
10 Reviews
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Joker (I) (2019)
You might want to see it in the privacy of your home.
7 November 2019
It's fun to see a movie this good on the big screen, but audience reactions, such as laughing at things that aren't intended to be funny can mess with the nuance and atmosphere of this film.
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Charlie Says (2018)
Too feminist? You need a reality check.
23 August 2019
This movie shows a side of the story that hasn't been depicted before. That is enough to appreciate the premise.

Charles Manson was a very sexist and racist man. He used, manipulated, and brainwashed both young women AND men who he could tell were naive and vulnerable.

Anyone who has thoroughly researched the Manson family will know the women were treated worse than in this film. One disturbing example is they weren't allowed to eat until after the dogs. Feminism was really at it's zenith in the late 60s. Representing feminism in the film is realistic to the time period.

These women would have never murdered had they not crossed paths with Charles Manson. Of that, there is no doubt in my mind. Many people were living in communes at the time. The members of "The Family" ended up in the wrong one, not knowing what lay ahead, not knowing they were being groomed by a sadistic madman.

This movie isn't excellent, but it does not deserve a 5.6. Voting it down because you don't like feminism is a very very sad point of view.

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Annie (1982)
Why the low rating?
8 August 2019
I came on here expecting to see an 8 or something in the 7s, but a 6.6??? This is a solid classic.
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Soul to Keep (2018)
Just, no.
4 August 2019
Does one of these kids have rich parents who financed this film? Because I can't see anyone else wanting to.
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Rasputin is Rolling In His Grave.
6 July 2019
Rasputin is the person who makes the story of the Romanovs as intriguing as it is. Ben Cartwright possesses none of the magnetism and intensity that made Rasputin the myth he is today. Could they have even tried to get the eyes right??? Cartwright is almost comical in his portrayal, and the fake, poorly attached beard doesn't help.

I'm also getting fed up with accents that don't match the nationality of the characters. This seems to be a growing trend. There are actors out there talented enough to do authentic sounding accents. Cutting corners on accent coaching methinks.
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Dark (2017–2020)
It spins you right round, baby, right round like a record...
26 June 2019
And leaves your head rolling around on the floor wondering what you've seen.

Excellent show makes me want to learn more about Quantum Physics. Fans of Lost will love it.
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Dita Von Teese and and a talking mummified cat. What's not to like?
22 June 2019
Refreshingly unique and evokes childhood nostalgia. I'd have given it a higher rating if there had been more in-depth tutorials, more varied content (ie decor, sewing) and if that "racoon" wasn't so irritating.
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Black Spot (2017–2019)
Twin Peaks, meets The X-Files, meets Blair Witch.....
18 June 2019
And with all that potential, it's still tedious to watch. This is obviously influenced by Twin Peaks, but don't expect that Lynchian touch. Climaxes are disappointing, too many plot holes to count, and despite the detours the show takes every episode feels the same. It's a big mess that can't seem to get its feet.

Out of all the movies/ shows I've watched rated 7+ this is the only one I couldn't finish. Maybe the essence of the show is lost in translation, but I doubt it.
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Chernobyl (2019)
British Accents?????
6 June 2019
This is an excellent show. I would like to give it a higher rating, but the British accents are distracting and don't make any sense. Why weren't English speaking Russian actors cast?
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Pet Sematary (2019)
This Movie Stinks Worse Than A Dead Cat
23 April 2019
I'm one of those rare freaks who love remakes. I don't like this one. I don't understand how wrong they could go with Kings brilliant story line. Genius was served to them on a platter. I thought maybe part of the reason it was awful was a low budget (not saying there aren't many good, even great low budget films). But I did the math, and with inflation, they had virtually the same budget as the original. So why it looks like a youtuber filmed it, I don't know. Just a bad cinematographer I guess.

The amateurish filming could have been overlooked if they had made decent casting choices.I thought that would have been difficult because Fred Gwynne gave one of those untouchable performances as Judd. Obviously it wasn't difficult because it seems they picked John Lithgow randomly out of a phone book. I can't that guy seriously after Third Rock From the Sun.

There was no depth to the father and he looked like someone had hit him in the face with a shovel. He looked like a boxer not an MD. Really there was not much depth to any of the characters, which made it hard to like them. To me this misses much of the point of King's book and the original film. The horror isn't really about a spooky graveyard. It's about the horror of what this family is going through with the death of their child and the unthinkable things the father did to cope. It's about the lengths one will go to for the ones they love.

Victor wasn't scary. Victor and his creep factor really was a pillar in the original. I guess no one realized that and just picked some random guy.

I really think the casting department needs to do a walk of shame.

The writers need a kick up the butt too. I was cringing at the dialogue in the scenes that were transplanted from the first movie. Well, obviously I did a lot of cringing during this film

The Ellie thing could have been brilliant, but that fell flat on its face too. She wasn't scary. In the original Gage gave me the willies, but then again toddlers are terrifying.

I'm a big fan of The Ramones, and LOVE the song they did for the original. Starcrawler did a great cover..... Bad remake, good cover :) ;)
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