
17 Reviews
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One Day (2024)
Ridiculous cringy casting
27 February 2024
The remakes those day are so pathetic. The casting people are a bunch of people on crack. You cast a very good looking actor and a n actress that is so not credible for the part. Why a looking guy like him should turn his head, for a girl that is not good looking at all, badly dressed, terrible hair do, why her and not her friend? Those two have an equal sex appeal. Not only charm me with personality then, nope, no chance even there. An boy the scene in bed, was so crengy an distracting, I kept concentarting on his effort to get to her mouth without getting her nose in his mouth too. What a disaster!! If the script talks about someone that turns head and not only is very intellineg an witty , you have to cast accordingly. Watch the original don't waist time on this joke.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Ted Lasso aka the emptyness of decent tv shows
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
11 Emmys???? Really? Where those amount of awards come from???? It's a good show, nothing special, not a great character depth, no great acting, not the actors get any occasion to get much challenged, moderatelly funny, a bit repetitive, after three season the main character is still pulling the hands clutching stunt in crutial moments, the lady still hate her ex husband, etc. I cannot find a single justification for 11 Emmys if not the there is nothing remotelly decent out there so that a moderatelly decent, moderatelly funny, moderatelly entertaing, moderatelly above average show feels 11 Emmys worth....joke are on us!!
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I give it 3 stars but I was generous
22 June 2022
Jeeez where to start, I never saw such a display of bad acting from every single cast member, it was startling. What was all about the fake accent??? When you tell an italian story you have to make a stilistic choice, or they all speak Italian with subtitles, or speak a level of english that is equivalent to the level of eucation the characters would have had in real life. This sh**ty way of portraying Italians with this American/Hollywood invented accent, it is insulting to everybody intelligence, it is grotesque and preposterous but most of all it says a lot on the level of education of who is adopting it more than anything else. The rest is just as pathetic, boring, badly writen, who did the casting had thought that if they casetd some big names would cover up for all the lacking of this terrible film, well it made it worse I'm not surprise of Lady Gaga amatorial acting, nor of the "i don't understand where I am or what I'm doing" acting of Jared Leto, nor of the stiffness "same face, same range of emotions applyed to every film" of Adam Drver, but Al Pacino? Jeremy Iron? So I don't know why this film was produced in the first place, the story had potential an if it had another wriiter, another director, other actors, other ebverything...perhaps, who knows! Like that it is just an embarassment to everybody involved in it.
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First Kill (2022)
So boring
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm already at three quarter of the first episode, and there is nothing engaging, nothing that makes me want to continue watching, nothing that makes me feel anything for any of the characters, nothing about the plot that is interesting, nothing about the filming, the setting, you name it, nothing, zero, nada, zilt. When it comes to vampire stories I'm used to much better, deepper, engaging, beautiful to look at, than a little LTGB predictable juliette and juliette zero chemestry story. Let's not to talk about the cringy stearing, or the terrible acting, the over acted first kiss "I'm so pretending to kiss with passion but i don't feeling it at all, so I touch here and there casually to make it look like I'm arose and I'm so not, ohh let's also break a jar of red cherry, that is sexy...isn't it?". Really? That much little the writers, the actors, the directors, the producers etc. Know about sex? Nop, nothing to watch here.
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Saying that is bad doesn't even cover
21 May 2022
This is as bad as bad can get, it's not even funny as a joke. I think who ever wrote this fan fiction thing wasn't even a fan, didn't even watch The Vampire Diaries. And to put a fake cherry on top of a rotten cake the guy is in desperate need of acting lessons, not that I believe it would do him any good. Please everybody involved in this, do not ever touch a camera, write, act or do anything in this field, EVER!! Do not insult people and a beautiful show by associating yourself with it.
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So bad, so very bad
30 November 2019
Where to start... extremely boring I had difficult to keep my eyes open at times, The George Michel songs where unrelated to what was going on, the script is so weak, the characters are so uninteresting and weird but not in good way. Zero chemistry between all actors, casting was so bad. A couple next to me left in the middle of the film, I couldn't blame them. I've seen same silly film, some very light entertainment so light that weren't almost there, and this one doesn't even cut into that category. I don't recall when was last time that I came out of the cinema like this time saying "oh no, bad so bad!". Watch it on television don't spend money on it.
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Charmed (2018–2022)
Where is the charm?
29 January 2019
I don't know why, someone had the "genial" (...not) idea to turn this show into a parade of the "politically correct", including feminism, all sorts of races, genders, ages, so on and so forth...Right. Do you want to do that? Then you have to place there, the hottest Latina available, the hottest black girl around, the hottest teenager ever, the hottest lesbian couple ever seen on television, making everybody even the non included gender, race, age etc. wanting to watch. Those three girls are so not hot at all!! Not even close. The original show was packed with exceptionally, way out of the ordinary, attractive people, with chemistry, with good acting skills, with stories among them, full of sensual tension, that in this remake is truly lacking. I remember the original well (and having read some of the comments here, I can see we all though the same thing but nobody has the courage to spell it as it is..), sorry but in comparison with the original those three girls look terribly plain, stiff, inelegant and very unattractive, not an ounce of charm on sight, none, zilch, nada. There. I said it. This show is a bad stereotype of a Latina, a feminist, a lesbian, a teenager, a virgin, of sisterhood and so on. I'm not charmed.
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So what?
10 February 2014
I love the Coen Brothers films, I've seen them all, I love films about people stories...usually I love them, I didn't this time. This time I didn't get it, at all. A very bad week of a looser. So? I had worse weeks in my life than this guy, believe me, do I think those weeks are worth doing a movie about it? No I don't, not really. Yet more, what about the abrupt ending? It plunges the whole film into "ineffectual story". I was so looking forward to see this film and I was so very disappointed that, when the film ended I had a moment of serious disbelieve and perplexity. What was the point of this film? Would somebody please enlighten me. The Coens' style is there, but there is nothing else worth watching. Sometimes the ordinary/extraordinary everyday life makes good stories to tell, not this time, nothing interesting in this film to communicate, nothing interesting to watch. In my opinion the worse film the Coen Brothers made, by far and I've been kind because I love them. OK, one bad slip, nothing serious.
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Delivery Man (2013)
21 January 2014
If you go and watch this film with no expectation and very little information you would be surprised. I'm not a fan of Vince Vaughan I find his films a bit too "weightless" for my taste. I don't usually go to the cinema if he is on it, because I know what kind of movie it would be, I prefer wait it gets on television and then if there is nothing better, I'll watch it and usually it is exactly nothing more that very light entertainment, the kind that between the time you switch the television off and reach your bed you've already forgot what the film was about. This case was an exception. There is slightly more depth to it that making this film more enjoyable and more memorable than the others. His performance is believable and even moving at times, the plot unusual, I always said that reality is far more creative and unexpected than fantasy, the development was pretty predictable but still doesn't detract from enjoying the film , yes, that what I would describe this film to be… pleasant.
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Oh good at all.
15 January 2014
I like Julie Delpy and her previous body of work but this film turn out to be terrible. It seems to me because she is now an established successful author that she fells it is time to rest on her laurels and start to repeat the formula she used before to be successful, over and over again, pushing it to the extreme thinking it would work, it would be funny. Well it isn't. The film seems to be promising at the beginning but soon began to be quite annoying, the characters are very stereotyped but not in a funny way, in a unimaginative cliché way, It seems to watch another Delpy film but one you have seen before, it's uncomfortable to watch and after a bit it gets so tedious that my mind started to wonder somewhere else and my body followed soon after . I rarely stop watching a film in the middle of it unless I feel it is not worth the time I spend watching it. No need to say that the association with Woody Allen is inappropriate, to say the list; some people may not like Woody Allen but undeniably he is never cliché even when he talks about cliché and he has never done a film that is the copy of something already done, jet keeping his distinct and unique style. Going back to the subject, describing this film in few word I would say that it is very disappointing, not recommended to anyone, especially to Woody Allen's films lovers.
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Skyfall (2012)
Please someone tell the producers to quit the doom and gloom and get entertaining again
16 November 2013
I don't want to watch a James Bond movie and get depressed, does anybody? He is old, and frail, M dies, what is this? A flop. The idea of James Bond worked for years and years simply because you could, not always but at times, count on great entertainment, great action, on a stunning charming sexy elegant perfect man that never fails, that knows everything, that can get any woman on the planet, that makes you smile with his cheesy/ cheeky sense of humor, that what women want to see and guys want beautiful women and amazing gadgets. Fun, fun fun. James Bond should be entertainment not drama. Can please someone tell the producers to quit the doom and gloom and go back to the unreal fabulous world James Bond is leaving into and embrace it once and for all, the more unreal the better. Please, do the audiences across the world a favor, get rid of Daniel Craig and get a real gorgeous man, beautiful to look at, tall and sexy as Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnam were, no raggedy, bulky, wrinkly man, James Bond is not a mine worker or a builder and get a sophisticated, G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S, beautiful to look at, a traffic stopper, with a cheeky look, someone you really can believe he can have every woman on earth. Do you need examples? Gerad Buttler, Ewan McGregor, Henry Cavill, Oliver Jackson-Cohen, just few names of possible but certainly believable drop dead gorgeous James Bond. Please don't try ever again to make James Bond " more real, more human". You cannot make him real, he is not supposed to be real!!! He should be everything we cannot possibly be, that is the fun about it, he is a dream taken to the extreme, a rich, extravagant, excessive fantasy, a dream man that is so over the top perfect, that becomes non-threatening for men and a total unadulterated fantasy for women. That's entertainment. That's James Bond. If I want drama I'll go and seek it somewhere else, somewhere it doesn't taste uncomfortably wrong.
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Mood Indigo (2013)
22 September 2013
I've seen some very bad movies in my life, but I've always watched them until the end. For the first time in my life after half an hour I couldn't stand this film any longer and walked off. All the visual jokes and trickery were much too much to bear, there were so many of them, all the time, about everything, that instead of being amusing, playful, surrealistic, became annoying, boring, interfering too much with the plot that perhaps being so paper thin needed all that visual to make a story, I wouldn't know I stopped watching it after half an hour that felt like being on date with an irritating, chatterbox, overactive, smiling all the time, perhaps high with cocaine guy, you don't want to be there!! First I thought: " This film is a bit unusual, OK let's see" Than: "….it can be that much all the time let's make an effort"….and after half an hour I realize that it actually was like that all the time!!! It was a struggle to watch, extremely tedious.It is a pity for the actors since I like them a lot, but this... I wouldn't recommend it.
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Very confusing
24 November 2012
I didn't read the book nor watched the television series, I saw this film on television, twice, because on Sky it is shown fist in the evening and then the next day at lunch time. The first time I watch it in English and because I was utterly shocked I couldn't quite get it, I am not unintelligent or uneducated, I usually have no problem, I watch it the next day in Italian my mother tongue language to make sure that I wouldn't miss even a single comma and still I couldn't get it. For the first time in my life I was very confused on what was going on. The flashbacks in time where confusing to say the list, a couple of characters were looking alike so you didn't quite get who was who, a guy was dead it wasn't, you think is a flashback, no it isn't the guy isn't dead, the characters were too many and their appearance on the screen too sporadically placed , it was very difficult to understand and remember who was that one and how relates to the others. I am sorry but you can do a film only for the people that read the book or watched the television series, really!!! Watch it only if you are a buff of this particular book and of this specific television series showing only in one country….otherwise it is compulsory to feel thick.
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Footloose (2011)
Remake mistake
20 November 2012
The original Footloose was a little film with a debatable script and a little budget. But contrary to all expectations was quite successful across the globe and became with time a cult movie and that thanks to the infectious music, dance routines quite impressive for the time, but most of all to a brilliant casting, believable and very suitable to their roles. Same thing that happened to Dirty Dancing. So take the original cast, the music and the novelty of the dance routines away from the equation and what is left is a very forgettable film with very unmemorable music, very ordinary dance routine and with a cast that makes you miss the old one every step of the way. Who was the guy playing the main role? I can't even remember his face that much mediocre he was and what about the leading lady, with no depth what so ever, painfully bad actors both with no chemistry between them. Do we need to equal the tension between the unassuming sex appeal of Kevin Bacon in that role and the irresistibly attractive vulnerability brought to the role by Lori Singer? Was it a not intentional carrier suicide taking up roles that are so vividly embedded in people memories? Was it? Well, I feel I need to mention, the countryman friend role, that in the original was so adorably played by Chris Penn, the guy who played the same part is such a poor takeoff, a caricature and his girlfriend…a bubbly full of energy Sara Jessica Parker against a very dull actress there to fill space and nothing more. Even the original father and mother role (the preacher and his wife) were far more engaging at the point that you could see their point of view and sympathize, the original roles were played by John Lithgow and Dianne Weist, (believable even as a loving couple) in this new version played by Dennis Quaid and Andy MacDowell , that I usually really like, here they fell flat unable to be convincing in their role as troubled preacher and over concern but very tender and caring father and as the effectual moderator, sweet but strong mother as it was in the original. I'm sorry but would this film be an original it could be only regarded as a mediocre film, being a remake of a little delightful cult film is a very sorry version, terrible, not recommended unless you watch it on television and want something boring to doze off.
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Pinocchio (2002)
Not a Walt Dysney movie, thank you!!
5 November 2012
Should you have the occasion to see this movie do not expect the story from Walt Disney, but as the original work of genius the Collodi's book , far more interesting and full of metaphors. A tale written for children aiming to adults. Do not make the mistake to underrate Roberto Benigni just because he express himself through humor. He is highly educated and has a very bright mind. So his Pinocchio version is an educated version, authentic to the book.

In a way is a political book a tale against power, authority of any kind, against the social order that want you agreeable, submissive, compliant to society rules, a sheep in a flock, certainly not an free thinking wild individual and this brain washing starts with children, clamping down on their wonder for life, their adventurous spirit, their enthusiasm for everything and everyone. Thinking that has been written 130 years ago, nothing much has changed. So that is the way this film should be seen and Benigni does it in his usual genial light but deep way.
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Inside Man (2006)
Intelligent, slick, entertaining
30 April 2006
Mr Spike Lee never disappoints perhaps because he isn't in the business of making masterpieces, films to be put high up in the history of cinema; jet he will certainly be remember for the guy that made so many good, real, solid, well directed, recognizably personal, entertaining, moving, engaging films and wasn't rightfully appreciated by the Hollywood establishment. He stays true to himself and even when he is more 'commercial' he does it with cleverness and style. That why I like him and I will keep going to watch his films: he has never missed, not ones and I don't think he ever will, he is much too clever to make a mediocre film.
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Lessons about love
25 April 2006
To understand fully Roberto Benigni you have to know him also as a person, in his interviews talking about life, love, happiness, religion, poetry, he can improvise a rimed limerick because that is what the people of his village where doing an everyday pastime; the knowledge he has of "The Divine Comedy" (that he can recite by heart), of literature, philosophy is truly impressive. Or you should see him when in his he stand ups challenges bad politicians, they hate him but they cannot silence him, because he his so much loved and he is such an undeniable great mind. He his an intellectual, a poet, a philosopher, a splendid human being, one of the kind, he a precious intellectual treasure for humanity. So watching his films and mistake him just for a clown, a comedy film writer, actor, director, is extremely diminishing and very misjudging of his intellect. In "La vita è bella" he got the world recognition he deserved, but most of all as Italian I was so happy and proud to finally share him with people from all over the world. Few people misunderstood his way of talking about something very serious in such a light way, they didn't understood that his respect for the Holocaust victims is so great, that wouldn't never portrait the reality of the horror in a film for as to watch as voyeurs. In the following film "Pinocchio", people went the see a Walt Disney Pinocchio and got the real Pinocchio, the Toscany not the Hollywood one, the best and most faithful to the original Collodi story (as you would aspect from Benigni), I've seen so far, which is not so much a fable for children as it is an unforgiving portrait of power a challenging definition of what is good or bad, much to intellectual to be understood and appreciate by great audiences. This one is all about love, the love for a woman, in the speech he does about what life would be without the woman he loves, he is unbeatable, men should take notes; love and great respect of others culture showing how intellectually enriching and vital is to understand and embrace others culture and diversity rather than force ours upon; love for life over war. Everything he does is worth watching and listening, he is special and I am so glad he is around with is infectious joy for life, boy if we all need him.
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