
11 Reviews
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Disturbia (2007)
Good idea but poorly executed
4 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was enjoying the film up to half time were this far fetched idea of a killer next door that kept doing his business even though a neighbour on house arrest has been watching his every move. I ignored the obvious clichè of sexy blonde babe moving next door. But when he started to waste time in the killer's house, calling "muuuum, muuuum" as if he is somewhat hoping to find her crushed asleep on the sofa it stops being laughable, it becomes irritating. Everything was obvious about this film, even though it can be engaging, not everything is terrible. I should known was sort of movie I was watching when he started to make hi tech gadgets out of nowhere to suit his purpose. The killer is charming, as they are these days, well in movies at least, and that I can accept. I find it hard to believe instead that he should be so careless as to kill his victims in front of his windows repeatedly, with the light on at night! He should have worked for the government:) Go figure, but then what do I know, judging from the positive comments on this site, people are a lot less fussy than I thought. Hitchcock this ain't.
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Marco Polo (2007– )
Cheesy and miscast
16 June 2007
What is that blue eyed surfer doing playing Marco Polo ? Simple, another Hollywood cheap production directed by budget director Kevin Connor. The actor playing Polo is badly miscast (he looks like Alice Silverstone brother), he's devoid of any appeal and subtlety, Brian Denneny is just laughable has a Chinese ruler. Connor's poor direction doesn't help, set pieces are uninteresting, acting is generally poor and the whole thing is uneventful and lacks passion. Music is by numbers and boring too. If you want to watch the best Marco Polo film available then I recommend you watch Giuliano Montaldo's version starring Ken Marshall, a RAI/BBC production with a great score by legend Ennio Morricone.
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Alert, Not for kids !
15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this film was well made and engaging. The relationship between the little boy and girl was beautiful until they decided that, for no apparent reason, she should die. Why ?? My daughter sobbed uninterruptedly for the rest of the film and it really ruined it. I was very disappointed and I feel this twist has totally ruined the film and gives no reviewing pleasure either, so forget the DVD. I find the producer to be utterly irresponsible filmmakers. Are they trying to teach our kids about death ? Well, leave it to us, thanks you very much as it is this film has proved a waste of time. One good note, the cast was excellent.
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Good for its day
8 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie. It has a good seventies feel, is a solid thriller with a few obvious clichés typical of those days. The nude scene of the little girl, even though short, would never pass in this day an age but is a reminder of where we were then and where we are today that it causes such a shock, considering the plot deals with the kidnapping of another child the subject matter is still sadly relevant today. It has more than a tint of early Dario Argento in it without the gore that the DVD sleeve suggests. The music, with the child like chorus, has an eerie feel but it now feels very dated. I cannot comment on the English version of the film as I saw the original Italian and that too was dubbed as it was common practise those days and it still is in some section of the industry. The main actor holds the screen well and in general the acting is passable, even though a bit camp as, again, it used to be in those days.
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Arsène Lupin (2004)
24 May 2007
I just finished watching this on DVD (and a big telly) and I have to say that this was an excellent production, with very good acting. I watched this film dubbed in Italian and that allowed me to be totally absorbed in the film rather than trying to catch the subtitles at the same time as the fast moving action, because an action film is what we are talking about, not a period piece. It is a little far fetched at times but I guess it goes with the character but I thought Kristin Scott Thomas and Eva Green were excellent as usual and I was also impressed favourably by Romain Duris who played the main character and I didn't know. The music is also excellent and integral to the film. Lastly it contains some graphic violence so if you are very sensitive to blood be prepared. To sum things up, if you are looking for a serious period drama then maybe this is not for you but if you just want to be entertained then go for it, it's worth it.
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Just Great
14 May 2007
Sometimes a true gem comes along and you feel lucky you were there to see it. I just finished seeing this film and so what you get is my gut reaction to the film. I was constantly and totally engrossed, this is a wonderful tale of loss and yearning. Disguised as a thriller turns out to be much more than that. This is a film that stirs the soul and leave you happy, happy you saw a great tale. The film is well directed and greatly cast, with the two leads in great form, but what really stood out for me was it's enchanting soundtrack, beautifully haunting and melancholic at the same time. It adds enormously to the film to a point where it just would not be the same without it. Wonderful music in a wonderful film for a wonderful and tragic story.
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When the world lost one of its great man.
30 March 2007
I've just finished watching this on TV. I have two words to described it: Informative and touching. This is a case of a great documentary based most of all on the strenght of its subject material. Even thought the documentary has been put together very professionally, this is a one man show, John Lennon's show. For people like me who knew very little about him it's a great insight into the mind of the man away from his music. How he believed in his principles and fought for them. I also found the love between him and Yoko Ono to be a beautiful and tragic one. They just looked so in love and so sweet that it was a real sadness to see Yoko Ono alive and alone to this day to share her memories of him. She and their children must miss him terribly. A great testament to both of Yoko and John and a reminder of how democracy in the US is still just a point of view. Seeing man behave like John did at the time and the way the masses reacted to him, fills me with pride as a man and gives me hope. There's still a lot of of good people out there. A triumph of the spirit.
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The Departed (2006)
Another poor movie from Scorsese
29 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What an overrated filmmaker Scorsese is. I have just seen the film and I was tempted to quit all the way through. This film must be one of the worst film Scorsese has ever made. Worst than the Aviator and yes, even worst then the Age of Innocence, which had put to sleep. The problem it seems is that Scorsese does not know anymore what makes a good script. The script here is simply terrible. It seems a patched up affair of "yeah I like this lets put it in" or "yes this looks good, lets do it". The plot does not follow any logic and worst of all the film and its characters are totally unbelievable like the police shrink who is supposed to love Damon's character and then suddenly, oops, has a quickie with the other "rat" in the film DiCaprio's character, what a small world we live in, eh? Then of course, everybody plays double games, everybody is corrupt and so on all for the sake of convenience and because it sounds good and NOT because the script demands it! The script looks as if it has been written by a film school student. Then of course we come to Scorsese handling of the material and that of course, disappoints too. For the first half of the movie we hare subjected to a mean loud disco music which make the dialogue barely audible but is the overall feel of the film which lacks any class and timing, which is what you would expect from a filmmaker who goes by the name Martin Scorsese.There are simply a ton of bad film-making decisions in this film, too many to tell, think of the final rock song in Gangs of New York, totally out of contest and multiply it by ten. I only save the cast, here Scorsese has cast everyone competently and they all perform to a very good standard for the top actors that they are. My only doubt there being the casting of Walberg in a role where I would have seen better suited an older actor. The soundtrack might do good business and no doubt people who like mindless violence and no plot might find something in this but otherwise don't bother. Not a good movie.
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Great fun until I saw the end-no end!
24 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
After hearing various negative comments on this film I was ready to be disappointed. To my surprise the film was engaging all the way through. Until the ending that is, I am afraid. But before I get on to that I would like to say that this film is definitely not for very young kids, there is a lot of suggested horror in the shape of a variety of monsters and creatures in here even though it is "not" graphic. Is is a Walt Disney picture after all. The ending for me partially kills the film. This film has the very bad habit to think that dead people can be resurrected like some sort of Jesus but that to me is cheating the audience. I will not spoil the fun and go in any further detail but, how shall we put it, be prepared to be at least surprised by its, for me, rubbish ending. It does leave me unsure if I will bother to watch the next one. Oh and before I forget, this film does not have an ending to its story, it does require you wait a year and watch the next one. But having said that it was very entertaining and I think you should watch it if you loved the first.
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24 April 2006
I just finished watching this at home and both me and my wife agreed that this film was, indeed, a stinker. While the cast is made up of solid veterans like Sutherland and Spacek mixed with good younger actors that fact alone cannot save this film. The plot jumps from modern day America back to the nineteen century where a this man is supposed to be cursed by a witch for ripping her off of some money. The curse appears to be an entity that has licence to do whatever it wants. It can shatter window, blow candles swing the young daughter around the room and give consumption to the father. It starts to become silly when the entity starts to follow the cast outside the house, the characters start behaving illogically and fail to react accordingly to the threat, especially leaving repeatedly their daughter alone. And there's nothing worst then seeing character acting unrealistically. At some point we found ourselves just watching the movie to find out the cause of all this trouble. Rather baffling the film does not reveal the cause or the killer and so you end up watching a murder mystery without the murderer being revealed at the end. The witch who has supposed to have placed the curse on Sutherland says he placed the curse on himself by ripping her off and left it at that, we are are supposed to just accept that, utter nonsense. The return to the modern day in the end crowns this catastrophic film. Mind you it's not all bad, the film has its moments, with good set pieces but the bad script sinks it. Shame for Sissy Spacek, I am used to seeing the talented Sutherland in rubbish, unfortunately.
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wonderfully tragic
15 November 2003
A wonderful film supported by the great perfomances of the lead actresses. A note of merit also goes to James Frain, who I did not know, and to the director who gives a solid and assured direction even though sometimes indulges too much in unecessary camera aerobics. A direction that creates an accurate and passionate atmosphere of the time and place in which is set. Deserved an oscar nomination for best picture in my opinion.
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