
26 Reviews
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You will obey your master.
16 July 2023
I didn't even know they were goin to make another subspecies until I came across it on Tubi and so glad I did. I actually never watched any of the full moon movies when I was younger I remember seeing a few of them on the blockbusters shelves as a kid tryin to convince dad to rent them but that never happened. But in the past few years I watched quite a few here and there and have found they're definitely hit and miss but the subspecies films are the gems of the collection in my opinion. Radu is what a vampire is supposed to look like and has been played excellently over the years by Anders hove. His transformation from man to monster is amazing in this one. It took awhile to realize where it was goin but once it all came together this ended up being one of the best in the series I hope to see more from them, I actually think it would make a good mini series.
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YouTube resurrecting the goodies
12 July 2023
I can't believe I'd never heard of this one before with white zombie being one of my all time favorites. I stumbled across this one on YouTube of all places not knowing anything about it other than the year and title, which peaked my interest, normally I hate zombie movies because of what they've become. I really wish more was done with the original idea of Haitian/ voodoo zombies instead of the annoying and played out American Hollywood style brain eaters. I can appreciate George Romero's night of the living dead but tbh I feel like he ruined zombies for me at least I know a lot of people like them but I can't stand the cheapness or laziness of the plot to many of these newer movies, if you've seen one you've seen them all. Back to this classic BnW film tho it really is one worth watching even if your not really into the early comedy/horror genera this one isn't over the top. I suppose it maybe considered slightly politically incorrect by today's standards it's still one worth watching.
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Man this brings me back
26 June 2023
I sometimes watch movies that I loved as a kid only to realize how horrible they are as an adult but this is not one of those. Teenage mutant ninja turtles 1990 is the best by far it's amazing the suits actually looked better in this one that any of the newer ones I've seen I went back and watched the 2nd one and it was pretty awful compared to this one. Something about the gritty streets of new York in the 80s is appealing in a way. And to see (or hear) the original guys making all the jokes is really great I'm actually a little surprised this was considered a kids movie back then they definitely don't make them like this anymore.
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Very accurate portrayal
15 May 2023
This movie seems more like a documentary or hidden camera show just following regular addicts around lol. As a former user and someone who still goes to the methadone clinic I can 100% say this is realistic. It actually felt like i was watching a movie of myself and a few buddies who literally did half the things in this movie. Of course they exaggerated and condensed the timeframe to fit it into movie format. These things do happen but it's usually not all goin to happen in the same day. The dialogue is accurate, hilarious, and these guys did a spectacular job showing a day in the life of. To the people saying they wouldn't be doin all this because they'd be too sick. This is how I was, some people are basically useless and can't go more than a few hours without turning into a sniveling puddle of human waste but others were one shot a day guys who were able to function for a while not looking like a million bucks but still able to hold it together to get well. This movie definitely isn't for everyone and if you've never been there and done that you probably wouldn't care for it but for guys like us this was pretty good.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
What a time to be alive.
23 April 2023
Back in the 90s when the xfiles first came out things we're much easier. Everyone knew what a woman was, the FBI still had some credibility, and you actually had a reason to watch tv on Fridays and then later on Sunday nights. There were some tv shows worth watching but nothing came close to the xfiles me and my dad, (and sometimes my sister's) used to watch this show religiously every weekend it was about the only thing we did together as I was a teenager who thought family was lame now I look back on that time with fond memories and wish we still had something akin to it. This really was an excellent show, whether you liked the overall alien arch or the monster of the week episodes there was something for everyone. Some of the shows were forgettable but some are classics that still hold up today.
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Salute Your Shorts (1991–1992)
Ahh camp.
11 April 2023
This was a great show and anyone who grew up in the 90s and watched Nickelodeon remembers the camp (opening) song by heart. I haven't watched this show in probably 20+ years and still know every word. They don't make them like this anymore and if you notice the diversity of the show it was never pushed or a focal point as far as I can remember at least. No one cared about your race or sexuality back then I wish today's producers and writers would take a page from that book instead of constantly focusing on all that nonsense. This was a pure good old teen/kid friendly comedy with all the usual suspects, I mean how can you go wrong with nicknames like ug and donkey lips. I always wanted to go to summer camp but since I was never able to this was mine. It really was something coming of age at this time. Great memories.
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23 March 2023
This was a hard one to get through. I don't even know what to say about this abomination. As other reviewers have said nothing makes sense the entire thing is just so unbelievable and laughably bad. Not that the original was great but it being the 80s I can forgive it, I don't know why they made and remade it a dozen times but I guess enough people watched them to make it profitable or maybe at least a tax write off but this one is beyond that. The writing is terrible, the acting isn't much better and the lead girl is just an annoying little punk who no one would ever follow. I watch enough horror to know they like to have ridiculous plots which I can forgive but an entire town of grown men, (farmers who aren't exactly soy boys) who somehow get taken prisoner and killed off by a group of 10 year olds and not a single one fights back lol nope. I never read the book so don't know how it works there but this was just stupid. Please retire this franchise.
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Tubi for the win
8 March 2023
How have I never heard of or seen this movie before? I love horror movies basically all I watch and I have an affinity for good 80s anthologies so when I came across this on Tubi I was pleasantly surprised. It's true you have to scroll through a lot of trash on that service to get to the gems but every once in a while it's worth it and this is that example. Some stories were better than others And the last one seemed a bit too close to another movie from the 80s you might almost call it civil war children of the corn lol But none were terrible, worth a watch if your looking for a classic 80s horror.
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Hit and miss
16 May 2020
This one is kinda in the middle if you compare it to the trash horror that gets put out today its not that bad but compared to the great horror from the 80s and 90s its not that great either. Depending on your sence of humor it could be hilarious but if you dont think a man rubbing a kids face off with a dirt bike wheel is funny you might not like it. Its deff not as good as the 1st one but what sequal is. The fact that mr krabs is in this one always makes me laugh. good movie for a late night trip down memory lane
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3 from Hell (2019)
31 March 2020
I dont want to beat a dead horse so i wont repeat all the grievances most of us have with this and most of zombies recent films in general. I am a huge fan of house of 1000 corpses i watch that movie a few times a year and love it everytime, devils rejects was ok and iv watched it a few times but this was just awful. theres nothing here. I dont understand why he removed all the best aspects of the 1st film and filled the last 2 with typical dime a dozen slasher bs. Its been done to death and we dont need more its just like remaking haloween theres no need for it. Mr zombie needs to go back and watch house and really look at what made that film great sure the music and slo mo shots were cool but the meat of it was dr satan, the fireflys home, the comedy of the captain, and the look of otis. He looked like a scary lunatic. In the last 2 he just looks like a regular guy, not scary.
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Kingdom (2019–2020)
Almost skipped it
14 March 2020
By year 2020 if you havnt seen at least 10 zombie movies you either live in bfe Zanzibar or you dont own a tv. There have been more zombie movies and tv shows then probably any other movie theme. zombies have become an entire genera unto themselves and theres really only so much you can do within that genera. To be honest i actually hate zombies unless were talking pre night of the living dead hatian voodoo zombies but those have been forgotten and traded in for rediculous braindead monsters whos entire goal is to eat humans its lazy and been done to death, pun intended. This show however is good on its own. The locations, scenery, and the cinematography are all beautiful theres a cohesive plotline eith all the ingredients needed for a great show and even the zombies, while still annoying do a good job of selling it. The way the actors throw their bodies on top of each other and fall into and onto things is actually pretty convincing and goes along way to sell the feel of the pandemic. Most zombie shows have no real point other then the mindless beasts themselves acting mindlessly and killing for no aparent reason. Overall this is a great period horror/drama well worth checking out
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Worst show ever (comic book guy)
26 February 2020
This has to be one of the most overated tv shows in our short history of television. I cant understand why so many people like it. Well actually i can its because the average american is dumber then ever. The entire show is set up as a joke on the audience. The premise of these nerds being some of the smartest people around makes viewers feel like they are smart by watching yet the characters almost never espouse wisdom they litterally make fart jokes and childish sexual innuendos that may make a teen laugh but should not make adults lagh. I implore you to go and watch an episode without the laugh tracks. Its the most ridiculous thing iv ever witnessed theres actually almost as much laugh track as there is actual commentary. Iv tried on many occasions to watch this show because my parents both love it and watch it religiously but everytime i try its the same thing, stupid one liner, laugh track another one liner, another laugh track. I really fear for future generations when i see tv shows like this being lauded as emmy worthy and whatever other praise is heaped on this pile. Theres nothing wrong with watching mindless tv but if your goin to watch trash tv it should at least actually be funny
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23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Gehenna where death lives is actually a pretty good psudo found footagesk horror movie. Its not gona win any awards for originality or acting but therss nothing wrong with it. There is one scene where the characters come across a few dead bodies then one living that is one of the creepiest scenes iv seen in a long time.
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The Masked Singer (2019–2024)
19 February 2020
I dont even know where to begin. So i won't this is just trash tv. Its one thing if your a 7yr old and like this thats fine but if your an adult and you think this show is anything but rediculous your part of the problem.
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Mike Tyson Mysteries (2014–2020)
This is a funny a$$ show
28 January 2020
Im in my 30s so i grew up watching tyson destroy just about everyone he fought in the ring. I also grew up watching adult swim at night after the kids cartoons went off there have always been hits and misses with adult animation probably more misses then KOs but mike tyson mysteries is a perfect cartoon. its got everything you need. Its a ridiculous premise really, mike tryson, his dead friend the Marquess of Queensberry, a foul mouthed degenerate talking pigeon (played perfectly by Norn Macdonald), his daughter and roomate/manager deezy get mysteries delivered via carrier pigeons, shenanigans ensue, and mike usually ends up hurting or killing someone, then they return home after a job well done in mikes eyes. Its all very random and very funny theres no overall arch other then to solve mysteries so theres no need to watch in any order its a great adult cartoon and i recommend anyone who likes to laugh at silliness to give it a chance
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Strange Evidence (2017– )
Wow science channel, smh
4 January 2020
This has to be one of the worst tv shows iv ever seen. Iv tried on many occasions to watch it hopeing maybe the episode i watched previously was just a bad example. But no, every single episode is the same they take an easily explained phenomenon, use some idiot who pretends to be an expert in something or other, show you a few frames of a blurry video, and then pretend as if theres some mystery to it. After about 15 to 20 mins of this ridiculous scharade they show the entire video and explain that its something that was easily identified by any rational human. Rinse and repeat. I dont know what happened to the educational channels but almost all of them are doing shows like this now. I dont know if its about money or its simply easier to make or maybe theres an overall plot to keep us stupid whatever the reasons the once decent shows on history, science, natgeo ect. have been replaced with trash. Not only that but they play these shows over and over. Everyday is a marathon of one of these shows or another its to the point i dont watch any of them anymore, shame to because thats all i used to watch.
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Vikingane (2016–2020)
Almost skipped it
20 December 2019
I kept putting this one off because i thought it was just a ripoff of vikings but i was wrong not to watch it sooner this has had me cracking up all night only a few episodes in but if it continues this way it will be one of my new favorite bingeworthy shows on netflix.
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It was funny
20 December 2019
Cmon with all these 1s. People are either just creating fake profiles just to add more1s( this is the only review), they didnt watch it all the way through, or they are on the "pretends to be offended by everything bandwagon". This movie is funny. Im a christian, not a very strict one, lord knows if what they say is true im probably going to hell along with everyone else but i have read the bible and do go to church from time to time and i still laughed at most of the jokes in this one. People are way to easily offended these days and even more so when it comes to religion. If god didnt want us to laugh he wouldnt have given us a sence of humor its to bad people try to silence theirs they might actually have a little fun every once in a while. I only speak english and am not a very fast reader so it was slightly hard to keep up with, i had to pause and rewind once or twice but all in all i laughed out loud by myself quite a few times so it had to be funny. People are acting like this was completly trashing christianity and that they were so disgusted by it lol. i didnt see that at all i saw them laughing along at something that was funny but not in a derogatory manner but i also laugh at horror movies when people are hacked up so maybe its just me. either way i recommend seeing it. leave your self righteousness at the door, loosen up, and maybe laugh at yourself and your beliefs it wont send you to hell.
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Joker (I) (2019)
This is what happens
17 December 2019
This is what happens in a society where everyone is a keyboard warrior or social justice crusader and the pc police are around every corner. I dont know when but sometime in the last 5-10 years we as a society decided to let feelings trump all and where everything is offensive, i remember growing up being told to never wear your feelings on your sleeve. Somewhere along the line we stopped telling our children that and started telling them to pretend to be outraged at everything so you can fit in with the victim crouds. Maybe this movie is a kinda FU to that or maybe its not. I dont know, but what i do know is its not the "greatest movie in decades" and all the other heaping piles of so and so thrust upon it. It is a good movie no doubt and Joaquin Phoenix really did an award winning job but theres nothing new or ground-breaking here, in fact i believe iv seen this same movie a few time under different names. Im reminded of black panther by the glowing reviews. If we wernt living is such a politicaly motivated climate this score would be much lower. Theres nothing really wrong with the movie its just not the great either.
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This movie is not that bad
7 December 2019
Theres alot of people who dont seem to understand how a scale of 1 to 10 works on imbd. I get if you didnt like it, i get if u didnt think it was scary, but if you give this a 1 then either you havnt seen very many movies or you dont know how bad some movies actually are. There were deffinatly problems with this one. The characters were pretty unlikable in fact i cant think of 1 character i cared about and yes the cgi faries were shown a bit much and wernt really that great but how many cgi horror movies actually worked great? They did have a creepy feel to them especially their voices beconing sally to come and play in the dark. The atmosphere was good the house was beautiful and was used very well the cinamatography was good the actors, while unlikable, were fine for the most part. The sound effects were all fine for this movie. All in all its probably not gona be on anyones top 10 but its worth a watch
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The Irishman (2019)
Youz guys, these guys!
4 December 2019
Loved it. this is what hollywood forgot about. This is a movie for the working man, a little slice to make us working suckers feel important. Im a proud teamster union member local 135 same as my old man. he was a union steward right after hoffa dissapeared and i still remember growing up listening to him talk about times where 20 old school gangster all black cars would roll onto the the lot and tell the workers they supported what they were doin when they went on a strike. Really makes me wish men were still men and still acted like men. This movie makes me want to put on my best suit get a huge stogie and blow smoke in the faces of all the soyboys i see. If you lije the old school gangster movies from the 80s and 90s then youll like this one, its long but deff worth a watch.
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8 Ball Clown (2018)
Who the F$&#
22 November 2019
Who the hell oks these stupid ass movies to keep being made, besides the fact that this has been done many many times its a stupid idea anyway. a clown looses it and starts killing people, wow what a great idea lets make that into a movie. Jeesus this is what happens when everyone thinks they are special and need to be heard lol. Dont bother
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Britannia (2017–2021)
I love this show
14 November 2019
I dont care what anyone says, this is a great (TV SHOW) its entertainment. its not a historical documentary as some "critics" seem to pretend it was meant to be, iv read many reviews condeming it as false history or some other bs. it is based loosely on history, it wasnt meant to be a non fiction documentary. I dont know when it was decided every show or movie set in the past has to be 100% accurate because i didnt agree to that and i have no issue with a show making up plots for entertainment purposes. Some people dont like the comedy mixed into this show but i think its great its never to heavy or tries to hard. its always subtle and appropriate and doesnt ever seem forced. The music maybe not my first choice but its not often enough to distract from the period feel and atmosphere. All in all this is a great show for people who enjoy period pieces and who dont pretend to be a scholor everytime they watch a show or movie and who like to imagine what Britain may have been like in the age of wonder and magic. Highly recommend it
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Worth a watch maybe not 2
26 October 2019
I usually try to watch a movie twice before i review it simply because iv found after time my opinion can vary widly. This is not a great movie by any stretch of the imigination but i have to give credit where credit is due it is a beautiful movie, it lacks in story but good acting and sets, location do help it to stay above the bottom of the horror barrel. Honestly if it werent for the ridiculous "twist" at the end i think i would have rated it much higher but as some1 who went to the theater with my dad and young sister it was awkward to say the least. i dont know why they felt the need to turn one of americas classic ghost stories into a lifetime movie channel mess but i digress if you just turn it off about 5 min before the ending is it a decent one time watch though i doubt to many reach for this one time and time again
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The Influence (2019)
This is not a bad movie
21 October 2019
This movie is not bad by any means, i dont get the low ratings at all. I almost skipped it because of said ratings but am glad i didnt. Maybe its because people watches a dubbed version but this is 2019 no reason to do that. maybe its because im into witchcraft and the occult so it appealed to me more than the average viewer. Either way they really captured the dark feeling of mexican witchcraft (which in my opinion) is much darker and "scarier" then todays americanized version which is more akin to cheesy hollywood pointy hats and love spells then real witchcraft but i digress the influence is basically a south american version of heriditary (also a great movie) and usually after seeing 2 movies so similar in content as close together i cant help but to dislike the later simply because i saw the other first but thats not the case with these two. i liked both movies quite well and have no doubt ill revisit this one again. ignore the negative ratings, i imagine most of those are coming from kids of the instant gratification generation anyways all in all this was a very decent movie
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