
10 Reviews
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Rebecca (I) (2020)
Passably entertaining but not a patch on the original.
3 November 2020
I have read and loved the book by Daphne du Maurier as well as the Laurence Olivier film version so I almost didn't even bother watching this. However, it was interesting enough to watch so I could compare and contrast the two versions. I am not a great fan of Lily James' acting but she and Hammer were ok. Kristin Scott Thomas (predictably) is head and shoulders above the rest of the cast, but her storyline had changed somewhat and had lost a lot of the impact from the 1940 version. There were some odd moments such as the complete dissonance between the scenes of 1950s England playing against what seems to be modern Celtic folk music. On the whole, I'd say that it's a reasonably entertaining film if you have some spare time, but if you haven't seen the original and only plan to watch one, you should definitely watch that instead.
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Emotional, beautiful, heart-wrenching
13 February 2019
I haven't written a film review for years but having just finished watching this film I felt compelled to. I watched it alone one evening on the offchance of it being an entertaining alternative to watching the football with my husband. Two hours later I was completely gripped, moved, overwrought with emotion and desperate to know how the story would play out. Action-packed it's not, but emotion-packed it definitely is. The cinematography is just beautiful, all of the acting is superb, and the film is highly recommended - as long as you're feeling emotionally up to it!
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Not really worth two hours of my time
8 July 2016
I love Harrison Ford and I love Christopher Plummer and I love romance and love triangles, so I was predisposed to love this film. Unfortunately, I couldn't. The romance is very stilted, the dialogue is diabolical, too much attention is paid to trivial things (such as Harrison being told off by his boss for his attitude - completely irrelevant to the plot) and not enough is paid to the important stuff - why do the characters fall for each other? Apart from the first two minutes, she seems uptight and tearful all the time, and he doesn't say much at all. I also couldn't understand why she was having an affair in the first place as her homelife seemed unbelievably happy and her husband uncommonly lovely - I'd trade him for my husband any day! My favourite part was just watching Plummer, but the rest was woefully dull and unbelievable.
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WOW. Watch this film. Right now.
17 December 2015
I'm not usually interested in any films/books set in wartime, but this is so much more than a war movie. It is a beautifully made film with exquisite acting in every scene. The characters are full of depth and conflict and the plot is at once very accessible, emotive and intensely thought-provoking. This is the story of a young boy and his family who move house due to his father's promotion. Everything is seen through the eyes of the eight-year-old and we quickly empathise with his distress at leaving his friends and his grandparents behind, his boredom in his new - very restricted - environment and his confused emotions regarding his father, who appears a loving, caring man, and his job as a leading Nazi soldier. The child is initially unaware that the new friend he makes is Jewish, but their friendship proves to have unforeseen consequences. This film has an amazing plot, it's beautifully made and superbly acted. It has affected me strongly and I'm so glad I've watched it. Brilliant.
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Signs (2002)
Truly dreadful.
25 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A completely unbelievable premise from the start; this cheesy sci-fi nonsense is brimful of unlikely events and cryptic comments which turn out to be psychic predictions of advice needed in days to come. It is impossible to be scared despite the desperate attempts to build up the suspense, as at every moment, the viewer is bombarded by the ridiculous. From the start, the violent death of Mel Gibson's wife is portrayed with more comedy than horror, as she is pinioned between a truck and a tree and with her dying words, begins seemingly to ramble incoherently, including the words "Swing away". As crop circles and aliens (cartoon-style aliens) take over the neighbourhood, the son finds a textbook which seems to somehow predict the whole episode. At last the aliens begin to retreat, for some as-yet-unknown reason, but Mel and his family have a last battle to fight in their home. The alien attempts to kill Mel's child but _fortunately_ he has an asthma attack at that very moment (wouldn't you know it) so does not breathe in the toxic fumes and therefore survives (restoring Mel's faith, which had been sadly lost by the death of his wife). Meanwhile the words of Mel's dying wife are recalled, and Merrill "swings away", splashing the alien with water and thereby killing it (very Wizard of Oz).

Absolutely ludicrous from start to finish - I rarely feel upon exiting a cinema that I have wasted valuable time from my life, but this was one such occasion.
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Last Will (2011)
Very average daytime viewing
18 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this on daytime TV, and while it was a reasonable way to pass a lazy 1h40mins, I certainly wouldn't want to have paid to watch it. Lots of sleazy double-dealing, treachery and betrayal and high body counts. Reasonably entertaining, but not to be taken seriously! I think the worst part for me was when the grieving widow went into a reverie and we were shown a full song-length's worth of flashbacks of their happy times together, composed from a montage of clips already seen in the film so far! There were one or two twists that kept up a little interest, although in my opinion there was maybe a twist too many right at the end, which made the whole plot more unbelievable. One character appeared to have had a complete personality transplant which didn't really ring true! Decent acting performances all-round though.
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Chinatown (1974)
Began well....
28 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of the film was interesting, with the revelation that the woman who hired the detective to spy on her errant husband is not, in fact, the wife. The plot then twists around the murder victim's connection to the water company and the local farmers' plight during the drought. So far, so good; the acting is great and the two leads are believable in their respective roles. There are a few contenders for the murder suspect, although the ultimate perpetrator is fairly easily identified as the likeliest killer quite early on. Unfortunately, from about halfway through, the plot begins to drag quite dreadfully, the two leads form an unlikely and frankly unbelievable union, and the ending is both unsatisfactory and highly implausible. A promising start, but this film left me sorely disappointed.
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Simply glorious
28 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
There are good reasons why this is such a favourite movie with so many people - it's certainly the best film I've ever seen. It is a love story, and one with more genuine heart-felt empathy than most, but it also contains a lot of humour, intelligence and depth. Every time I watch the film, I notice new things and spend longer reflecting on some of the issues touched on in the film. Holly comes across superbly as the gorgeous, flirty, outrageous good-time girl who happily accepts money from men on "dates", but also manages to portray the complexities of her personality; the vulnerable little-girl-lost who runs away from problems, and wants so desperately to take care of her brother, despite being unable to take care of herself. The acting is so impeccable that it is easy to see why the two leads have fallen for each other, and yet why the obstacles between them still seem so real. There are plenty of smiles along the way, particularly during the scene with the masks, but it is always the love story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, even when you know what's coming next. The ending is, of course, famously beautiful, and makes me want to laugh, cry and jump out of taxis in the pouring rain. Admittedly, I'm a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn, but it seems clear to me that this is undoubtedly her best film. Brilliant!
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14 February 2010
I completely missed this film when it first came out, until a girl friend strongly recommended I get the DVD. I did, and as soon as I got to the end of it, I could have watched it over again. It became an instant favourite - once the rental DVD went back, I had to order a copy of my own. It is a brilliant romantic comedy; much more clever in its dialogue and observations than most frothy chick-flicks, well-acted and entertaining throughout with several love stories to follow - some particularly endearing - and moments that will genuinely make you laugh. To be honest, this is my idea of a perfect rom-com. It has all the essential ingredients, executed brilliantly. What more can you ask for?!
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Valentine's Day (I) (2010)
Romantic, fun, good acting - what else do you need?!
14 February 2010
I think a lot of the criticisms of this film are unduly harsh. Obviously, if you don't enjoy the kind of film with several different plot-lines running through then this might not be the film for you. Similarly, if you are a hard-hearted cynic who cringes at the first sign of romance and happy endings, then look elsewhere. But if, like me, you enjoy a bit of light-hearted, heart-warming romance with a sprinkling of comic moments thrown in, then this is a great film. The fact that it truly is a star-studded cast should not be held against it. All of the performances were strong, with the majority of lead roles being played to perfection. Personally, I liked following the different stories being played out, and seeing the connections between them, and for my money this was done better than in Love Actually, in which there were only two stories I found appealing. Obviously there was less time given for characterisation, which is where the quality acting was an essential ingredient. As others have mentioned, there were a couple of surprise twists, which, given the format of the film and the short amount of time given to each story, I think was something of a triumph. Take it for what it is - a star-studded romance with multiple story-lines - and settle back for an enjoyable and entertaining film.
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