
16 Reviews
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Rollerball (2002)
So BAD that it's GOOD
22 January 2003
Rollerball's so bad that it's good IMO. In this movie you have:

-A game that makes absolutely no sense

-A disfigured Rebecca Romijin Stamos(she has two little scars on her face)

-A Whole Action sequence shot in Blurry Night Vision

-A "BOINGGGGGGG!!" sound effect when LL Cool Jay runs over a motorcyle

-Stuff clearly removed in the movie resulting in really odd cuts

-Jean Reno wearing Big Coats

It's Great! Watch it with the family
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Equilibrium (2002)
Three Words: SEE. THIS. MOVIE.
6 December 2002
Went to see this today. SEE THIS MOVIE! It deserves more attention than anything else out there. This has some of the most original/vicious action scenes i've seen in a while. I thought the robotic efficiency of GUN-KATA was very cool.

More impressive is that this really didn't feel like a 20 million dollar picture. Wimmer should definitely get much more directing work for this. I can only imagine how much wilder this could have been with a bigger budget.

Also i thought the acting was well done, From Bale to Diggs to Bale's creepy little kid.

The thing has it's flaws , but they're minor in my opinion. It's starts out a little slow, Mr. No Emotion himself Taye Diggs and "Father" clearly have personality, and there is some corny dialogue ("go, damn you! Damn You, GO!), but who the hell cares??

EQUILIBRIUM works very well. See it, it doesn't deserve to be IGNORED.
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Too many HORRIBLE SONGS ruin this one
27 November 2002
Well....i did it. First Sandler movie i've seen in the movies since "Happy Gilmore".

I'll say this: It's better than Little Nicky or Mr.DEEDS. That being said it ain't that funny....or good. There are random parts where i laughed but the movie is LOADED with BAD SONGS. There is only one that's decent. Also sandler really goes overboard with the voices of Whitey and his sister. Sweet lord my ears .......

However, Sandler's dog MEATBALL is cool. There's this short at the beginning featuring Meat.
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Jason X (2001)
It's better than the usual crap
12 October 2002
I got bored with this series after the second one. I've seen a couple of the sequels after that and there all the same. Jason is somehow revived, kills dumbass campers at crystal lake, Jason's "killed", new cheap looking movie arrives a couple of years later.

Jason X had something different from most of the others: 1.)It didn't look cheap like most of the others. This was a low budget film and it looked pretty good. 2.)Jason didn't look like a jackass. He actually looked cool in this one. The guy has been plagued by bad make-up for years. No huge-ass tumors growing out of his head complete with tiny hockey mask and strings of long hair in this one. 3.)People that actually knew what they were doing and fought back. I guess some people wanted more bumbling jackass teens running through the woods, but i've had enough of that years ago. 4.)The new costume was pretty cool.

As for the complaints, i don't understand the backlash. God forbid they try to do something different. You've always 8 basically identical movies you can still watch. .....and why wasn't it scary? Jason ceased to be scary after the second movie IMO. You know exactly what he's going to do every movie: Kill everyone. There's no surprises with this guy.
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Funny Movie, Destructive Little Alien
27 June 2002
I saw this yesterday and it was some funny stuff. The girl was funny, stitch was hilarious (especially when he was destructive and evil). Sure there was sap, but not too much. Plus when it got sappy they fit some funny things in there.

Funny moments i can think of right now:

-When stitch crash lands, tries to shoot everything and goes head to head with the frog.


-When stitch throws the postcards at the dog

-"Practical Voodo"

-Stitch chugs a baby bottle of coffee while shoving Lilo out of the way.

There's lots of other stuff but i can't remember it right now. I'd have to see it again.

Oh and DISNEY- If you make a sequel of this movie, make a SEQUEL. DON'T do the direct to video thing with this movie.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Pretty Much gets Spiderman right? Yes. Some bad dialogue? Yes.
10 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers

What i liked: overall i liked this movie. I thought the CGI was pretty good, i especially liked the webslinging(best sequence being the end)and the acrobatics. Dafoe's Goblin laugh was great. The actor who played Jameson was dead on.

What i didn't really like: IMO the thing about this movie is that they really dropped the ball with the dialogue. A lot of stuff was just badly written or badly delivered. The writing in the comics right now is ten times better. ....and they got to work on this script for how many years? ....and it went through what? 2,722 drafts?

they especially blew it with Spider-man's dialogue. He's a wisecracker. He's supposed to be funny. He gives you nothing in this movie. Pete as Spidey doesn't have much to say, and when he does...Tobey's just off or it's just not a good line.

Ex. Goblin- "Are you in or out?" Spider-man- "It is you who is out, GOBBY!" ....and i still think the Goblin outfit is horrible. The glider was great, but the costume....guh.

One more thing that bothered me was how "the burglar" died . They should've stuck with the comics on this one. Wouldn't it have been so much better if Pete had beaten him within an inch of his life and forced himself not to kill the guy who murdered his uncle ?

Instead he tripped....and fell out of a window.

i guess i'd give it a 7.5/10. It felt like spider-man, but it could've been so much better
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Blade II (2002)
27 March 2002
Dang, i thought this was really good. ....and i didn't really like the first one that much. The weakest part was the love story. Didn't really belong in this movie.

The best part was.....well....i'd have to see it again. There was a lot of great stuff in it.

Wes still has to get rid of the dumb haircut, though. ....and BLADE III can't come soon enough for old wesley. I saw that trailer for the boxing movie he's in and it's the funniest thing i've seen in a while. Why was it funny?

1.)People are boxing. In jail. In a cage. 2.)The heavyweight champion wants a piece of this guy who boxes. In a cage. In jail. 3.)Some guy says it'll be the highest grossing match of all time(or something). Meanwhile these guys are boxing IN A CAGE! IN JAIL! WITH 15 FRIGGIN INMATES WATCHING!

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Black Knight (2001)
Martin's Crap Streak Continues
10 March 2002
I think martin's funny. His TV show was great, Bad Boys was pretty good and Blue Streak is the best movie he's done so far......But since Blue Streak it's been crappy movie after crappy movie. First the corny piece of crap big momma's house, then what's the worst that can happen and now the worst of the three: The Black Knight.

Didn't laugh once. Stupid can be funny, but this just wasn't funny. The jokes have all been done. it's embarrassing.

Martin, what the hell happened?? Blue Streak 2 can't come soon enough for this guy.
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Dumbest Movie EVER (that's what made it funny)
4 February 2002
People should do some research before they blow their money on a movie. If you were expecting an intelligent comedy than you probably hated this movie. I liked it.

Example of a stupid line in the movie that had me cracking up:

-What is the evil councils plan?

Evil Betty- it is evil! Maaah! It is so evil! It is a bad, bad plan that will hurt many.....People!....that are good! I think it's great...cuz it's so bad.

-I see. i think. But what of the chosen one?

Betty- I'll kill him. I'll kill him dead! Like with a.... with a rock or something. Like with a stone.
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Shockingly crappy
28 October 2001
Damn i usually like Kevin smith movies and Jay& Silent bob, but this movie was pretty damn terrible. There were some random funny parts with Will Ferrell, Chris Rock and the monkey, but that was it. All the other stuff was dumb jokes sprinkled with the word "f**king"(which is always pronounced perfectly).

I mean how hardcore a fan can you be. This movie just wasn't good or funny.

5/10(im being nice-really should be more like 2/10)
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Swordfish (2001)
Best Action Movie of Summer 2k1
22 October 2001
Hey Travolta is not fat and even with the little patch of hair below his lip he's pretty cool in this movie. Hugh jackman puts in the best perfomance, though. Action sequence could be ridiculous at times(it is a *MOVIE* after all), but i liked them all(great use of bullet time effects).

The only complaint is the waste of Halle Berry(what else is new? Pretty region, though) and Don Cheadle(huh? he's in this movie?).

Other than that....

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Cats & Dogs (2001)
Gets an 8 for some nice special effects and THE CATS
26 July 2001
Ok, here's the quick review--

Dogs-- THe beagle puppie is cute dog, but the dog characters and the voices were nothing special

The People-- Worthless. It would have been great if all the human characters were cut out of the movie.

The Cats-- Mr. Tinkles, Russian Blue ("I might look cute, but inside? GRANITE!"), The ninja cats.....the cats were the stars of the show.

The effects-- For the most part the puppetry and the CGI were pretty nice. I like the ninja cats dropping from the sky, the russian's gadgets, the dog equipment, the animation and puppetry for most of the cats....

Overall i enjoyed the movie. It was entertaining. 8/10
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Pootie Tang (2001)
Pretty funny movie, but i'll tell you why it bombed..
17 July 2001
Paramount only released this movie only 712 screens (that's nothing) and did next to nothing to promote it.

People that really hated this movie had no idea what they were getting into. Part of that should be blamed on the lack of promotion. People were thinking it was a Chris Rock Movie. It isn't. Rock just has some small roles and he was on of the many producers of this film.

Pootie originated on the Chris Rock show, but the character was all Louis CK's idea(the writer and director of the movie). IM pretty sure Paramount actually came to Chris Rock and Co. and asked if they wanted to make a Pootie Movie.

Anyway, i thought this movie was pretty funny. Some of the Pootie Speak was great and there are a lot of funny parts in this movie. Not the best movie you'll ever see, but it made me laugh. That's all i expected it to do.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
So bad you'll be rooting for the Japanese.
25 May 2001
Ok, lets get this over with. 40 minutes of pretty good CGI isn't worth the $8.75 and the three hours of your life the piece of garbage takes away. This is quite possibly the most OVERHYPED MOVIE EVER.

I think Pearl Harbor is going to open big, but after people realize that it's a long, boring, inaccurate titanic rip-off complete with bad acting and really bad dialogue the numbers will DROP DRASTICALLY.

If you really want to see a movie right now, go see SHREK. Pearl Harbor is a big disappointment.
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End of Days (1999)
Good Action movie that doesn't deserve to be trashed
4 April 2001
Arnold does some good work in this movie. I liked his role as a suicidal/alcoholic/wiseass. I think some people were shocked to hear Arnold speak more than one line at a time in an action movie. ..But for the one-liner lovers you get some good ones like -- Arnie(to the devil)"You're a *bleep*ing CHOIRBOY compare TO ME!!" ...and... Arnie(to his best friend) "Stop being such a P*SSY!"

Also, a good performance was put in by the guy who played Satan. The way he blew up the van....very creative.

The only thing i didn't really like about this movie was the ending. I would have liked to see Arnold win in a different way.

Overall and 8/10. Didn't deserve the bad press it got. There are other action movies like this one that are so much better received for some reason. Religion's a very sensitive subject, so maybe that's where the negative stuff came from.
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The Funniest Disney Animated Classic ever made.....BY FAR
5 March 2001
The funniest Disney movie ever far.

Animation isn't as good as Tarzan or Lion King, but the whole story and humor make up for it. It's LEGITIMATELY funny, not little kid/disney funny. But make no mistake, this movie is for all ages. Spade and the guy from Seinfeld do great voice work. ..And to top it all off, there are no lame musical numbers, no one spontaneously breaks out into song, no overly-sappy Disney Moral lesson.

It's the most underrated movie released this year and probably one of the funniest (IMO of course). You didn't hear much about it but it was good. I have no idea why Disney didn't promote this as much as their other annual animation movies.

In Conclusion--Great Flick. I'm pre-ordering the DVD right now.
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