
53 Reviews
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Interesting, suspenseful, even moving - the good M Knight
10 February 2023
Essentially a diverse group of 4 seemingly normal people (well, one looking like Dave Bautista) showing up to tell 2 dads and their daughter that they have to make an excruciating choice.

This is the "good" M Knight. Has his trademark imaginative, suspenseful premise, and he carry's it out great here throughout the movie to it's satisfying conclusion. Movie has none of those jarring "but that makes no sense" moments, or use of an initially interesting premise/idea, that proves too flimsy to sustain a whole movie - as he's been prone to.

And kudos to Bautista - the former pro wrestler, proving to be a good actor of range - he carries the movie with his thoughtful, sensitive performance.
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Wonderful in many ways, but loses its way in 2nd half
10 February 2023
There's so much wonderful in this movie. The acting, of course, esp the 4 leads. Some fantastic dialogue with that Irish mix of sad, humorous, and poignant. Wonderful scenes esp in the confessional, shop, and, of course, pub.

Starts with Gleason telling Farrell he wants to end their long friendship because Farrell's to dull and dim. E.g. Farrell recently going on for 2 hrs on what he found in his donkey's droppings (would prob do it for me too). Unfortunately it just loses its way about half way through and suddenly becomes a movie about someone with severe mental illness.

Much less interesting than where you think the areas the movie could have been heading to.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Pugh's good, but too contrived and illogical
9 November 2022
Can keep your interest in 1st half as you wonder what's going on here, in this fantasy looking world from the 50s. And Pugh is good. Once you find out, though, it's so contrived, senseless and illogical (and depressing), on multiple levels, that it just nullifies any positives seen before, or after (assuming you keep watching).

Main reason for it's existence seems a condemnation of it's idea of the "patriarchy". But what exactly is the point of a movie that blasts a stereotype of a "patriarchy" from the 50s (over 60 yrs ago) and which nobody is advocating for today? (And certainly not Jordan Peterson - who Wilde says she based Pines's character on)
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Predictable, boring, unrealistic
23 September 2022
Predictable story, unrealistic, more like 2+ hrs of Cruise preening (like in the 1st one).

No real military allows what Cruise's character does, nor would any responsible officer do. E.g. In the beginning he takes a test plane to a higher speed than it should go, ignoring the instrument danger readings, and for no real purpose (other than "he's Maverick!" I guess). Results in crash of a $ 100 mil plane (your tax money), which could have killed innocents. Even his call name Maverick is unrealistic (along with Iceman, Payback, Phoenix, etc), aviators/pilots are specifically not given cool names. Nor would they want one, as would sound pretentious to their peers (as if they're a Hollywood actor in a role).

Central story is predictable soap opera re conflict with son of Goose who died in 1st movie. And seems honestly strange that Maverick's wall is plastered with pics of Goose 26 yrs later. (And Q Tarantino's take on TG's gay overtones coming to mind)

Movie - finally - picks up some in last 25 minutes with a decently handled combat mission and escape. (Though bizarrely on an aircraft carrier full of planes and aviators they decide to only send one to protect Maverick's incoming plane from attack ?) One and only actor who stands out is Glen Reynolds (Hangman, in the semi antagonist role) he has a fun edgy energy.
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Overrated cartoonish mess
24 July 2022
A mostly incoherent mess, bewildered re high rating (should have read/trusted the neg user reviews). Dealing with the increasingly tiresome multi universe fantasy. Not much more than a bunch of over CGI'd action/fight scenes for who knows what purpose. 3rd act tries to bring together some semblance of story (or rationale for movie) of mother and daughter coming closer together, but there's no been reason to care or about the characters.
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Waste of time and talent
12 June 2022
Dumb, pointless, misguided, and esp boring, and waste of a good lead actor. Kept waiting for something to happen, wondering where it's going. Exactly zero good gambling scenes and not really about that. Eventually, and strangely, in a movie called "The Card Counter" finding it's really about outrage and revenge against a caricature of an evil American military guy who ordered mistreatment of prisoners arrested for being terrorists after 9/11. Has to fabricate things to make it worse than what really happened back then (yeah, for dramatic effect), so you're left with "what the heck is this about?", but more likely by then you just don't care anymore.
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Don't waste your time
1 June 2022
A Lifetime movie stretched to 6 hrs. Suckered me into watching with hints of something different/interesting, and has some good actors. But then collapses into a combo of dumb, not credible contrivances and the tired, tedious and predictable.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Great series, continued it's high quality beginning to end
7 April 2022
Just a fantastic series. Covers the conflicts/battles between the English and Vikings/(Danes) during Alfred the Great's time (and after) through main character Utred. Who essentially saves England multiple times - through his brains, courage, leadership, and fighting prowess.

Grabs you from the beginning in season 1, and to it's great credit the talented writing crew continue with great story lines through all 5 seasons. Great dialogue, lots of political intrigue and complex characters you care about, and the stakes of the (many) battles are set up so well, that you really care about their outcome.
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Great look, but predictable, boring story
6 April 2022
Starts promising, and looks great - clear some expense went into it - but then just meanders and drags. Spends lots of time on side stories of little interest. Seems strange and not so credible that this motley group of people are there for this beautiful heiress's honeymoon. Unless to...oh yeah, to be potential murder suspects, right. Pretty clear early on who the murderer has to be, so about zero suspense or surprise. (Unless the surprise of seeing the normally way over the top Russell Brand quietly playing a boring doctor)
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The Shield (2002– )
One major flaw/disconnect, but otherwise a fantastic series
10 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So glad I recently discovered this great series on Hulu. Wonderfully written story lines and dialogue, interesting and diverse characters, realistic, tough, and gritty. Even lots of good, dry, cynical humor, esp from the fantastic Chiklis.

I think one major flaw/disconnect that happened in 1st episode, and uncomfortably hung over the entire series (even if often faintly). And why I gave it 8 stars not 10. That's when Chiklis cold bloodedly murdered the cop. That was absolutely not his character for the entire series after that. Yes, he'd bend/break rules/(laws) but always in pursuit of and against the bad guys, and he actually mostly had good qualities, and, of course, was a fantastic cop. Almost seemed like 1st episode was a pilot, and they decided to change the character after. But the series was stuck with it, and had to resolve with the kind of depressing conclusion for the strike team.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Like watching 3 coats of paint dry
23 October 2021
For some bizarre, inexplicable reason they decided to make a Rashomon type movie - i.e. The same events re a woman's rape accusation, told from 3 different perspectives. Problem is none of those perspectives really much disagree with each other - so what's the point here? You're left with the boring experience of watching/(enduring) the same story 3 times. And the initial version's not all that interesting the 1st time around.

Seems only purpose for this is as a "me too". But, er, yeah, woman's rights were particularly unevolved in the - 13th century. That's why it was the Medieval age.

Only positive is that's it's bombed at the box office (cost over $100 mil, made $4.8 mil 1st week), so hopefully that will discourage Hollywood from making more movies like this.

(An order of magnitudes better Ridley Scott "duel" movie is the The Duelists from the 80s, watch that instead)
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Season 1 is 8 stars, season 2 is 5
11 October 2021
Season 1 had a good, interesting, story line, that grabbed you from the beginning. Kept you watching esp in anticipation on what will happen in the rivalry between the 2 female leads. But they suddenly coming together in end in that show of woman solidarity was more depressing cop out, enough to drop the season from a 9 to an 8.

Unfortunately, it seems they had no idea of what follow up story to tell in season 2, other than just showing a bunch of rich media people being ambitious, competitive, nasty, and neurotic. The Witherspoon character's particularly irritating, and she's spent half the season shouting at people. Crudup is best, he's held the series together. And the Carrel character's an interesting watch. As the guy who's fell off the mountain top...and, alas, has to console himself with the millions he's made. (And Carrel even has a resemblance to Matt Lauer)
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
Creating a make believe you can fix it?
5 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Starts off interesting and with genuinely fun and funny moments and lines. Esp in taking the sexual innuendo further than they did or could with those last mid century musicals. You're interested and intrigued on what this couple in the stagnant relationship will learn from this strange, fun musical fantasy village of another era.

Alas, absolutely nothing. It fizzles after 2 1/2 episodes, and seems the only point was for this couple to bring a level of "enlightenment" to these "backward" people. Going against all rules of story telling where, where the obvious reason places like this exist are as vehicles aiding some transformation in the protagonists.

This already pointless premise is diluted as the village is already relatively progressive anyway, esp for that era, e.g. Blacks seem fully accepted/integrated, reaction to gay guy coming out is more "so what". The series not having the courage to make the village too unwoke - afraid of offending anyone - contradicts whatever questionable point the series has for existing in the 1st place.
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Dumb, disjointed, kind of an ordeal to watch
4 October 2021
As bad and misguided a movie effort as it gets. If it wasn't calling itself a Sopranos prequel, made by it's creator, it would be totally unwatchable/unreleaseable. It's borderline unwatchable as it is. Written by the, er, 76 yr old David Chase, there's hardly any story, just one disjointed scene, then another. The director's background is mostly tv, and it shows, there's just not the quality that you see in something made by a good feature movie director.

Who'd imagine in something calling itself a Sopranos movie that the only protagonists are an African American gang, and it would be about the level of success they had (ok, in this woke era, of course you can imagine that). Not that it would be any better if it focused more exclusively on the Italian gang, because across the board they are so unlikable and unappealing that you don't care what happens to them (and some good actors here, they're just stuck with bad material). And Chase seems to have no idea of any interesting story for them anyway.
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Knives Out (2019)
Overrated, illogical, more exhausting than fun
21 September 2021
Murder mysteries break down when there's "But that doesn't make any sense" moments, and this movie is nothing if not a series of those. No idea what (the usually fantastic) Daniel Craig is trying to do here, but the result is an irritating, cartoonish, mess. The nominal protagonist exists more as a symbol of a politically correct virtuous Latina rather than a real character you'd find interesting or care about. Movie seems to see itself as farcical fun - a seeming acknowledgement of its lack of logic - but it's really more disjointed and exhausting.
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The Chalet (2017–2018)
Suspenseful, eerie, and very well done
17 September 2021
Pretty different and very good. Quickly got drawn into it, just binged the 6 episodes (they smartly didn't try to drag it out to 10). Good suspense, twists and turns that keep you guessing, and an appealing array of actors. Lots of back and forth between present and 20 yrs ago, so have to pay attention some, but worth it. Yeah, I guess some plot devices here can stretch credulity, but when it's well done like this, you tend not to notice so much. Does a great job of keep it's eeirie and sinister tone throughout and is brought to a satisfying conclusion. Also helped by taking place in such a beautiful setting.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Great cast, good production design, mediocre writing/directing
23 August 2021
A good cast - and some pretty good futuristic production design - wasted on this slow and boring dud. Not clear if the story is mostly incomprehensible or if it just doesn't draw attention enough to care what's going on. Someone named Lisa Joy is the writer/director, of what appears is her 1st feature movie, and quite possibly the last time she's given that opportunity.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Zero credibility, couldn't finish 1st episode
23 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
People like this?? I tried it, but Sudiekis always acts in a way where he tries to draw attention to himself, and the result is always annoying characters, including/esp this one. Also couldn't get past the main premise. Makes zero sense that a pro soccer team in England hires someone from another country who's never coached, or even played the game. And no way a Div 2 football coach who had just won the National Championship in his 1st yr actually takes that job, instead he'd have plenty of bigger coaching offers in America in the sport he actually knows. (Though can't see Sudiekis as someone actually having any football background)
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Slow, uninteresting
29 June 2021
Tries to be even more than a story of a police murder and kidnapping investigation, but also a character study of people in a small town. Problem is it doesn't do either very well. The people are more depressing/boring than interesting. No doubt how Hollywood sees small town folks...and probably why the guy Winslet connects with is an author/professor from somewhere else. And the murder and kidnapping is more contrivances not remotely smart or suspenseful.
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The Bureau (2015–2020)
Just Fantastic!
25 May 2021
Not just the best spy series ever, but I'd rank among the best series of any kind. Interesting, complex characters, well acted, of course. Fiercely intelligent, as you're watching intelligence operatives think multiple moves ahead (and refusing to pander to political correctness). Absolutely addictive! Sprung for AMC+ to watch Spy City, and - as good as that is - found this even better.
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Hemingway (2021)
Covers Hem and the 4 Ws - Writing, Women, Wars, Whiskey
23 April 2021
Pretty good documentary about a truly fascinating man, with an incredibly interesting and adventurous life. To its great credit, it comes with no agenda other than being an objective and informative covering of Hemingway's life from beginning to end. Provides a picture of his flaws, such as tendencies toward meanness and jealousy - no doubt due to insecurities. And also his intelligence, wisdom, courage, and incredible vitality. By all accounts he was one of those singular people who'd completely dominate any room they're in just by his presence. Will certainly feel there was a lot more to Hemingway than is in this documentary, but there's only so much you can cover in 6 hours, and everything that was in a life such as Hemingway's makes it particularly challenging. Particularly grateful for the information provided in better understanding his suicide, specifically his numerous head injuries, continuous drinking, and family history of depression. Was like the "hat trick" combination of suicide causes, your left with compassion on how he must have felt.
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City on a Hill (2019–2022)
Season 1 great, but season 2 going nowhere so far
21 April 2021
I'd give the 1st season a 9, had a good, interesting story line, and especially the Kevin Bacon character just made it. He's an adulterer, drugee, crooked FBI agent, but with a charm and just fascinating to watch. However after 4 episodes 2nd season's a 4 so far, has got less of Bacon, hard to follow what's supposed to be going on, or care what's going on. Based on season 1 I'll stick with it, I guess, ...but I hope it picks up.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Terrible and offensive - Grateful to the one star spoiler reviews
2 March 2021
Main character is as irritating, and offensive as any I've seen in a movie. I watched - for a while - only with the expectation that she'd get her (rough) justice at the end. A little less than half way through, there was increasing discomfort that it looked was heading in the opposite direction, and checked out some of the (angry) one star spoiler reviews, which confirmed, and I stopped watching.

A very flawed premise to begin with. It all rests on the not credible idea that an one otherwise successful doctor would risk her career, and prison, by making false diagnosis on older people. Esp as they'd most surely be found out and ruined, via a 2nd opinion via another doctor. Or that a judge would be so gullible.

Bewildering why someone would make a movie like this. It's upsetting enough to see lying, terrible people getting ahead in real life, who wants to see that in a move also
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Irresistible (I) (2020)
Turning this off early proved Irresistible
15 February 2021
I got barely half way through, before turning it off. Saw nothing remotely interesting or humorous, just tedious cliches. No idea why Carrel's supposed hot shot DC political guy wanted to get involved in a Wisconsin mayoral race, and soon just didn't care why. Chris Cooper's character spouting liberal bromides is supposed to make him some ideal candidate by virtue the addition of his military persona. But he just seems too boring to have any appeal politically - or as a movie character - and as soon as you see the actor's soft looking pot belly, you don't believe the tough Marine warrior part.

I never found Jon Stewart funny or interesting, but I suspect that even those who did like his snarky liberal take on the news, will similarly find he just has no talent for being a writer/director of movies
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The Cheshire Murders (2013 TV Movie)
Tedious, boring, and long
28 January 2021
Any typical Forensic Files episode is an order of magnitude more interesting, at less than a quarter of the running length. This doc doesn't add anything to what we already find out in the 1st 5 minutes, nothing surprising or new, and takes 2 hrs not doing that. As such, not clear why this was made, just looks like an something originating on a list of pitches that a documentary film maker would make to HBO so they can pick up a pay check
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