how exactly would learning a language change how you experience time" and "why does everybody act like they would carry the problems of the world on their shoulders, when they have absolutely no reason to do so from their point of view"or "how doesn't she remember in the future what she said in the past to arrive in that future until another person in the future tells her what to say in the past to get into that future".
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The Do-Over (2016)
Good movie
31 May 2016
I like Adam Sandler movies. They are fun and feel good movies just to relax for 90 minutes.

They don't want to be more nor less. They deliver that.

This was not Sandler's best movie, but it was in the top ranking.

Good story, good jokes, good plot twists, nice girls, what else could you ask for?

If you are a German crossfitting vegan who vapes, and hates Sandler, just because your Barista at your Starbucks hate it too, then don't watch it!

If you like fun movies to relax, then it's absolutely for you.
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Most boring Captain America
10 May 2016
I couldn't sit it through.

And why the heck is it called Captain America, when it is not even about him?

There are again too many superheroes and not enough time for everybody and the little time is wasted with boring talk.

I have nothing against interesting talk, but this was not one of that.

It was another Avenger crap.

And they had to jump on the bandwagon and had to make it about how the Avengers kill everybody around them by "saving the world".

Duh...! We know it since Batman v Superman that you are sorry. We don't need to talk about it in every superhero movie from now on.
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Bangkok Rush (2016)
Bad acting done well
1 May 2016
If you want to learn, how to act bad, watch this movie.

I don't know if it's the bad writing of dialogs or the actors having no clue about acting or both together, but it's really bad.

I can't point out why it is bad, because some of the actors seem to try really hard, but they just can't. I assume you can't act good with shitty dialogs, so even if some of them could act, they weren't able to. Just like famous actors couldn't act to Lucas' Star Wars Episode I- III too.

I gave it 3 for effort.

This movie doesn't deserve ten lines of review, but IMDb made it mandatory, so I am writing something here.
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Paradox (III) (2016)
A good B Movie
24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Was the production a low budget? Yes! Were the special effects terrible? Yes! Are the dialogs sometimes pretty bad? Yes! Are the actors pretty bad? Yes, some of them are, the others are just not really good.

Surprisingly I still enjoyed this movie very much. The story was interesting for me as I am a sucker of time travel stories and the twist at the end was surprising. Of course there are a twist at the end! What did you expect?

Anyway, even if the movie was a B-Movie, it was one of the better ones.

It's better than Sharknado and the like for sure and if you like time travel stories, like me, you will love this.

And before somebody accuses me to be related to the movie somehow: I am not. I just watched it on the net for free. I don't even know, if this was in the cinema or if it went directly to DVD/VOD and I also don't care, because I wouldn't have paid for this anyway, but I would recommend anybody to watch it on TV.
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Creed (II) (2015)
Rocky is back!
1 January 2016
Although I don't think that box movies will get anybody into the theater anymore, like in the 80's, I have to say that this movie did everything right.

A mix of Rocky 1 and Rocky 4 with heart and emotions and a good story.

I had to swallow deep to not cry and at the end I just wanted to fly to Philadelphia and climb those stairs!

The best Rocky movie after Rocky 4 in my opinion.

Stallone showed again that he actually can act and I liked all the characters.

A solid 10/10 for a Rocky movie!
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Fan Service nice and all, but please don't insult my intellect!
18 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In advance I have to tell that I am a conservative fan, who saw the original movies (New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi) in theaters in the 70's and the 80's.

I didn't read any Extended Universe books, because I never accepted them as Canon.

I hated EPISODE I-III and never accepted them as Star Wars movies.

Now I saw this one and my opinion is as follows, writing the negatives first:

First of all I have nothing against Fan Service, like showing the chess table, making a new cantina scene etc., but I don't like if the creators think that I'm stupid and they just recreate "A New Hope" with new actors, where Luke is now a young girl and Darth Vader is a young guy learning how to be a bad guy and they hope that I won't recognize that they were just lazy to invent a new story.

My second problem is the lack of dramaturgy. There is no story arch. It's just a rush from one action scene to the next action scene. In between some very very bad dialogs. There is no right pacing at all. There is no suspension followed by relaxing. There is a scene at the end of the movie, when the "Death Star" exploded and the "Rebels" came back to the base, the music is just tense and everybody is running around. Why? Then suddenly there is a moment between two characters where the music suddenly changes to the well known Star Wars tune (Luke watching the sunset on Tatooine) and then hectic again.

Apropos music: It is bad! I am not a musical guy and I never recognize music in a movie (which actually should be that way if the score is good), but in this movie the music never fits the scene. It's always present. It never just sets the mood, but it is overtuning the images and you almost can't see what'S happening, because the music covers up the visuals and you concentrate on the music, how displaced it is.

Dialogues are bad! When Han meets the bad boy, I thought I stab my self with my drinking straw. When Han and Leia start to explain Each other, what they experienced TOGETHER after Return of the Jedi, that's just bad writing. Ask any script writing teacher. I think that'S lesson #1 on how not to write a script.

Illogical things "en masse", which I don't even want to explain in detail.

And so on.

Now the positives:

This movie is 100 times better than EPISODE I-III all together. It has almost the right Star Wars mood. It was nice to see practical effects and real sets again. The visuals are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! The costumes and armors, ships and other props are so cool! It screams Star Wars. Acting was pretty good. Humor is exactly the right amount.

So I gave it a 7. I hope the next movie won't be the remake of the Empire Strikes Back movie.
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12 July 2015
Finally a Hungarian movie on an international level.

If you like movies made by Wes Anderson, you will like this too.

A very strange story about a naive girl, who is looking for the love of her life, put in scene beautifully.

Normally I don't like Hungarian movies, because all of them still try to solve the trauma caused by the communists, but Liza is different.

Although the set design reminds me to the communistic design of the 70's, it fits the story completely and doesn't lessen the experience. Rather the opposite.

If you have the chance to watch it, you have to!
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Spy (2015)
Never laughed so hard so often
20 June 2015
I liked Melissa McCarthy in Gilmore Girls (I'm a 46 years old male) and I kinda enjoyed her other movies, but I'm not a fan of her.

I heard everybody telling how good and surprisingly funny this movie is and decided to watch it rather than Mad Max (my wife isn't interested in Mad Max) and I was happy about my decision after I left the theater.

The beginning builds up slowly with a few jokes which made me smile, but nothing uncommon.

Then the action started and it was hilarious. I didn't dare to eat my popcorn, because I was afraid of choking, so hard I laughed.

The second half of the movie is one huge firework of extremely funny one liners and action comedy.

I watched it with Hungarian dubbing, so maybe that added to the fun even more, because Hungarians can make a movie 10 times funnier just by translating it with more artistic freedom (for example while "Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back" or "Asterix and Cleopatra" are boring in English and German, they are amazingly creative and funny in Hungarian).

Anyway, watch it if you can!
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Wild Card (2015)
Worst Statham movie until now?
7 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Las Vegas would have given such a beautiful background for drama, but they missed it.

Either Statham is unable to play a deep character or it was just a bad script, I don't know.

The story of a tough guy with identity issues would have been a great opportunity to create something unique, but it was just dull.

The story was really bad and undeveloped. If Statham needed 5 years for this to develop, like it says in the Trivia, then maybe he should stop developing his own movies.

The Guy who comes to him to learn is unbelievable and that story arc was closed in a laughable simple way. It felt if they were looking at their watch and say "Hey guys, time's up, we need to finish, because we are in the 85th minute, so make it quick!".

The movie had no ups and downs, it was the same steadily boring nothing disrupted by cool fight scenes every now and then. There was no catharsis at the end. Even the end fight looked like one of the fights in the middle and I didn't feel that it comes to an end.

All in all, way below average.
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Who wrote this script?
26 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a fan of comic movies in general, but I always like good action movies and good origin stories of heroes.

A friend of mine wanted to see this movie and I went along, because I have seen the previous movies, which were not so bad. I liked most of the Captain America movies and some of the Iron Man movies.

This movie is a nice CGI orgy, but nothing more.

The story is confusing, because there is no story at all.

They try to use all the characters somehow, but they fail to make real story lines for them and because there are too many characters, nobody can go real deep.

They even bring two new characters into the movie, if there were not enough yet.

I never really liked the Avengers movies, because it's too much of everything and this one was the worse of it until now.

Too many robots, to many characters, too many story lines. Everything is thrown in randomly and taken from thin air.

Sometimes I was wondering, which scene was cut out to make it "shorter".

Dialogues are either "funny" (never laughed, maybe I got a tired smile) or try to be deep and dramatic, but get only dumb and meaningless blah-blah.

I don't know who is writing these scripts nowadays for these kind of movies, but they should choose another profession. Maybe in a salt mine or so...

Rated 5 for superheroes and amazing Special Effects.
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2 April 2015
Please watch! The best show I have ever seen in a long time.

It's a screwball comedy done very well and the acting is super and the cameos...! Oh Boy! I write this after the second episode and I have to say, that this episode was even better, than the pilot.

Finally I can laugh out loud watching a show and cringe myself in joy by watching at those idiots.

The protagonists are complete a-holes, but they are amazingly funny (in opposite to Last Man on Earth) Watch it!

The story is an ongoing story, so you need to see all episodes to understand what's going on and I hope this will make it into a ten season long movie.

If the writers can keep up this high quality standard, I am sure, that my next decade will be funny as hell.
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The Last Man on Earth (2015–2018)
Time to quit (S01E08)
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was waiting for this show and I liked the beginning and I wanted to like it, but I can't.

Phil is an infantil a-hole and there is nothing else. No man would behave this way in such a situation.

The other characters are either annoying or simply just boring.

Nothing happens.

Nothing is funny.

Not to mention, that the title became obsolete with the second or third episode.

Although I am not the kind of guy that wants scientific details within the first episode, but it would be nice to learn about the virus and such. Not much, but a little bit.

But OK, I don't need to see the breakout and don't need an explanation, but then at least they should do something about their current situation.

Or at least I want to see the other characters' past in flashbacks, so they get depth.

Discussing about the door for 4 episodes is not funny. Finding a cow is not exactly what I call "surviving".

This show became a "Phil is an arse and everybody knows it and at the end he learns something (does he?) to forget about it in the next episode".

I think, the actor is not even a really good one. I didn't know him before, but this won't make him my favorite anyway. I have the feeling, that he is exactly like Phil. He writes the dialogues only for himself and lets the other characters just be plot devices.

But that would be also OK if it'S all just about Phil the jerk, but then he should be alone and do the stuff, that he did in the pilot. The series would be funnier that way.

So I think, I just let it be.
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Walter (I) (2015)
Don't believe the rating!
27 March 2015
This movie is a very touching and deep story about a guy, who finds himself.

There is a bit of a romance, but nothing cheesy, just exactly to the right amount.

I actually expected some spiritual comedy with ghosts and such, instead I got a character study with heart and I'm happy about it. Sometimes I had the feeling, that there should be more explanation, but at the end I realized, that everything is just fine. You will get everything and it is not spoon-fed to you, but actually the director lets your intellect put the puzzle together and there is no piece missing.

If you like feel good movies, where you also can wish off a tear secretly, watch it.
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Poor script good action
14 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Wachowskis better hire a real script writer before they even start to think about a new movie.

Jupiter Ascending had many cool ideas and technical gadgets and it looked amazing in 3D, but:

1. Characters are flat and boring and do not develop 2. Too many characters -> no time for character development 3. Acting is sub standard and sometimes overacted 4. Uninteresting and confusing political intrigues, which nobody cares for 5. Confusing goals of characters 6. Confusing and irrational actions and reactions of characters 7. Things happen without reason out of the blue 8. Plot devices everywhere 9. Unfinished plots 10 Clichés en masse 11. Absolutely no tension nor catharsis

... and probably many more bad things.

For me the worst thing is the lack of tension and catharsis. Absolutely nothing is there which would create any emotion in me as a viewer. Not only the characters do not get any symphaty out of me (maybe Sean Bean a little bit), but there isn't even a trace of a sign hinting that the writers tried to get a "yesss" out of me.

The ending is illogical and flat on emotions, like the whole movie before.

I think, this movie wins the grand prize on the most boring and uninteresting death of a bad guy.


Come on! You live on Earth as a poor cleaning lady. You see corrupt politicians, starving children and sick people all around.

You learn to know that you are the sole owner of Earth. You are apparently concerned enough for 7 billion people to fight for their lives, but then you decide to continue working as a cleaning lady and in your spare time you surf with anti-gravity shoes on, between skyscrapers, instead of landing on earth with a huge spaceship declaring your ownership, throwing out the corrupt politicians and finishing wars and world hunger and you don't even bring that cool wound healing spray to human kind.


You are either a very dumb person or a real a**.
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