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Lake Placid 2 (2007 TV Movie)
Recycled 80's horror movie
21 November 2007
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This movie is a no brainier, its something straight out of the 1980's horror movies. You just look at the DVD cover is enough to know what the plot will be. The director uses at least three topless models to pop up a rather boring story-line which is aim at teenage guys. There is the stupid Big white hunter, and its obviously what his fate is. The token black man who shares the same fate as the Big White hunter. There is the usual two main characters, a man and a woman who was once in a relationship, now are back together, so there is relationship. This is straight out of a 80's story line. Whats so stupid, is this lake has a history of giant croc's. Yet despite an a body is found in pieces, none of the main characters suspect a large croc maybe behind this, till the middle of the movie. There is no public warning either made once crocs are discovery either. When crocs are discovery, there is no talk of bringing in reinforcements outside either to aide operations. This movie, not as bad as the likes of Hills have eyes 2 is rather daft and nothing new, just a tired old recycled story line that any Tom Dick or Harry could think of.
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Absolute Zero (2006 TV Movie)
boring low budget rubbish
3 March 2007
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Do not see this movie, its boring and has a shocking story line. You would be better off throwing pieces of bread to a pack of hungry seagulls than wasting your time watching this crap. I fast forward most of this movie, as i had watch it through, i would have fallen asleep. The first half is totally boring. Whats wrong with this, the special effects or they are effects or just paintings of a snow bound city, thats what they look like to me, paintings, not anything thats looks real. This movie is a cheap rip off the movie "Day after tomorrow". The same story line as a matter of fact. For Jeff Fahey and Erika Eleniak acting careers must be over, if they have to star in this crap, and what did they get paid to work in this movie, a McDonalds happy meal. One thing i haten about this movie, Jeff Fahey does not has that appeal to be the hero of such a movie, as a matter of fact, i would made him the bad guy. He looks like a bad man even right from the start. There is no sex or boobs in this movie, however there is a few shots of bikini babes around swimming pools and at the beach. Whats wrong with this movie, low budget, poor production, poor acting, shocking special effects and poorly directed.

Stay away from this movie, its a mess and very cheap.
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The Snake King (2005 TV Movie)
3 March 2007
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This movie is rubbish, not the worse i have seem so far, the special effects are a shocker, and very poor. I love these jungle movies, were they suppose to be in thick jungle, were no-one human been for thousands of years, but there is well design tracks and path-ways. I do agree this movie is the poor mans Anaconda, with villains, and the hero who saves the day. I notice on the it says on the cover, Anaconda meets Indiana Jones, well Stephen Baldwin is no Indiana Jones, however this movie does tried to rip off the raiders of the lost art, but fails and is falls short of this. There is no boobs and sex in this movie, but some hot native girls who are obviously models with their boob jobs. Native girls in the Amazon with boob jobs, thats what it is. This movie is not bad, and if you have a bored Saturday afternoon, it wouldn't hurt watching this low budget, poorly acted so called jungle action movie.
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poor everything
3 March 2007
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Well this movie is a shocker, and the camera shots rite from the start are shocking, like who is the cameraman?? Low budget, poor acting and a recyled story line. Its about a ghoul hunter taking on a pack of ghouls, well they don't look like ghouls to me, aren't ghouls suppose to be similar to zombies, yet these ghouls look like they fresh out of high school, well spoken, and well dress. One of the ghouls wearing a clean suit, even gives the victims a warning, like why is that, since they are his dinner. The camera work is a shocker, its all over the place. No boobs or sex, so if you looking for this, forget it. If there was boobs or sex in this movie, it be the highlight.

Keep away from this movie, its crap, poor production, low budget and even high school efforts are far better than this load of crap.
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Dracula 3000 (2004)
Don't watch this
14 January 2007
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This is a shocker, low budget crap. Even your local High School could be a better job. It looks like, they hired out a engineering plant for the day and believe its inside a space craft. It looks like a engineering plant to me. There is no sex, no boobs, just a group of imbeciles running around a engineering plant. When Dracula shows up, i wasn't sure if i should burst out into tears or laughter. He look like a fairy, than a savage killer. I would be scare of a one legged chicken than the Dracula appearing in this movie. Even the space craft look like models, and i bet they was. The cast and the acting, what acting, there was none at all. To be honest, i fast forward half of this movie, in-case i miss anything. I never miss anything, and couldn't bother watching this trash.

I would advise anyone to watch a snail moving along a path-foot, than this low budget stupid, and highly poorly put together trash.

I heard some other readers have stated they like this movie and even given this movie a 10 out of 10. I think these people seriously need professional help, or are blind.
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Bloodsuckers (2005 TV Movie)
low budget vampire movie
14 January 2007
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I think Micheal Ironsides acting career must be over, if he has to star in this sort of low budge crap. Surely he could do better than waste his time in this rubbish.

This movie could be far better, if it had a good budget, but it shows repeatedly through-out the movie. There is one scene at a outpost, which looks like, its outside the front of a railway station, and i bet it was.

There is one scene which made give this movie a 3, and it shows the space craft landing and taking off over a lake, surrounded by forests. This was well done, but the rest of the movie, forget it.

There is another scene, which looks like a engineering plant, which i bet it, and does not look like a space outpost as the character say it is.

This movie is stupid, has a serious low budget, makes no sense and God Help Micheal Ironsides.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
14 January 2007
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This is a well made ghost movie with a great budget, cast, production, director and everything.

One flaw i did find in this movie, was that bodies was found inside the ship, yet none of the crew bother calling for help.

At the end, were one character is seem floating on top of wreckage in a freezing sea, were she wouldn't last ten minutes before freezing to death.

How could such a large vessel float for so many years, with-out been spotted on radar or by aircraft, makes me wonder.

Still the movie is great and well worth watching, its just a haunted house story, instead of a house, its a ship. There is blood, gore, much of this at the start of the movie, no sex, but a few boobs, a excellent story-line.

One thing remains, what happened to all the bodies of the victims, who remove the dead from the swimming pool. Why was the body of the little girl left hanging, and not remove with the rest of the dead passengers and crew.

Still watch this movie, its great.
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14 January 2007
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This is a good zombie movie, of course there is many flaws and its rather outdated as well. I just wonder how the zombies overrun the world, were the military, police and armed civilians seem to be doing a excellent job in blowing zombies away. The movie shows scenes of the army along with armed civilians, none showning any alarm or fear, destroying every zombie at sight. Meaning it be impossible for zombies to take on the world with a response like this. Even in the city, the military and the police are able halt the zombies, like does not seem to be any large packs of zombies roaming loose. Again, the army and the police should be able to clean up against the zombies. It makes me wonder, how these zombies could win the world.

There is a scene showing a group of police deserting, one police officer seems such a imbecile, obviously just a low paiding bit acter wearing a police uniform.

The story around the shopping mall is excellent, and how the survivors are able to defend themselves and live in such conditions. The idea of the biker gang is great, as there would be such survivors roaming around, picking off shopping centres. Again, the bikers can take on hundreds of zombies with ease, just something like under 20 of them can defeat hundreds of zombies, again makes it any wonder, how the zombies could win the world in the first place. I do feel the ending is far better, than the ending of the 2004 Dawn of the dead.
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Excellent zombie movie
14 January 2007
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I giving ten out of ten for a zombie movie, this is a first as zombie movies are normally low budget trash, more worried about blood and gore, than a decent story line.

In general, a zombie plague spread via bites couldn't even take over the world, and could be easily contain by governments. So i find this hard to believe that zombies take over the world, unless it was something like bird flu. This movie does not waste time trying to explain how this plague started, none of the characters make any effort to work out, how did this all started.

In one scene, a group of survivors are discussing how the plague spreads, like by bites. Yet standing with them is Terry who has been watching a news board-cast that informs that the plague is spread by bites. Yet Terry says nothing and just stands there, like a zombie.

The movie is fast paced, full of action and never slows down, and gets boring. The story line is simple, a group of survivors hold up inside a shopping mall. I readied other people comments on why the survivors decided to leave the mall, that zombies are getting inside and food is running out. The fact is, zombies wasn't able to get inside the mall, and food wasn't in short supply. The reasons for wanting to leave, was daft, since the survivors was better off, staying were they are, not risking to leave, resulting in many of them been killed off. Of course they had to leave to bring more action to this movie, and dump off many characters in the progress.

Another fault is, why don't they tried early in the piece in rescuing Andy and getting his weapons, since there wasn't many zombies around at that stage. And they only want to rescue him after his own food supply has run out.

Another fault is, Anna has no problem in getting her truck over to the gun store, yet the two buses have many problems in escaping through the zombies.

Since its a mall, there would be countless radios, yet none of the survivors bother to listened to radios for any updates, or if there was any other survivors, which the reality is, there would be.

Despite its flaws, this movie is the best zombie movie i have seem, it has a good budget, a director, cast, production, everything. Which is freakish for a zombie movie, which are always low budget trash.
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Could be far better
12 January 2007
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This movie could be far better, as i heard its script was suppose to be 14 years after Taylor show up, were there is a uprising against the apes, who revert back to their primal state, were the main characters even survived the nuclear exploded. This would be a far better story than this one.

Low Budget does show itself, a daft story line does not help things either. There is countless flaws in this movie, like how Brett and Nova reached New York with ease through a old sub way tunnel. By the way there would be many ruins littering around the land-scape from the past, even after 2000 years, even after a nuclear war. Take a look at Egypt for as a good example of this.

The mutants who seem to able to use brain waves to control people, yet why don't they use their brain waves on invading apes, and make them kill each other, instead of trying to make Taylor and Brett kill each other. This makes the story so daft. If the mutants are so advance, surely they should be able to find out for themselves what the apes are up to, instead of asking Brett. Why does Brett just tell them when they ask him, since he is on not the side of the apes, and its no big deal for him to just tell them this information. If the mutants was so advance, surely they would have better weapons, than a nuke to defend themselves against the invading apes. How do they survived and clothed themselves since they live beneath the city.

Its obviously this story was made to put the Planet of the Apes sage to rest, by killing all the main characters in this movie, it appears it failed.

I do believe a remake of this movie should be on the cards, with a original story line in mind, its sounds like a great idea.
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Warlords (1988)
brainless rubbish
12 January 2007
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Surely someone like David Carradine would be smart enough to getting involved in this low budget rubbish. This movie is the pits, low budget, daft story-line, a puppet mutant and a rip off Mad Max two. It has a interesting side story, of an army officer who comes a likely Allie of the Heroes in this movie. For someone who is a high ranking army officer, he seems to be a imbecile who couldn't even run a ant farm, let along an army. Interesting at the start, it shows him coming out of what appears to be a white van, than a underground bunker. Why is he alone, wouldn't there been other soldiers with him. Later he shows up, appearing to have live in a desert for years, yet his uniform is in good shape, like it been iron the night before, and chances it was, its not even dirty or ragged for someone who sleeping in the desert for years.

There is many boobs, even with the opening scenes of two babes been chase by bandits over the desert, when they catch them, rip off their tops, revealing their boobs. There is another sense, with the warlord, were it appears one of the bandits is push into the front of the camera by one of the film crew.

I only watch half the movie, when the puppet shows up, i had enough of this and switch it off in disgust, well i really fast forward to see if there was anything Elsa worth worthing. There wasn't.

Don't watch this movie, watching an ant crawling up the wall would be far better waste of time, than watching this brain dead, low budget, crap feast.
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low budget
12 January 2007
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This is another Mad Max rip off, with a low budget and the usual daft story line. If this movie was in better hands, it be something much better. There is some good actors in this movie, Adam Ant, Michael Pare and Bruce Dern, still none of them can save this movie. Was this movie made as something for these actors to do.

It seems after a nuclear war, there is a drought, were survivors fight for the last remaining sources of water, good a idea for a movie. There is a strange cult, yet these cultists fight like professional soldiers and have the hardware as well. Yet in the opening battle, the cultists overrun the villagers, who should be able to defend themselves, since they out-number the band of cultists, and would be wise up long ago, about bandits wanting to steal their water from them. Yet they are nothing but simple Hill Billies, if that was the case, they would have fallen victim to bandits long before the cultists show up. There is scenes were rifles are remove from a old battle-field and used against the cultists. This is crap, because they would have rusted away, making them useless and why didn't any of the villagers or someone elsa have long taken them. I check with a gun smith, and he told me, that it just taken a few months in the open, before such weapons would be dangerous to use, and left longer than 6 months, they couldn't be use at all.

There seems to be some kind of government control in the cities, so it makes me wonder, why none of the villagers approach the government for military aide. With water in short supply, wouldn't the government put the water under armed guard.

Another daft scene in this movie, were is Dern and Pare stop to have a long in depth chat with each other during a battle with the cultists. Often in fight scenes, they don't seem too bother or fearing death when fighting those who would gladly kill them.

Dern in the opening scene, kills a cultist after the village falls, yet none of the cultists tried to kill him for this, or even seem bother by his actions. Why don't the cultists keep guards on the village, instead of attacking the village, winning it and then leaving it, allowing the villagers to form some sort of plan to defend themselves. Thats totally daft.

This movie is low budget and lacks common sense, and logic.
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mad max two rip off
12 January 2007
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This movie is simple, a rip off from Mad Max two, again with low budget, poor acting and a brain dead script. It makes me wonder with such movies, that there is no storage of fuel or bullets, despite it been years after a nuclear war, and the fall of civilization. There is a Mad Max character who comes to the rescue of a group of survivors who are under attack by a band of bikers who have white uniforms that make them look like a bunch of fairies. Interesting fact, there is many high tech weapons in this movie, so i wonder, really has civilization collapsed. Since the bandits in this movie have weapons, fuel and vehicles, why would they bother go going after refugees since they are better off than they are. Every time i saw the bandits, i wasn't sure if i should burst out into laughter or tears, they are highly stupid. Its a wonder how these people could survived a nuclear war. Through-out this movie, its low budget, shows up time to time, even at the start, were it shows a city, which is obviously a model.

This movie is brainless and a poor attempt to cash in on the success of Mad Max Two.

Don't see it, you better off throwing chips to seagulls, than watching this trash, and there is no boobs or naked babes, so there is no reason to watch this rubbish.
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sex and trash
12 January 2007
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This movie has much boobs and sex in this, and this nearly like a porno movie. Still its using sex and boobs to spice up a recycle story-like, which you seem in many similar body count horror movies. Yet there is no token black man in this, maybe this wasn't bought in the 70's. Other than the sex and boobs, the story is completed trash, low budget and daft. It says on the back of the box, makes Texas chain saw massacre look like kid stuff. What a load of crap.

There is the usual brainless hill billy, who is made to be prime suspect that he is the killer, he is too daft to be a killer.

What thing i do like about this movie, the characters are all adults, its not a movie base around teenagers, or having people in their 20's and 30's pretending to be teenagers either. Yet these people act and behave like teenagers you seem in similar horror movies.

This movie is cheap and highly stupid.
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Dead of Night (1974)
12 January 2007
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This is a very depressing and bleak sort of movie. If you looking for a fun sort of movie, stay away from this one. The main character of this movie, well what is he, a zombie, a demon and or a vampire. This is never explain in the movie, or how he comes back either. I bet there would be many mothers during Nam who wish their sons back, after receiving news of their deaths.

Its a good idea the story-line, a soldier returns home, who is really an vampire and ends up leaving massacre and terror in his wake. But the movie is very depressing and bleak, and has a low budget as well.

The main character, Andy refusing to go out during the day is a good idea, the problem is, he does out during the day, explaining he is not a vampire.

For Andy, well he is never explain what he is, like he seems to have a time limit on this planet, yet he tells a doctor before he kills him, that he will live forever. Yet strange enough, he dies at the end, and prior to this, his body is decaying, meaning he is dying. He seems to know this as well, like visiting the grave yard late at night to write his name on a grave-stone, so he knows the end is near for him.

So there is nothing to explains what he is, a zombie, a vampire or a demon, yet none of these creatures are like Andy at all. It seems, he is decaying and knows he is on limit time, yet none of the above creatures are like this.

There is no sex or boobs in this movie, i bet if it was made years later, there would be. There is no blood or gore in this movie either.

The best part about this movie, it is base around an average family who are no-one special. Still it does not explain, why on earth would a dead son return home, and how did he get the the USA from Nam. Like he is a ghost, well appears to be flesh and blood, can speak to people, goes out during daylight, even drives a car, and able to chat to his old friends, people can even touch him, like any normal person can do, so its obviously he not a ghost.

I think movie should be remake, instead of Nam, it be Iraq, however the story line needs to be spice up, and not be so depressing, and explain who and what the soldier is. Maybe send a message to the USA President about the war as well, that history is repeating itself, were there is mothers receiving news of their sons deaths, and wishing they return back again.
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Zombie trash
4 January 2007
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This movie is trash, and seriously gives zombies a bad name. The story is daft and simple, the acting is alright, and there seems to be a good budget. This movie is really for sadists, like the part were a man for no real reason, has a power drill burst through-out his head is sick. The man is not murdered by zombies or anyone similar, just by a Father who catches him in his garage.

I seriously wonder, was the director of this movie was under the care of a medical professional at the time, he was making this movie. He must had a troubled child-hood.

Sex and boobs, forget it, there is none in this movie, which is a surprised.

There is a lot of blood and gore in this movie, like brains been ripped out from the back of skulls.

The plot is simple, the main characters come from New York, go to this town were the zombies are, and save the day, because the local cops and residents are too daft in saving themselves.

The zombies, well they mostly appeared towards the end of the movie, however they do appeared a few times prior to the ending, like doing hit and run attacks on their victims. They are supernatural zombies, so there is nothing about a plague or anything similar.
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Eaten Alive! (1980)
Sick and Cruel
4 January 2007
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This movie contains real animals been killed, like a monkey been eaten by a snake and an crocible been cut open. I find this totally deranged and sick, and seriously question the mental health of the director of this trash.

This movie is so stupid and daft, that it has no logic at all.

There is a lot of boobs and sex in this movie, still don't bother viewing this trash for that, if you want to see boobs and sex, watch a porno instead. There is also rape scenes in this movie, which i found disgusting, like women been raped and cut up, and eaten. This movie is for sadists and those who get their kicks, seeing people been cut up and eaten.

A lot of the animals, like the monkey that appeared in this movie, there is none in the jungles of New Guinea. The local characters, most of them appeared to be Asian and none look like they come from New Guinea. It looks like, this movie was made around the grounds of a resort, which i bet it was.

Stay away from this trash, its sick and deranged.
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Meat Market (2000 Video)
Another poorly made zombie movie
4 January 2007
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This movie is low budget trash, it was that so bad, i never even bother watching the end. It has poor special effects, low budget. poor acting, if you want to call those in this movie, actors, a dumb plot and just so stupid and daft, i don't there any words for this movie.

These sort of movies are giving zombies a bad name, at the rate with these sort of movies, the word zombie will soon mean, poorly made movie.

Just to prove how bad this movie, there is a soldier who appears in this movie and refuses to take his mask off, however i don't blame him for not wanting to be link to this trash. He even has sex with a vampire, with his mask still on, so that proves, he wanted to make sure no-one could see who he was.

The cause of this zombie plague, when i heard this, i wasn't sure if i should burst out into tears or laughter. Its cause by very tiny robots, so a scientist tells the main characters when they made inquires.

There is another scene, were a couple are having sex, were its very obviously a bucket of blood and gore is pour over them.

In another scene, a cop blows his brains. The blood that flies out does not look like blood, but colored water, which it is. Most of the blood in this movie, does not look like blood at all.

There is sex and gore in this movie, yet none of the women involved are babes, most of them are fat and ugly. Those who you would consider babes, just keep their clothes on through-out the movie.

Most of the people who in this movie are not actors, they look like underground types drag out of a underground nightclub by the director.

There is a few good ideas thrown into this movie, like vampires, but this does not save the movie, and it seems that the vampires have no problems in walking around in daylight.

There is a few sub plots in this movie, mostly involving police fighting the zombies.

The imbecile who made this movie, obviously don't have a clue in making movies and should seriously seek other employment. The company who made this movie, claims it has Hollywood under siege. Well with trash like this, Hollywood does not have anything to worry about, and can make far better zombie movies than this company can.
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Not very good
4 January 2007
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This movie has a big budget, its fails to follow suit of the two prior movies, by having just one chase scene at the end. Max Mad is more about car chases, and action, were this movie seems to lacking this through-out the movie, only at the end. So really fans was seriously let down in this movie, as it seem more concern about the after-math of a Nuclear war, and how the survivors cope.

This movie gets bog down with the children survivors from an airline crash, yet most seem unaware of a nuclear war. Yet the older children would be fully aware what happened, as looking at the ages, most of the older children who are in their teens, would be around 9 and 12 at the time of the nuclear war, meaning they would know fully well, the situation.

The scene were Sydney harbor is dried up, is totally daft, like that would never happened, regardless what the nuclear war did to the planet, its more likely that Sydney would be flooded than, having its harbor dried.

This movie should be a chase movie, not something out of the Lord of the Flies which is really what the story is base around.
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Larva (2005 TV Movie)
you seem it before
4 January 2007
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This movie is trash, but well made and obviously much was spend on the production. Rachel Hunter with her strong Australian accent seems totally out of place in this movie. Whats the most daft scene in this story, is when the townspeople are making emergency calls to the Sheriff, he just Sat's there and does nothing, does not response or seems to care, despite his town is been over-run by flying string ray creatures. The special effects are rather good, and does prove this movie had a good budget. There is a lot of thrown away characters who show up in one scene, only to be kill off in the next scene.

More stupid behavior from the main characters, when they discovery the creatures, they don't seem too worry in warning the local townspeople, or calling for help outside the township. Of course its up to them to save the day, which happens at the end as usual.

There is nothing new in this movie which you have not seem before in countless other horror movies.

One thing i always hate about these movies, its always the new guy in town that saves the day, never a local. In these movies, the locals are made out to be dumb hill billies who know nothing, and only the new guy who knows all the answers can save the day.

I also wonder why the local fire brigade or ambulance service are never call in, during this movie, or maybe they not bought in, to save costs.
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Zombie Town (2007 Video)
Semi bad
4 January 2007
This is not the worse zombie movie i have seem, nothing can be worse than Zombie Nation. There is a story-line and a plot, but the story been recycled over many times. There is a plague, turns everyone into zombies, and its up to a small group of survivors to wipe out the zombies. The hero's old girlfriend is back in town, they hate each other at first and at the end, they lovers. How many times, have i seem this story-line.

The scene at the truck accident is so fake, obviously they didn't want to use a real truck to keep costs down.

What thing, hits me in this movie, is that the main characters seem slow to act and slow moving. There is a battle scene in a warehouse, were the characters take their time in saving survivors, and shooting zombies who are fast moving. All the three main characters in this movie seem very slow people and take their time when doing anything.

This is not a movie to be taken seriously, just a brainless zombie movie, were there is much action, blood and gore, and a few boobs.
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standard zombie fare
19 December 2006
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This movie is average and brainless. I hate these movies were the main characters are suppose 2 teenagers, yet look people age in their late 20's or early 30's. Despite these characters not having any military or firearm experience, they seem to shoot like professionals. Despite been under attack from zombies, none seem to crack under the pressure and handle themselves like they are from the special forces. In one scence, a character watches while another character is drag onto the ground by zombies, yet does nothing to help her, expect just watch her die. There is many boobs and its obviously these female actors was hire because of their boobs, than their acting skills. These women are hired to show their boobs, than they are kill off in the film.

This movie is one brainless action movie, were zombies are use for target practice, and give b-grade actors something to do.
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The Woods (2006)
Well done
19 December 2006
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This movie is well made and well acted, its set in 1965 and the style of this period is captured perfectly. There is no blood, gore or boobs, despite the setting been base at a girls school. In one scence, a girl hangs herself, yet no-one around her, acts to help her, were they either fleeing or looking at her corpse hanging there. In another scence, a lone police officer is busy searching for missing girls, yet strange enough, when he is killed, it seems he is not missed at all.

Its great to see a well made horror story with a good budget with good actors, instead of the poorly made backyard jobs you see littering the selves at the local video store.
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18 December 2006
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This movie could be a good movie, its a good idea behind the plot. The movie is trash with a monster that looks like a man in a suit. It has a low budget and looks like it too. There is the normal blond bimbo who can't keep her clothes on, and obviously she was hire for her boob size, than her acting skills, if she has any.

In the scenes before she is killed, you will not sure if you should burst into tears or laughter.

The acting is poor, look like they drag people off the street and ask them to act in this movie.

The movie is so daft at one point, the main characters pass an abandon vehicle covered in blood, yet don't even stop or think something may be wrong. A number of locals discovery the beast is loose in the area and see it slaughting people, yet they don't seem bother by this, or even scare, and last thing on their minds is fleeing and calling the police.

In one scence, a victim is crushed by what looks like a plastic tomb stone, which it looks like and chances it was made out of plastic.

The ending, well, the tassie cubs look like puppets, and thats what they are, a one legged chook would scary you more than these puppets.

This movie gives Tassie devils a bad name.
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Pterodactyl (2005)
18 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is crap, even the soldiers in the movie, don't look or even act like soldiers, they just extras wearing military uniforms. Interesting why in these sort of movies, early on, they are all wearing their army helmets, yet later in the movie, none are wearing their helmets despite under combat conditions. There is one soldier that seems unable to keep the smile off his face, like been in the movie is one funny joke, which it is.

Then there is the hot babe, who is simple in the movie because she is hot and ends up, a victim like in all these sort of movies.

The special effects are not too bad.

This movie was made to give a group of b-grade actors something to do.
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