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First half was boring. Second half was better.
5 June 2024
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Morgan Elsbeth story was quite boring. Too big time jumps to provide her a character arc. Would've love to see her to use that green magic which she uses in Ahsoka. Her story is more like three individual scenes than a story.

Barriss Offee on the other hand had a much more interesting story but also suffered from unnecessary time jump. The episode of her working as an inquisitor was the best episode of the show just because it provided interesting insight to the inquisitors job. The last episode left the fate of the jedi she saved way too ambiguous. Also her death was like the most boring one imaginable as her getting "accidentaly" (she walked right into that lightsaber) stabbed sucked. Would've loved to see somebody like Vader or grand inquisitor to kill her. Not her ex-colleague that se pushed off from a cliff. No force user have died from falling from a high placs which means Windu must have survived.

The animation was gorgeus just as in Tales of the Jedi.
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Tunnelen (2019)
A rather weak disaster movie
20 December 2023
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A fuel truck crashes but does not catch fire immediedly. The tucker doesn't try to get people away and after a feaw minutes the truck explodes. Fire department starts to rescue people by going in on foot and soon most of the trapped people die or get rescued quite easily. But noone even tries to put the fire out while the whole tunnel is filled with smoke.

Our main characters are dad and daughter who appear to be immune to smoke (daughter) or heavily resistant (dad) because there is no other way for them to survive so long without supplementary oxygen. After spending an hour in the tunnel the daughter and dad collapse because of too much smoke. But don't worry because they are okay then stepmom and rookie firefighter come and give them few sips of air. When walking back to their rescue vehicle the rookie carries the dad but a giant fan and rubbel fall on them killing the rookie and only breaking dad's arm.

There is also this weird subplot of buisness man and his preschooler kid who are stuck at a diner while contributing nothing to the main plot. There is also this weird hitchhiker at the dinner who does nothing.

The acting consists mostly of yelling in distress but there are some good moments there too. The smoke coming from the tunnel looked amazing but inside the tunnel there seemed to some amount of visibility. Scenery was phenomenal as usual in these nordic disaster flicks.
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Mountaineering documentary without that much mountaineering
19 October 2023
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They had this amazing idea to film a man climbing to 14 tallest mountains on Earth. Instead they mostly that man's motivations and background. The climbing segments were extremly short and didn't give an idea what it was like climbing on all of those mountains. Most of their names flashed on the screen for short time and then we see a couple second shot from the peak. It seemed like Everest had longest about climbing/peak because it is the most well known mountain. If they didn't want to show that much climbing, they could've just give us short 3d animation about the climbs path. I would've also liked at least one scene of them setting up a camp.

Also what happend to the first climber saved from the mountain? Did he survive?
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Would've liked to learn about the other murders
1 July 2023
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I dislike how these two episodes centered around the false conviction and investigation of only one of the murders. Come on! Dude killed eight people and they just mention "Oh, he killed seven other people too". It would have been very nice to get more details about these killings.

This episode also made me wonder how much importance is layed to confession in the world of US judical system. Nobody seemed to bat an eye that everything in that confession was avaible in public sources. Would've liked to know more of the reason for the first guy who thought that the falsely convicted dude might have something to do with the case.
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Better than last knight
22 June 2023
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Transformers is a movie franchise about robots punching other robots. I do NOT want to be educated about social issues of USA while watching a Transformers movie. This movie's plot is way too heavily focused on the human characters and the male one doesn't do anything useful during the movie. His tech skills should've done something important in the plot, but the only tech related obstacle was solved by the archeology intern who doesn't have any conclusion to her story.

Character powerlevels fluctuated way too much. In their first fight Scourge's gang easily beat autobots' ass even while autobots were suprise to Scourge's gang. In their second fight autobots got their ass kicked quite easily. On the other hand autobots and maximillians beat amped up Scourge and his gang without much of a problem with only Mirage gying because of the male characters stupidity. Before the final battle Optimus says that disrupting the ritual would release an explosion which would be as powerful as super nova. But when he destroys the thing powering the ritual and it releases only an explosion with power of volcano.

Fightscenes and CGI were the only good thing in this movie.
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Good fight scenes saves the movie
3 June 2023
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The plot of the movie is really hard follow. At first it is about getting a thing back to an old gangster. Then out of nowhere the other brother (Dragon?) and his father are meant to be assinated for some reason. After that a guy who is basicly a kung fu god attacks the Dojo where Tiger (younger brother), an american chinese guy named Turbo (who comes there to learn and disappears from the story until Dojo is attacked) and their sensei is and kills the sensei while badly wounding Tiger and Turbo. When Dragon's and Tiger's sister gets them to some healing god and he heals them and teaches them new moves. Meanwhile Dragon is healed by the girl who was suppoused to kill him. After getting healed Tiger and Turbo just bust into the kung fu god's lair and get beaten. Then Dragon appears out of nowhere and kicks the bad guy's ass while dropping down deep underground. After beating the bad guy they go back and reopen Dragon tiger gate.

Fight scenes on the other hand look quite epic but could be better if the takes were a little bit longer in group fights. One on ones looked good every time they happend.
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Brutal Revenge Story
19 April 2023
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Oh my God, this was a really brutal one. Not the funny kind of brutal, instead this was serious brutal that kinda haunts you. It would've been fun kind of brutal if it was not for the gang rape scene. That was very nauseating scene.

My main problem with this movie was the ending. It was way too ambigutious. Did the fight between the killer and crooked cop turned preacher really happen? Or was the killer just immune to bullet wounds and repeated stabbings?

All the other parts of the movie were really good. Although some of the cops fealt kinda bland as characters. The movie serves as a great warning to loyalty based morality.
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Legend (1985)
Ridley Scott makes a B-movie
2 April 2023
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This is a cheesy B-grade fantasy movie. Even Tom Cruise and Ridley Scott can't save it. The movie is bit hard to follow and most of the time the acting sucks. Best part of the movie is its visuals (which are gorgeous) and Tim Curry as the darkness aka plastic Satan. I think Tom Cruise could've been quite good Peter Pan based on his role and perfomance in this movie. The make up department is straight up low budget 80s and it looks messy which is not necessary bad thing because the goblins had suprisingly decent design. Oona the fairy girl had weird arc, at first she didn't want to be known as a fairy and at the dungeon she appears in her fairy form to everyone. All in all this a decent B-movie with a rating of 5.9, 6+ is way too much.
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Really good
15 February 2023
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This was really good. The humor was toned down a bit from the previous movie. The movie could've been bit shorter, by cutting some scenes which show the scale of the army and revolution.

I liked Cassie's actress much more in this movie than in Endgame. She seemed much more similar to the young girl from earlier movies. Having million weird characters was quite funny.

They decided to make modok into this weird blob of uncanny valley. Though I liked that it brought end to the Yellow Jacket's story line. He also worked as an excellent comic relief.

I noticed some similarities to Attack of the clones in some battle scenes and scenes that introduced the Kang's army.
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Worse Deep Water Horizon
24 October 2022
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The story was a super cliched one. A heroic man gets trapped in a doomed place because he does the hero thing and nobody believes he survived or want to try to evacuate him. There is surprisingly little tension in the disaster or rescue. One reason being that there are multiple less important disasters.

Deep Water Horizon managed to be a really terrifying oil rig disaster movie because it focused on the oil rig being in flames. This movie constantly cuts away from the main disaster to highlight the family dynamics or to the political/industrial stuff.

The best thing about this movie is the special effects. It looks glorious when important stuff happens like the rig blows up and sink the tanker too.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Okay but boring
13 October 2022
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This could've beeb really great. It had so many good actors but the end result was beautiful looking but really boring movie.

I think the biggest reason for its dullness was the pacing. It wasn't quite consistent. Other problem was its lack of knowledge if it wanted to be a comedy or a serious drama. Also there were bunch of unnecessary plotlines like the Margot Robbie being poisoned one.

I think my dislike of the film was partly because the secret society plot. I don't really like those. It too featured an unnecessary plot line in the form of forced sterilization clinic. I really don't like random nazis when they aren't zombies.

The best part of the movie was the chemistry between the main three actors. Although Robbie's and Bale's perfomances outshined that of Washington's. Also De Niro was De Niro. The only actor whose perfornance I really didn't like was Rami Malek. I don't know what made it so off putting.
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An okay gritty korean war movie
23 September 2022
The main problem with this movie is its runtime and the ungodly amount of side plots. A movie can have multiple side plots, but it must not forget then and remember them only for short amounts of time. These plots ad unnecessary length to the film especially at the end when you just want the movie to end.

Otherwise it was quite good. Combat scenes were quite brutal and captured the horrors of war. The dialogue was bad only a couple of times.

It was weird to not see any actual artillery in the movie. Explosions come mostly from mortars and bombs. It also has a rarely seen rifle granede which is used in one scene.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Good movie but flawed
10 September 2022
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The story was a great until the end. It felt wrong that a shogun would just let an entire army of a province to kill themselves and leave power vacuum behind. Also putting unmarried woman in charge is something that Japanese people of that time wouldn't have done.

Another big problem with this movie was its bloodlessness. PG-13 is a really wrong rating for a samurai movie based on seppukus. They probably could've had added some blood to it making it less eye catching.

Fantasy elements should've been used more. The bird people or the monster from beginning should've had bigger impact on the story.
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El Cid (1961)
Romance with few action scenes
30 August 2022
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The backcover of the movie sold me a medieval war movie with epic battles. Instead I got an incredible slow moving and badly written romance. It didn't make sense that a girl would fall in love with a man who she blames for death of her father. Also the kids wouldn't know who he was because he was absent most of their lives.

Sometimes the lighting didn't make sense. During the final siege in a scene at the top of the wall it is night. The battle in the next scene is daytime.

Charlton Heston is a bad actor. He only had one expression, which was lunatic, throughout the film. It also seems like he didn't bother learning sword fighting because his character was out of the frame for much of the duels. The fights also looked like they were slow motion.
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Pitch Black (2000)
Action is quite ok but script sucks
18 August 2022
Every single character was annoying, at least. Riddick was least badly written. There was so many cliches and plot intended stupidity. The CGI was mostly really early 2000s lowish budget looking. I have no idea why this got multiple sequels.
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Multilayered dark comedy with few underutilized characters
12 August 2022
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The meta-commentary and foreshadowing was excellent in this movie. All the talk about the film within the film was actually mostly foreshadowing the coming events in the film. Like the discussion between the final showdown versus talking things out.

The best character by far was the Woody Harrelson's mob boss dog owner who would do anything for his dog. His arrival without an intend for shootout to get his dog back was by far the best and most relatable part of the movie.

The reason for not giving ten out of ten for the entertainment and amazing writing is that some of the characters were quite underutilized. Those were the Vietnamese guy and serial killer killer couple. It would've been nice if the Vietnamese guy had an equivalent in real world like all the other psychopaths. Also Zachariah was left as a mere cameo. Him coming to the final showdown to kill the jack of diamonds would've been good use for the character. Also it would've been nice to see Zach and his wife unite or to be revealed that the Quaker's wife would've been Zach's girlfriend.
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The Protector (1985)
Jackie Chan movie that is not a Jackie chan movie
8 August 2022
It was really weird seeing Jackie Chan as a serious 80s action star. Without the Hong Kong connection, he could have been replaced by any other actor.
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Born American (1986)
Not good but not bad so average it is
25 July 2022
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Born American isn't anything special. It is mostly coherent and engaging unlike many other films with it's overall rating (4,4). The action scenes were suprisingly professional considering this is a shoe lace budget film that is also directoral debute. As usual in 80s action movies, the bad guys almost always miss and Soviets are evil. It was suprisingly nice twist that USA wasn't much better than USSR by not caring much about few ordinary citizens. Biggest problems with Born American were the border crossing and the prison escape which both were quite hard to follow.
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Misery (1990)
Good but flawed thriller
25 July 2022
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The movie tells too much and shows too little. The writer seems some kind of super human as he can just chill with broken legs without needing painkillers. Also they don't explain how he got out of the house and survived during winter.
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Good action bad dialogue
22 July 2022
Why didn't the actors just say no to the dialogue. It was George Lucas on bad day bad. But the action is exactly what you would expect from two skilled martial artist. Whose idea was that Dolph lundgren should use katana two handed. It was way too small for him. Also the violence could've been more brutal because of all the nudity giving it super high rating.
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Popcorn flick
15 July 2022
The movie is great entertainment. It has few scares too. It also offers a great deal of memorable scenes like Predator fighting xenomorphs on top of a pyramid.
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Midsommar (2019)
This is not a horror movie
24 June 2022
This is really a twisted dark drama. It was amazing. Mind blowing. Little slow start but it pick ups pace from there. There were couple of weird things but they were really minor. Don't spoil yourself about this movie!
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The Driver (1978)
Bad movie with few cool scenes
23 June 2022
Acting was bad. Story was messy and hard to follow. Pacing sucked. Dialogue was mostly forgettable. End twist was kinda nice.

Best part had to be the chases when filmed from outside. Although extremly cliched they still showed excellent driving skills.

Felt much longer than 1,5 hours.
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One of the best movies I have seen
13 May 2022
This was a very disturbing movie. Acting was really good. Story was really good. Everything was awesome. Only thing not good was maybe that there were too bit too much control room scenes.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Bad, really bad
28 April 2022
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One star for cinematography. This was a very beautiful show.

Other than that, no extra stars. The show was way too multicultural. An Indian, an irish, a brit and a black/european mix from the same village and they should sound the same (some character refers to their accent) and they don't even care to do that. There is some quite bad acting from the main male villagers. Every town was mix of every possible race. This isn't some huge area and there is no way for people to travel and mix like that.

There are so many unnecessary cliches. Power of love and rumours about my death were greatly exaggerated. Also one of the friends turning to the Dark Side.

The geography seemed bit impossible. From river planes straight to mountains and desert.

Story was quite boring and unclear. How could Rand not know how to channel, when he had done it before? Also it resembled the book on very base level.

The ending was the best part of the book but worst part of the show. Showdown between Rand and Lord of Darkness was epic in the book but the show turned it just to a generic "I can give you all of this if you join me" and hero disagrees. Also Green Man was cyt from the show.
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