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Mayans M.C.: Death of the Virgin (2022)
Season 4, Episode 5
Welcome back Mr. Mayhem
16 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a great episode that sets up even greater ones!

This one had tons of story building, tons of violence and the long awaited return of Mr. Mayhem himself

Things just got unhinged.
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Mayans M.C.: A Crow Flew By (2022)
Season 4, Episode 4
"You got your war"
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
****** RIGHT WE DO!!


Sons VS Mayans once again 💀💀💀💀

Been waiting for this to kick off again since they smoothed things over wayyyyy back in Sons Of Anarchy. Can't wait for things to get bloody between these two again!
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The Batman (2022)
10 March 2022
I've been wanting to see this movie so bad for almost 4 years now, hell it could have even been more than 4 now... Ive lost count with COVID shutdowns and delays and this and that, POINT IS that it was worth the wait and then SO MUCH MORE!! This movie is a masterpiece nothing less. If you have doubts about, DON't. If you are putting it off DON'T, if you are waiting to see it tomorrow or the next day, DON'T. See it before anything can be spoiled for you and just enjoy the ride... The Batman will not disappoint 🦇
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Absolute Peacefection!!🦅🦋
22 February 2022
Does that make any sense?.... well no but Vigilante would think so...

You literally couldn't ask for a more perfectly put together Super hero / Anti hero show whatever you wanna classify it as. It has everything! Its hilarious, its violent and its heartfelt exactly when it needs to be!!

I absolutely loved every second of it! And that intro!! Hell yeah!! Perffffection👌🏻👌🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻

All I can say is if you haven't watched it or you are on the fence about it, do what the poster tells you to do and give peace a ****** chance!!🤘🏻🤘🏻
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Beginning (2021)
Season 6, Episode 16
The end? The beginning? Or the beginning of the end?
14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a stellar end to an amazing and game changing season! They promised to go dark and man did they go dark! They even committed to the crazy and unthinkable way to end the season instead of finding a cop out to "make it all better" like too many shows do.

The one thing I wish they would have capitalized on was the was the perfect opportunity to kill off Strand. They had his character come full circle and perfectly set up his end down to the shots they used but never "pull the trigger"... literally... I was waiting for a gunshot and a reveal. That would have been the perfect end for such a slimy character but he lives to fight another day as did too many characters for my liking. I think it would have made more of an impact if more major characters bit the nuclear dust but maybe thats yet to come.

But oh well that did not take away from what was a crazy finale that leaves you begging the question, are we close to the end of the show or is this "just the beginning" ? As a wise man once said.

P. S we got to see that b**** get vaporized!!!!!!! Hell yeah!!!!!! I couldn't have been the only one that cheered 😁
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Mortal Kombat!!!!!!!!!!!
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has everything you want from a Mortal Kombat movie!! Classic characters, amazing bloody fights and gory fatalities!!

Made me think back to when I was a kid playing the Gamecube game and watching the original movies, even watched the 1995 classic the same night as this one👌🏻👌🏻👊🏻👊🏻😂😂

Watching Annihilation again tomorrow, I can't wait 😁😁

Looking forward to the sequel for this one to see who they bring in (ya know, other than Mr. Hollywood)... "Lets dance" 😂😂
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22 May 2021
Walked into this one pretty much blind... had no idea what to expect... and all I can say is... wow!!!

The whole thing was ****** off the wall crazy and fun!!! Watched it with some family members and had an absolutely great time!!!! Left me wanting to watch it again the second it was done!!

My suggestion is walk in knowing as little as possible and enjoy the ride😁👌🏻👍🏻💀
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Fear the Walking Dead: Mother (2021)
Season 6, Episode 14
Teddy speaks nothing but the truth...
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! You guys will want to say I'm crazy for thinking Teddy is right but just think about it... like actually think about...

Not only are his "crazy ideas" actually completely rational but he also adds something that not many of the villains have in TWDU up to this point... an actual purpose with a definitive end game...

This episode was amazing and promises a great end to the best season of the show to date! I can't wait to see what they have in store for the last 2 episodes!

P. S to those people whining about what they did to Alicia or "our fan favourite". Its a ****** zombie show... main characters are gonna be put in bad situations... its called drama and without it what would we have? If you don't like it go watch some sappy ****** Soap Opera's or something. People who actually like a plot style that a zombie show should have are tired of hearing you complain... tell me if I'm wrong...
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Fear the Walking Dead: J.D. (2021)
Season 6, Episode 13
John Dorie is back!!... but not the one we know...
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hell yeahhhh!!!! I never would have thought we would meet John Dorie's father!! Great surprise and great episode!!

Looks like things are about to heat up real fast... The End Is The Beginning...
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Fear the Walking Dead: In Dreams (2021)
Season 6, Episode 12
ummmm... what??...
13 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not even sure what to make of what I just witnessed...

All I am saying is I'm rating it a 2 because thats the number of things I liked about this episode. It had a cool surreal element that was linked to a good fight scene ( I won't go into detail so I don't spoil one of the only good things about the episode) and I liked the fact that they committed to a pretty dark story element instead of doing the cliche "its all okay" ending... other than that it was just a pretty bad momentum killer for the season...
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Holy ****!!!💀💀💀
12 May 2021
The season comes to a head in so many ways!!! A completely nail bitting episode from start to finish!!! If you think you know whats going down walking into this one well you don't... I ain't saying anything else other than stop reading reviews and go ****** watch this episode!!!

Season 4 can't come soon enough!!!!💀💀💀💀
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Mayans M.C.: The House of Death Floats By (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
I don't what to say...
5 May 2021
I know I gotta write something but that one left me speechless... next weeks finale is going to be at a level of intensity that I'm not sure we're ready for...
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Mayans M.C.: A Mixed-Up and Splendid Rescue (2021)
Season 3, Episode 8
Slow but lays the ground work for an insane final 2 episodes
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very slow paced with some unneeded scenes (cough, cough Gabby and Ez) but it lays the ground work for a crazy end to a great and intensely dark season.

Can't wait to watch the mayhem unfold!
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Holy ****** s***!!!
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a crazy episode from start to finish!!! Absolutely no ****** around in this one!!!

3 episodes left... many people left to die...💀💀💀
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Mayans M.C.: You Can't Pray a Lie (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
"We are going to war"
14 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not much else needs to be said... the tittle says it all... here we ******* go!!!💀💀💀
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Fear the Walking Dead: The Door (2021)
Season 6, Episode 8
Wow... gotta say I did not see that one coming...
13 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode I have ever rated for Fear and there is a reason for that. After watching so much Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead sometimes things can feel like its under a formula and be pretty predictable... then they do stuff like that! Holy **** I did not see that coming and I am left genuinely depressed......... R. I. P John Dorie (not like the fish) the 10 is for you buddy.
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Mayans M.C.: Dark, Deep-Laid Plans (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
Big risk... Big reward... Bigger problems
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well they pulled it off but theres no time for celebration... the war (well one of them) has now fully popped off and its time for the bodies to start dropping...

The next 5 episodes are gonna be insane...
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
Heres ****** Negan!!
4 April 2021
This is without a doubt THE perfect episode of The Walking Dead!

It had everything it needed and moved at the perfect pace. Unlike the way the show has been for years there was no time wasted in this one! Every second of every scene was purposeful and meaningful to the story, something that is a rarity in the world of the Walking Dead anymore.

This is hands down the best episode of The Walking Dead in years and may just be the best one of the rest of the show!

The ONLY thing that could have made this any better is if it was a full length 1 hour and 45 minute movie.

I just can't believe how perfect this was!
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Mayans M.C.: Our Gang's Dark Oath (2021)
Season 3, Episode 4
Andddddd its poppin off!!!💀💀💀
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is setting up some bold plays from many characters and many sides... episode 5 is gonna be a doozy...

**** I'm lovin this!!!
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Mayans M.C.: Overreaching Don't Pay (2021)
Season 3, Episode 3
One King, many wars...
25 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As predicted this season continues to amaze! I can't even describe the feeling that this tone brings down upon me... all I can say is I love it! Bishop takes no **** from anybody and is absolutely insane and unpredictable... it's perfect, exactly the way a Presidente should be! Things are constantly tense and there is more than one war brewing... the question is which one will pop off first?
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The Walking Dead: Splinter (2021)
Season 10, Episode 20
Yet another cop out for AMC and the writers
24 March 2021
*Writers*- "should we further the plot?... nah lets just say it never happened".

There were countless opportunities to further the plot AT LEAST a tiny, tiny amount but why would they do that since its just a "bonus episode". "Lets just waste more of our viewers time, think of the money we could make."

AMC and The Walking Dead has become nothing more than all promo, all promise and absolutely no payoff. It's all about the money and the views and they could give less than half a **** about the storyline and the fans.

COVID or not its no excuse. If they can give us what we saw in "One More" than theres no excuse for this trash. They were pulling this Garbage way before COVID!

And 10/10 seriously people? This is really the standard you want out of The Walking Dead rolling into its "Final season" ... ya know minus the spinoff they decided to announce before it was even over giving away the fact that 2 main characters live... again all money money money...

Pathetic. Just pathetic

P.S - This is nothing against Paola Lazaro, she gave a great performance and plays the character super well! This was just yet another case of the writers ruining the great work of the shows talented actors.
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Mayans M.C.: The Orneriness of Kings (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
New tone, new intensity 💀💀💀
24 March 2021
This season as taken on a whole new dark and gritty tone that fits perfectly into the world being portrayed in the show.

Within 2 episodes this season is already darker than any of the Sons seasons and it adds a different intensity that we have not yet seen.

This season is already amazing and I have no doubt it my mind it will continue to amaze... there is much more darkness and violence to come and I truly believe we haven't seen nothin yet...
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From the Vine (2019)
From The Vine brings heart, warmth and a sense of hope to a world that is in much need of it
20 July 2020
For a person like me who typically doesn't watch films such as this, I was completely amazed at how much From The Vine affected me in a positive way.

I watched this film knowing only that it was related to wine and it was set in Italy. As I was watching, I quickly found out that its not only about wine and the beauty of Italy, its about finding your true self, the importance of family and that having money and success isn't the most important thing in life, leaving you to appreciate what you have and who you have around you.

Through the great storyline, the perfectly timed comedic elements, the beautiful cinematography, the wonderful direction and the amazing performances from Joe Pantoliano, Marco Leonardi, Paula Brancati, Wendy Crewson and so many other amazing actors in the film, From The Vine draws you in right away and takes you on a beautiful journey that will leave you smiling by the end credits.
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