
4 Reviews
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9 November 2009
I'm a fan of T2.

It's my favorite movie of all time.

So obviously i heard about The Sarah Connor Chronicles before it was aired but i never had curiosity to see it because i thought i would not be any good.

I was right.

This was the first episode i saw from this show and i think it couldn't get much worse than this. Terrible acting, RIDICULOUS story (and i mean ridiculous) and a general low quality that should offend most Terminator fans.

One to avoid.
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The Happening (2008)
It would work as a joke.. I think..!
22 June 2008
I just came from seeing this in the theater.

I left in a half a shock state.

This movie has some of the worst acting and some of the worst dialog i have ever seen in a movie and i am not exaggerating. I'll give you an example of how bad it is: my girlfriend, who was watching with me, was constantly saying "this is bad on purpose i think, they are becoming crazy because of the effects of blablabla(not to spoil)".

They were not.

The movie starts off quite interesting and it pulls you in to what's really HAPPENING, but as soon as the actors start talking and the story starts rolling.. it's downhill from there. The movie really seemed like a joke sometimes with dialogues out of nowhere and the acting completely out of context. Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel story is ridiculous and their lines are only bad or worse, with the acting on par with that.

The conclusion of the movie also left me feeling stupid, like shyamalan was trying to have a laugh with the viewers.

M. Night Shyamalan has proved to be an excellent director and i love The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.

I really don't know what happened here.. but i guess he was high in the sky while writing this pile of garbage and when he woke he just decided "what the heck! Let's do this!".


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Rambo (2008)
9 February 2008
I just came from watching this movie.. and i must say i was left i awe!

I've already seen the good reviews in here and the good score it had.. But man.. i wasn't ready for this. This is one of the Best action movies EVER! It is so well done, so intense and exciting! Stallone outdone himself on this one, he presents an older Rambo that on the outside doesn't care about anything anymore and it's very well done (i was afraid it would have some cheesy factor into it but NO).

The war scenes are comparable to Saving Private Ryan in all respects. They are so greatly done that i can't say it enough.

The photography and filming are also GREAT and Oscar material in my opinion, NO DOUBT.

But more important than all of that, i had A GREAT time from the first second of the movie and that's what's all about, specially with a Rambo Title. This movie gives you very distinct emotions trough the whole tape. Believe me!

I highly recommend this movie to anyone! Fan or Not. It's that great!
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Best dragonball z movie. No doubt about it
23 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers

I first saw this movie in 97 in french. I thought it was really cool at the time. But when i older and saw it again, in the original Japanese version, after i had seen all the series.. it blew my mind. This has everything. Goku comes back to the dbz movies after a long absence as well as vegeta. They both collaborate to try to kill a creature that is formed from all the bad souls that go to hell which came loose after a worker got distracted with his job.

When i say "all the bad souls" i mean ALL. That includes ppl from early centuries, all the enemies the dbz team killed and even Hitler with his whole army, which is pretty funny to see by the way! This all happens in the living world and goku, gohan, trunks etc take care of that business with ease. But still pretty funny to watch. One of the highlights is the dialog between freezer and gohan.

On the dead world Goku and Vegeta face this creature named janemba who is supposedly an approximation to the devil (especially the 2nd transformation). We get to see Goku super sayan 3 for the 1st time. When he defeats his janemba, he transforms himself into a much darker and scarier beast. This fight, 1st with goku and then with vegeta is WORTH THE MOVIE ALONE.

One of the best moments of dragon ball ever.

You then have typical dragon ball stuff, with drama, comedy and great interaction between goku and vegeta.

The Last bit of the movie and the major one is the fusion between them. After several tries they manage to do it and there we go to another GREAT dragon ball scene.

In my opinion this is without a doubt the best dragon ball movie, and it is a great movie by itself. I recommend this for fans and non-fans who like anime. It is indeed a CLASSiC Film.
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