19 Reviews
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The Reckoning (2023)
Disappointed - Could have been so much better!
24 October 2023
What a disappointment. I had hoped (as the opening lines stated), this dramatisation would explain how Savile was able to hide in plain sight and get away with what he did for so long. But it did nothing of the sort. This series lacked the detail of a documentary and the immersiveness of a dramatisation, therefore giving us no reason to watch at all. I wanted to hear more about the people who enabled him, what did they do? What about people who complained during his lifetime, there must have been some? None of this was presented. How about investigations? The show alludes to at least one by the BBC, how was this carried out?

I cannot believe that throughout his career there was nothing more than a few rumours as the production seems to portray. This man, being so prolific in his crimes, would have needed a huge team of close people to enable him and none of this is explained in the show. The fact that it is a dramatisation gives the producers liberty to create characters in this regard if they don't want to point the finger at real people. I had hoped the show would reveal more about the dark side of the establishment - how money, ratings, greed and fear drove those around him to lie and cover up and mislead everyone, but nothing there either. I could go on.

Good points: Steve Coogan is a good impersonator of Savile. The real footage interspersed along the timeline was good, and I would have liked to see more of this archive stuff, as, although Coogan was able to portray the dark side of Savile well, the charismatic side didn't quite come across.

Finally, the victims who shared their stories on camera are incredibly brave. I just wish this production had done them justice.
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The Village (2004)
A well made movie and a classic piece
30 September 2023
I don't think there are many that haven't seen this movie by now, but for those people, here is my synopsis.

Great cast, beautiful and haunting score, and cinematography that perfectly catches the crisp autumnal atmosphere.

The sort of 'horror' that I like - no gore, no jump scares, just a building intrigue and chilling tension, with a clever and satisfying payoff (in my opinion). It is such a well made movie, not overly long. As others have said, if you like historic pieces, or even if you hanker for a simpler way of life, you will probably enjoy this. I believe the film received generally positive reviews when it came out, so I am surprised it doesn't have a slightly higher rating overall.

Although (as others have said) it goes at a quieter pace, there is no filler and is edited so well that you will be glued to the screen from start to finish. A little gem, and probably my favourite from M Night Shyamalan.
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From (2022– )
Lost its way...
9 September 2023
The first episode was thoroughly enjoyable and intriguing, suitably thrilling and some horror.

However, as the series goes on (and continues into season two), too many unresolved elements are introduced into the storyline, some of them contradictory and many with plot holes. Very similar to Lost for this reason, in the worst way. I had hoped for something a bit more like Wayward Pines which was more daring in its underlying plot (although also based on a book).

I'm watching season 2 because I started it, but really there is nothing entertaining about the series anymore. Rated 5 stars purely for the interesting start. It's clear the writers have no idea where this is going which is a real shame. Why can't anyone write and conclude a series with the aim of presenting a full and complete story in one or two series and leave it at that?
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Better than TWD
11 March 2023
I've not played the video game. But I have thoroughly enjoyed watching this series. Some fantastic series (like Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead) do have some slow episodes and get a bit hard going at times, but I have appreciated every episode so far of The Last of Us.

I was surprised to see a lot of negative reviews on IMDB, I'm really not sure why. If you're intrigued about the show, don't think too much about it, just give it a watch.

Many people are raving about Pedro Pascal's performance (fair enough) and hating on Bella Ramsey's, as so often happens with male and female leads. Personally I think she has pitched it just right; she's playing a 14 year old and has absolutely the right level of annoyingness and resilience.

So far the most engaging show I've watched this year.
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Mess with peoples lives then tell them it will make them 'better people'
18 April 2022
Take a bunch of emotionally immature people with relationship issues, mess them up even further and tell them it's a good 'growing experience'. All in the name of entertainment.

I love to watch any programme that shows people reflecting on their experiences and growing emotionally, but there is no growth here. These are peoples genuine lives, relationships and emotions that are turned upside down.

What this show needs is a therapist or psychologist to support the participants through the blow ups and revalations. This would make for a richer viewing experience too.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Interesting concept... poorly executed
26 December 2021
This film is definitely a political vehicle for a modern topic, with a medieval perspective which in many ways makes the presentation of the issues much clearer. Unfortunately, the three perspectives storytelling concept just didn't really come off, each story was too similar to the others.

It's a long slog, but gets better as it goes on, however the payoff is not worth the long run time in my opinion.
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Classic Film, Overly Sentimental
21 August 2021
This film will always be a classic. However it suffers at the hands of 'the Spielberg effect'.

Character development - there are inconsistencies in the character arc of Glover's Albert; one moment the menacing bully and the next comically bumbling and hapless. Some of the more slapstick comedy moments shoehorned in are out of place with the somber subject matter and is jarring. Celie's own character development is also inconsistent, afraid to speak around Albert most of the time but suddenly happy to sit smugly watching him fumbling in the kitchen and hurting himself (in real life he would almost certainly have taken out his frustration on her and she would at least try and stay out of his way).

The soundtrack is sweeping and beautiful, but overly sentimental, almost cheesy. The jazz works well.

This film takes a gritty subject matter and makes it all glossy and pretty.

That being said it is highly enjoyable and well acted. I've not read the book so can't comment on that but it feels like fiction to me.
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Love Is Blind (2020– )
Damaging Stuff
29 July 2021
I was intrigued by this show's premise: single people looking to form a lasting relationship with a significant other, minus the distraction of looks (to start with). Unfortunately the production's involvement in the show to ramp up the entertainment value puts these people in such an emotionally vulnerable situation. I can see that the whole process has really damaged some of the participants on a mental and emotional level, and in some cases, pairing couples who should not have been paired and then airing all the dysfunctional aftermath for the whole world to see - I just hope the show provides some seriously good counselling.

This is compelling viewing, but it's easy to disassociate from the fact that these are real, young people who are being hurt and then exposed to the general public's onslaught. Absolutely shameful.
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Palm Springs (2020)
Uplifting - Will gain a cult following
27 July 2021
This film, in my opinion, is a solid 7/10. Delightfully entertaining, with enough romance to make you feel warm and fuzzy without overdoing it.

It's a light and fun take on a time loop romcom that doesn't go deep into the sci-fi aspect. Definitely more about the characters.

The bright and colourful Palm Springs setting is a nice antidote to lockdown / covid.

Personally, I love the freshness of humour and the original take to the start of the film.

A few people have given lower ratings which is always going to happen but they are in the minority. If you watch it, you'll probably enjoy it too.
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The Serpent (2021)
All about the atmosphere
21 July 2021
This is a little slow to start but once it gets going you're sucked in. The fact that it's a true story means you're compelled to watch to the end to see what happens. The BBC has spared no expense by filming on various locations so you get sweeping vistas and a real feel for the hot, sticky, vibrant climate of the 1970s 'hippie trail' and also a darker underworld that so many tourists fell prey to at the hands of Sobraj. They really capture the atmosphere and you can feel the sense of paranoia and later the dawning fear of what's about to happen when you realise it's all too late for the victims. There were many parts that kept me on the edge of my seat.

The show jumps around a bit to start with so you need to pay attention but after the first episode it gets into a swing and it's easier to follow along with what's happening. Give it a go, it's an enriching piece.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Doesn't know what it wants to be...
8 July 2021
This film starts out as an interesting but cynical take on the American healthcare system and the issues with becoming old, but then takes a completely different turn into some sort of unrealistic cat-and-mouse action caper, with absolutely no-one to root for.

This could have been so much more; for example a courtroom drama or battle of wits where the victim plays the protagonist at their own game and manages to outsmart them. Instead the storyline flails about wildly with no logical progression but then ties itself up neatly at the end, by which point you don't care and have stopped believing in the characters anyway.

I've given it four stars because despite its failings I think some people will still enjoy it and the start of the film is quite good.
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Totally worth a watch
13 January 2021
I liked the fact that this wasn't your typical overly saccharine Christmas romcom. Some light and quirky comedy bits well placed within a heartfelt and mature storyline that doesn't try to go too deep. The result is a good little watch that makes you feel improved slightly for having seen it.
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Mandy (2019– )
Too close for comfort
10 November 2020
I've known a few people like Mandy and I do think Morgan has got the look and mannerisms spot on. The environment and production reminds me of where I grew up in rural East Midlands, but not in a good way.

The characters have very little depth and I'm sorry to say the writing is not insightful in the way that, 'I'm Alan Partridge' or 'Phoenix Nights' are which have a similar premise.

The series does grow on you if you manage to get past the first few episodes. It may appeal to slight older viewers, as it is slightly nostalgic.

For me, it is both homely and uncomfortable in equal measure, but not amusing at all.
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A balanced view (I hope)
7 May 2020
I'll be honest, I didn't enjoy the film's storyline all that much, but I thought the scenery and film crafting was excellent - well shot and edited.

Although a few reviewers have said they think the topic is very fresh and on point, I must say I found it a bit old hat, particularly as it concludes.

The character development is unsophisticated in my opinion, however that can be forgiven as the film is extremely concise and I think the better for it.

If you enjoy an indie film then go for it.
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7 April 2020
This is a rare film that is perfect in every aspect - direction, writing, acting and score. I've watched it so many times and am still happy to watch it again.
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Gosford Park (2001)
Immerse yourself and enjoy
7 April 2020
Excellent writing and direction, beautiful score by Patrick Doyle. Every detail is well placed, a feast for the eyes with a classic murder mystery plot. Put your phone away and give it a watch. If you like period dramas or murder mysteries you'll like this. If you don't , you can still appreciate it for being a well made film. One of my favourites.
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The Outsider (2020)
Intriguing storyline, not sure about production
19 January 2020
It's an intriguing storyline and I expected no less considering it's based on a Stephen King novel. I haven't read the book but probably will now!

The thing I'm not sure about is the production. Slightly over dramatised, plenty of macho bravado and a hint of sexism. 'I didn't arrest him myself as I wasn't sure I would be able to stop myself beating him up' - what kind of self respecting cop says that before he's got all the facts?? Plus one of a very few female characters calls the lawyer and being told to 'calm down' in a really unhelpful and patronising way. To name a few examples.

There seems to be a lack of professionalism and proper protocol on the cops' side too. I'm British and not sure how it works in the US but it seems to me they need a lot more evidence gathering and investigation before they lock somebody up like that. Plus the evidence is circumstantial (albeit very suggestive).

I suspect I know where this is going, but I'll watch the rest as I'm intrigued to know more, but the over dramatisation and lack of detail put me off. I do wonder what the book is like and will probably ready it now.
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Elizabeth Is Missing (2019 TV Movie)
BBC drama at its best
11 December 2019
Absolutely brilliant. Not the sort of thing I would normally go for (action / adventure / sci-fi) but something about it enticed me to watch it. I'm glad I did. Others have provided better synopsis than me so I'll leave it there, but it is the best thing I've seen on tv for a long time. Glenda Jackson's acting is perfection.
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His Dark Materials (2019–2022)
A strong start!
4 November 2019
As a lover of the books, I have been waiting for this series with anticipation. It didn't disappoint!

The creators have decided not to follow the books moment to moment but do it their own way, and I think the series will be all the better for it. It is impossible to cram all the details of a book into a couple of hours and some of the best book to screen adaptations I have seen (Willy wonka and the chocolate factory, the devil wears Prada) are quite different to the books.

With that said, the series itself is full of atmosphere and intrigue, with gorgeous landscapes, music and perspective, just like the books. Perfect for the run up to Christmas!

I think the creators have focused on creating a solid and enjoyable watch that will appeal regardless of whether you have read the books and it looks like they have succeeded.

I can't wait to see Lyra's next steps in her adventure!
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