
27 Reviews
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Don't let Jimmy Fallon's Appearance Deter you From Watching
23 December 2021
This will be a brief review of Michael Buble's Christmas in the City (2021).

I have definitely missed viewing his Christmas specials and enjoyed this one as well except for a couple of things.

I thought that having the special on the "Saturday Night Live" set was a bad idea. The set is just too small and cramped for this particular special and especially his orchestra. Also, the SNL set is a distraction because it screams out SNL's set!

The second issue that I had with the special was the appearance of "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon. I get that "Saturday Night Live" and "Tonight Show" producer Lorne Michaels' production company was involved, but seriously does he have to keep shoving Jimmy Fallon down our throats? Sorry, but Fallon has a horrible singing voice and just comes off like a brown nosing tool.

I did enjoy watching the special and would recommend it minus my two complaints.
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Amber Ruffin was annoying!
14 January 2021
I've enjoyed NBC's New Years Eve specials in the past but the 2021edition was dreadful because of the edition of Amber Ruffin. Carson Daly and Twitch from the "Ellen Degeneres Show" were great but Ruffin was just plain annoying. It felt like I was watching a preteen bouncing around on set who felt that she was being cool. It also felt like she was trying to upstage Daly and Twitch. I understand that NBCUniversal has given her a talk show on their streaming platform Peacock, and that they want to promote her but still she wasn't the right fit for the show. She would have been great on a Nickelodeon show for kids.

I hope that next year NBC does not include her as a co-host on the special or else I'll be forced to watch one of their competitors.
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Go Go Mania (1965)
Lip-synced Mania!!!
8 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Go Go Mania" was just plain horrible to watch. The performances were filmed in a studio and lip-synced. The host Jimmy Savile appeared to be the only one in the film not to be lip-syncing. There is prior live concert footage used of the Beatles.

Some of the reviews that I have seen on IMDB call the performances "videos" before there were videos. No, they are not videos. It's like calling a TV performance of a band a music video, which is basically what these bands more or less did.

If these were actual live performances (not counting the Beatles because it wasn't filmed for this production) I would be excited but they are not. They are lip-synced performances and I would rather just hear their songs via CD, radio or streaming.
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La La Land (2016)
I liked the film better when when it was called "(500) Days of Summer."
3 January 2017
This review has SPOILERS!!!! This will be a short review of "La La Land."

To be blunt, "La La Land" is basically "(500) Days of Summer" (which came out in 2009) with more song and dance numbers. I read one review about "La La Land" along with hearing all the buzz about how great of a film it is. So, I saw a late showing of it on New Year's Eve. I was the first in the theater, and I thought that I would be the only one, but about ten random people walked in. I thought that the retro intro of the film such as the "CinemaScope" graphic was cool. But as the film started, I felt like, "Why does this movie seem so familiar?" Then it hit me, "(500) Days of Summer!" I then was able to predict what was going to happen in the film.

Here are SOME of the similarities of both films:

Both films have the theme of boy meets girl, boy gets girl, boy loses girl.

Both films have the change in seasons.

"La La Land" has Angels Flight," and "(500) Days of Summer has Angels Knoll."

In "(500) Days of Summer" Tom and Summer see an older film. In "La La Land" the same thing happens.

"(500) Days of Summer" has Expectations vs Reality and "La La Land" has a dream sequence scene at Sebastian's jazz club Seb's where the characters imagine what their lives would have been like if they had stayed together.

But, "(500) Days of Summer" wasn't the only film that "La La Land" will remind you of. As I watched some of the other scenes I kept thinking why does that look so familiar? The film is basically an homage to musicals such as "Singin' in the Rain," and an "American in Paris." The scene that is so obvious is towards the end with the boy and the giant red balloon, which was a blatant homage to "The Red Balloon," which teachers at my elementary school seemed to have enjoyed screening for us. I read a review after watching the film and it had still comparisons of dance numbers from the plethora of films it pays homage to including "Sleeping Beauty." One of the homages to "(500) Days of Summer" is when Sebastian and Mia are riding Angel's Flight in downtown Los Angeles. Although Tom (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) and Summer (Zooey Deschanel) didn't actually go on Angels Flight, they sat on one of the benches next door at Angels Knoll.

How many homages can a current film have in it from films decades old along with a super similar story line to a more current film from 2009 before it stops being an homage, and starts being something else like a best of compilation piece?

Do I think that "La La Land" is a GOOD film? Yes. Do I think that it is a great film? NO! Do I think that it is an overrated film? Yes! Do I think that it will receive countless awards and nominations? Yes! Hollywood loves films with song and dance numbers, especially if the actors aren't known for those talents. This would have been a much better film if Joseph Gordon-Levitt had portrayed the character of Sebastian instead of Ryan Gosling. Gordon-Levitt can show more emotions on screen than one look Gosling, and has a better singing voice, along with dancing talent.

"(500) Days of Summer" was original, and felt more real because of the characters and the non-cliché happy ending, and the real places in LA that the average person could visit that aren't normally scene in films that are made in LA. "La La Land" is definitely a fun date film, and likable, but when you realize as I did that this is a lesser version of "(500) Days of Summer" with more song and dance numbers, (along with a boatload of homages) it doesn't seem as creative as the current Hollywood buzz/hype portrays it to be.
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Clerks (1994)
Overrated Student Film!!
22 October 2016
This will be a very brief review of "Clerks." As the title of my review states, "Overrated Student Film." It's an OK student film, but it seems that its niche audience has glorified it into something it isn't.

The film has mediocre acting by actors who are really only known for portraying characters in Kevin Smith films.

The film wasn't shot in black and white because Smith was trying to give the film a certain noir look or because he was trying to be artsy. The film was shot in black and white film because it was cheaper than color film back in 1994. Today the film would be shot in color using a digital camera.

"Clerks II" is definitely better than this film because it looks professionally done, and the acting is somewhat better, and "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" is by far the best of the three films.

If it weren't for "Clerks" we probably would never have heard of Kevin Smith, and heck he might have still been working at that store. Critics at the time seemed to have had the same fascination that they had for Diablo Cody when "Juno" came out. "Wow, she's a former stripper who wrote a screenplay." "Wow, Kevin Smith actually works at the Quick Stop,and made a movie." He is basically a comic book nerd who got extremely lucky because of this film, and his fellow comic book fan boys have catapulted this film into the stratosphere.
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Did a High School Drama Geek get a Late Night Talk Show?
21 October 2016
Not a fan of "The Late Late Show with James Corden." Almost feels like the network decided to give a high school drama geek who is really into musicals a late night talk show. The Carpool Karaoke seems like a cheap gimmick that is overused. The annoying and repetitive theme song was apparently composed by Reggie Watts, and the show's band. The theme song more or less repeats the show's title over and over. I thought that Reggie Watts was great on "Comedy Bang Bang," but so, so on this program. Seems like he doesn't want to upstage Corden.

"The Late Late Show with James Corden" is just too show tuney. It's basically one step below "The Tonight Show Starting Jimmy Fallon." When Craig Ferguson was the host it seemed far more creative in a weird and surreal way, and not in a dumbing down way.

"Jimmy Kimmel Live" seems to be the only decent broadcast late night talk show. Although Kimmel seems to be trying very hard to almost recreate "Late Night with David Letterman."

The only real positive thing that I have to say, is that James Corden doesn't have the personality of a wet blanket like his counterpart Seth Meyers, the host of "Late Night with Seth Meyers."

If you want to see an example of the lowest common denominator, watch James Corden as host of "The Late Late Show."
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Stage Play with Live Audience would have been better.
15 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This will be a short review of "Same Time, Next Year (1978)." I tuned in after the credits, but it was obvious that this was probably some play turned into a movie. I double checked online, and it was. I really didn't enjoy the screen adaptation because the acting seemed very stiff, and found it annoying that the Doris and George Peters characters would answer the phone when it rang. You would think that they would have gotten separate rooms for each other instead of sharing the same cabin. From doing research about the Broadway production, Charles Grodin originated the character of George. From Grodin's past roles,he would have been perfect for the screen version, but hey Alan Alda was one of the biggest TV stars at the time so why not get him to bolster the box office right?

I would have enjoyed the stage plan version, because that's what it was written for. Putting this two person play on the big screen loses the intimacy that it probably had on stage with a live audience.

Maybe if I was involved in a similar affair or in an "amicable marriage (you are stuck because you have children and no prenup, and other potential mates are taken) as both characters I would have enjoyed this film more because I could have related with the characters more.
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Another Period (2013–2018)
"Downtown Abbey" parody NOT as funny as "Drunk History"
11 July 2015
This will be a short review for the Comedy Central "comedy" "Another Period."

I have the main stars of the program (Natasha Leggero and Riki Lindhome) on my Instagram feed, and was seeing photographs of them dressed in period costumes. I thought, "Oh they must be doing an episode of the hilarious Comedy Central hit 'Drunk History.'" Then I kept seeing more, and more of the photographs, and thought, "Are they shooting multiple episodes of 'Drunk History?'"

Then I started to see promos on Comedy Central for "Another Period." I then realized what all of the Instagram photographs in period attire were for.

I wanted to like the program, but too be blunt it just isn't that funny. There are too many comedians on the show trying to play their roles straight, and in-turn they fall flat, and just come off as bad actors. Some exceptions Thomas Lennon (Marquis de Sainsbury) who seems to be hilarious in whatever he does, Christina Hendricks (Celine aka Chair) who isn't a comedian by trade, so she can actually act and is able to play the character straight with ease, Lauren Ash, and Kate Flannery from the U.S. version of "The Office." Most of the characters are annoying, and not very likable.

It's almost if series creators Leggero and Lindhome said, "Hey "Drunk History" is pretty darn funny, why don't we just have a show focus on the same characters over and over like a parody of "Downtown Abbey," but without the funny lip syncing to someone who is is drunk?" Jeremy Konner who co-created "Drunk History" is an executive producer, and director on "Another Period."

Going back to the show not being very funny, I tried to watch season one/episode three more than once and I couldn't stay awake. It is definitely NOT "Drunk History," but more of a "Saturday Night Live" skit that went on for too long.

There are some chuckles here and there, but I really can't recommend the show. If you really want to see Riki Lindhome be funny, watch her on season one repeats of "Garfunkel & Oates," with Kate Micucci on IFC.

I would be very shocked and surprised if there is a season two, but the show is on during the summer, which usually means less competition for viewers.
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The Fourth Fiction...
8 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers

I really wanted to like "The Fourth Kind," but the constant reminder by both the director Olatunde Osunsanmi, and its star Milla Jovovich that the film was based on a true story became an annoyance, and a distraction. Showing side by side footage of the so called archival footage along with the actors portraying those in the archival footage was another part of the annoyance factor. The other one was being told over and over in the film, that this was the actor portraying the "real life" person whose name had been changed, was well a distraction.

And then having a real life university (Chapman University, which is located in Orange County CA) lend its name to this film to fool potential viewers about the film's authenticity was rather tacky, and not in the least surprising.

Osunsanmi placing himself in the film was irritating and seemed to be more of a publicity or ego thing.

The main actors were great: Milla Jovovich, Will Patton, and Elias Koteas, but they just weren't able to save a film, which had the potential to be a great thriller, but it just shot itself in the foot over and over again.
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Oh No You Didn't!!!!
4 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OH MY GOD!!!! Jimmy Fallon as host of "Late Night" was just so horribly painful to watch. I remember watching Conan O'Brien's debut and at least he was funny and used the being in the shadow of David Letterman to his advantage. Fallon basically tried using his high profile guests to carry him through. And no, I am not bashing Fallon because I was a super duper O'Brien fan. I have never really liked Fallon or thought that he was funny. He seems to have this goofball vibe about him, which he tries to use to slide through his performances. I didn't think that he was funny on "Saturday Night Live." Robert DeNiro looked as if he was in pain. The only time that Fallon was truly funny was when he and Justin Timberlake reenacted their famous Barry Gibb talk show skit, with Timberlake carrying Fallon.

I guess Fallon's movie career wasn't rocking and rolling like other SNL alums, so maybe that is why he took the "Late Night" gig. We will probably see as many big name stars or SNL alums during the first month of his debut, but if he doesn't actually get funny, NBC should definitely think about another host. Is Justin Timberlake available?
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Juno (2007)
Overrated Annoying Coming of Age Flick
17 January 2009
"Juno" has got to be one of the most overrated movies in recent memory. The annoying hipster dialog by a knocked up teenage girl along with the annoying "indie" music is tiresome. The more you watch "Juno" the more you think to yourself "this won an Oscar for best original screenplay?" I think the voting members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences along with critics were enthralled by the writer Diablo Cody (not her real name and Diablo is the Spanish masculine version of the word devil, it should actually be Diabla), ex-stripper turned writer more than the actual film and then they projected that admiration towards it.

The best quote about this movie comes from "Variety's Peter Bart: "I like the movie, but it seemed to me Juno talked more like a 30-year-old ex-stripper trying to make a name for herself as a screenwriter." And that's the way that Ellen Page played the part, not as a teen but as an annoying 30 something trying to still be cool and hip.

You have to see this movie more than once in order to grasp how truly OVERRATED it is. "Knocked Up" is more realistic than this trite. I actually lowered my rating for the film.
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Degrassi Lamer High!!!!
13 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Degrassi: The Next Generation" has definitely jumped the shark! The show has been on for more than seven years. Instead of killing the show off when the seniors graduated (or adding new students), they decided to show them off in college. This NEVER WORKS!!! The characters were created as middle and high schoolers and then with TV magic we are now suppose to buy them as Coolio College kids when they just got lame. "Saved by the Bell" tried this with "Saved by the Bell: The College Years," which didn't even last a full year. "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" tried it as well and the show went down the craphole. Lastly "Veronica Mars" This was an awesome show then they decided to make her a lame college student, show got cancelled.

This show is not very realistic. I'm sorry but how many underage high school students have gay college lovers like the character Marco did with Dylan? It's probably not a great idea to condone relationships between underage teens and older college students. Remember jailbait can get you arrested in real life but apparently not in the world of "Degrassi."

It's cool that they have gay characters but it literally seems ghey when too many of the characters act gay. I was a fan of the original "Degrassi Junior High" and "High" but it would have sucked if they kept the showing going on with lame story lines. Usually a TV show hits its zenith by season five and then goes downhill after that. The story lines get lame and the actors seem to lose interest.

Heck Shenae Grimes, Darcy Edwards is now on another remake "90210."
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Rosie Live (2008 TV Special)
Rosie Live! Please be Rosie Dead!!!!
4 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Rosie Live! Please be Rosie Dead!!!! I had to force myself to watch this train wreck piece of schlock. The only rationale that I can think of for Ben Silverman, co-chairman of NBC Entertainment and Universal Media Studios giving this horrid show the green light is because of the press that Rosie O'Donnell still receives even though she is not on a hit TV show, film or Broadway production. I think Silverman mistook the press for her rants as talent. When I read or watch something about O'Donnell ranting, it's not because I think she is awesome or a talented individual. I watch it to laugh AT her NOT with her and I think that's what most people do. "Let's see what stupid thing she is up to now," does not mean that I or anyone else wants to see her back on TV, especially during the prime time hour.

Many of the stars on this program just did not look comfortable being on stage and that Alec Baldwin door bit got old quick! She also had Liza Minnelli on her show. Seriously do people ages 18-34 really care about Liza Minnelli?

No one wants to see a mean spirited loudmouth who thinks that she can actually sing good during prime time. One of her promos even had a slight jab at "The View," which she formally co-hosted.

And no I am not bashing this piece of garbage show because O'Donnell is a lez. Ellen DeGeneres is a lez, but unlike O'Donnell she is actually likable and a FUNNY comedienne.

I saw her on interviews, where she stated that she wanted to bring back the "variety show." Well guess what Rosie? That TV format died in America over 30 years ago. PLEASE stop trying to relive your childhood Rosie!!! This is the Internet generation and not the show tune generation!
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Chick Flick it is NOT!!!!!!!!
5 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Meet Joe Black" is a very, very good and touching film " A rare blend of emotion and intelligence" is what Roger Ebert said of the film when it came out in 1998 on Siskel & Ebert. Gene Siskel liked the film's theme of "love intensely and take your life seriously." They both said that they were touched by the film.

The cast was terrific in their portrayals. You can't say anything wrong about how Anthony Hopkins (William Parish) acted in this film, he was phenomenal in how he portrayed an actual decent guy. The attractive Claire Forlani as Susan Parish was believable, in her role as someone who is obviously searching for love but doesn't know if she has truly found it. Brad Pitt portrays two different characters in the film, first the guy that Susan meets at the cafe and then as "Joe Black." He portrays "Death" subtly as an observer with calm and coolness about him but how is death suppose to be portrayed anyway, with a black robe and sickle? After you watch this film and "Legend of the Fall" (another Hopkins and Pitt collaboration) you will see how underrated of an actor Pitt is. The rest of the cast were great as well: Jeffrey Tambor (Quince) and Jake Weber as Drew, the perfect ahole! This is one of those films that touches you on a certain level where you know what it is trying to convey to you and the rest of its viewers and if you can't pinpoint what that is consciously you know it subconsciously because you think to yourself that there is something about this film that I like or that gets to me but I don't know what that is.

This is definitely NOT a "CHICK FLICK"!!! if you didn't see "Meet Joe Black" during its theatrical release I would recommend renting or buying the DVD and seeing it in its entirety, uncut without the 20 million commercials, which probably ways heavily on the negativity that some may feel toward this production.

Is the film a little too long, yes three hours, but as the shortened, cut, pan and scanned versions of this film have been shown on television this may have caused confusion about the storyline or the subtleties of some of the characters such as Susan or Joe. What this means is that you need the three hours to tell the story without fault.

You have to watch Joe Black with a clean slate and not think of it as a "chick flick" because that will poison your mind about this truly wonderful film.
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Out of the Loop!!!
16 July 2008
"In the Loop" was a pretty god awful show for many reasons. One reason was the interactive part of the show via the web. This was primarily useful if you were in a market that was actually airing the show live, if not, you would have to try and get up earlier or at a different time to try to interact with the show, which is lame if you can't actually watch it at the same time.

Secondly the program's hosts were another reason this show tanked. Bill Rancic, apparently winning a reality show means that you are a superb actor/TV host and that you should have your own show. Sorry Mr. Rancic, but that phony TV jerk smile didn't fly on this show. He exuded the aholeness of a human resources rep telling you that it's nothing personal but you are fired. This show was primarily geared towards women, so I have no idea why they had stiff Rancic co-hosting. Kim Coles gave the appearance of having ADHD while being a co-host. She was just a tad annoying because of that. She didn't seem to act like a host but more like a fan who somehow got on stage by mistake to ask questions. Ereka Vetrini, should I even go there? Again being on a reality show doesn't mean that you are talented enough to be an actor in a movie or a TV show host. Vetrini seemed like the overshadowed little sister on this program because of the stronger and louder personalities of Rancic and Coles. The hosts were just not compelling enough to tune into.

Another reason that this show tanked was that it was geared towards women and not both sexes. Seriously why even have a male host if you are going to just deal with women's issues? Oh, and it was located in Chicago, which seems irrational because most of the talent that can be booked as guests are either in Los Angeles or New York. I recall Rancic or one of the other hosts frequently being in LA to do interviews with celebrities vs. being actually on set of "In the Loop." "In the Loop's" predecessor show "iVillage Live" originated in Orlando Florida. Seriously didn't NBC learn from their first mistake with the location problem? "iVillage Live" was actually worse than "In the Loop with iVillage."
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Hotrods and Space Monkeys.
26 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers

What do the majority of George Lucas' films have in common with each other? Hotrods and space monkeys.

I think everyone knows that George Lucas is a control freak and that it's pretty much his way or the highway. You all should read the Vanity Fair Article "Keys to the Kingdom" about the film, it will give those who have seen the film or haven't seen it some better insight. Here is a quote from the article that pretty much shows why the story sucked.

"So this went on for 15 years," he says. "And finally we got to a point where everybody said, 'Look, we're not doing that movie.' And I said, 'Well, look, I can't think of another MacGuffin. This is it. This works." Thats a quote from the article and pretty much Lucas was hey it's my crystal skull idea or nothing.

Lucas basically came up with the idea for a fourth Indiana Jones while shooting "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles" in 1993. He told Ford and Spielberg about the idea and they weren't "so hot on the idea." So the movie was finally made after an acceptable script was written.

The story idea sucked and the big chase scene with the monkeys was pretty fake looking too. Sorry Shia LaBeouf having his legs spread out like a prima ballerina between two vehicles and having vegetation whack his nards along the way was lame. The swinging through the vines like Tarzan, was again lame and too CGIish. Spielberg appears to be on a LaBeouf love fest and he seems to want to stick him in whatever movie he can.I am not sold on LaBeouf as Indiana Jones the III. He just doesn't have the Indy look and his Mutt character with the wannabee Marlon Brando look was way too much of a flamer. At least they actually didn't pass the Indy fedora to him at the end of the film. Hell I would have bought Matt Damon as Indy's kid.
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Bob Saget: That Ain't Right (2007 TV Special)
That Ain't Funny!
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
That Ain't Funny! Something tells me that they sold this comedy special on the premise that it would be the dad from "Full House" saying naughty words.

I actually fell asleep twice during two separate showings on HBO. That's how boring and lame this special was.

I'm not bothered by comics using profanity but when that's all that they have going for them, then it just isn't funny. I had heard about Bob Saget being a "blue comic" and I had been interested in seeing him perform live, but after watching this "special" I'm now glad that I didn't cough up any bling for some tickets.

It honestly felt like he was trying to cram the f-bomb in as much as he could and it also seemed like he was ad-libbing most of the show that I saw without having much written material, like when he picked a guy out of the audience and just kept saying stupid crap about him. That totally seemed like a time killer.

If you wanted to see Danny Tanner say the f-bomb then watch this special for 10-minutes. After that you will have your fix for the rest of your life!

UPDATE... I have told people over the years about this horrible comedy special, and they seem to be obsessed with their childhood memories of Bob Saget as Danny Tanner from "Full House" so anything he does must be funny.
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Very Trite!
22 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly did not care for "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." The program was OVERLY preachy, self absorbed and it was NOT FUNNY!! You have the two main characters of Matt Albie (Matthew Perry) and Danny Tripp (Bradley Whitford) who seem to be based on Aaron Sorkin and his producer buddy Thomas Schlamme. As many of us know Sorkin was busted for drugs at the Burbank, CA airport. So here we have two characters one that had a drug problem and another which started to have a pill popping problem (Matt).

The Harriet Hayes character (Sarah Paulson) was based on Kristin Chenoweth who was on the "West Wing." Sorkin and Chenoweth apparently had a relationship and the Harriet character shared some similarities with Chenoweth.

For a program that was suppose to be based on a long running sketch comedy show ("Saturday Night Live") "Studio 60" tanked on the comedy. Seriously none of the skits that they did were funny enough to be on the "SNL." I don't think that I ever laughed at any of them.

The writing of this show seemed to stifle the comedic talents of D.L. Hughley (Simon Stiles) and of Perry. I'm sure if the producers would have let these two ad lib like crazy, I would have had some actual laughs.

The actress that was completely miscast for this show was Amanda Peet as Jordan McDeere. She was just unbelievable as that character.

The show seemed to spend too much time dwelling on Sorkin's preachy left wing, I hate Republicans and the religious right pablum that it absorbed all of the characters and killed the chance to have an actual TV program that was smart and FUNNY but instead it became smug and LAME.

The preachiness on the "West Wing" fit well into that series because it was about politics, so it was tolerable albeit a tad annoying but on this show it just had no place in it. Instead of being slick with his political views and making them under the radar, Sorkin made them in your face, which was a total TURNOFF. Sorry Sorkin, but not every TV viewer is a member of the lowest common denominator. Some of us have those pesky university degrees so we can think for ourselves and see through the b*ll*h*t in a movie, a news program, a story in a book and yes even one of your shows.

The actors seemed to read their lines in a I can't believe I have to act this crap out tone. They were VERY bland, no excitement or heart in their acting.

I did enjoy the "West Wing," which was probably on a season too long but "Studio 60" was just trite. It also seems that many of the reviews on this site were written based off of the pilot or just a few airings. It also seems that Sorkin's die-hard fans are a lot like Apple/Mac fans in that he and it can do no wrong.

I am sure if this program had been on HBO it would have been extremely overrated but more interesting with the ability to drop f-bombs and have nudity. The show would probably still be on the air if it had started on HBO and I seriously doubt that it will be coming back to NBC, the show has been cancelled because of LOW ratings, which means that not enough people were watching and the actors including Sorkin have moved on to do other projects such as films.
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CHiPs '99 (1998 TV Movie)
Put the "CHiPs" back in the bag!!!
6 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was an awful and I mean awful "reunion" special. The original TV series of the Late 1970s and early 1980s wasn't bad. And I on occasion watch the reruns on late night TV on cable's/satellite's TNT(Turner Network Television). The original show had charm to it but this reunion lacked that charm and a decent story line.

"CHiPs" 99 seemed more like a two hour version of a 60 minute episode that would not end. The made for TV movie was inconsistent with the original TV series. Larry Wilcox, who portrayed Officer John Baker left the show the year before it was canceled. So the following season the show wrote him off by having him go to work on the family farm/ranch. So, for the reunion, Officer Baker somehow becomes a captain, mean while Officer Francis "Ponch" Poncherello, Erik Estrada had disappeared because his wife was "sick." Its funny that in the made for TV flick there is one scene in which Baker tells Ponch that he was not invited to his wedding because he did not know where he was. In real life during the shows peak I read that Erik Estrada had not invited Wilcox to his wedding and when Wilcox was married he did the same. I just think its funny that the producers decided to actually put that into the storyline. Seems like it would have brought up some bad blood or the producers had some twisted sense of humor.

I wish that the producers for this special would have elected to use at least a cliché cop reunion special storyline. Something like all the old cops get back together to help find the murderer of one of their own, Harlan gets killed during a carjacking. Or Ponch gets framed for a string of carjacking murders and Baker comes out of retirement to help his buddy out. Even those story lines would have been far more enjoyable. Its like the producers rehashed an old episode and went on autopilot.

Oh and Baker and Ponch appear on Judge Judy within the show because a neighbor's dog is damaging Baker's lawn. And Johnny Cochran makes a guest appearance for the neighbor that Baker is suing. Can we say lame, really lame.

The special also had several of the original cast but the only ones that were really utilized were Estrada, Wilcox, and Robert Pine (Sgt. Joseph Getraer)

I would NOT recommend this special to anyone and would urge any fans of the original series or some younger fans to stick with the reruns.
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Campy Gore
12 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS************SPOILERS************SPOILERS . . . .

"The Hills Have Eyes" is pretty much a campy gore fest. The characters including the dogs act so stupidly its funny.

I did not know that this was actually a remake of a Wes Craven film by the same title. So when I saw that whole ohhhh its people with radiation living like savages and getting back at normal people for nuking them, it seemed outdated. The whole nuke theme (just one of the themes) made perfect sense during the height of the Cold War, where this type of freaky radio active scenario seemed very plausible.

I think a more contemporary theme with some type of poisonous gas or what have you would have been more appropriate.

I was not too keen on the pacifist hippy, more like yuppie character of Doug Bukowski as played by Aaron Stanford. His character did have change and became much stronger at the end but the bumblings and the stupidity of the character, going after the savages with a baseball bat just didn't make up for it.

The Brenda Carter character as played by Emilie de Ravin was a compelling character. After being raped by one of the radioactive people Brenda helps her brother defeat their tormentors. It was refreshing to see de Ravin not play her frumpy character from the TV series "Lost" I could go on and on about the film and its characters such as Big Bob the father as played by Ted Levine but I wont.

If you simply love gore and action then this is your film. If you don't want to sit on a theater thinking to yourself why are they so stupid, then avoid this flick. Its not a horrible film but not a great film either C+/B- grade.

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Its was an OK show
18 September 2005
I thought having celebrities sing theme songs and then having the home audience was both interesting but a flawed concept. It was OK (very gimmicky) but I really didn't care for the various celebs singing the themes. I also thought it was unfair to West Coast viewers because the show was aired live in the East Coast but taped for the West Coast. That meant that viewers out here were unable to see the performances and then vote on them because the balloting was closed.

I thought the tribute to the late Johnny Carson by David Letterman was teary eyed. Obviously Carson liked Letterman more than Jay Leno and that's probably why he was selected. I would have preferred to have seen Ed McMahon and Doc Severinsen give the tribute to Carson. The clips for the tribute were basically the same ones that have been shown since Carson retired. I wish they could have made a new reel for the tribute.

The news tribute to anchors Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather and the late Peter Jennings was nice to see because it gave the viewer a chance to see the importance of journalism and how having journalists who gave you the news vs. a political agenda.

The tribute to the victims of hurricane Katrina, which entailed the wearing of large Magnolia flowers, which are the state flowers of Louisiana and Mississippi, was too much. The flowers were extremely large and they looked like those comical squirting flowers on the men and like giant corsages on the women. They should have worn the "traditional" ribbons or wristbands, which are visible but not distracting.
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Funny Shi*!!!
24 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Harold and Kumar is a hilarious road trip movie. I enjoyed the college setting of the film and that the two main characters weren't two white guys with token minorities in the background. I liked the inferences that the film made about stereotypes. All the Asians on a university campus, white cops picking on minorities and pot usage. Some people might not like the gross out humor involving TV's Doogie Howser, MD, the scene with two hot college babes simulating craping. The film was laden with stereotypes but its a comedy which made fun of the stereotypes such as all the Asians on campus, potheads, the Asian guy that doesn't want the Asian chick because she is well stereotypical so he goes for a hotter non Asian babe who leans more towards Caucasian features.

This film falls into the same category as 'Road Trip' and 'Half Baked' all rolled up into one. A very funny film with both characters transforming especially the Harold character (who becomes more assertive) played by John Cho vs. the Kumar character played by Kal Penn.
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Mean Girls (2004)
Not so "Mean" REVIEW has SPOILERS
1 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING, WARNING SPOILERS. If you haven't seen the film DON'T READ.

"Mean Girls" isn't that mean. The film was obviously geared towards a teen and preteen audience. It also lacks darkness. It was trying to bring to light a serious issue in young adults but instead it shows that women are backstabbers, stupid blonds, Asian sluts and that the only way that you can be popular is to fall to the dark side and to act "mean" and to go for the older boys. It has the obvious happy Hollywood ending which was really cliché.

The adults in the film came off as buffoons with the Tina Fey character being the only redeeming adult hero at the end. (surprise she wrote the film). I wanted to see more character development especially with the adults. The film should have taken the "American Pie" route with the parents. You don't hate the parents or think that they are complete morons either in that film. The Cady Heron (Lohan) could have been a bit nerdier being that she was raised in "Africa" but she grew up with a perfect American accent with typical American teenager clothing so of course the "Plastics" accepted her in. She was to perfect going in as a well-endowed semi-nerd and too perfect coming out as the Queen of the dance.

It also stereotypes men as inconsiderate, unfeeling, and only after one thing SEX. That happens from the Principle to the high school boys in the film. The Janis character who is very lessie in the film turns out to be hetero at the end. This is a character again that could have shined through for all girls not just in the closet lesbians but instead the filmmakers just turn her into a Goth like weirdo dressing, boy loving girl with a gay male friend. It would have been great to have seen this character just come out and say hey I am lesbian and so what!

This is a Loran Michaels produced film and being so, he winds up using current and former SNL comedians. PLEASE Mr. Michaels get actors to play the roles in your movies. "Mean Girls" has its funny and cute moments but overall it misses the boat on today's youth and uses stereoypes in a far too negative way.
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The Ben Stiller Show (1992–1995)
Still funny after all these years!
6 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
May contain Spoilers (if you can call them that)

The Ben Stiller Show was a very humorous program back in 1992 when Fox canceled it. The show still went on to win an Emmy Award, which is very ironic because of its cancellation. The show was a vehicle for its stars Ben Stiller, Janeane Garofalo, Andy Dick, and Bob Odenkirk. The DVD includes all of the 12 episodes that made it on to the Fox Network including an unaired 13th episode.

The show had guest stars like Danny Bonaduce (The Partridge Family), David Cassidy (The Partridge Family), Dave Madden (Mr. Kincaid, The Partridge Family), Gary Shandling, Tom and Roseanne Arnold (still married back in 1992), Sarah Jessica Parker, Dennis Miller (who prophesized the shows cancellation on one of the episodes) and many more.

On the infomercial, parody to promote the release of the DVD, which aired Dec. 2, 2003 on Comedy Central Janeane Garofalo, said jokingly `Some of it holds up.' Well a lot of it does hold up such as Skank, The Bruce Springsteen sketches, Tom Cruise: Dress Casual, Oliver Stoneland, Scotty Fantasy, The B-Minus Time Traveler, Manson and many more.

There are several skits, which are dated. Those particular skits were funny back then but aren't as funny now especially if you were too young to recall any of that pop culture. Information 411 parody of Rescue 911 with William Shatner, Blue and White Shampoo parody of annoying Head and Shoulders commercials, Amish Studs parody of the Fox dating game show Studs, The Grungies parody of the Monkees (outdated if you have never seen the the Monkees at all) and Rob Morrow from the TV show Northern Exposure as a guest star (younger family member had no clue who he was).

Now if you are a big fan of the commentaries that many DVDs have you must be alerted that not all of the Ben Stiller Show episodes have commentaries and many of the ones that do have them do not contain the entire cast, which is a bummer.

I would guess that it probably took this long to release the Ben Stiller Show because Warner Bros thought Ben Stiller was a big enough star that people other than the few who actually saw the show would buy the DVD set.

Overall, it's still a very humorous show. The quality of the images are far better then the recent worn out looking ones that I viewed on Comedy Central. It doesn't have any kind of social or political messages that you might hear from one of its stars now. The show is just funny comedy to watch.
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Look at 1950's confines
1 September 2003
What can I say but nice about a move that has Live Tyler in it. `Inventing the Abbott's' is a good look back at a 50's family feud where you really cant escape the small town and its mentality you have to make your own world in your head to deal with its confines. I enjoyed Live Tyler's performance as Pamela Abbott. Tyler gave the perfect nice girl next door. Jennifer Connelly was perfect as the bad girl sister. Connelly does have that girl next door look but she can also give that I want you performance of a bad girl that Tyler can't. Joaquin Phoenix as Doug Holt was blah. Phoenix just seems too gay for this role. I think that they could have found a better actor for it. Billy Crudup plays the role of Jacey Holt perfectly. He was believable as the jerky older brother that is mad at the world for what he perceives it has done to him so he lashes out at it and screws practically everyone in the process. Kathy Baker as Helen Holt played the perfect 50's mother. She had the look and gave a realistic performance of a single mother on her own. The other performances weren't bad such as Barbara Williams as Joan Abbott. She did look like the kind of mother that would be on some sort of pill. She was very cold. My favorite line in the film is when Pamela Abbott says "But unfortunately life is just not a cafeteria." The movie does drag a bit which is the only major flaw in it.
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