
52 Reviews
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Argylle (2024)
Seriously fun, especially if you like goofy good times
30 March 2024
This movie goes over the top in a few different moments, but it does so intentionally and has a lot of fun with the genre. If you don't like that kind of thing, then you probably won't like this movie. But otherwise if you want some good action and some fun crazy then definitely check it out.

Matthew Vaughn has a definite style and it's in play here, and Sam Rockwell was a perfect casting choice for a fun and irreverent spy. I'm a Rockwell fan and this was top notch Sam Rockwell.

My 10 star raring is not to say it's a perfect movie like Heat or something, rather it's a reflection of how much I enjoyed the movie. As far as a movie watching experience, that's my rating for it. Not to mention my daughter loved it and it's great to find a movie we can all watch together.
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Road House (2024)
MacGregor did his best to ruin it, but I still enjoyed it
24 March 2024
This movie was a lot of fun with some definite 80's-90's movie vibes. Some of this stuff might have seemed cheesy to some viewers, but it gave me quite a few laughs. For example, the main bad guy has a diorama of his property once fully developed, with little miniature of the business that needs to be taken out in order to fulfill his plans. This is classic 80's movie exposition!

There's other little things like this that I fully believe we're intentional and serve as a nod to the era of the original Road House.

To me everyone played their roles just right and the movie delivered the proper amount of bombast for a movie called Road House. EXCEPT for MacGregor, who took everything way over the limit to just full-on-obnoxious-cheese. I think he thought he was the key to the movie's success, but really he nearly ruined it. In spite of his jacket ass presence the movie was a lot of fun.
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The Holiday Shift (2023– )
Is it Christmas or not?
13 December 2023
The show was actually funny. It wasn't top-level, but for the relatively low budget production it was pretty well done. The actors were good, though inexperience did sometimes show through, however, this could be helped with a bit crisper editing in spots. I don't hold this against the show, it's just worthy of notice, I believe.

The issue I have with this show is the painful efforts to be PC; after a while it brings attention to itself. What I mean by that is, for example, the strained efforts to avoid using the word Christmas. You can only say "Holiday" in place of Christmas so many times before it gets painful. If you're gonna make a program centered around the Christmas holiday, at some point you should acknowledge it.

Most of the characters were pretty enjoyable and well cast. There was one girl who seemed to have a need to be a real nonstop b--h to a guy she just met and I never figured out why. But that seemed like the only real bad character writing for me.

Anyway, some may like it, but I doubt if I'll be watching any more episodes.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Jake & Amy (2018)
Season 5, Episode 22
Kind of a bland story
1 November 2023
Jake and Amy always felt forced to me, as if the writers needed a workplace romance drama and they were the best pairing they could come up with.

As for the episode itself, it was pretty standard-issue stuff: primary couple finally has their wedding day arrive.

Last minute dilemma threatens the day.

One last adventure/solve to save the wedding day.

A last minute venue change to a simple location for the wedding.

All the cast-mates contribute to make the day special.

And finally.... Cue the sappy music as a contrived scenario takes place where everyone pretends that this subpar location is somehow magical.

And top it off with a shmaltzy diatribe meant to evoke emotions.

Now I'm sure this'll receive a large majority of thumbs down, but it remains true that this episode is just another standard sitcom formula played out with no real inspiration or heart.
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Cheers: Teaching with the Enemy (1992)
Season 11, Episode 6
The height of selfishness
24 March 2023
Easily the worst episode of cheers. Lilith, not only selfishly terminates the marriage between her and Fraser, but in doing so portrays herself as a sort of martyr, as though leaving Frasier and their child is serving a greater cause. She utilizes every patronizing platitude she can come up with in order to justify her self indulgence, and the show presents it as though the audience is supposed to sympathize with her.

I do agree that Fraser could have done things better in the relationship, it's true of every marriage, but for years she has been a negative, insulting drag on his life, and apparently, when she can't find enjoyment in that anymore, she runs after the nearest spark.

I don't think this episode served any purpose in the series, and consequently devalued Frasier, which was unfortunate for such a great character. It did possibly serve a purpose for his spinoff series, where he gets to be the sympathetic protagonist, and Lilith is properly regarded as the self-righteous, coldhearted shrew that she confirmed herself to be in this episode.
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Batman: The Audio Adventures (2021 Podcast Series)
A little something for the non-Batman fans
12 January 2023
Misses the mark on so many levels. The worst part was having a grown woman do the voice of Robin. How did anyone think this was a good idea? I kept thinking he was talking to Oracle, but nope, it was just grown-woman-Robin. They could have at least gone with Carrie Kelly.

Two Face is terrible. I hate this contemporary version of him that seems to be popular now; the idea that the two sides of his face are arguing with each other. This isn't how TwoFace is, and the first time I recall seeing this interpretation was in Batman Forever with Tommy Lee Jones in the role. TeoFace is obsessed with the number two and sometimes with the dual nature of certain things. To just make someone schizophrenic because their name is Two Face is lazy and uninspired.

The voices in this were all around terrible. There one or two that were good; I'm thinking Chris Parnell and Rosario Dawson.

I really wanted to like this, but like everything else the SNL crew does, they never tap the potential. This is strictly entertainment for people who might have heard of Batman, but don't really know anything about him.
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I cant believe how stupid this movie is
13 July 2022
I'm in the theater now and this movie is so dumb I had to come on here and express my frustration. Yes, there are some really good laughs, but not many. I enjoyed Ragnorok a lot, but this one is just dumb. And a lot of the humor is reminiscent of Joss Whedon's Justice League, trying too hard to force in lame humor.

It's not as moronic as Spider-Man Far From Home, but it's definitely another disappointing release from Marvel.
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The Office: The Search (2011)
Season 7, Episode 14
I hated this episode
19 February 2022
Yes, the Michael & Holly stuff was good and it moved their story along really well by underscoring how much they really are a match. They showed this well by taking it beyond their silly jokes and voices and showed that, even in silence and separation, they're on the same page.

But I cant get past how obnoxious ALL of the office people are in this episode. The show is best when you feel like a part of this family of loveable oddballs and root for them, and celebrate with them, and even hurt when they do. This mean crap they do to Gabe for no reason is not Office level humor. It's not creative or clever, it's not what makes the show special, and I'd daresay it feels like something from a CBS laughtrack sitcom like Big Bang Theory or something. Pointlessly insulting someone for kicks is uninspired humor.

Unfortunately, this became a staple of the show for the season, and it made me hate the characters at times, which is another problem with this writing, because it makes the characters seem a bit schizophrenic. Loveable and sympathetic one moment, obnoxious and mean the next.

I love this show and have watched it through many times, but these types of elements just dont age well at all.
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Cobra Kai: The Rise (2021)
Season 4, Episode 10
Bad ass!!!
2 January 2022
What's this mist around my eyes? Why are they wet?

Possibly the best episode of the series. There were some weak moments in the season, but it finished so good. Wow, what an ending!
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Cobra Kai: The Fall (2021)
Season 4, Episode 9
Well done tournament episode
2 January 2022
This episode is all tournament, but it was done well and a lot of fun. Probably not a lot of surprises, but that's ok as long as it's done well.

I felt like the right people won, and in the right manner. You didnt have three-week novices going to the last second against the best of the veterans, or anything stupid like that.
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Cobra Kai: Party Time (2021)
Season 4, Episode 8
Good things developing; need to trim some fat though.
2 January 2022
The scene between Johnny and Miguel was so moving and sad all at the same time. Great scene.

I'm glad the LaRussoes are finally be called out for their bad parenting.

Miyagi-Do continues to strike first and feel sorry for themselves after.

I think the John Kreese thing is getting a little out of hand. Am I confused or is he supposed to be the good guy of Cobra Kai now? They cant keep bringing in people to be bad just so we can watch them become good. Let's just keep the prime focus on the characters who've been carrying the show.
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Cobra Kai: Kicks Get Chicks (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Too much (bad) filler lately. Need more bad-ass stuff.
2 January 2022
Dimitri used his verbal skills for good again, and I like that a lot better than the early Dimitri.

The debate girl scene seemed really contrived, as well as insincere when Johnny called her the most bad-ass girl he's seen. It felt like a forced CW show scene.

Tory's arch is actually getting interesting.

Decent episode, but nothing too great. Best part was the karate board meeting.
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Cobra Kai: Match Point (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
In a burning heart, just about to burst!...
2 January 2022
....A quest for answers, an unquenchable thirst.

In the darkest night, rising like an...Eagle!!

I'm giving this a 10 by virtue of Johnny's training montage. I rewatched it 3 times. So awesome and hilarious. Possibly the hardest I've laughed in this show so far. So awesome!

I should probably be deducting a star just by Daniel saying "when the kids were provoked into a fight" in reference to the drive in. Did he actually say this? Who's at fault here? The kids or the show writers!?! You dont pick on little kids and then cry about it when that kids older friends stand up for him.

At least Sam's mom had called her out for instigating at the party.
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Cobra Kai: Then Learn Fly (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
Solidly fun, not much more with this ep
2 January 2022
Kenny seems to completely superfluous. What does he add that didnt already exist in the story for Cobra Kai?

Everything else continues along solidly. Nothing amazing for me in this episode, and nothing ruinous.
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Cobra Kai: First Learn Stand (2021)
Season 4, Episode 2
Great episode if you speed through the middle schoolers
2 January 2022
I loved everything about this episode except for the middle school drama. Did the show runners really think the best thing to do would be to improve on the high school nonsense by adding middle school nonsrnse?

The Daniel/Johnny stuff continues to be awesome and the training they did together was excellent.

I'll be speeding thru the kids stuff so I expect to continue enjoying the show. And as much as I love it, I can't go higher than an 8 with the new additions to this episode.
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Cobra Kai: Let's Begin (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
Good start to the season and follow up to season 3 finale
2 January 2022
I thought this was a great start to the season. They set up the coming season with relative brevity. And yes, there's some cheesey aspects to what they present, but that's part of the show, and when they do it so well it's more fun than cheese.

Speaking of cheese, the Cobra Kai gang of kids is just so corny, but I'm still digging it, so no problems for me.

I think Daniel and Johnny are being handled right. They're both trying to work on being better, but each being their own worst enemy at times by not being able to get out of their own way. Its proper that they should be repairing their relationship, but it cant and shouldn't happen too fast. They are who they are, and it takes time to overcome that. Thank goodness they have their students.

Here's to hoping for a great season.
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Cobra Kai: December 19 (2021)
Season 3, Episode 10
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The kids rumble (I think the 3rd or 4th now) was getting to be a bit too much and I was worried about this episode. Man, was that not needed.

The reunion with Johnny and Ali and Daniel was masterful. And the goodbye between Johnny and Ali was so beautiful. It didnt just speak to the characters involved, it spoke to anyone who has gotten to, or is getting to, that point in life where you start to soften and realize what a turd you were and just want to know that people are ready to forgive you for your past. Ali blessing Johnny's future was, simply, a beautiful moment. So cathartic.

Dimitri, a character I haven't been able to stand this whole series, finally did something positive by using his mind and sharp words to build up others. Hawk was a long time bringing his character to some growth, but glad they did it, as well as how they did it.

The ending gave me goosebumps. I dont expect things to be all gumdrops from here on out, but at least it looks like the right people are on the same page, and will probably be able to work together for good. I'm sure season 4 is going to be a blast.

As for the season in total, for as relatively weak as it started, (not bad, just not strong) it sure finished powerfully. It can't be understated how important the character stories of Daniel, and most importantly Johnny, are to making this work. Without these great characters so much of this might seem cheesy or uninteresting. Instead, they make it all so poignant, and really bring in the viewers to make us feel it all to the core.

I haven't had this much fun watching tv peobably since I was a little kid watching A-Team.

I hesitate to go with a 10 star rating because I feel like I may be giving in to hyperbole, but how can I have this much fun, and walk away with this much feeling, and not rate it the best? It's not perfect, but it's not about technical aspects, it's about what I take away from the experience I had, and that warrants a 10. Great job on this episode!

Quick question: Does anyone else feel like Robbie's gonna be a meth-head by age 23? This guy cant seem to put an individual thought together for himself to save his life. He's kind of becoming a tool for anyone who wants to piss off somebody else. Oh well, I'm sure they'll do something with him eventually, too. Just kind of funny watching this kid make bad decision after bad decision and never figure out why he's always mad. Cant wait for him and Johnny to reconcile, though.
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Cobra Kai: Obstáculos (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
Johnny getting back to form
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny starting up a dojo again is excellent. Exactly what needs to be happening. I think we all know where it's headed, and if that's right, I love it. Also loved the Facebook set up project Johnny and Miguel got into.

Eagle fang karate has got to be the worst name ever. Totally hilarious, so I can't wait to see where that goes.

Now I'm just waiting for when Kreese gets put in his place. Hopefully that doesn't get too drug out.
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Cobra Kai: Miyagi-Do (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
For me, the first 8 star ep this season
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trip to Okinawa worked out to be pretty cool. I was a little worried it might be forcing things a bit, but it was great. And Daniel learning new lessons from Chozen was awesome.

This episode was the first 8-star of the season for me, on account of Johnny finally being his awesome self that he was in Season 1. His physical therapy lessons for Miguel were nothing short of awesome.

Daniel's wife confronting Kreese was great on two levels. One, her cutting him off with a substantial strike across the jowls. Dope.

And two, it was probably the most responsible adult thing anyone has done in the show so far. Now mind you I'm glad they don't deal with things as proper adults all the time....that would be boring. But it's nice to have a little dose of reality at times to keep things grounded.
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Cobra Kai: The Right Path (2021)
Season 3, Episode 4
I'm starting to speed through the kids rivalry scenes.
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Japanese trip felt like an excuse to bring in some more connections to the original movies, and it probably was, but it was really cool for Daniel to be able to have that connection to Mr. Miyagi again. I really hope this helps level out Daniels's character going forward.

Dimitri once again reinforces the fact that he has no character or integrity. Sam may be acting out, but at least she was acting real. Dimitri immediately separates himself from her. He's on no one's side but his own. Just like he was never on Eli or Miguel's side.

Kumiko may be an older lady now, but she's still beautiful and it was fun to see her.

The very last scene of the show was classic hilarious fun.
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Cobra Kai: Now You're Gonna Pay (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
Pastor Bobby is a great balance.
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Pastor Bobby may be the only rational adult in this show besides Daniel's wife. I hope he makes more appearances. Daniel may be a self-righteous tool a lot of the time, but it's nice to know his wife is there speaking some level-headed reality to him. So it was nice seeing Johnny have someone to do the same for him.

The Johnny church entrance and Bobby's handling of it was awesome. I loved when they were talking later and the floor was a mess of crumb's under Johnny's feet.

I was really glad to see Miguel and Hawk in the hospital room. I really think they need to be the key focus of the youth side of this show, and not a lot of the silliness that they have been focusing on. It's clear these two have a real bond and they've essentially come up in this together. Now Hawk is feeling angry and defensive with all his new power, and Miguel is the number 1 bad ass who's sincerely trying to figure out how to do the right thing and be a good guy. Their divergent paths while having a tight bond should be the prime focus. Not more catfights or absurd nerd empowerment like the Dimitri stuff.

I'm anxious to see where Robbie's gonna go, and I'm finally starting to feel a little bit of interest and sympathy toward that character.

Good episode, but still not a great one yet this season.
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Cobra Kai: Nature vs. Nurture (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
What's with these hairdo's?
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason Robbie, Miguel, and Daniel all come into this season with the Flock-of-Seagulls coif made popular by Sam Jackson in Pulp Fiction. Somebody's gotta fix this, it's hard to look at.

Daniel and Johnny work together, which is great, but getting repetitive. It's fun to see them together and getting along, but the eventual argument/falling apart is getting too predictable. It's high time we start seeing some progress in the way they see each other.

Daniel is once again his high-and-mighty self. He does make some good acknowledgments, but he also still makes an ass of himself always condescending to Johnny. Even the way he treats Robbie. He says he's there to help, but he'd already called the cops before they'd even talked. Kinda hard to earn trust that way.

Thank goodness there was no Dimitri in this episode.

Season 1 was a 9 star Season 2 was an 8 star So far, season 3 is two 7 star episodes. I'm anticipating something to jump it up a bit.
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Cobra Kai: No Mercy (2019)
Season 2, Episode 10
Bigger turd? Kreese or Dimitri?
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All-in-all, one of the best shows I've watched in a LONG time. Enjoyment levels are through the roof!


Two great seasons, each with a finale that made some serious mistakes. (Season 1 finale was a lot better, though).

Most of this show is taken up with the John Woo fight scene that goes on long enough to use the bathroom and not miss anything by the time you come back. Over all it was fun, but it did get to feel a little silly for going on so long.

My biggest issue: Dimitri. What the heck!?!?

This was easily the dumbest thing the show has done so far. I don't mean the corniest or cheesiest, because the show has a lot of those moments that are actually great and a lot of the fun of the show, but the Dimitri moment in the fight was just plain dumb and painful to watch. It would be one thing if his muscle memory/reflexes kicked in and he surprised Hawk with a block and counter...this would have been cool...but for him to take out Hawk, yes, a guy who has trouble standing up straight and confessed his own imbalance issues due to his gangly limbs, takes out one of the best karate practitioners in the Valley. Keep in mind Hawk was in the finals and wasn't defeated, only disqualified. So apparently, according to this episode, Dimitri is now a Finals-level expert. Perhaps in the season 3 premiere we can watch him kick the stuffing out of Xander just for good measure.

And more on Dimitri. It seems he's supposed to be some sort of sympathetic hero that the audience should root for. Maybe the writers don't realize what a piece of sh** they actually created. Right from the beginning all he ever did was offer negativity. He was sort of an emotional bully. Miguel and Hawk wanted to improve themselves and all Dimitri did is discourage them. Then when they actually did improve themselves, he criticized it. He tried to join Cobra Kai and left, continuing to tear down what they were doing. He is not a friend to either of them, he's a leech who hopes that they will do all the work so he can benefit from their success. In this season, yes, he was roughed up by Kreese, but his response was to do what he always does: condescend to everyone and try to posture himself as better than everybody else. I'm sure by the time Hawk confronted Dimitri at the comic shop he was sick and tired of his derision and pompous negativity. I'm not saying that they should have attacked him, but I do feel like he earned an a@@-whupping by that point. The rivalry goes on and culminates with Dimitri proving himself to be one of the best karate students in the valley, in spite of no build up in the show to make this credible in any way shape or form.

As much as I love this show, I feel like someone near the top of the creativity ladder doesn't understand proper behavior. It almost feels like the show creators want to go one way, and then the PC, money conscious producers come in and insist some of these feel good dweebs be made to be the heroes just so they can get Nabisco to do a product placement. If you want to make Dimitri sympathetic, let him admit he hasn't been a supportive friend, (at any point) admit he's scared, apologize for the way he's acted, and then take away his super-powers. Apparently he's the son of Taskmaster from Black Widow.

Daniel and Johnny at his apartment.

Daniel seems like he's just looking for an excuse to be mad at Johnny. He needs to lighten up. His pride is his downfall and he's essentially the reason for all the problems in the show. I am sympathetic to his wanting to get in and see his daughter (that's a tough situation) but it's still just more of Daniel the douche. Plus, he needs to look in a mirror. Daniel let Johnny's son live with him, and after putting thought to it, not just by happenstance, he decided he knew better than anyone else, and CHOSE not to let Johnny know what was going on with his son. So it seems awfully hypocritical to be kicking his way in to Johnny's apartment when Johnny was actually being pretty cool about the whole thing. Maybe not perfect, but at least being cool.

I'll repeat myself here a bit from another review, but I hate the way they introduced and developed this great interesting character, Hawk, only to turn him into a one-dimensional villain. Now that he's going to be with Kreese it seems they're doubling down on it, but I hope they do something to redeem his arch, it's been one of the better ones. He;s a kid who's been picked on and humiliated for a long time, and now he has power in his life. And he's only 16! This would be confusing and difficult for anyone that age. Making him one-dimensional is an unfortunate way to go with him, but it seems he's just going to become a tool for positioning John Kreese throughout season 3. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Overall, season 2 is yet more of a great show, but it does come down a step from season one, and I'd say it's mostly because they aren't using the kids well enough. Season 1 was about this collective of nerds and rejects who were learning to be more. Season 2 is about how those same kids are basically a bunch of partying bullies who make life tough for the poor pretty kids of Miyagi-Do. The characters aren't as complex this season and it brings the show down a notch.

Still. I'm definitely looking forward to watching season 3!
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Cobra Kai: Pulpo (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
Goodnight LaRussoes
31 December 2021
I consider this too light on spoilers to mark it with the spoiler tag, but for clarification I do touch on a few story moments.

The opening scene in this episode was quite a let down after last episode's. Two girls kicking a bag also seems like quite a stretch from where this show was last season. Not exactly "Bad ass" as Johnny would say.

The dinner scene at the restaurant was great. When Johnny corrected Carmen by saying that Miguel had become quite a man was really profound, because not only did it clarify Miguel's growing up, it showed the respect he had earned to be called a man, not a boy. But it also under-scored Johnny's growth and his attitude towards his closest pupil. It said a lot about their relationship, and even more so that Johnny was correcting Miguel's own mother about her son. Great moment.

I'm getting really tired of the ongoing kid drama. I just dont care about any of em anymore. More and more they're just becoming plot devices for the two rival dojos. Hawk was arguably one of the most interesting characters during season 1. His whole flipping the script was fun and had great potential for how this was going to ride out. But unfortunately they've eschewed all subtlety and just turned him into a one-dimensional villain. Hopefully they'll redeem his arch, because it started as very sympathetic.

***Spoiler ahead***

The dinner scene was excellent. Everything you want from this show. I think my favorite moment was when Johnny said "Goodnight, LaRussos". I know it's a small thing but it spoke volumes. You could hear in his voice that he was sincere and his guard was down. When he said it, in my head there was a sudden flash of the first movie that juxtaposed against this happy moment and created a quick sensation of poignancy. I thought this was both a small and big moment.

Now let's see how the kids screw things up next.
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Cobra Kai: Glory of Love (2019)
Season 2, Episode 8
Johnny's the best around!
31 December 2021
***VERY minor spoilers***

I'd probably go 8 on this episode without the opening scene, but that's worth a star to itself, so it's a 9 for me. Not only is it a great and humorous throwback, but it probably really is how Johnny dreams. In his unconscious state I'm sure he sees everything in 80's vision. When he wakes up the world is weird to him. Excellent scene.

I'm glad the pretty kids finally had their halos tarnished a bit. I get tired of celebrating polished rich kids, whose biggest dilemma in life is not being admired by everyone. Hopefully they get into this a bit more. It's hard to root for people who are perfect, and a lot easier to root for the broken who are trying to heal.
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