
5 Reviews
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
A villain worth cheering for.
10 April 2013
Creating a believable villain whose motives audiences can understand is a very tough task. It's so tough most writers resort to making their villains cardboard cut out characters who are scary but unfathomable.

Even the best villains are usually demoted to acting as a foil for the hero. It's rare they are the main protagonist.

Yet here we have the whole plot focusing on Kevin Spacey portraying a very believable villain who is about as evil as you could imagine. And he's married to a woman (Robin Wright) who seems just as evil.

Logically we should recoil in horror. Somehow though we are made to not only feel empathy for the monster and his wife but to actually cheer them on as they carry out all sorts of despicable acts.

The trick is pulled off through a combination of brilliant writing, acting and directing. I can hardly wait for the second series.
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Tearjerker with flaws for genuine dog lovers (spoilers)
2 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I agree that Hachiko was a well made tearjerker. I enjoyed the film.

However I feel that the story was flawed by the fact it was clearly written by someone who has never owned a dog or even liked dogs.

This is shown at several points in the movie where those who supposedly have en emotional bond with 'Hachi' do things that no genuine dog lover could ever bring themselves to do. (spoilers follow) If a dog is truly a part of someone's family they won't keep it locked up in a shed at the bottom of the garden; They won't open the garden gate and tell the dog it can run away from home if it wants to; If they encounter the dog in the street once it has strayed they won't simply pat it on the head then leave it there.

I don't mind the fact that the story was switched from Japan to America. But I think it would have been better to stick much closer to the true story. This would have made the movie even more heartbreaking and poignant. It would also have inspired those who saw it to be kinder to dogs rather than condoning bad behaviour towards them.
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Eleventh Hour (2008–2009)
Science is boring
16 January 2009
I keep watching this show in the hope that its producers will address the blindingly obvious flaw that is currently holding it back.

The flaw, as I see it, is the total lack of humor.

I can see how many might see the implausibility of the show's basic premise as the big problem. Namely that a single guy is an expert in every single branch of science and somehow manages to solve problems that would normally require a team of people and a massive laboratory by working on his own with little more than a few test tubes and a laptop computer on a desk in a motel room.

Actually I do have a bit of a problem with that. In the original British series the show is derived from the main character didn't work everything out on his own. In the US version the implausibility of the science does get in your face way too much of the time.

But I'd happily suspend my disbelief to the required extent if the scriptwriters would only adopt the same light-hearted approach to what the characters say as they do to the science. They get away with worse stuff in 'Bones' but it reaches a big audience because the interactions between the characters are so often humorous. Here the main character is totally deadpan throughout. It's awfully hard to empathize with him when he takes all the Hollywood Science so seriously.

The obvious way to fix the show would be to somehow kill off the main character and replace him with someone that has a sense of humor.

I'd love that to happen as I normally enjoy shows like this and quite liked the British series.
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The Nines (2007)
God will find a way ...
17 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT I dare say that, like me, you avoid 'Christian' movies like the plague. Bible-thumping film producers are obviously aware of this because the makers of this one have come up with, I concede, a rather clever little wheeze for getting us to watch a Christian themed story. Namely you get all your Christian buddies to vote for the film like crazy on this website to ensure it gets a high rating. Then you avoid any overt religious references in the film till the final few minutes where the whole storyline is resolved by revealing that the main character is the son of God who created the world 4000 years ago and loves everybody.

The film was so boring that the only reason I kept watching was that big IMDb rating. I figured it had to start getting good sometime soon. It didn't. And when the punchline was delivered I felt so cheated I wanted to throw a brick through the TV screen.

In future I'll know not to trust IMDb ratings when the number of voters is so low.

Here endeth the lesson.
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The Eden Formula (2006 TV Movie)
Dinos for winos.
6 April 2007
If you want to watch a real 'quality' movie get hold of The Eden Formula. This wondrous film must have cost all of $50 to make. It features a wafer thin script, pathetically bad sets, lighting and camera work, and a stop motion, paper-mache monster that is utterly laughable (it looks like they sometimes used a guy in a rubber suit and/or a glove puppet for the monster - but all were equally dreadful).

The actors all speak their lines as though they've never seen them before and are reading off a teleprompter. The special effects are way beyond lousy. And the only sad thing is that they dropped the really nifty original title 'Tyranasaurus Wrecks' which sums up exactly what you get for the full 90 minutes.

This is what happens when you scrape the bottom of the barrel so hard you break through to the crud that lies underneath.

I loved every minute of it.
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