
43 Reviews
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Argylle (2024)
Just a real mess.
12 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a complete shambles. You can grasp its potential in fleeting moments of brilliance, yet they're strung together by a concoction of the most foreseeable and ludicrous plot twists. It's the kind of superficial charm that quickly loses its allure because you can predict its every move, even if the reasons behind those actions remain obscure. While there are commendable performances keeping it afloat, the true essence should be in its action and entertainment, both of which felt sorely lacking.

The primary issue lies in the sprawling ensemble cast, where the film leaves just one narrow path open for each subsequent twist. With a stark contrast between real and fictional characters, every plot turn becomes painfully predictable, as there are only a handful of flesh-and-blood personas to consider. When they tease the revelation of her father's identity, lo and behold, it turns out to be the only other mature male character in the film. And as the time comes to unmask Agent Argylle, shockingly, it's none other than the protagonist themselves! Perhaps my recent dive into "Citadel" on Prime didn't help matters, given its striking resemblance to this narrative, albeit with Stanley Tucci and Lesley Manville in place of Jackson and Cranston.

The fictional aspect struggles to seamlessly integrate, particularly disappointing given its origins in the "twisted mind of Matthew Vaughn". Cena and Cavill are confined, deprived of the space to showcase their flair, especially Cena, who excels in roles demanding charisma. There's a distinct lack of genuine violence, which, initially, seemed like a self-aware nod to the mediocre in-universe writing. However, it soon becomes apparent that this restraint is more indicative of the film's own limitations. Considering the intricate dynamics between BDH and Rockwell, a Cena/Cavill kiss could have added a much-needed spark, potentially elevating it to my top pick for the year.

Perhaps there's an excess of untapped potential here, entrusted to a director who previously mishandled another spy franchise. Despite the forewarning from lukewarm reviews, I still found myself repeatedly disappointed. It's a romanticized riff on the Jason Bourne archetype, yet the action lacks the visceral impact to be genuinely intense, and its visual appeal falls short of masking its inherent absurdity. I longed to experience the intended emotional resonance during pivotal scenes like the oil skate or the smoke bomb, but these were merely two peaks in a landscape of six, elongating the third act unnecessarily to accommodate a few more predictable plot twists.

The editing is an absolute disaster, rife with sloppy ADR and shots that leave you questioning whether it's the lead actor or a stand-in wearing a wig. It's a textbook example of a star-studded film rushing to release before March, and despite my fervent admiration for Bryce Dallas Howard, it failed to salvage the experience. 4/10.
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Biopics are lacking real heart lately
26 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is like if you and your friends were smoking, and you asked your buddy who is pretty well versed about Bob Marley to fill you in. He can't quite remember everything, it might not be in chronological order, and some of the more interesting parts get skimmed over. Example, most people know what Rastafarians are, but the movie only makes passing mention of the persecution that the Rastafari were under, and still are. Most people would assume it's the prevailing belief in Jamaica, rather than a political statement as well as belief system.

I will say the ending felt a bit rushed. And I hoped to see more scenes about Bob's early life in Jamaica and the real beginning of the Wailers, such as when they practiced in the cemetery, How Bob, Peter & Bunny first formed the band. Feels like some parts of his life were left out. I was actually waiting to see the One Love Peace concert they were building up to. Was a little disappointed when it abruptly ended on such a defining moment in his career. Like, how can you get all the way to the end and not show any of the final concert, or him finally making it to Africa? I thought I was being trolled.

Overall, it's a great movie to watch if you want to get a basic understanding of who Bob was and what he stood for. For many people who are not familiar with Rastafari, I think it will make them interested in learning more about the message of Rasta. A lot of people don't understand Rasta and what it represents, who Emperor Haile Selassie is, and what the movement stands for. I think it will help people understand that Rastafari is not just Bob Marley, locs, smoking weed, & Reggae music. Or at least the movie will make people more curious to learn.
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Mea Culpa (2024)
A Retro Thriller
23 February 2024
One of the major issues with the film is the lack of chemistry between the leads. Although Rowland and Rhodes deliver good performances, the connection between their characters feels forced at times, which hampers the viewer's immersion in the story. Additionally, the plot, while well-executed, is often predictable for those familiar with the genre.

However, "Mea Culpa" still has its merits. Perry's direction is firm and assured, maintaining the pace and tension of the story from start to finish. The soundtrack also deserves mention, contributing to the suspense and sensuality demanded by the plot. And, of course, the film's visual aesthetic, with its 1980s setting, is a delight for fans of retro style.

In summary, "Mea Culpa" may not be the most innovative or surprising erotic thriller ever made, but it offers a fun and engaging experience for genre fans. For a night of uncomplicated entertainment, the film certainly fulfills its role.
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Foundation: Creation Myths (2023)
Season 2, Episode 10
What an excellent finale.
15 September 2023
Wonderful finale, feel like there was great writing all season and some things were predictable but others were just great surprises, yet still feel well foreshadowed looking back. Everything that feels like they needed to wrap up, they did too, which is always appreciated.

Great wrap up to a season - just enough closure vs openers for next. I'm in awe of the writing and acting in this show. The fight! Demerzel! Bel and Homer! Gaal and Hari!

Definitely going to miss a few characters and a bit surprised we only got one season (and a bit more) of the dynamism of Hober and Bel characters. Also, a bit surprised at Poly making it through but I suppose it was the best choice in welcoming Brother Constant into the vault.

So amazing, I'm going to miss this show. We were glued to every episode. I love how many heroic actions people take down to Dusk saving his young brother's life.
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Foundation: The Last Empress (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
Tellem Bond. Telem. Telum.
1 September 2023
One of those episodes in a series where everything starts to come together. This was a lot of fun for me. It was also surprising to learn that it was directed by B'Elana Torres, better known as Roxann Dawson on Star Trek Voyager. In retrospect, the pacing was excellent.

I originally didn't enjoy all the frontloaded Empire stuff in season 1, but knowing now what the series has led up to. I'm glad I stuck it out.

This show first season was meh, but this season has just been so fantastically written. Every story is so well-paced that it keeps you guessing while not revealing everything.

Rather than the last episode, we're revealing big things with episodes to go so we can keep exploring it. That could easily have been a season finale cliffhanger for other shows!
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Silo: The Getaway (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
A 1, followed by an 8. Also known as 18.
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can just about believe Juliette survived that fall, but the drive bounced off concrete, it would absolutely be in bits after that.

Really liking Patrick and his ginger IT buddy. Hope Bernard doesn't trace them and they pull all the info off that drive.

Goddamnit, Billings. Burning the book really pissed me off. It was hid well enough that the Judicial raiders missed it, he easily could have put it back where he found it. This happening after his little speech about the Syndrome makes me think destroying the book was personal, like he's so obsessed with proving he's good enough he's rejecting anything that makes him question his path.

Raiders are definitely appearing to be the scum of the show. Rooting for every single one to be sent out to "clean."

Oh, Bernard. He really seems to like the moustache-twirling bad cop schtick; first his "how could I know about the hard drive" with Juliette and now his increasingly terrifying threat sticks with Lukas before dangling the "or I suppose you could tell me everything you know" carrot. Seems like Lukas is now either locked up or under house arrest; wonder what will become of him.

Man what a cliffhanger. I'm really curious about that little keychain that Bernard had. Why was it flashing red sometimes but then stopped? Why does it have the same number (18) as the hard drive? Is the shape of it significant?

The whole 18 thing is making me think there are other silos, and other masters. Until this episode Bernard has seemed like top dog, but now we get scenes with him being obviously freaked out and looking afraid of something. It could just be fear of the information getting out, but my feeling is there are people above Bernard who are very interested in what's happening in our little silo.

Crazy Camera Theory Corner: Probably ridiculous, but when I saw the cameras going out I wondered if George had written a virus into his video file, and when opened it started disabling the camera feeds in the vicinity of the access point. Seems unlikely though - it's possible George knew about the surveillance, but it's a huge leap to go from there to writing and inserting code that will infect a part of the system he probably can't find and definitely doesn't have access to. (But people also called him Computer George, so ....

I've seen it suggested that Jules was smashing cameras after she left the Sims'. Could be possible, but wouldn't there then be some indication? The feeds just go out, people aren't reacting and we don't see, e.g. A weapon flying into frame. Maybe it was Sims' wife in there covering Jules' tracks, she's a cypher at this point.

Speaking of her, I don't know what to make of Sims' wife. She certainly didn't seem surprised by anything that was on the drive, and after getting the cuffs off she easily could have incapacitated Jules rather than warning her and letting her go. Seems she's either

a) protecting their little fascist kid above all (possible, the way we've seen Sims be about him),

b) a Flamekeeper, without her husband's knowledge (Sims reads like a true believer so it's quite the long-term deep-cover ploy if so, being a jackboot for over a decade and marrying the head of the secret police), or

c) the two of them are working together for ... what? Control of the silo seems most likely, what with the shadow convo with Bernard. In that instance, did she let Jules go in the hopes she would weaken Bernard's position, allowing them to take over from him? And to what end? Whatever the reason, her motives can't be explained with the information we have now.

Nitpick: if an alert goes out whenever the hard drive appears on the system, why didn't that happen back in E1 with George and Holston's wife?

Wondering how the final episode will end. Would be an interesting bookend if Sims and Bernard win and Juliette goes outside - sans suit, just legging it over that hill? But we spent so much time with Jules and George beneath the silo, my guess is that's where she's going. Braving her fear of the water and finding the door George talked about in the video. How she gets down there past all the checkpoints is another question. Chekhov's Recycling Chutes?

Predictions for S1 finale: Jules notices the duplicative bird formation across multiple cleaning videos on the hard-drive, which leads her to believe the HUD (heads-up display) in the cleaning helmets are pre-recorded and thus fake. Bernard and Sims eventually crack down on where she's located and capture her, sentencing her to a cleaning that is soon to follow. However, off-camera, Jules has somehow learned how to avoid death whilst outside-holding her breath while the suit is initially put on her, for instance-so she becomes the first ever person from the silo to survive the outside. To avoid chaos, Billings allows her back in to the silo for answers. She reveals the truth, Bernard is put in jail, and the episode ends with mechanical opening the basement 15-foot door, where season two will take place.
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Barry: wow (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
29 May 2023
This episode is a masterful conclusion to one of the most original and daring shows of the decade. Bill Hader and Alec Berg have crafted a finale that is both satisfying and surprising, delivering a mix of comedy and tragedy that is rare and remarkable. The episode manages to tie up the loose ends of the story while also leaving room for interpretation and imagination. The flash-forward sequence is especially brilliant, showing how Barry's legacy is distorted by the Hollywood machine and how his son struggles to make sense of his father's actions. The performances are outstanding, with Hader, Winkler, Goldberg and Carrigan giving their best in their final roles. The episode also features some of the most hilarious and shocking moments in the series, such as the bloody shootout between Hank and Fuches' men and the movie version of Barry's life. This episode is a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone who appreciates smart and dark humour.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
10/10 episode. I'm still reeling. My god.
13 March 2023
The season's shortest, coldest, most brutal, yet human episode. I'm at a loss for words.

When Joel went into "protective daddy" mode and just mowed down every single person standing in his way, he was literally on auto-pilot, and the light at the end of his tunnel was just Ellie. That made me cry like a little baby. What incredible acting by Pedro!! It was the best portrayal of "tunnel vision" I'd ever seen on camera in any television series. Pedro should win an Emmy for this!!

Honestly, I feel like the genius aspect of the episode was, we finally, FINALLY got to see Joel in his full glory. He is an badass killing machine. It gives you goosebumps. It gave me chills. The coldest, most awesome things he's done in this episode: aka, mowing down everyone in his way AND executing the ONLY doctor that could have created a vaccine!!! Executing Marlene without even a frown, and that emotionless, flat, monotone voice- is also the most understandable and human aspect of him...and I can't even blame him. He had to save his baby girl. At the cost of the world and f everyone else in it.
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Cobra Kai: Long, Long Way from Home (2022)
Season 5, Episode 1
Whoah whoah whoah! Wasn't expecting that ending!!!
9 September 2022
Enjoying Johnny and Robby as a team, it's a refreshing change of pace, and it's great to see Johnny at least being somewhat honest about his obligations for the first time. I don't expect Johnny to nail it through out the season, and conflict is inevitable, but it actually feels like some real progress can be made with them.

We're in season 5 and somehow the driving scenes look worse than ever lol.

Very first scene with Daniel-san and Sam and I was already rolling my eyes. On the other hand though, freaking CHOZEN

Miguel: smart enough to travel to Mexico by himself. Not smart enough not to assume every guy named Hector in Mexico is his dad. Seriously, he did not ask any of the Hectors for their last name, just keeps stalking any Hector he finds. Wtf.

The end of episode 1 without context would've be a cool twist.
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Rick and Morty: Solaricks (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
One of the strongest openers in years
5 September 2022
Season 6 starting out great!

I guess those "young writers" started off strong.

Absolutely great episode that seems to address all the main plot threads while also being a very early seasons concept. That interview with Dan Harmon about letting young writers take the lead has me thinking this season might be really good.

Overall fantastic episode, felt like older Rick and Morty episodes (like a season 3 episode), with a hint of sombreness but with a right mixture of humor; lore heavy and character driven with tons of continuity. God I forgot how fast these episodes go. One of the strongest openers in years.
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So I just watched HOTD episode 1 and wow...
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So here's my thoughts :

* it was INCREDIBLE * Ryan Condal adapted Fire and Blood perfectly * HOTD is much more cinematic than GOT * there was no intro * it was very fast paced (they could have really used longer runtime for telling this much story) * acting was perfect * **HOTD storytelling is much different than GOT ( GOT is character driven story, you experience the events with the characters . HOTD is plot driven story it's a live action history book , you watch event after events from above like a history book which unfortunately prevent you to emotionally connect with characters )** * poor Aemma Arryn

I just had one gripe with the episode:

The tournament (melee) was way too violent, it's not supposed to be such a bloodbath of lords and nobles. Propre jousting and melee rules weren't respected and in the Dunk and Egg stories they were. It looked a bit like our stereotypical view of gladiatorial fights (and even these weren't bloodbaths).

Other than that great episode!

I didn't think it was possible to make such a great pilot, most people can't finish watching the first episode of GoT but the HotD pilot was just perfect and masterfully done, the universe is correctly built, there are enough action scenes and "talking" scenes and the pacing is great.

Overall I loved it very much I give it 9 out of 10. I wish they could have spend more time on characters rather than jump to the next event in the plot (like what was Rhaenyra's reaction to her mother's death )
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Absolute goosebumps
21 August 2022
Fantastic opening episode. Peak thrones. Dialogue was pretty good too. Really high hopes for the season now, they set up the building tension between each faction brilliantly and the introduction to each character was done perfectly. Can't wait for the next one.

It felt like classic GoT. Conflicting character growth, a steady plot line, meaningful violence used as a plot device, different factions vying for power. I'm hooked!

The set and costume design made GoT look like community theater. I was blown away by the heraldry and attention to detail. Bloody well done!
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Barry: starting now (2022)
Season 3, Episode 8
Here we are. End of the line
13 June 2022
So... I'm floored.

For starters, the sound design in this episode was insane. Made the strangling scene and the Hank scene absolutely terrifying.

I haven't been so disturbed by an episode of TV in a long time.
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The Boys: Payback (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Hell of an entry point to the season.
3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I like how the show's handled Neuman so far. Season 2 made her feel like she was clearly based on AOC, which made the reveal that she's the headpopper a little sus, considering this is an Amazon-run show and we know Jeff Bezos probably hates her. But so far, season 3's made it pretty clear that she's just a character on the show, not meant to be a reflection on the actual politician.
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Another excellent first episode
27 May 2022
This episode felt like a 4 hour movie. In a good way. Really, congrats to everyone on the production team. Fantastic work, really.

I feel like they've handled the grief max is feeling quite well. The whole episode felt a bit slow as a beginning episode but I suppose that's because there's a lot to come. It's good to see what's happened since we last saw them all.
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Attack on Titan: The Dawn of Humanity (2022)
Season 4, Episode 28
2023!!! No!! Can't believe it
3 April 2022
I like that someone's finally thinking about Eren's change from loud-mouthed sociopath to a solemn, almost stoic shell of his former self. Like did you see that look on his face when he saw Marley, it wasn't like anyone else's, it was intense for awhile.

Overall, another great episode. I like everyone's reaction to being in what to them seems like a whole new world and their party with the refugees. I especially loved the little hints that at this point in time, Eren's still dealing with what he saw and wrestling with the idea that it's fate.

I'm glad we finally saw Historia again and that but man oh man, Eren's expression while explain everything to Zeke and then us finally seeing him cut off his leg and gouge out his eye, was....chef's kiss. Also, did anyone else peep his face during the flashback to Sasha's death? I like how we see it's one of shock and horror, I didn't like how his laugh in the sub sounded genuine, dub did it better.

And the Rumbling, good god it's just as terrifying as I'd hoped. An unstoppable force and an unmovable object at the same time wielded by the most dangerous man in the world. Eren's Founding Titan up close looks great. At first, I didn't like it but now I kinda enjoy how it looks barely human.
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Attack on Titan: Retrospective (2022)
Season 4, Episode 27
Oh what a GREAT episode that was !
21 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The actions scenes were awesome, the best MAPPA has ever done. It was brutal, quick & fluid. Everything we asked for. Loved it!

Mikasa is once again killing everything (literally) and it's so nice to see it again.

My boy Reiner once again getting smashed, poor dude can't catch a rest. Am I the only one thinking that they kinda nerfed the 2 other titans here?

Connie, Jean, Gaby, Floch.. Those fights were incredible.

Gaby once again saving the day..

The final fight for Magath & Keith, together, it was perfect, almost poetic. The two father figure uniting for the greater cause. What a strong scene, what a strong episode.

Annie was devastated, so do we. We are with you Annie, can't wait to be in 15 days!
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Attack on Titan: From You, 2000 Years Ago (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
Probably the most terrifying and most amazing anime episode i've ever watched
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was just amazing in every possible way: Eren's VA during his scream and while talking to Ymir, the MUSIC choices, the whole Ymir backstory felt really grim and epic, loved the added content as well, the red filter when Ymir's body gets eaten.. they also did a good job showing Ymir's struggle while building the titans.. and then the walls collapsing. I knew that they would use the song that they used at the end of the last trailer, but damn. The Collosal titans looked amazing on the background (even if all the fog definitely helps), also was the Hallucigenia during the flashback CGI? And Eren looked terrifying with the demonic face, even if i'm not sure how to feel about it being a still image. Anyways, i'm just so blown away and so happy to see this animated, 10000/10.
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Attack on Titan: Memories of the Future (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
Absolutely fantastic episode
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The contrast between the brothers is staggering. Zeke was neglected and felt like a disappointment to his Father whereas Eren got the love and attention that Zeke never got. I'm glad that Zeke got to experience his Dad's love and regret at the end, seeing those memories must've been painful for him.

That underground chapel scene was amazing. The rumbling sound effect in the background as Grisha argued with Frieda was almost symbolic of Eren's boiling rage while Zeke on the other hand was calm and understanding of Frieda's perspective of things.

The true nature of the Attack Titan! So Future Eren influenced Grisha to steal the Founding Titan! What a plot twist, it was Eren all along, even when Kruger mentioned saving Mikasa and Armin! That must've been Eren too! I almost feel bad for Grisha, it's like he was a pawn in all of this.
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Attack on Titan: Two Brothers (2022)
Season 4, Episode 19
It really was a good episode.
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Really happy to see Reiner accepting his fate, in peace.

The little fights sequences with Mikasa & the gang were cool.

So long Galliard, that was a badass final scene you had here.

I got spoiled a while ago for Eren/Gaby so I wasn't as shocked as I should have, but it pretty much happened like I imagined, would have liked a bit more animation tho.

The scenes between Eren & Zeke are really, really great!

Now, I'm really worried if all those visions that we saw, I'm pretty sure I saw kids from.. Well, our world. Im not sure that I like where this is going.
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Attack on Titan: Judgment (2022)
Season 4, Episode 17
Overall, it's a great return to form!
9 January 2022
This episode was great. The animation quality is a vast improvement over S4P1. The animation in the OP and ED are great too. I liked the pacing of this episode.

I also like how little censorship there was in this episode as well. Lots of blood, stabbing, death, and way less conveniently placed steam.
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
The revival was lazy, boring, predictable and ended worse than season 8.
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was happier when I knew Dexter was alive in the world somewhere chopping wood. We were all safer.

I think the ending was what it was supposed to be but a little rushed. The idea behind this ending was to show that Harrison is the new Dexter. He killed Dexter for killing an innocent Officer Logan, and getting away with it by running away. Something which Dexter did his entire life. But his first kill was none other than his own father. In a sense, Dexter was no more a killer with a code, but he was a killer like others. So, in Harrison's eyes, he fits the code. Dexter killing Logan was out of character but it showed that he could do anything to be with his son, the only thing he wanted his entire life: an emotional connection.

They tanked the ending. This series had so much potential.
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Cobra Kai: Let's Begin (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
The fight choreography was great.
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The new choreography mixed with Tanner's athleticism and proficiency is really showing the true potential of how beastly Miyagi-Do can look on screen.

Did Robby get a random power up between seasons lmao he smoked them. Hawk wasn't so easily forgiven, so hopefully everyone will stop crying about him switching sides in the house fight.

Anthony being taller than Sam now lol. Miguel unintentionally cockblocking Johnny was also super hilarious.

Robby works so much better as a darker character and this episode solidified it. Kyler has already mentioned his infamous dad so that's a good sign. Tory roasting kyler was jokes. Sam got to Robby a bit too late unfortunately, at least she tried. Interesting she went to the skatepark everyday. Oh yeh "you're not gonna get what you want" - damn bruh

This episode was overall really good.
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Cobra Kai: The Rise (2021)
Season 4, Episode 10
What a season. What an ending.
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The season as a whole was the best yet, but those last few minutes! Silver paid to have the tournament fixed then had Kreese arrested for what he (Silver) did to Stingray? Miguel's going to Mexico to find his father and Johnny's going after him? Robby finally (hopefully) letting go of his anger toward Johnny? And if that wasn't enough, let's throw in Daniel and Chozen teaming up!!! My mind is completely blown and I already can't wait for Season 5!
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Black Widow (2021)
Out of all the MCU's movies, I'd say this one is easily the worst.
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There were so many problems with the film that made it such a bad film. Most of the film felt like a low-end superhero show and the actors looked like they were all bored to death.

The plot in the film was basically just like any other superhero show, bad guy gets un-brainwashed, sends message to old buddies/family, they work through their differences, get together and end up throwing some sort of explosive device in the last possible second to the bad guys and that's it. Characters end up in the rubble and say goodbye to each other and part ways. The only difference in this movie was that the characters were mainly women, but that's about it. We didn't even get to see Red Guardian at his full potential and taking any fight seriously as he did in the comics.

We didn't even get to see Red Guardian's shield, which many of us expected to see as he is Russia's Captain America. Taskmaster wasn't even a hard villain to beat and all comic fans know that Taskmaster is a damn-near impossible to kill bad guy. I mean Taskmaster literally knows how to fights just like Captain America, Black Panther, Spider-Man, you name it. And for Nat to just beat her like that? Also the fact that all widows are trained exactly like Black Widow and are unable to beat her altogether in a scene, is sad. Not that I wanna see her beat, it's just that it doesn't make logical sense and Natasha should've not been able to survive more than a few seconds in that office on her own. It shows that just like many low-end superhero movies and TV shows, the main character is always outclassed to the point where they're stronger, faster, lighter, and more agile than the people that literally trained with them. Taskmaster's costume also sucked, nothing compared to comics Taskmaster. I was honestly expecting so much more out of taskmaster and now that character is ruined in the MCU forever. The trailer made the movie look almighty good when it really wasn't.
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