
32 Reviews
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A story based on EU freedom of movement
30 May 2024
Strange sounding concept, a Portugese film about Great Yarmouth. It has some pretty gruesome scenes from the turkey factory early on, but stick with it because these are to set the scene around the type of work the immigrants are required to do. The film follows Tania's desparate attempts to build a better life for herself at the expense of the people coming over to work. It's hard to imagine how bad their lives in Portugal would need to be for this life to be considered the best option for any of the people involved. Interesting piece of work.

The Great Yarmouth setting adds a surreal element with the comparison between the ageing seaside resort and it's very mixed population.
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Cobalt Heir (2020)
I tried hard to find any redeeming feature.
23 April 2024
So first off, Zach wrote the description of a good story. And he got a whole movie made, which is an achievement most of us don't manage. So that's the positives.

The script doesn't really exist in the way the storyline would suggest, and there isn't really any acting, just people saying lines. So two stars is as many as I can muster. I think this might be the lowest score I ever gave. Apocolypse 2077 was easily as badly acted, but still had some fun elements. I recommend you watch that for inspiration for the next movie.

So that's all I want to say, but I haven't hit the word limit yet so I'll just add this.
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A Whole Life (2023)
A very well made movie lacking a bit of edge
16 April 2024
I found this movie when there were no reviews, although by the time I watched it had one, which captured it quite well. Still, why not add another with some additional thoughts.

The movie is nicely photographed and there's certainly great scenery to work with. It's well acted too. Andreas' life is a very hard one, and we follow it from age about ten, when he's an orphan arriving in a remote mountain village, to his old age demise.

While I was engaged to a degree thoughout, but in the final assessment his life, though tough, isn't really all that interesting, so it leaves a bit of a flat fealing when it's all over.

Shout out to the film makers for not coming here and giving themselves a set of ten star reviews, like so many do.
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Without Air (2023)
How an oppressive regime takes hold
2 April 2024
This is a really well worked film. The teacher at the centre of it is doing her job well, just the way she has for the last few years. But things have changed in the political environment, and things that used to be OK have been declared inappropriate.

The teacher thinks the change is regressive, and stands her ground, but soon loses the support of those around her, and those who stay in support find themselves being pressured in other ways.

To understand the film, it's useful to have some understanding of the political changes in Hungary and Romania at the time.

Overall it's well played out, and we strongly sympathised with the teacher in the central role. It's also a generic story looking at just one aspect of how an authoritarian regime works its restrictions into the society it seeks to control.
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Cold Copy (2023)
The story is stronger than the characters
3 March 2024
When we first decided to watch this it had a score of 7.0 and no reviews, and indeed not much information about it at all. The trailer looked ok though. By the time we did watch, a week or two later, the score had dropped to 5.8.

The characters of Mia and Diane aren't all that believable, but the story is quite strong and moves along pretty well. It's all about how far Mia is prepared go down Diane's recommended approach that the story is more important than the truth, because what's truth anyway. Enjoyed it for sure.

There's also quite a strong ending, which is a solid achievement because a lot of movies just sort of fade away at the end. Good work.
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Inventura (2021)
Well drawn characters in this solid piece of film making.
1 March 2024
We watched this film when it had no reviews on IMDB so it was a journey into the unknown.

It's a slow gentle movie, showing how someone's life can be affected by a changed perception of the people around them, even when those people haven't actually changed. Whether Boris thinks he can trust those around him spins around based on the latest story from the police, and his own clumsy investigations, meaning that the story keeps moving with twists and turns to the end.

Good piece of film making and shout out to the production team for resisting the temptation to come here and give themselves a rash of ten star reviews, as we see so often with independent movies.
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Opponent (2023)
A story told in hints
30 January 2024
The acting is good, there's no doubt about that, and the whole film has atmosphere and mood throughout, enough to keep us watching for the whole two hours.

The frustating thing is that the story isn't really told, it's only hinted at in vague terms, so it felt like and opportunity missed.

There are a few reviews here giving it top marks and calling it landmark cinema, but often film makers fall for the temptation of coming here to try and pump up theor movie with top notch reviews. In this case, they've also come back to upvote all their reviews and downvote the real ones, and I expect this review to get the same treatment. It's a shame, it would be so much better to let it find its own audience.
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Sophisticated movie making
10 January 2024
When I watched this film it has no reviews on IMDB so it was a bit of a journey into the unknown. The first hour is full of story (much more than the published storyline tells us) although I still didn't feel fully engaged. I guess because my knowledge of Czechoslovakia in 1937 is an empty space. The second hour is quite excellent. When it ended I went straight back and watched the start again, because it ends where it starts, and you'll know so much more about that opening scene when you've seen the whole film.

Absolutely recommended.

I would also like to comend the makers for not coming here and spamming the reviews with ten stars, like so many independants do.
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Womb (2010)
As an art film, it works. As a story, it falls flat on its face.
24 October 2023
The scenery is wonderful, there's some great cinematography, and the one-line version of the story is intriguing. I watched it all because of these things. But that's where the good news ends.

The story is just preposterous. We are asked to believe that the the boy grows up in a community where there are clones, who are hated. It's known he is one, and he goes to school (although we never see this), yet we're expected to believe that because his mother doesn't tell him, he doesn't realise what he is for twenty years. Twenty years.

The reason there's so little dialogue, as mentioned by many reviewers, is that there can't be any. What can any character say that won't lead to this mystery falling apart? What school scene could be included that would fit the narrative?

It's my least favourite type of film - ones that keep me watching to the end and then I wish I'd never seen.
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Buck Run (2019)
A well crafted indie movie
3 March 2023
The story is pretty much what the tag line says, so I won't go into any more detail about that. Part of my reason for watching was that the set up sounded interesting enough, and it also had zero reviews at the time, which always adds another dimension of the unknown to a movie.

It's a short movie at 80mins and gives us a glimpse into these two miserable lives. Both the lead actors do a fine and convincing job with their roles.

The only problem I have now is the IMDB 600 character minimum review length. Can we shorted that please IMDB people? I know you don't want 'it was great' type reviews but 600 is a bit over the top.
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How does a movie this good have so few reviews?
1 February 2023
I guess everyone is busy watching super heroes.

I quite like movies about East Germany before the fall, giving us a peep into a country run on coercion and corruption, the freedom of the individual disregarded.

Franz and Luise have no desire to get caught up in the world of espionage, but they are given no choice, and no way out.

It's a very well made film with some great performances and you get fully drawn in to the story.

The only problem really is IMDB's current policy of requiring reviews of at least 600 characters, which is well more than I need to tell you what you need to know about this. Just watch it, you don't need to know more. I realise it's to stop people leaving "it's rubbish" and "it's great" type reviews, but really, 600?
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Some value, but also some nonesense
28 January 2023
At the time of writing there are 9 reviews. Seven of them are 10/10, so I think we can safely assume that's the makers of the movie.

Then we have a 1 star and a 5. Well it certainly isn't 1, because there are definately worse films than this (check out my other reviews, haha).

On the whole the acting is ok, but the characters aren't all very plausible and the plot is pretty silly at times. Why does Amelia stalk off, get him thrown out of the venue, then become his best friend the next day?

But then later in the movie there are a couple of scenes of real value: at her party, and when she draws him. Overall I think 5 is fair.
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Decent movie, surreal in part, satisfying end.
21 August 2022
I'm not sure how a film that's been out 5 years doesn't have a review yet, but I watched this yesterday, so why not.

It's well acted, and quite engaging. The family develop various strategies for dealing with the son being locked his room, including trying to coax him out. Also they try forgetting about him and living their own lives.

The last 3-0 mins seemed quite surreal, and the the movie delivers a fairly satisfying ending.
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Open Seas (2018)
Nice Photography, slow moving story
7 July 2022
While it was quite pleasant to watch, I didn't get that much from the experience. The story moves so slowy, with over an hour of the group partying before the core story even starts to arrive.
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Good indie movie
19 April 2022
When I watched this there were no reviews here so I knew very little about it, but it sounded interesting. It's low budget, sure, but well acted and a very creditable piece of film making. Notable because one of the main characters is an aspiring film maker. The two central characters carry most of the screen time, but there are enough peripheral ones to give it some width.

Overall I enjoyed it, and the 7 vignette format certainly added something to it. I'm not going to tell the story here, but each segment moves on a way in time from the last, and circumstances have also moved on, so that we have 7 opportunities to see the story unfold. Saying this, I could never really predict the next move, because since it's the story of their relationship, there are always a number of ways it could go.

Keep watching as the credits roll, because there's one more line that I think is quite important, and perhaps tells us more about what is to come than anything else.
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Well worth watching
17 February 2022
I enjoyed this drama about a family on the edge of breakup trying to find a way through their troubles. The acting is mostly good and there are some strong scenes that make it well worth watching.

The thing that seemed a bit unecessary was the recurring dream motif that was rather superfluous.
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Crazy Heart (2009)
I don't think anyone involved in the making of this movie know the first thing about gigging.
15 December 2021
The movie is ok. The performances are good, sure, but the story is all over the place. I don't see how the Maggie Gyllenhall character would ever fall in love on sight with the drunken dropout.

The music plot holes are huge. Apparently, Bad is playing a tour of crappy venues with a different backing backing band every night, and he won't rehearse with them. But they're always super tight bands who sound great and know all the guitar solos. In real life, this stuff takes months, years to learn, even for accomplished musicians. In real life, they'd be terrible.

We also see a scene where Tommy Sweet's biggest fan, who has all his albums, wants his autoraph, but doesn't know who Bad Blake is. They guy who wrote all the tunes, and used to be the band front man. Does that sound feasible? And how come Tommy Sweet is a huge star, playing all of Bad's tunes, while Bad himself plays in the bowling alley?

Then, how easy is it to quit a lifetime of booze? One AA meeting. That's it, clean.

So yeah, it's watchable, just about. But I'd really like to see something that's at least half way to being possible.
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The Room (2003)
Not enough plastic spoons
16 March 2021
That's the only thing that really dissapointed me about this brilliant movie. The tragic lack of plastic spoons pretty much throughout. I'm planning a re-make.
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Looted (2019)
Pretty decent is how I'd some it up
1 December 2020
The reviews so far all love it or hate it, and I don't think either are justified. There are some well crafted characters, and some sympathetic ones you can root for, even if they are scallies. Over the course of the film I got more engaged with the story, and it's worth a watch. I'd say 6.5 but I'm not allowed, so I'm going 7.
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Good short movie, challenging content
1 November 2020
It's only 17 minutes so watch it yourself if you get the chance. The mother has a much easier time engaging with the boys than her daughter, and flirts with them willfully. Later, after the daughter is in bed, things get rather out of hand. Well, so we're lead to believe, but it's up to you to draw your own conclusion. I think that's something a good short can do.
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Original, well acted, a little lame on the storyline.
27 October 2020
At the time of writing, the average score for this movie is 2.5, but no reviews as yet. 2.5 is pretty unfair. Maybe people score everything as if they expect super heroes and car chases, or just score without watching it at all.

It's a quiet, low budget, independent movie, so you have to set your expectations. The core of the plot is a bit lame I think, but the characters are quite well fleshed out and sympathetic and that keeps the film moving along. Well acted on the whole.

At 85 minutes I say it worth a watch.
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Tapeworm (2019)
Make a bad choice, and you can be stuck with it for a long time.
13 October 2020
If you're into indie movies, this is almost as indie as it gets. It seems to be a series of character studies - some of the characters overlap and I have a suspicion they maybe all live in the same block. To some degree they're all miserable, trapped in their circumstances and lacking the wit to escape. Only the youngest couple seem to retain any joy in their lives, and in them we can see the upcoming junction, where they can be like the others or break free. It's quite watchable. All the characters have texture and the performances are worthy of some praise. If you get the chance, give it a shot.
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Aller-Retour (2014)
Well worth it.
12 October 2020
I won't add so much to the other review because it pretty much captures it, but just to agree that's a pretty good movie. Well worth a watch.
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I'll be amazed if I can remember a thing about it in six months time.
5 October 2020
For a while it's hard to understand the scope of the film, but after about 20 minutes I started to find a narrative and stayed with it to the end. I'm not really sure what it's trying to achieve, or if it succeeds. It definitely lacks a coherent ending, even though there were some decent options. It was almost like the director decided enough was enough, and just wrapped it up as quickly as possible.
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Volition (2019)
Great film with a low score - it does happen
12 July 2020
At the time I watched this the average score is 5.4, but this can happen when there are so few reviews. I'm sure this will rise when more people who've actually seen the movie give it a score. The movie is interesting all the way through, and gradually cranks up the complication as the story develops. Good fun to try and anticipate how it will play out.
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