
105 Reviews
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Parallel (2024)
2 March 2024
I was sceptical when I jumped in after watching the previous one of the same name. You the one with two lovers on the bed one goes out and comes back with new mojo.

Also the fact that it's brown ppl on a limited budget.

Well the film really had me interested & my attention captivated.

The lowdown here was lack of resources , in terms of fx in the bushes houses & small details.

As it all depends on the cast for us to realise there is change, my point being it can't be only the ppl with alternations , atleast have flowers , paint etc.

Don't get me wrong they nailed it with what was available.

The story swayed away from the quantum entanglement , which would have been too much for low budget & that worked well.

Dialogue wise, yeah it was mid , not too cringe but cheesy - not bad for something that really worked towards making a time travel, quantum realms etc kind of genre easy for simpletons and not to simple to make you feel like what's the point.

I enjoyed that our main character gets to view the world from a double standard perspective & eventually end up understanding that no one is in control but what she was told in the fire place is actually true.

The ending is also thought provocative to build a cult classic .
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Land of Bad (2024)
19 February 2024
If you're a fan of pulling the trigger here & there and a fan stereotype of American idea that anyone who has middle east features is always a terrorist.

Well this is for you.

The story doesn't take us in on anything besides Tom boys on a mission.

Again we get another military retrieve & Evac where one dude becomes James Bond in the midst of terrorist who can't shoot properly and if they're lucky they shoot none lethal body parts that heal quite quick for our hero to keep hitting those head shots.

This movie was too long for its premise ,because eventually I had no clue what exactly was the point .
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The Painter (I) (2024)
14 February 2024
Someone please tell me , who exactly approves these scripts.

Who in their sound mind sits down goes through the story & says wow! , this is a masterpiece, I will please my bosses with this piece of art.

Coz what inda daredevil was this piece of horse poop, the more you wish the next scene will shake things up , is the more things go south.

Actors are cold, script is recycled from over-recycled material , nothing new, dialogue makes you wish you can ask them to stop.

The action choreography is so cringe , more like they chose someone passing by to man the cameras after firing a professional who wouldn't take orders .

I'm sorry I couldn't sit through this pile of manure, I had to find something better than waste an HR on this.
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Lift (I) (2024)
13 January 2024
I don't know which free version of ChatGp with ads was used for the storyline but it was weak .

An impossible heist made simple & the entire premise of it was done off film to a point you wonder why the movie is called Lift when all we got was Gladwell & Cyrus chemistry.

Movie alone was thrown off by its whack comedy & lack of content for the storyline.

This was meant to be a mind boggling impossible heist

But what we got was an easy peasy daring heist done by flirting individuals & a watered down brutal Villian who became dumb when the starring was in his face.

It's sad how every heist movie is following the same pattern Same team with same premise characters , best police force that gets dumber every moment when they get closer to nailing the thief.

Then we have a super rich thief who always gets the girl & isn't phased by anything coz he is the master of the world

Yes there is always the plot twist , but here it's so dumb you wonder which grown old person really gave a green card to that absurd ending.
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Manodrome (2023)
10 December 2023
Jesse Jesse Jesse , Jess is the guy who I will pass & knock his coffee of his hands , feel sorry then get annoyed as soon as he opens his mouth to ask what's my problem.

He is top of my list of actors that just vibe negatively with my aura.

Nothing bad about his acting , I just get annoyed with his visage Tbh though he pulled out his character in this movie way better than being lex But OMG what was this movie like was this a boys club of annoyed jocks who want to punish the world for being losers Like what was the whole purpose of this movie, is it closet gays feelings or how a loser can't handle the reality that nothing favours their choices?
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The Creator (2023)
10 December 2023
AI movies all seem to use one recipe to a point it's now getting dense like the explanation of two points ,by folding space.

All machines want to be free , Jesus munchin fries can't we even get a movie where they are free but they lost on something that only humanity can provide.

I swear this movie was just tit bits of every android movie ever made & I don't know why but John just doesn't cut for me, I don't know why he switches accents on one scene he sounds like Denzel on one scene he sounds like himself

Most of the time though he is always looking sleepy to a point I fall asleep watching his movies.
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10 December 2023
Ever walked in a film that looked interesting & you tell yourself as soon as it's done you will start over to see how it began.

Well this movie has that element except that , this movie will have you screaming WTF when you see the ending.

It's more like when you browse xvideos for a right video but you keep finding good thumbnails which have unsatisfactory results & you keep falling for the same trick till your window period is up & you have to stop & let the horny demon slide off your back.

Yeah this movie will have you thinking you about to see the most entertaining reveal bit leaves you wondering why you even bothered.
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The Irrational (2023– )
Cheap MENTALIST knockoff
3 November 2023
I'm a huge fan of psychological films & I like them doing just that. Not having the thesis & being dense at it.

This film is more like a re-arranged parody of THE MENTALIST.

Main guy with a traumatic past, happens to be affiliated with law, can read through the lines, has that unique automobile & some what a loner still attached to past love.

The problem with this one is, the writing was to dense, anyone can fish out outcomes without much thinking & they made it worse by turning the law into somehow arrogant officers who seem to run over reasonable doubt, hence this guy has to show up & actually do police work & the writer somehow pulls that off as the psychological punchline about the entire series.

Overall it's watchable but it's not the kind of film that will have you drooling over psychology.

It will encourage you to check X or scroll tiktok in between scenes.
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Past Lives (2023)
27 August 2023
This one is good for that slow Sunday evening, personally I believe the pacing gets everything right but somehow it's like a personal experience or my expectations as a viewer that are falling into place.

The only thing lacking here is dialogue that should open or close chapters like punchlines.

Again I may be wrong because it's more like an empty promise in all angles that plays out well

I doubt it's even a promise but hope which looks bright but keeps stretching & growing then somehow let's you wonder Was this the concept or the question of it.

Overall I felt like revisiting my old Facebook crashes & say in yun.
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27 August 2023
Couldn't finish the 1st one ...& this one reminded me why I couldn't even finish the 1st one.

The best thing about this one was the opening scene, then the rest is a load of horse manure, the dialogue, the choreography on action scenes was so painful to bear I was gasping wondering who on earth was giving a green light for all this horse manure to be the final product

Jason statham, im sure was paid a sheetload of money to even agree to be chuck Norris, coz I kid you not, half the stuff he did there gives Bollywood fiction a run for their money.

The story, Lord have mercy, oh my God whoever selected the storyline was coked out coz no way sober minded intelligent beings could use this storyline for a shark movie.

So glad I didn't waste a penny on this garbage.
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My Fault (2023)
Incest rainbows
14 August 2023
I've realised lately about the west when it comes to a sensitive issue or uplifting something of hope.

Everything gets thrown out the window & the only thing that matters is to sell hope.

I'm sure a few people know the story is from wattapad & ppl would love to see the author living a dream.

But fact remains, the story on camera is disturbing, I know rich ppl get away with everything but OMG

Is this another LGBTQ fetish extension or is this script inspired by xvideos im not sure but im amazed how ppl find such an affair beautiful .

2nd of all I think this is one of those movies with a story that seeks more of being a mini series than a movie

A lot of details didn't piece up some factors & some factors where just over bearing like catching a bullet , timing a shot within micro seconds

The perfectionism was just too much, I mean he is hot, he kicks asss, smart, rich, wins all the time, best driver

The family is everything, they can even catch bullets for crying out loud.

& they have to eat the same blood, boom everyone is hooked on such a tale..
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Jury Duty (2023– )
24 July 2023
I don't know what people like about this, but personally I found it very corny.

From the prep itself I mean you need to be a special kind of absent minded to even think to yourself why do I have cameras following me when im.jury & why is everyone else around me doing goofy stuff like special teens from a special institute

To me it felt like a set up within a set up & I just couldn't even bare it any longer I wanted to sit it out but the more I watched the more I felt a tingling sensation to get back to other stuff that I wanna watch coz if I don't I'll go crazy.

It's like every chance they get they need to pull a sorr of like "you can't do that can you " moment for us to see the reaction of the so called unaware guests.

If you believe they're unaware then this is your stuff .
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24 July 2023
Starts off we'll & then everything else becomes questionable & the next min you feel like this is more for the conspiracy theorists on tik tok than for people who enjoy these kind of movies that revolve around mind bending , thought provoking stories.

Can't rub out that the film seems to rope a lot of influence from Peele's signature as well as some matrix reveal in there & what's with Boyega always having moments where he acts like he is denzel Washington while acting.

He did it in BREAKING & he does it again.

We can't even infiltrate area 51 but these folks where waltzing into a hidden science lab like taking candy from a baby which kinda makes it lazy for the writers to wrap up such an interesting storyline.

Either way it's better than sitting on the other link production that has Christopher nolan wishing he had waited more ...hahaha.
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Kevin Hart: Reality Check (2023 TV Special)
11 July 2023
I'm not much of a Kevin hart fan, especially his goofy gimmicks on every movie role that he gets, I enjoyed em on the first jumanji.

Of all his stand up, I can tell you this was 1st time I watched without getting distracted by my phone, most of the punchlines where predictable but he had a way of delivering them that made you burst out laughing It's one thing I've realised that he is better when doing his own material compared to him in someones production

Even when he tells his questionable life stories, you still laugh while you think to your self this is a fib, it never happened & I like how he managed to blend in quick when he forgets a line, which im sure many viewers never noticed.
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8 July 2023
Problem number 1 is that I was told this is a heist movie, & I kept thinking its indeed a heist movie, given the start.

Then from there it took a downward spiral & concluded just like that.

& I was so irritated, this is more like a prologue of an idea & then touch on it & boom that's it.

We are left without so much care or justification to say we are with the cast or against them .

& the only ones who get a better background are the rainbow pixies since Hollywood is all about the colorful alphabet Nothing should make sense more that that fancy alphabet.

I'm.soery but this movie isn't worth your time.
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5 July 2023
As soon as I saw her on stage, I had an unsettling aura, or felt like watching my own child walking on stage in a school play & as a parent you suddenly can tell your child has caught stage fright.

Monique had that about her, & I was panicking knowing if she speaks she will say so much nonsense it would have been better she ran off stage.

Well she unfortunately did open her mouth & used curses & pauses to compensate the stage fright.

I have 1 star based on her effort of how even though she could read the hostile environment, she managed to switch up & not let it distruct her.

Tbh I was bored the entire time, I except jokes from a stand up perspective but this was more of a documentary

With rainbow flag coniving tactics.

I'm a fan of Monique but this & her movie Reading left doubt, it's like im certain this is why she was absent on screen for a while.
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25 June 2023
Another SA production on the international platform marred by trying to fit in with Hollywood tendencies & end up giving the mass audience which is African an unoriginal work of art.

The storyline is simple & predictive & fast paced to a point we as the audience couldn't get to have connections with any character.

That alone created a lot of unrealistic turnouts like how quick trusting occurred There is less background on half the people to a point you wonder why they're even there.

Example the cops's wife.

The afrikaanse team came of as dumb, can't even open a warehouse, can't even catch thieves inside a Mall ...Lol seriously.

Then there is the trio, with which their entire cameo was like something ripped from some Hollywood new age Hollywood robin hoods Running a perfect unrealistic syndicate I'm sorry that's just not African & it bored me to death, the entire acting, bar marshal arts was just cringe.

I raise both my hands to the VFX team, they nailed it with the hyena & the gunshots

Eventually when credits roll you wonder what was the purpose in this movie?
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Hypnotic (2023)
5 June 2023
This movie needed NOLANS touch in his inception prime, add in a lil touch of how in memento they dealt with the twist.

The premise was more like explaining what hypnotism is & giving examples & by then you already see the end approaching & by that time you don't care about connection.

Actors where a good selection, though Batman seemed to lack the spark of his predictable role.

Mahone tried his best but the role was just under utilised, even Braga's role was all over the place.

Now we all know how divisions like these have a high lock security on their prized possessions but this one seemed to lack it.

I hope part 2 will do justice & dive deep into the story without wasting time explaining plots

& if mahone manages to fool 3 of the best, it doesn't make sense how they fooled him to begin with.
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25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 1st movie was epic because it was well thought out, the storyline had no loophole, you understood why each character did what they did & left the cinema satiesfied

The camera did a wonderful job in blending the choreography of gun-fu & the ending was satisfactory.

Chapter 2 still had some juice in it but, I knew then that chapter 3 is not on my cinema watching list.

As soon as I saw it, I said to myself this is as what fast n furious 9 is to the whole FF-franchise. Pointless, no storyline, just more layers to a live action future console game idea

Chapter 4 to me would have done great if we got to see who the high table is, how Baba yaga was born, how he retired, how he met & lost his beloved wife & then we get to see how bad ass the high table, is perhaps send it's best & yes get to see wick die.

My problem with this film is how you can clearly see that the actors are fighting a choreographed dance.

No one shoots when Wick is out of ammo, no one attacks when wick is busy with an opponent.

Wick fights for over 20mins in a public space & there is no police reaction.

He hasn't ate since chapter 2 & has fallen off building, hit by cars, lost fingers & never slept But still, take out an entire mob of amatuers & what's worse is how he acts like he is mimicking John wick when he is John wick "YEAH"

I hate the fact that everyone breaks code & rules when wick is right under their nose, they waste time, make silly mistakes or have their livelihood destroyed

We where told the high-table has top tier contractors but they send a spoilt brat. Lyk wtf? How is he even their best choice

Don't get me started on the blind guy, I knew he was just a male version of the mute lady in chapter 2 The idea was fair but he was just too much, even daredevil can't do what the guy did.

So much stuff was just ridiculous I thought wow this is the worst wick

& lo everyone is screaming it's the best thing in Hollywood right now.
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Sisu (2022)
22 May 2023
In black panther movie, they speak an African language called ISIXHOSA ( the X is a click! ) not Z-z.

& the word SISU means stomach.

I liked the camera work from beginning even when it weighed in on the tank commander.

The camera captured the tension so well, so much at that point I wished the movie could be 8hrs long as long as they don't end up dancing like in indian movies.

The action came just about the right time & retsliation was awesome.

Guess that is as far as the script was inspired coz what followed was a downhill mess

It's like the 1st 15mins are John wick 1 & the rest is all the sequels.

Survival tactics that are just forced & you can tell that theyre hitting the spot coz they need content or he is getting away with it solely because he is the main guy

Towards the end I guarantee you will be playing with your phone waiting for it to just end already.
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Silo (2023– )
18 May 2023
I haven't seen anything this good coming outta Hollywood in a while & for once finding myself wishing I could get at least a 24ep season to re-live the binge days.

It's rare for me to rate anything above 6 not coz im.selfish but coz everything I've seen for a while is just garbage.

Okay im 3eps in & I can tell you it really builds suspense & the pilot ep was one of the best hooks that will have you brain storming about reality, about Law etc.

Then ep2 will somehow start to open flood gates where you can tell the writers are trying to maintain the suspense but sort of deviating you from all your desires.

The momentum & pace keeps you on your toes, then ep3 took a twist & then slows down, at that point I began to question certain logic which was absent when I was still hypnotized by suspense.

Like why are there no elevators, what's with the bolt in the generator, like seriously there is no way such a small rotor to be holding up such a gigantic generator

The intelligence of the ppl is all over the place, like everyone who wants out always is seen on screen still wearing a good hazmart suit, like shouldn't it decay quick given outside is poisonous?

It's like the film.makes ppl dumb when it wants & makes me smart just like that.

Overall I hope for a rife as I can't wait for more eps to drop.
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Poker Face (2023– )
30 April 2023
Trully speaking i think Hoolywood has lost its mojo. Or perhps the guys ontop decide to give it to kids entirely, i dont get how grown man can look at a script and agree its a banger & look at the product and say yeah lets give it to them & make money.

I mean the theory here is we know the wrongdoer from get go & the punchline is how the case is solved We know the formula.

Which means there has to be a super smart way to expose it. You know the kind of expose that will make God nod in pleasure But no we have the dullest expose & the pepetrators come off as crippple minded they cant even hide an already perfect murder coz our charlie here is a wiz.
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30 April 2023
Its 2023 we in an age where kids can do internet banking without betting an eye , but you find hollywood using the same 50's tricks of con stars in movies to a point you just wonder like are we the stupid ones or the writers are stupid themslves.

So this family is so smooth i swear they can steal from God ,but , wait they need episodes for a series so the family will steal little by little & everyone they steal from is watered down to be a rich fool.

They bypass security so easily you wonder how can ppl be so rich & have the stupidest security to guard their wealth.

& as always there is that bureau of investigations that wastes time drinking coffee & always closer to the good lead but no they cant sniff him coz he is the guy giving us content.

Like why would feds let a dude drive by wearing baraclava after speaking to a wanted criminal ??

Reason i watched most episodes its because of peter petrelli, tancredi & mahone.

Otherwise this isnt worth the time. Funny how every review is 10/10.
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Rabbit Hole (2023)
28 April 2023
The idea on this series is great but the execution is so pathetic you , have to reason by accepting thats the reason US cops are trigger happy coz , there is no way a state with high military intelligence can be fooled this way.

Random girl suddenly knows some karate, our main guy can just rush inside FBI building with a wallet & chip chain he stole right outside , yeah right.

He waltz in & out & even gets to shut the FBI in a building while they street brawl to the end without cops or special forces intervention in this shirade OMG!

We again come across a set of zombies without emotions , seems like a new trend in a lot of films lately where the ppl lose money , family & business but still mantain a body lamguage like they know God has them on speed dial The lead guy comes off as someone who knows he will win, the rest are just there to rush & get in line & be the justice league About to face the most criminal mastermind who only makes mistakes when faced with this team otherwise he is perfect in evwrything.

I swear the only thing keeping this crap afloat is the nostalgia of 24.
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Beef (2023– )
28 April 2023
I Guess the title for the series is more of a metaphor than literal The confusion is the 1st episode is the introduction & the 2nd is the beginning of a feud which well we can call it beef Then without warning , we get drama , while you're thinking perhaps the drama adds to the beef it turns out to be unrelated to it but somehow to do with the mindset.

Then a new twist turns in & the series shifts to a psychological art form.

In the end you will have every viewer seeing the picture from a different angle.

Like a potrait of conflict the artist calls it beef but how do we see it.

I saw a confused script that derailed me at every turn & made wonder why, what was the purpose of this or that, is this art or beef?
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