
7 Reviews
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Absolutely horrible movie
27 December 2023
I actually did watch this movie when it came out. It was so bad that my husband fell asleep. I don't know what's worse. The lack of creativity or the bland acting. The writing, the directing, the acting, the plot, it's all AWFUL. I'm surprised the script wasn't created by AI or more accurately, someone BASHING THEIR HEAD ON THEIR KEYBOARD. What an insult to the art of film. There are actors, writers, and directors out there who work SO HARD to create genuine art and they go unnoticed. These people put this load of steaming garbage out and think that just because they technically made a movie that they deserve any praise? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
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This Movie is an Insult to the Original
13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start. First of all, Jonathan Brandis is a fine actor but this movie is HORRIBLE. I'm surprised it didn't affect or even destroy his career. Everyone in this movie is recast, which is fine, the kids in the original grew up. But the new kids don't resemble the originals in any form. It's disappointing to see the charactera that you love so much completely gone. All the character development, time, and writing gone into them, completely lost. It's also frustrating to see the beloved world of Fantasia modernized. It's seems less like the mythical world it once was and more like manhatten if it was marble. Atreyu is so frustrating as he doesn't get any of Bastian's references to the real world, and Bastian is basically a different person. He's trying out for athletics to make his dad proud. Part of Bastian's character is the loss of his mother and him being off in his own little world, even with his father trying to coax him out of it. The villains aren't scary or interesting. One of them is a personified bird and the other is a weirdly villainess. It's awkward and uncomfotable to watch them. Not in the way watching Jim Henson's Skeksis makes you uncomfortable, no. This is in the worst possible way that makes you wants to stop watching the movie. No kid can watching this and truly enjoy it with villains like that. The worst part? Falkor. They ruined him. Falkor was always my favorite character but in this movie his eyes are red, his voice is like 4 octives lower, he is less sweet looking, and he just doesn't have the same loving personality as he did in the original. Overall this movie caused half of my brain to deteriorate and I absolutely would not recommend it. If you do plan on watching this, don't waste your money. Find a free version. This movie seems like it should be paying the viewer to watch it rather than having the viewer pay to experience this mess of a sequel.
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This Movie is a Pop Culture Classic
13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's so unfortunate that this movie is considered to be outdated today. This movie has brought me so much happiness over the years. It's one of those movies that doesn't leave you questioning everything, but rather, it leaves you dreaming. This movie is the ultimate adventure for kids and adults alike. Who wouldn't want to have a Luck Dragon as their best friend? For a movie mostly upheld by kids under the age of ten, the acting really truly is good. A few of Bastians moments are a little questionable because of some of the dialogue but overall, Bastian and Atreyu really are protrayed by the right kids. Lots of the awkward dialogue is because of the writing rather than the acting. There are some lines that it would be almost impossible to make sound totally natural. These are lovable characters and it makes you wish you could go on an adventure with them. This mix of puppets and people is truly wonderful. A great reminder that the 80's didn't rely on CGI but rather had to do all scene with what they had on set. The world of Fantasia is presented quite well and really feels like a place. This movie really is a Neverending Story. It's perfect for people who appraciate pop culture, fantasy, and who embrace their innerchild. "Fantasia has no boundaries... It's the world of human fantasy. Every part, every creature of it, is a piece of the dreams and hopes of mankind."
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Ultimate 80's Fantasy Movie!
13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Jim Henson strikes again with yet another fabulous movie! However, this is a little different from something such as "The Muppets Take Manhatten", this movie contains a hint of darkness. It's a great fantasy movie no matter how creepy it can get. The crew did such a great job with the ick factor. There's a scene of the Cruel Skeksis eating a meal and there's nothing terrifying happening but it's so uncomfortable and unsettling that you can't do anything comfortably while watching. The puppets for this movie are amazing. They did such a good job designing all these different fantasy creatures! The puppets movements are so lifelike that you almost forget they're puppets. It really feels like somewhere far away on the planet of Thra, this really could be happening. While I completely love this movie, it can be a little off sometimes. The narrator give you basically no background on Thra, the Crystal, the Gelfling, and the Urskek. And while there were creatures all over the place, it seems as though only 20 cognative beings live on Thra. This being Aughra, Jen, Kira, and the Skeksis and Mystics who leave at the end. Sometimes you have to overlook those little details to see what an amazing movie this truly is. The score, puppetry, and concept are completely outstanding. Jim Henson really outdid himself with creating the world of Thra, but somethings tells me we have only seen a fragment of this other world. Just scraping the surface of this complex planet and it's History.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
First Successful Netflix Original
13 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Since this show was released back in 2016, Netflix started to really get down to producing quality movies and TV shows. I've been watching since the day it came out, so I have A LOT to say about it. I, personally, believe that this was the show that really gave Netflix Originals a positive name. The characters are so great. You can see them change over the course of the seasons and you really get attached to them and invested in each of their stories. Unfortunately, not all of the characters get better. There are scenes in season 3 of Mike and Eleven that are just irritating. It's annoying to see them constantly on each other's arms. This would typically be fine, but they're constantly ditching the party to be alone and they're rude to Hopper who's just trying to figure out how to be the best dad he can be for Eleven. However, Max Mayfield is a breath of fresh air. Her independence, sass, and overall personality is a nice step away from Mike and El. Max and Lucas aren't constantly with each other. And yes, I know that Mike and El are kids and they just want to be together, but kids still need to make time for friends and family. Throughout the seasons the effects get better and better and by the third season, just seeing the monster will make you gag. It's slimey realism and just the way it moves is very well animated. They really did a great job with making such a repulsive creature. All the monsters are fantastically portrayed throughout all seasons. Every season leaves you with questions yet to be answered and every episode leaves you on the edge of your seat. You just want El and Will to be able to live normal lives. There aren't many characters (other than the government agents and Brenner) that you completely hate. Many of the characters are so conflicting, and it's interesting to see all the different backgrounds and their reasoning for acting the way they do. Overall it's a good show that really keeps you hooked and is so huge in pop culture. If you like sci fi or thrillers/horrors then this is absolutely the show for you! See you all in season 4😉
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Disenchantment (2018–2023)
Another One of Matt Groening's Successes
13 September 2019
This show is absolutely great! Matt has such a good sense of humor which is incorporated into, yet another, wildly successful shows. While remaining true to the sense of humor and darkness that "The Simpsons" and "Futurama" holds, it also includes an element of seriousness that gets you really invested in the show. The characters are very funny and fun to watch! Their adventures make for a seriously good binge day! The only criticism I would have is that sometimes King Zog gets in the way. The relationship between him and Bean is interesting, but occassionally watching him can get a little repetative and boring. But overall, it's a great show with great animation! Netflix really hit a homerun with this show!
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Perfect Homage to the Original!
13 September 2019
I remember watching the Dark Crystal for the first time and being in complete wonder. The puppetry, score, and sets were the absolute greatest thing to me! I absolutely admired Jim Henson and all of his work but the dark crystal just takes the cake! This show definitely stays true to the legacy of the movie. The puppets are just like the originals. Even the voices of the skeksis are practically identical. The show expands on the world of Thra, showing it before the Skeksis appeared. It explains so much of the plot in the Dark Crystal. About what exactly happened to the Gelfling, and how the Crystal of Truth fell into the claws of the cruel skeksis in the first place. The characters in this show are absolutely amazing. The character development and changes they go through are portrayed astoundingly well! The show keeps you guessing through every minute of it, up until the very last seconds! So many plot twists and unpredictable things happen that you can't just assume that any one thing is going to happen. It really does bring you back to Jim Henson's world and show you more. This show is perfect for fans of fantasy, Jim Henson, The Dark Crystal, and anybody who's just a little outside of what's normal. I hope that everyone can get as much pleasure out of "Age of Resistance" as I did!
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