
27 Reviews
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Bull (2021)
Hidden gem
2 March 2024
Wasn't entirely sure this film would grab me but grab me it did. Maskell is brilliant as always and that's taking nothing away from the others. All fantastic acting performances. As a huge Dead Mans Shoes fan, I was told to expect similar. It isn't. It's completely different but equally gripping. Yes it's brutal but when you see the ending you'll understand how and why. The ending? What can I say? spoilers here... just watch it. I never expected it but when it came it was like a bomb and the whole thing made sense. What a twist.

Are you still here reading this ???? Go and watch it!!! What are you waiting for ????
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The Jester (II) (2023)
Poor attempt
30 January 2024
An embarrassing attempt to copy Terrifier which doesn't even come close.

With abysmal acting, a non existent plot and what appears to be a some sort of desperate grasp to achieve originality, this is an absolute train wreck.

The huge photograph of the first victim in the graveyard at the beginning is actually more frightening than said "Jester" who is little more than a trainee circus performer or child's party clown.

If one was to be approached by this individual in a dark alley, a simple left hook or bash from grandmas handbag would despatch him in an instant.

About as frightening as watching a ballet with a retired group of bingo callers.
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LIGHTS !!! Camera action!!!
26 July 2023
Spoiler alert ... over 90 minutes of darkness It's not fair to criticise a movie when it's impossible to see any of it. Had to sit through over 90 minutes of what was effectively a black screen. Utter garbage. Didn't any of the production crew think "hang on... shouldn't we turn on some of the studio lights here".? Please pay the electric bill then have another go. Save yourselves the time and money people... leave your TV off and just spend an hour or two looking at a blank screen while listening to the soundtrack of the London Philharmonic Orchestra playing backwards at 20x the speed. I guess Steve Wonder and Ray Charles would love it.
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A different "Exorcist" attempt
15 December 2022
Clearly the producers are big "Exorcist" fans and although William Friedkin wont be sending the producers a Christmas card this year, it isn't actually bad !

Decent effects, good acting and the occasional good twist.

"The Exorcist" element hangs heavy but to be fair, it's about evil spirits and the clergy so they're limited as to where they can go.

On the whole, as a big horror fan and one who considers "The Exorcist" the greatest of all time this is really worth a watch.

Also, I never realised a nun could be that hot. In and out of a wimple !!! Ok there's a place reserved in hell for me... I'll see you all there. ! Enjoy the movie !
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Definitely worth a watch.
3 December 2022
I really enjoy these. A real gore fest. If you're looking for a story and plot, forget it. If you're looking for amazing acting, move on (apart from Art that is ) if you're wanting a couple hours of mindless slaughter and nothing to think about then this is for you.

I could be here all night picking faults but it's not that type of film. If you're looking for continuity errors you've either picked the wrong movie or you should get out more.

Still haven't worked what he actually is yet but he's a far scarier clown than Pennywise.

Oh, and I'll say this ..."the sunglasses scene" ... if you know...hilarious.
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Wooden acting beyond belief
3 November 2022
The superlative acting of Mr Berkoff versus some of the worst infantile ramblings of third rate 'actors' I have ever witnessed.

What happened Mr B ? Was it a bet or did you have some terrible concussion which resulted in one of the worst decisions of your career. ? The 'child gangsters' in this movie were about as intimidating as collecting my youngest daughter from primary school.

All in all, a pathetic attempt to teach some little boys to act tough mixed with the day before the preliminary day of acting school for people with serious learning difficulties. This film is embarrassing for so many reasons. Shame as it had potential.
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Assailant (2022)
Almost a comedy, or did I miss something?
16 June 2022
Van Dien is a decent actor who really sold himself out on this. Actually a good story let down by the others appalling acting.

There were so many ways they could have taken that guy out. I know that wouldn't have made a film but at least try and make it a little more realistic.

Your colleagues let you down on this one Casper, and not a bug in sight. !!
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The Towel Man (2021)
Why all the bad reviews ?
2 April 2022
The best horror of recent years, amazing acting, strong story, and the plot is mesmerising. I cannot recommend this epic movie highly enough.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my medication and I have to be back in my padded cell.

Seriously, imagine a huge pile of s**t in a skip...remove it from the skip, take the skip away, and what you have left is everything connected with this sorry excuse of a movie.

I put myself through this agony so others don't have to. You'll thank me for it.
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Where do I start ...
13 March 2022
The BLATANT rip off of the Max Von Sydow scenes (especially the standing outside the house) should be a reason to ban this film completely ... BUT ... It's actually not too bad, compared with other similar movies that is.

I am worried for my own mental state as the possessed girl at the beginning was strangely sexy and if I were a priest I would be seated next to Satan right now (fortunately I'm an atheist so I'm not too concerned) so hats off to the hero for his will power.

The effects aren't bad at all and some scenes are powerful.

Averagely predictable with some decent jump scares and atmospheric in places.

My average score is due to the obscene attempts at reproducing classic "Exorcist" scenes. You tried but failed.

Shame as it was worth one, maybe two more stars.
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In the Trap (2019)
Slap with a wet fish ...
25 February 2022
Well, let's just say if this had been my girlfriend and I she would have slapped me in the face after ten minutes followed by the words "grow a pair and man up" As an actor, yeah, good, perhaps too good, but the most irritating character ever.

His resemblance to Shaggy from Scooby Doo is uncanny.

I was half expecting the priest to tell us he'd have got away with it if it wasn't for these meddling kids.

Anyway, not the worst but not far off.
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In a nutshell...
18 February 2022
Ok, here goes ... Acting, good.

Story, predictable (but it's Texas Chainsaw Massacre!!!! What do you expect??) Originality, see above.

Effects, very good.

I'm a fan of the franchise and all but two have been utter crap. This is NOT utter crap. It ain't brilliant, but I've seen a lot LOT worse.

Some of these reviews make me laugh ! What were you wanting to see ? Olivier play Hamlet ?

Listen guys, just watch it, it's a good addition and corny as **** but like I say..... what do you expect. ?
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Had high expectations ...
10 February 2022
When I saw that Berkoff was in this movie I knew it could only be good. I'm afraid I was wrong. He must have had a blow to the head or did it for a bet. His talent is totally wasted on this shambles.

The acting is abysmal (aside from Mr B)...the story is predictable, the effects are obtainable with a decent smartphone and the sound was appalling, with 'actors' mumbling their way through this farce.

Someone in the crew has obviously heard of a film called "The Exorcist" and thought ..."I can do that" Well, here's the can't, and you should be prosecuted for soiling the name of the greatest horror movie of all time with this complete mess.

This film is embarrassingly bad and the only reason it got two stars is because I was so pleased to see the end credits.
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Gang Land (1998)
There're better out there
25 January 2022
Poorly acted (by some) attempt at the Romper Stomper theme, (which is far superior and a must see) Had potential but let down with bad acting and inconsistencies in the plot.

Shame, could have been so much better.
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Host (II) (2020)
Well ! I'm surprised
17 January 2022
I wasn't expecting this !! Even as a non believer, skeptic and atheist I found this short film extremely entertaining. Incorporating "old school" hocus pocus and bringing it masterfully up to date. Well done to all involved. The acting was top class and even the effects were far superior to many I have seen.

Highly recommended for jump scare fans and those who want to see something old ...but new !!
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The eleventh commandment
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thou shalt not kill sexy girls on bikes especially ones with amazing t***... ever !!

Apart from that it was average.

Some decent acting from some, poor from others Filled an hour or so.
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Bonejangles (2017)
What can I say ???
22 July 2021
Pretty much crap. Couldn't help but raise the occasional smile, whether this was because of the appalling acting or the campness of the characters I'm not sure.

The two stars are for the extremely fit Hannah Richter. Well worth the misery of having to sit through this drivel.
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The Meg (2018)
There's only one shark movie...
20 February 2021
...and we all know what that is. This is a poor and futile attempt at copying it. Statham is no Shaw, but could be a good apprentice to Mr Quint. The blatant attempts at reproducing Spielberg's masterpiece are ridiculous to say the least and it's the anticipation of the next attempt that make this laughably watchable. Instead of being annoyed, I found myself amused. It was like watching your neighbours 6yo child do an impression of a celebrity... embarrassing but you smile to be polite.
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Becky (II) (2020)
Rambo in 13 yo girl form !
14 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty predictable and very corny but you know what ? Highly enjoyable. Worth a watch. Great acting too. However, where does a 13 year old girl learn to take a chest punch form a seven foot wrestler ? That's impressive !! 😉😊
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The Ashcroft Entity (II) (2015)
Stop bloody whining you lot !!!
12 February 2021
Of course it's low budget !! Of course the acting isn't brilliant !! For *+*+* sake get a life !! It was an average production with average actors and an average budget. Do you people wake up on a morning asking "what can I whinge about today ?" ? It's a film to say "yeah I've seen it and didn't think much of it but do you know what ? I've seen worse". Get over it losers.
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Jack Reacher (2012)
Jack "can hardly reach"er
4 December 2020
😂 anyone who knows the story behind Jack Reacher knows he is a 6'4" hulking man with an intimidating presence. ..then Tom Cruise wanders on, all 5'4" of him. Nice try, but sorry, no. Although the Cruise ego was at its highest as always this failed.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
What a mix
14 November 2020
Very VERY clever. As so many others have alluded to, an excellent way of portraying the world, in particular, the west as it is today. Watch it.
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What happened ?
13 November 2020
As a huge horror, Tarantino, Deniro, Pesci....etc etc fan, I found the idea of watching a series with chess as its theme, utterly preposterous. But my girlfriend convinced me to watch the first episode. I did. A day later we had watched it all. I'm lost for words, this series hooks you, chess fan or not. Highly recommended, oh, and fellas, Anya Taylor-Joy is fit.
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Tenet (2020)
Over hyped waste of time and money
12 September 2020
To the user who asked if they were alone not being able to hear what was said... no you weren't. Worst audio ever and I've seen better acting at my sons nativity play. Confusing isn't the word. So looked forward to this. Crap is maybe too a strong word to describe*e water is probably better. The expression 'over-hyped' didn't exist until this movie was made. Avoid people. The 2 stars are for the visuals. That's it.
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Not perfect but what do you want ??
7 September 2020
First time In the cinema since lockdown. Ok I agree, not Crowes finest hour but come on !! It was entertainment and a bit of a well earned release after all this ****. To all those who left a bad review ... lighten up for *#*## sake !!! It's a movie, a bit different, yes predictable, yes with inconsistencies but did you really expect a movie about road rage to be an award winner ?? Get a life !! In future stay at home for the sake of the rest of us.
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Blue Story (2019)
Good film, but I have a suggestion.
30 August 2020
Gritty and realistic. The acting is good despite some of the reviews on here. However, maybe a re-release in English or perhaps some subtitles?
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