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Painkiller (2023)
A cheesy exploitation of real life tragedy
11 August 2023
Matthew Broderick is the best part of the show. Not his character, just him. Who doesn't love to see him in anything? He's a national treasure. But that's it. Just him. He's the only reason I rated it a five. Why was this show even made? So they could make the true story look like some cool edgy mini series? Because the show's creators even failed at that. The end result was just an over the top cheese fest. I could barely get through it. I cringed almost the entire time I was watching.

The actress who played Shannon did a terrible acting job. Who did she appease to gain that part? And aside from Broderick, the whole cast was difficult to watch. The female lead, Aduba, overacted the entire series. I found her annoying, not talented. Which is most likely the director's fault, not hers.

The story of how the opioid crisis happened is an interesting enough story without adding all the extra filler scenes they did in this. Short clips of random bombs, exorcisms, and whatever else they threw at us were beyond unnecessary. Obnoxious even.

The scene that really lost me was when Shannon, the pharma rep, just happened to be in the perfect place at the perfect time to witness a sweet innocent teenager she knew, scoring a prescription, going to the pharmacy, sniffing drugs, then crashing a car. All in one shot. That ridiculous scene only succeeded at showcasing how clueless the director and writers are.

Netflix no longer creates quality shows. It's all cheesy garbage that'll make you cringe. I'm at my limit for cheesy Netflix shows, I will no longer give anything they produce a chance.
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I can't even get through episode three
23 June 2022
I've watched nearly three episodes of this joke of a show. The first episode was interesting. The second episode was just boring, repetitive, and one sided. This third episode is ridiculous. Where's your episode on the creepy gender ideology activists? Because there's a ton of conspiracies to look into there. Every episode so far has been about the evil far right. Where's the balance? There's plenty of evil happening in the far left as well. I'm not conservative, far from it. Almost all my beliefs coincide with liberal thinking. However, things like this that are so obviously biased really annoy me. Shows that are created with a clear agenda in mind to convince naive people that the big bad republicans are out to get you. They're not. What a waste of time this show was. Netflix is ran by idiots.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Season four nearly ruined it
19 June 2022
This was once one of my favorite shows. Then they came up with that ridiculous season four. Cliched and predictable with episodes that didn't need to exist. The ending of the season was awful. Who thought that was a good idea? I hope they fix it in season five. June has become unlikable and selfish. What was once a show I couldn't get enough of, now is just a show I don't even look forward to. I will say however that the acting is incredible. Every character is complicated and convincing. The writers just screwed up season four.
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The Boys (2019– )
Original and nearly perfect
2 June 2022
This is one of the best shows of all time. It's something you've never seen before, which is tough to do these days. Every character is likable, even when you don't like them. Home lander is the perfect villain, there's something charming about him in a twisted sociopathic way. Stormfront was a good villain too, the actress did a fantastic job playing her. The second season was a little too political, but at least they made light of it. I have to fast forward some of the gore scenes, and they throw the F word in every other sentence. But I still love this show and consider it one of my favorites. I've seen a couple reviews complain about Hugie, I like Hugie. He adds balance to a dark comedy. I highly recommend this show, if you can get past abundance of gore.
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It's not funny
19 May 2022
Some idiots decided to turn this fascinating true crime story into a comedy. They should all be fired and never work again. For one, it's not funny at all. They try too hard, which always takes the funny out of everything. But also, this happened to real people, real people were brutally murdered. How do you come up with the idea to turn that into a comedy? It's tacky and disrespectful to the victims and their families.

On top of all that, the extra scenes showing some kind of backstory are pointless and made me cringe. Renee Zellweger over does the part, although she didn't have much to work with. Josh Duhamel is the best part of the show. Probably because his part wasn't trying to be funny.

Of course NBC made this. They haven't grown out of the 1990's. It's the same stuff over and over again in all their shows.
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Midsommar (2019)
18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so that just happened. I hated the ending. It left me feeling gross and disturbed. What an idiot the main character is, completely falling for the strategic manipulation. The guy wasn't the best boyfriend, but he was still there for her when tragedy happened. I know we're supposed to think deeper. She had a homicidal suicidal sister who killed her family, so perhaps she had that in her blood too. She craved family and got an instant one with these people. Her boyfriend cheated on her in some bizarre ritual. Although, I don't know why she didn't think that maybe he was drugged after all they had seen since they got there. That poor guy didn't stand a chance. I wouldn't dislike the movie as much if the ending were different. However, it is a well made film with tons of nuance and an engaging story. The ending was just too dark for me. Someone in the writing room must've been angry with a cheating partner.

I'm not sure I'd recommend this anyone, except maybe people who like dark and disturbing endings.
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Our Father (III) (2022)
Overly dramatic
12 May 2022
I understand that what these people went through was hell. But I highly doubt the doctor was anything other than mentally ill. There is no big conspiracy or cult, he just thought he was helping people by spreading his seed. Which, of course, is wrong. But he didn't think so at the time. All the conspiracy theories that went nowhere in the documentary were just plain ridiculous and added only for dramatic effect and to add length to the movie. I would have rather seen more interviews with siblings. Perhaps a psychological evaluation of the doctor. And the dramatizations were SOOO unnecessary. People don't need to see a gynecological exam or practice reenacted. Only people with strange kinks would want to see that. I wish Netflix would stop putting reenactment scenes in their documentaries. Netflix is the home of cheesiness.

This story was crazy enough on its own, they didn't need all the extra filler. But hey, it's Netflix, it's what they do.
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The Baby (2022)
A little too dark at times.
8 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was going to give it an eight. Then they went a little too dark with the dog. I know I should care more about the people the baby hurts, but there's just something about an innocent dog that gets to me more. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Aside from that, the show is funny and witty. The baby is adorable. I've watched two episodes and it's taking a bit too long to for the story to unfold. I'll keep watching it because I want to know what's up with this baby. Hopefully, they don't hurt anymore dogs.
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
The first season was just ok, second season not ok at all
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a disappointment this show has become. I watched the first season when it came out. It's a bit slow, predictable, and full of cliches, but I was interested enough to finish out the season. This isn't a show you're going to talk about with anyone outside your home. Unless you want to discuss it as an example of how woke culture has taken over the entertainment industry. They tick all the boxes there, including the cute lesbian couple part. Why why why does every single show have this now?

The second season is much worse than the first. I couldn't even finish it because it's that bad. I rarely quit a show without finishing it. And I almost never write a review on a show I didn't watch the entirety of. But I can tell by just a handful of episodes that this season isn't worth watching. Amazon, you used to have decent shows to watch. What happened? You seem to be following in Netflix's foot steps by hiring a bunch of idiots to make your shows with a political agenda. No one wants to have these things forced on them.

Also, why the heck is anyone allowing these people to stay on these islands for research purposes? Someone lost a hand to a shark, people died or almost died, and still no one intervenes? Plus, the Leah character is so exhausting. Why did you have to make her so annoying?

I wouldn't even recommend this show for teenagers. I have seen a lot of reviews suggesting it is for teens. But trust me, it is not. This show is for no one. Cancel it.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Good actors, good story, but bland and directed poorly.
4 May 2022
After reading reviews for this show, I didn't go into it expecting a masterpiece. I expected it to be awful because it had garnered multiple ones here on IMDb. But it wasn't exactly awful, just mediocre and forgettable (some of you hand out ones like it's the only option). The pacing does not capture the audience or pull you into a different world, like a good show should do. The director simply didn't seem to feel much passion for the story. Everything feels thrown together and clumsy. Most of the acting is good, but some of it isn't. Which I attribute to the director.

It's just a typical generic Netflix show. What was once the streaming service where you could find the most original programming on tv, Netflix has now become a shell of what it once was, with an endless variety of cheaply made mostly garbage shows. I'm not saying this particular show is garbage, it is better than a lot of their shows. It's just an example of what Netflix does when it has good actors and a good story. In fact, it's even a story that was already written for them, all they had to do was adapt it. Netflix, you need to start firing people. Just do a complete overhaul of the whole business.

The ending of the movie was so uninteresting and awkward. It was like the writers and director were tired of the show themselves and just gave up. Although, I will say this, I wouldn't mind a US Marshall like Vargas hanging around protecting me. He's easy on the eyes.
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A nice surprise
2 May 2022
I loved this show. Some of the sex stuff was a bit too much, but hey, they're French. It also could be a little juvenile at times, but the story is still charming and original, it will still draw you in. Time travel is one of my favorite genres, I'll watch almost any show that revolves around it. So if you love time travel, you may love this show.

The characters are likable and relatable, the cinematography is breathtaking, and the pace kept me engaged the entire time. It even has a perfect ending. All the actors are good, not to mention gorgeous. They each did a convincing job as the confused Lea transferred into a different body, and with the perfect amount of humor too. The scenery is also a character of the show. What a beautiful landscape.

I was surprised I liked it this much. I hope more people give it a chance so it's picked up for a second season. Many of us need to see what happens to all these great characters, especially Lea. I do wish they had explored why and how Lea was able to time travel. Maybe next season we will get more answers.
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Just thrown together
25 April 2022
I wasn't planning on watching this show because it looked like a basic crime show. I'm not sure why I decided to watch it. I guess I thought it might surprise me and the rating on here wasn't too bad. But I was right about it the first time. The story is good and has potential, but the rest of it is all kinds of wrong. The directing and editing are atrocious. It has these disjointed scenes that make no sense and seem to have been thrown in at the last minute. There's no chemistry between the actors. There's also constant off putting background music. The story jumps all over the place so it's difficult to follow.

For some strange reason, no young girl or grown man can resist the main character, Emma. She makes all young ladies gay for her and all grown men fall to her knees. I have no idea why, she's just some train wreck lady. The whole thing just felt like an extended lifetime movie. And why oh why can't women ever just be close friends in shows anymore? The minute they feel close to each other, the writers turn them into passionate lesbians. It's so unrealistic and not relatable to most audiences. And it's happening in almost every show these days. It's awkward and uncomfortable to watch. Women don't do that most of the time. Please stop turning all female leads into lesbians. I'm going to keep saying this in reviews in hopes that someone wises up and stops this madness. Who is encouraging this? It's sexist and only satisfies the male fantasy.

I'm not sure I'd watch a second season. They would have to change everything. How did this pass as the finished product?
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Hereditary (2018)
Good directing and acting, but not a great story.
20 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was completely mesmerized by this movie, until the end. I'm not going to write what happens, I'll just say it could've been less silly and more thought provoking. I was really expecting to find that they were all mentally ill the whole time. Besides the ending, the movie is so well directed. The acting was great too. There were some truly shocking moments that really get under your skin. But the ending was just corny, not that interesting, and felt rushed. Which is why I give it a seven.
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The Giver (2014)
Could have been amazing.
16 April 2022
The creators of this movie missed the mark. The story is interesting and creative. But the movie was cheesy and lacked character. It was like watching a CW show. How could they screw up so much? Even with a stellar cast. I was so disappointed. I'm sure the book is much better too. I can't believe someone made this and thought it was good enough to release.
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Doesn't deserve even a 68% rating.
11 April 2022
Disney just buys everything up and ruins it all. I was looking forward to this movie. I watched all the marvel movies that came out before it, assuming I needed to watch Captain Marvel to watch the last avengers movie. But that wasn't necessary, captain marvel has no reason to exist. And what was with that hideous haircut in the Avengers movie? Captain Marvel is the biggest disappointment in all the Marvel franchise. I'm giving it a few stars for having Samuel L. Jackson in it.

Stop ruining everything Disney. Disney has gone in the toilet, and they're taking Marvel and Star Wars down with them.
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Severance (2022– )
I am completely hooked
3 April 2022
I didn't expect to like this show as much as I do. The whole corky-retro-dry-humor-thing has been done so many times before. But the story drew me in within a couple episodes. It's mysterious and thrilling, unpredictable and full of nuance. All of the actors are incredible. I love how their faces change so subtly while in the elevator. When I started watching it I thought I'd be able to watch every episode because every show has eight episodes these days (which I hate) but no, thankfully, there's more to come. The ninth episode appears to be one of the best ones, and now I have to wait a week to see it.

I don't understand how others would find it boring or slow. It is suspenseful in its own creative way. I'm so happy I decided to watch this. It's easily in my top favorite shows list. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes shows such as Black Mirror or any other psychological scifi.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
It just gets better with each episode.
30 March 2022
This is an ingenious show. It starts off relatively slow in the first season, but becomes increasingly fascinating all the way into season two. The second season is even better than the first. The story takes so many turns. The writing is creative and original. The actors are all wonderful, especially the children. How did they find such good child actors? The creature mother gives birth to is creepy and realistic looking. I don't know how someone could come up with so many great ideas for one show. I was so disappointed season two was only eight episodes. Why are tv shows doing that now? We only get eight episodes to all the good shows. Can we please go back to ten or twelve? They make us wait long enough for new seasons, then we get hardly enough episodes. After watching the second season, this has definitely become one of the best shows on tv.

If you're bored with season one and don't understand the premise, keep going until you finish season two. It's such a wild intelligent show.
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Carnival Row (2019–2023)
It's engaging enough
27 March 2022
This show is interesting enough to keep me watching. It's better than that disaster, Wheel of time. But let's not get into that debacle. I just wish WOT had these writers instead of that other guy. Anyway, the colors in Carnival Row are a little too dark. They also kind of rush through the story at times but go too slow at other times. A couple more episodes to help character development would've helped. The best part of the show was the relationship between Miss Imogen and the Puck, Agreus. I watched this show a year ago and still think about that part of the show. I hope they have more of that story in the second season. The writing is decent, the special effects have a little to be desired. All the actors did a fine job. It is a diverse cast that works well together. I'll definitely watch the next season. A lot of shows that start off slow end up being great. I hope this is one of those shows, it has almost everything it needs to be successful.
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Archive 81 (2022– )
It was good enough to keep me watching
25 March 2022
The story is very interesting and keeps you engaged. However, it has a lot of different little things that cheapen the show. The lead actress acted so awkwardly that it was distracting. The lead actor is great though, he saves the show. The story moved along pretty slow at times only to speed through the ending. It was as if the writers got bored with their own writing and just wanted to get the ending over with. I will watch a second season because the show is good enough to spend time watching. The story is original and that demon coming out of the tv is incredible. It just sometimes felt like two middle schoolers put the whole thing together.
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Very very sad
30 January 2022
This documentary is difficult to watch. And I can see by some of the reviews on here that some people feel guilty for watching these sick videos and for exploiting young girls. Why else would anyone write terrible reviews on an honest documentary? The men in this industry deserve the worst in life. Young, impressionable girls are being taken advantage of in the worst way. It is shocking that face abuse is even a thing. There's way too many perverted sickos out there. There needs to be stricter regulations, I'm really surprised there aren't already. Just goes to show that people in power are the biggest perverts out there.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
One of the best shows
24 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ray Donovan has some of the best character development I've ever seen on a show. As I watched it I had to keep reminding myself it was all fiction. I've seen a few complaints about season five. I agree, they didn't need to kill the main female character. However, I found that season to be the most relatable season of the entire show. My spouse died of cancer at a young age. I felt very much the same as Ray's character. It is more than devastating when something like this happens. It was so relatable that I had a difficult time watching the season. The show took such a dark turn from season five and in the following seasons. And although I found it relatable, I was not happy they killed off one of the best characters. She was the woman who held Ray and the family together. The actress playing Abby did an astounding job her entire run on the show.

Someone commented that the cancer experience was inaccurate and unrealistic. This person clearly needs the subtitles and also doesn't understand that every cancer experience is different. They claimed that Abby said she was going to "start" treatment when she was already losing hair. She didn't say "start," she said "stop treatment." So it was accurate she had lost her hair at that point. What Abby went through on the show was similar to what my spouse went through. Of course real cancer is worse in real life than when on tv. It's not like the actors can go catch some cancer so that the play the part realistically enough. I wish I could comment on other people's reviews, because some comments really annoyed me.

I also read a handful of negative reviews on the actress who played Brigit. I'm shocked some people find it necessary to insult her appearance. She is a cute girl who played her role well. Makes me wonder what some of these fools look like in real life themselves.

With all that said, Ray Donovan is and always will be one of the best shows. I was really disappointed when they didn't renew it. At least they could've given it a proper last season. I recently rewatched the show to prepare for the movie. Hopefully the movie gives us fans some closure. These characters and their stories deserved better than being suddenly canceled.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
One of the best shows out there
21 November 2021
It's very rare to find a show that gets it right. Expanse is one of the only good shows on tv these days. The first couple seasons were a little cheesy, but still good. I always tell people to just get through the first season and you won't regret it. It just gets better and better. Every actor plays their roles well, Amos is my favorite. Naomi's accent changes a little too often, is she English or a belter? It's ok though, I can look past it. I'm so excited for the next season. Hopefully someone picks them up so it won't be the last. It's just too great to end so soon.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
It's just Ok, would be better with different casting.
20 November 2021
Who cast this show? Because they did a terrible job. They cared more about diversity than acting abilities. Soon they'll probably add a hot lesbian character who loves to have sex. Like all the other diverse shows. Within the first fifteen minutes I was bored. Rosamund Pike and Daniel Henney are the only actors who belong on the show. I don't care about the other characters. There's also a lot of pointless talk. They don't discuss the world around them enough. And why is everyone so negative and grumpy all the time? They just walk around mad at the world and each other.

I'm tired of show creators trying so hard to show how diverse they can be, and by doing that, ruining so many shows. I can see from the reviews on this and others that a lot of viewers feel the same. I miss good tv. Only a few shows have gotten it right, such as Expanse. Most other shows it's so obvious what they're trying to do that it just seems forced. It's distracting. Especially when they depend on diversity instead of good story telling or acting. The whole thing is just cheesy and uneventful.

Edit: after finishing the show.

I stopped watching it after the first few episodes because it was so bad. But recently I decided to give it a chance and now I dislike the show even more. It never got better, it just kept going with the cheesy theme it began with. Oh and of course I was right about the lesbians. Always with the lesbians. I don't have anything against them, there's a lot of shows I like where having a gay couple blends into the story perfectly. However, there's also shows like this that throw it in there in an attempt to give it an edge. But it doesn't do anything for the story, it's pointless and obvious what the creators are doing. And why isn't there ever gay men with a great story, like in Black Sails? Now that is an example of good story telling.

I dislike WOT more than any other show in television right now. Mostly because I really wanted to love it like GOT and was looking forward to it. But instead of Game of Thrones, we got a show that's not even up to CW standards. I hope they don't ruin Lord of the Rings too.
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Foundation (2021– )
It surprised me
6 November 2021
I didn't like the show the first few episodes, but now I absolutely love it. I've never read the books, but have read the show took too many liberties with the original story. I can see how that would be frustrating for fans of the book. If you put aside the fact that it's not based on the books, then you may actually enjoy the show. In the beginning the story jumped around too much but eventually the writers found their way. The most notable part of the show is Lee Pace's portrayal of the Empire, it is mesmerizing. He is such an incredible actor.

Hopefully the show gains more momentum and people write better reviews. It deserves a higher rating.
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Not sure what I'm watching
6 November 2021
It's confusing to watch a documentary about a notorious serial killer become a documentary about women's rights in the 70's. The two just don't mesh well. Hearing from his longtime girlfriend and her daughter is incredibly interesting. They both have so many insightful things to say. However, most of the show is a history lesson on women's movements in the 70's. I actually fast forward those parts, and I'm not missing a thing. The film makers really missed the mark with this one. It's like they were thinking there's already so many documentaries on Bundy, let's change it up and try to make it look like there's a positive way to tell the story of a man who raped and killed dozens of women.
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