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Civil Love (2012 Video)
Kinda meh, issues with the horses, VERY bad wardobe
20 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The general feeling of the film was that of a high school play. Much of the acting was sub-par, from just about every character, and the storyline was predictable and slow. Most of the costuming looked like it was made by somebody's mom. The casting of Rachel is questionable, as she looked much too young to be the mother of her two children. The scene where Daniel fell into the river was clearly filmed in two different locations, as there were two different logs, and his slip didn't look natural. The "love scene" dialogue, near the end, I had to fast-forward through it, because I was rolling my eyes. A lot of the dialogue in the film was cringeworthy.

Something that really bothered me was the interaction with the horses. For one thing, horses don't generally have bits in their mouths all day. A bridle and a harness are not the same thing. Whoever was in charge of the horses should have known that. Also, the two main characters apparently had no experience with the animals, which either they had no desire or were afraid, or more likely the filming company didn't want to bother with teaching them. They didn't know how to brush them, and almost every riding scene was from a distance and seemed to require a stunt double. Rachel couldn't even stage an actual dismount. The worst was the scene where Rachel and Daniel were both on horseback... it was the most unnatural-looking "riding" I've ever seen. They bobbed up-and-down in an uneven way and it was clear they weren't actually going anywhere. Huge blow to any attempt at realism. It really wouldn't have been difficult just to ride at a walk. Instead they looked like they were on some kind of bizarre teeter-totter. Maybe simple horseback riding lessons for the main actors just weren't in the budget.

I think what irritated me the most was Rachel's wardrobe... absolutely everything she wore was hideous. Ill-fitting, poorly matched, and completely unflattering. She seemed to have several layers of collars around her neck, and several sets of sleeves. It didn't look right at all and really made no sense whatsoever. I'm not sure what look they were going for, but they failed miserably. I can't imagine anyone would actually dress like that.
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96 Souls (2016)
Just... weird
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has a lot of unanswered questions... one of which is, where did the title come from?? It's an interesting premise but a lot of it just doesn't make any sense. For instance, the "lab accident"... it's not really clear exactly what happened, why, or how. There is the sound of breaking glass, but I have no idea where it came from. I rewatched that part several times, but couldn't figure it out. Also, why did he see things with certain people but not with others? Shouldn't he see it with everyone? It's all really weird and a bit of a stretch, even for science fiction. It also felt like there were a lot of things going on all over the place. Why would a science experiment suddenly turn into a missing person's case? It was twisted and strange and in the end, left me feeling like I really didn't know what this story was actually about.
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Different atmosphere; very disappointing ending
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the whole series, I have to say I didn't enjoy the last movie anywhere near as much as the others. The atmosphere was totally different, maybe a bit too dark. Katniss's constant obsession with killing Snow seemed like a bit too much. Plus, major characters, who had been present throughout the series, were being killed off, left-and-right.

Then, after the persistent theme of getting revenge on Snow, in the end, Katniss doesn't even kill him! I can't even begin to express how much of a letdown that was. Totally anticlimactic. She should have, at the very least, shouted out why she'd killed Coin instead. Or better yet, she could have fired off two rapid shots and killed them both. I had my suspicions about Coin from the beginning, but there wasn't nearly enough character development to show her true intentions. Hearing it from Snow wasn't enough. Someone else should have said something. There should have been more evidence to make it convincing. I was left with the feeling like the story was incomplete.

And I gotta add... I really hate that Katniss ended up with Peeta. I was really hoping she'd choose Gale. Her longer relationship with her lifelong friend was more deep and genuine; whereas with Peeta, it felt forced and artificial.
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Saved by Grace (2022– )
Too simplistic
8 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry but for me this show is kinda silly. The solutions are way too easy... talk with a couple of angels and suddenly all your problems are solved? Life is much more complicated than that. Plus the acting is kinda cheesy... not really TV show quality. Also, I know this is a Christian show but I really wish they would tone it down a little. Why do they always have to be so in-your-face when talking about God? For example, there is no way in a millions years anyone would ever get away with talking about Jesus in a public school. The premise is nice but the execution leaves something to be desired.
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17 Miracles (2011)
A little too dark
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand how non-Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) viewers might have difficulty with this movie. It is definitely a religious film. They did a very good job portraying how difficult this journey was... probably a little too well. I know this is history but the way a story is presented can make a world of difference. Was it really necessary to graphically show death and mass graves? I would have better appreciated there being more emphasis placed on the actual miracles, maybe even enumerating them instead of me having to guess half the time. This movie did bring tears to my eyes but it also left me with a shadow of darkness. Go ahead and tell the story but I didn't particularly find this "inspiring", just depressing.
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The Penitent Thief (II) (2020)
A little bit too much creative liberty
29 April 2021
I'm sorry but I really don't like this film. Kevin Sorbo is not a convincing King Herod. I've seen him in many other films but IMO this role does not fit him. Also, the young boys' accents are so thick I can barely understand them, and yet as adults the accent isn't there. Then there was the "angel" that appeared to Joseph... he looked like a fiery-eyed demon. I did not like him at all.

As for the plot line, I get this is fiction but I think it stretches things a little too far. Quite frankly it is difficult for me to accept it as believable.

One point.of accuracy... the Wise Men did NOT go to the stables. That was the shepherds. The wisemen appeared a couple of years later. That is why King Harold ordered the execution of.children two years old and younger, not just infants. Plus Matthew 2:11 clearly states they went to the child's HOUSE. I don't know why so many don't understand this.
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Magma: Volcanic Disaster (2006 TV Movie)
Once again it's the fault of humans
24 September 2020
Somebody lied to me. The description said these volcanic eruptions were caused by a comet hitting the Earth. Nope. Once again a natural disaster isn't natural. Somehow humans are the evil creatures of the planet and are going to destroy it one way or another, by preferring progress over staying in the caves where they belong.

Another disaster movie where the science is shoddy, the plot predictable, and the characters cliché, with long boring dialogue I actually fast-forwarded through. Also, the CGI is VERY obvious and nowhere near what volcanoes actually look like when they erupt.
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Super Cyclone (2012 Video)
Extremely "B" Movie
17 September 2020
First of all, very, very bad acting. I felt like I was watching a high school skit. Second, extremely inconsistent with the weather. Man falls overboard during a raging storm... into what looks like a placid swimming pool. Then there are people walking around on an oil rig, in the middle of what is supposed to be this gigantic, unprecedented cyclone forming... and yet it is a perfectly calm day. No wind, no rain. I didn't even make it to 15 minutes before I couldn't watch it any more. Obviously very low budget and very badly written.
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MegaFault (2009 TV Movie)
More and more ridiculous
2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow this is a ridiculous movie. It starts off silly and keeps getting worse. If you want more fiction than science in your story, go ahead and have some humongous crack move across America like some giant zipper, but for goodness sake don't call it an earthquake!

Amazing how this bizarre phenomenon seems to enjoy chasing people in various vehicles as they drive as fast as they possibly can to get away from it. It also somehow manages to make planes crash into each other, as well as make things explode on a regular basis, even when there is no obvious reason for it to explode. (Why are there random explosions on the side of the road??)

The "avalanche" also somehow managed to look like a series of explosions... reminding me more of pyroclastic flow than snow. As for that satellite that was supposed to "secretly" create earthquakes, wow it sure put on a nice light show; yeah, your enemies won't know what hit them. I'm also not sure how this mega-crack, through being frozen, suddenly turned into molten fire that melted people where they stood, then mysteriously turned itself back again into crumbling rock like nothing had ever happened.

This is a "natural disaster" that is anything but natural. I forced myself to watch it to the end, although I'm not sure why. It became torturous. I guess I felt I needed to see it through to its conclusion. It tells you something when I was laughing hysterically at a disaster film.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
Too much of a soap opera, not enough about horses
24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched about a dozen episodes. I've also read the books, so there is a lot about this series that bothers me. There are GLARING differences, especially with the characters. For example, who the heck is Mallory? I understand there are almost always differences between the books and the film version of any story... but it seems like the only real similarity in this case is the names.

Tim was not a cowboy. He did not get injured in a rodeo, it was a jumping accident. He was not hooked on drugs. He did not live next door but in Australia.

Ty was not a "bad boy", he was never on probation. (Neither was Scott.) He was employed by Heartland long before Marion died. He knew a lot about horses, that's why he worked there.

Lou was blond. She did not come from New York and basically take over the ranch. She was not that shallow and stubborn and fixated on money.

Oh yes. And Jack mumbles too much. I have to turn on the captions so I can understand what he is saying.

Plus I find the teenage drinking a little disturbing.

I watched this show, hoping to get some good stories about horses, but it become more and more of a soap opera. Once Val showed romantic interest in Jack-something that NEVER would have happened-I couldn't watch any more. There's not enough good in this series for me to continue to have interest.
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Soooo slow
17 October 2019
I'm sorry but this movie is VERY BORING. I only watched it for half an hour... a very long half an hour. The pacing is incredibly slow. I actually started to fast-forward it, hoping to get to something more exciting. Maybe there is a great message in it but I couldn't watch it long enough to find out. Gave it two stars because there was a brief part that was a little cool.
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