
18 Reviews
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Buying London (2024– )
Didn't realize it was a fake drama series
30 May 2024
We were naive, I know, but hubby and I were genuinely interested in seeing some beautiful English properties. Having never watched US shows about real estate, I didn't realize that we have these fake kinds of shows here in the US. We watched half of episode one before deciding it was a dud. It was the dinner scene where everyone was perfectly styled and coifed and clearly a "character" in a scene.

If you're looking for a show that shows creative decor and design, you'd do better to search YouTube for million dollar properties. You'll get a real tour by someone who won't flip their hair and create fake drama. I just want to see attractive and creative use of space and landscaping. No drama necessary.
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Liked it!
17 May 2024
We had heard good things about this movie and were not disappointed. The action is performed well and shot so you can understand what's going on.

The movie is well cast. After so many years of playing Superman, it's refreshing to see some of the color he brought to this character. And as brawny as Henry is, Alan Ritcheson makes him look quite average. The hulking size Ritcheson achieved training for Reacher plays into his character history and is believable when he performs his stunts. While Eiza's Mexican heritage is visible, it's still conceivable that she can play a Jew. She's marvelous. And the rest. Great players all.

This is an engaging popcorn flick that really moves. Thumbs up.
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Checked my watch a few times
6 July 2023
There are some goods parts to this movie, but overall, they don't add up to a great movie. Some of the chase scenes are good, some are meh. The amount of CGI detracts a bit too, as previous movies were practical stunts and effects that showed the real danger of the chase.

I don't mind a long movie if it's entertaining, but I was checking my watch to see how much longer it was going to be. This movie needed editing and a more likeable and more experienced lead actress across from Harrison Ford.

It's nice to see Harrison Ford take this character through an entire lifetime of adventures. This wasn't the best story to go into the sunset in, which is a shame.
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The Menu (2022)
Not horror, but entertaining
7 February 2023
I'm not a horror fan, don't like jump scares and boogeymen, etc., so I shied away from this initially. But when it hit HBO, I thought, no biggie if I need to turn it off.

I liked it. It poked fun at the pretentiousness of foodies and critics who analyze everything as if it's the most important thing in the world. Many parts are quite obviously over-the-top, but maybe there are places like this out there for the super rich in the world. Not me!

While not overtly comedic, there are dry comments and observations that were funny to me. It's not what I expected, so I probably got more from it than a true scary-movie fan. If it's on TV again soon, I wouldn't change the channel, so 6 out of 10.
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Shame on Peacock and the documentarians
7 December 2022
Remember OJ Simpson's book, "If I Did It"? This reminds me of that. I can only imagine that someone in her camp saw dollar signs. There's enough time since the original investigation that Casey Anthony must think she can get her implausible story out there for the bank.

The manipulation of the background music, the softball questions, and lack of follow-up on statements that are fishy and easily refuted - it's egregious.

Casey is a pretty good actress, but when you take away the filmmaker's pro-Casey angle, it's obvious to see that this is just a fluff piece for ratings and money.

Yuck. Just yuck.
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Little Women (2019)
Some great parts and some miscast people
29 August 2022
Prefacing all of this with: I haven't read the book.

I recently watched the Winona Ryder version then this one. I would not have known what was going on in this one without having seen that one. Florence Pugh did more with her role as Amy, which is a big improvement, but other characters were less enjoyable in this version than the previous one (Marmy, Beth, and even Jo).

The movie is beautiful, but, as many others have said, it would have been better as a miniseries, especially if you're going to jump around so much. The characters weren't allowed to develop as much, which the 90s movie made room for with even less screen time.
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Playing God (2021)
Not a comedy but it has heart
6 February 2022
I love Alan Tudyk and Michael McKean. They really bring a lot to this story. It's a family friendly film. It's not a $$$$ movie, but there are some nice moments. We enjoyed it.
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Ghost Town (I) (2008)
Gets me every time I watch it
27 October 2019
This feel across my tv some time ago. I had just seen Ricky Gervais on Alias and didn't know anything about him, not even The Office. Wow, this was a touching little gem. Good performances across the board. Ricky brings some humorous moments, but their lighter touches that fit the warmhearted feel of this movie. If you've only seen him in sarcastic, hard-edged fare, this will be a departure for you. He's delightful and the story makes me happy every time I see it.
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Great to see some old faces, but this was bad
6 June 2019
Good use of clips to explain the impact of the show. Unfunny shock-value vulgarity from Haddish and others to be edgy. Fast-forwarded through most of the new performers to avoid the awful.
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Good lord this was tedious
14 February 2019
I don't know the original source material, but surely it was more engaging than this. Two stars for cinematography and costume. Went and did other things while letting it play in background.
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The Week Of (2018)
More than I expected from an Adam Sandler movie
10 September 2018
I don't expect much story from any recent Sandler movies. This movie was filled out with more characters and thought than usual. And it has some genuinely sweet moments where Sandler is showing some maturity as an actor. He has an odd character here, but it's not his gimmicky baby-talk man-child schtick. Nice.
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Atomic Blonde (2017)
Last third was okay
15 February 2018
We rented this for the infamous fight scene. And it was really good. Music was good, too. The first two thirds just drag. I have a high tolerance for lower quality stories, but I started checking my phone, walking out of the room and not worrying about pausing the story, etc. As someone else said, being cool isn't just being moody and serious-looking. Between fight scenes there's not a lot here for Theron to do except glower and look too attractive not to be noticed. This is a shiny box with tissue paper in it.
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Ant-Man (2015)
Fun, light-hearted Marvel adventure
20 July 2015
Didn't know much about Ant-Man going in, and knew this wouldn't be a movie filled with Iron Man or Thor type adventures, but boy was this fun. There's some language, more than I remember in any other Marvel film, so come prepared if you have kids. Not overly vulgar, mainly played for laughs.

We were impressed with the way the filmmakers brought the ant size into play. The movie has a fair pace, so it keeps moving along. Battle scenes are long enough to explain the action without going on forever (as in Man of Steel).

Overall, I am thoroughly glad we went and would happily recommend to anyone who wants a fun "Guardians of the Galaxy" feel to their superheroes.
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Long, song after song. Some funny parts
16 July 2015
We came into watching this without any prior knowledge of the stage musical. Just thought, "Hey, people were nominated for this. Must be good." Rented from Redbox and watched with my teenage daughter and my husband.

There are some good parts, but there will be 100 songs between them. The first third of the movie seemed like the rest would be enjoyable. Chris Pine is fantastic and everyone sings like a dream. We just got bored with it and started looking at our phones and taking bets on how many more songs until it'd be over. I think you'll only fully enjoy this if you already love the musical.
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Enough Said (2013)
What a delight
14 November 2014
I am one of the few people in the US who never watched The Sopranos, so my familiarity with James Gandolfini has been limited to The Castle. Additionally, I've only seen Julia Louis-Dreyfuss in Seinfeld. Wow, what great performances. James G was completely charming and Julia found the right blend of humor and being real. I'm of the right age (if not the same experience and income bracket) to identify with the way the characters spoke to each other. The writing was mature with good rhythm, the themes felt authentic and, the humor came out of genuine moments rather than knowing and cutesy writing.

I wish I could see it for the first time again. Definitely a winner.
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If you don't go in expecting the book, you may love it.
21 June 2011
Honestly, this is the last of the recent Austen adaptations I wanted to watch. The book used to be my least favorite Austen story. It's since grown on me over the years, so I wanted to see how they'd it on the screen. Now I like movies that try to honor most of the book. I'd read that it bares little resemblance to the book and had modern touches like missing plot points, personality changes, reassigned dialogue and overt sexuality.

Going in expecting very little, it was a pleasant surprise. You can still see how Fanny is ruled at the whim of those above her. She's way too outspoken to honor the book-Fanny, but Frances O Connor does make you like her more than the book does. Other than her, most of the other characters are quite similar to the book and well acted. Johnny Lee Miller is excellent(as always).

If you love Austen, you'll just have to put the book aside and watch with an open mind. If you don't go in with an open mind, you'll probably dislike much of it. I went in with low expectations and left glad that I saw it.
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Fun to see Sam Axe back story.
23 April 2011
Our family was thrilled to see that we'd be getting more of Bruce Campbell as Sam Axe. He did a good job with the material. You definitely see his Burn Notice character's core integrity in this.

The writing has some funny and some drama, but at times was a bit obvious and clunky. The only thing that really nagged me was the shrewish attitude of the lead female. Don't know if she was directed to play it that way or if it was the writing, but it was annoying.

Some of the other posters commented on the CGI. I didn't really care about that. You still get the gist of the action regardless.

Overall, it's worth a look to get the back story on a popular character. And get more Bruce Campbell in your life.
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Persuasion (2007 TV Movie)
Okay - if you'd never read the book. Disappointing if you have.
28 January 2008
I'll accept that not every adaptation needs to be completely faithful to the book. This movie took that liberty and missed several chances to build drama and connection between the characters. Several pieces of text were given out of order which lessened their impact and importance to the story.

While the scenery and sets were beautiful, the director's use of having Anne look into the camera was distracting. The first time was touching, the many times afterward were affected and annoying. The use of a hand-held camera during some scenes added to the urgency of the some scenes, but again, was overused and became obviously stylized, rather than moving the story forward.

I don't watch a lot of PBS, so I expected a lot from this movie. Persuasion is one of my all-time favorite books. I won't watch this version again.
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