
93 Reviews
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Franklin (2024– )
A Bit of a Letdown
15 May 2024
Being a rabid history buff, I looked forward to watching this series. Unfortunately there were just too many distractions built in. It is historically pretty accurate, save Michael Douglas as Franklin. He just didn't make a convincing Franklin. And, I understand the desire for authenticity, but there was way too much French language dialogue, thus too many subtitles. And, being an old fart (I knew Franklin personally), the subtitles were much too small. I spent too much time squinting at the screen. That doesn't make for an enjoyable experience. Perhaps I expected too much, or I'm too demanding, but I can't recommend Franklin.
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Manhunt (2024)
Huge Disappointment w/Questionable Casting
25 March 2024
Being a Civil War buff, and having read Manhunt, I was looking forward to Apple's effort to bring this epic event to life. Well, my anticipation was for nothing. The casting is baffling. Lincoln doesn't really resemble an aged, tormented President. He looks more like a Sesame Street character. And Edwin Stanton! My goodness. Stanton was a short, plump man with a grand beard. Tobias Menzies bears no resemblance to Stanton. There are touches of history within this effort, but I imagine the writers and directors were counting on the audience not knowing much about this period. So, I'm disappointed so far. I don't hold out much hope that things will improve. One note of historic accuracy. When Lincoln passed, Stanton uttered "Now he belongs to the angels." Many historians (?) get the quote wrong, saying "ages' instead of "angels." At least the writers got that right.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Interesting Concept in Dire need of Subtitles
10 March 2024
Despite its many shortcomings this is an interesting concept. Bryan Cranston is his usual good self. There are very few likable characters in this piece. Corrupt cops, corrupt politicians, drug lords, pushy lawyers. It has it all. I am particularly disappointed in the lady drug lord and her minions. Not only is she hateful, she is nearly impossible to understand, as are her gang members. They all speak as though they're on the drugs they sell. And a Scottish crime boss? Child, please. His wife is way more intimidating than he is, and she's a piece of work. Stereotypes abound in this series. It isn't that believable, but it is mildly entertaining.
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So Far, So Dreary
4 February 2024
This effort is so slow and so plodding as to be nearly unwatchable. I can't imagine what the director was going for, but he/she has failed in 'spades'. If this was an effort to achieve cinéma vérité it fell well short. Cinema should be captivating, or at least interesting, but this is neither. Dull is too kind a word for this dreary, snail of a series. Spade is not merely unlikable, he is tiresome to the nth degree. I really don't care to watch the endless struggle for him to give up smoking. If Spade dies of lung cancer it would vastly improve the plot. Then maybe someone of substance would appear and lift this series out of the doldrums.
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A Disappointing bit of Tripe
27 January 2024
It's sad when a well-respected director ruins a compelling and important story, and takes 3.5 hours to do it. After reading the story and listening to the podcast, I was looking forward to Hollywood's version of history. My bad. My wife and I watched the movie together. I was glad I had a sense of what happened to the Osage people before we began. She was asking a lot of questions before I realized the movie didn't really make clear early on what was happening. It made sense to me, but not to someone who didn't know the background. And, in my opinion, the story was told from the wrong perspective. The view should have been from Molly and the tribe, not from Earnest. So, an important story made too long and muddled by a respected director on his way down.
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Doesn't Get Any Better
11 January 2024
Willie fans, the merely curious, and those who haven't a clue about this American icon will enjoy watching this jewel. His story is fascinating, from his early days living with his grandparents through his struggles in Nashville to his final successes. Sure, he had some financial woes of his own making, and didn't have a lot of marital success until his last, it is all these things that make him the unique man he is. One thing that comes through in this documentary is his complete honesty, his devotion to his band, and his love for his family. The respect other superstars had (and have) for him is manifest in the number of collaborative albums and shows on his resume. And Trigger, his iconic Martin N-20, should finally rest at the Martin Museum or in the Smithsonian when the great man passes and joins the broken circle.
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A Blend of Issues That Fails
24 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the various reviews of this terrible movie leads me to believe that most viewers missed the point. This was not a film about witches or supernatural beings; it was a film about child abuse. That most folks didn't get it is entirely the fault of the director. The demon is the father; the father is the demon. I think, although it's sometimes hard to tell because of the poor execution, the mother knew it all along, and her efforts were to protect the abused daughter. The real shame here is that poor direction ruined what could have been an interesting and enjoyable movie to watch. Instead we get a pointless waste of time.
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6 October 2023
The combination of wonderful courage and pure evil make this documentary compelling and a must-watch. It points out the many flaws in our legal system vis-a-vis domestic abuse and the lack of consequences for the abusers. It emphasizes the remarkable courage of the abused woman, to the point that her actions from her death bed led to an outcome that should have been reached much earlier in the case. I won't use the term "judicial system" because a lawyer friend told me if justice is achieved in court, it is serendipitous. So, our legal system is in need of constant tweaking and revising. Watch this film to see how it can be done.
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Gotti (2018)
Move Along. Nothing to See Here
6 October 2023
This is a failed effort to burnish the image of a truly evil man and his son. Perhaps that's why the film is so dull and disjointed. Travolta does a passable job of imitating Gotti, but doesn't really add anything to this flawed character. The rest of the cast and the director seem to be calling it in. The cinematography is unremarkable, but that's likely due to the nature of this biopic. The last third of this mess is truly an effort to make us feel sorry for Gotti and his family. Sorry, but not here. John Gotti and his son deserve no sympathy from us. They and their cronies are a blight on our society, and the Hollywood failed effort to change that falls way short of their goal.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Stop with the Agendas!
5 October 2023
An interesting concept ruined by agendas, so if you're getting sick and tired of having stuff crammed down your throat, you're likely not going to enjoy this mess. The writers/director constantly inject unrealistic events into the story. I really can't believe the leaders in mission control would ever knuckle under to some functionary, even one from the White House. The main focus of those in mission control is the safety of the astronauts and the completion of the mission. I understand this is a total work of fiction, but to make it worthwhile is should at least try to maintain some form of realism. I can ignore the soap opera, but the unrealistic nature of the operational aspects left me cold. UPDATE: Decided to have a look at a few more episodes and things just got worse. The tendency to contrive and the melodrama increase with each succeeding episode. I can no longer ignore the soap opera nor can I (I should say 'we' to include my wife) swallow the continuing forced agenda.
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The Day Kennedy Died (2013 TV Movie)
Finally a Documentary Worth Watching
8 September 2023
The nonsense that has arisen from attempts to make this assassination a deep conspiracy has totally skewed history. Finally a documentary that chronicles the weekend using file footage, interviews with participants and witnesses, and solid narration of facts tries to set the record straight. Put aside the Oliver Stone and Vince Bugliosi self-serving nonsense and watch this piece to gain some insight into what the event really felt like. I thought I remembered the weekend well, but this movie awakened memories and feelings that I had forgotten. It doesn't matter if you believe Oswald was a Russian agent, or that Ruby was a CIA hit man. Put those theories aside and open your mind to the shock and grief that these three days brought to all of us.
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A Good Onion Piece
24 August 2023
This really should have been published by The Onion. It melds myriad "proofs" of alien technology and the rantings of so-called ufologists into a long and absolutely silly "documentary." Video clips of famous figures (e.g. President Obama) seemingly speaking seriously about the government hiding the truth about UFOs from the world are cleverly worked into the presentation to lend some credibility. Hogwash. Even the age-old tale about a car engine that runs on water was told here. That nonsense was around in the 1950's. So, do I believe the stuff "exposed" in this film? No, I don't. For those who do I say the word "gullible" isn't a valid word. Don't believe me? It isn't even in the dictionary. Go look it up.
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Granite Harbour (2022– )
So Sad
9 August 2023
Both of my stars are for Dawn Steele. The rest of this lot are not very good actors, at least in this treatment. I love Scotland, and was looking forward to a series filmed there. Even the beautiful Scotland and the dynamic Dawn Steel can't save this turkey. The rebel cop thing is dated. The script is thin and predictable. The actors seem to be sleepwalking through the scenes. The series had infinite possibilities, but didn't realize most of them. There's so much about UK television that we enjoy, and a series filmed in Scotland was just the ticket, or so we thought. Unfortunately we are sadly disappointed. Maybe it's time for another trip across the pond.
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Slow and Irritating
1 May 2023
What is the deal with so many recent shows featuring a whiny, self-absorbed teenaged girl? In The Last Thing He Told Me she absolutely ruins the show for me. I have been a Jennifer Garner fan for years. She must have been paid big bucks to act in this turkey, because even her talent and beauty can't rescue this one. Her character is, in turn, likable and perplexing in her stupidity. And the plot jumps around so often that it is very easy to forget what's going on and lose interest. Slow hardly describes the pace. We've come to expect more from Apple TV. I'm up to date on viewing the dropped episodes, but one more like the ones I've watched so far will drive me away.
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The Clinic (I) (2003–2009)
Nothing But a Soap Opera
1 May 2023
The concept is fine, the acting is pretty solid, and the writing is good. However, The Clinic is nothing more than a nighttime soap opera, filled with characters with myriad foibles. (As an aside, if this is an example of socialized medicine I want no part of it.) We have two doctors married to each other who "run" the clinic, but it is actually managed by the reception desk. The main objective for watching each episode is to guess who is cheating on whom with whoever. Who is secretly lusting after whom? Will the accountant ever win over the receptionist? Will the fired receptionist ever kill herself, or will she return to the clinic as a patient and continue her pursuit of the doctor? Pretty boring stuff.
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Hidden (2018–2022)
Beyond slow and dreary
16 April 2023
One thing this program accomplished: I will never visit Wales. Dark. Dreary. Slow. So many gaps with no dialogue. No likable characters. Plot so thin one could read a newspaper through it. My wife and I are particularly fond of British programming, but this could drive us away. We have tried, in vain, to care about the people involved in this mess, but there is just no hope. Hidden is very dark, to no purpose. It is not hard-hitting. It is just depressing in every respect. The weather is depressing. The scenery is depressing. The characters are depressing. If I want depressing I'll watch the news. There is no escape here. Just bland, slow, depressing blather.
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800 Words (2015–2018)
Could be Good
5 March 2023
800 Words is filled with likable, interesting characters. The plot line is unique and quite interesting. Then there is Shay, an entitled, narcissistic teen played by someone who is hardly a teen. The setting in New Zealand is lovely. Weld is a charming, quirky town filled with charming, quirky characters. George, the lead character, is a kind, intelligent but flawed man who is the object of affection for numerous local lovelies and one Aussie woman of loose morals. George is Shay's father, who somehow puts up with the shallow meanderings of this needy twerp while juggling emotional attachments to the local lovelies. It is a shame that a series with so much potential was ruined by one character.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Quirky Turns Plodding
1 February 2023
Watching this in 2023 streaming on Paramount+. Season 1 was a fun watch. The quirky plot and characters made for a fun ride. Writing was fitting for the format. Characters could have been stereotypes, but they somehow come across amusing and likeable. The plot is interesting, and the characters fit in nicely. Then came Season 2, and somebody put on the brakes. There is so much dead time in the scenes that ruins what began in Season 1. What was amusing about the plot and characters became dull and colorless. I didn't research enough to learn if they changed writers and/or director(s), but something took the life out of the once lovable piece of work. Watch Season 1, then let your imagination run free and make up your own Season 2. It will probably be better.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Mumbling and Bumbling
21 January 2023
Historically inaccurate. Slow and plodding. Should be titled "2023" instead of "1883." This attempt at an epic story is nothing more than a feminist trope narrated by an annoying, angst-ridden teen. Sam Elliott and Tim McGraw shine, but don't shine enough to save this garbage. Faith Hill's character is strong and likeable, and she carries it well. Again, not enough. The first episode was well done, but the rest of the series doesn't live up to the introduction. It becomes transparent and predictable, then transforms into a lecture on feminism that has absolutely no historical basis. If one watches this series without a critical eye, then it is probably enjoyable (like the Lone Ranger or Gunsmoke). But you'll be disappointed if you appreciate honesty. You won't find it here.
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The Rig (2023– )
Words Escape Me
11 January 2023
The Poseidon Adventure meets The Fog meets Stephen King meets the evil Big Oil . The cast are mostly impressive, but the purpose behind the story is apparent after episode 2. If you are tired of being preached at, don't bother watching this silliness. It's supposed to be suspenseful but it's not. It's supposed to be dramatic but it's not. Thrilling? No, I don't think so. It's just boring, transparent, and a total waste of time. I expected to see an evil clown appear in the toilet, or maybe a bucket of red paint spill on the lead actress. Those would have improved it greatly. The 3-star rating goes to the cast, crew, and production.
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The Outsider (2020)
A 5-Episode Miniseries told over 10 Episodes
26 December 2022
Darkly shot. Slowly unfolding. Much too much inaction (not suspense, but inaction). The King book was a good read, but this HBO interpretation is adolescent at best. If you know King you know right away that there is going to be some evil, unnatural force behind this whole story. This series doesn't capture the magic of King's writing. Watching this series is like plodding through a telephone menu waiting and hoping a human will soon come on the line to answer your question or solve your problem. You're left listening to some really bad hold music. The final episode is probably the best of all, except it is the 10th episode. It should have been the 5th. Watch the first two episodes, then jump to the 10th. You'll not miss much.
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Has be a Parody!
20 September 2022
I am surprised so many reviewers actually fell for this collection of nonsense from a group of tinfoil hat wearing doofuses. My favorite character is Dr. "Z"! If his portrayal doesn't open your eyes to this farce, then nothing else will. Laugh! Thought I'd die! I watched this documentary on a whim and found it very entertaining. Like a Monty Python movie. It would be so funny if it weren't for the possibility that these characters really believe what they're saying. That possibility makes the whole thing very sad, and a little scary. And it's scary to know that some of us are so gullible as to actually believe this nonsense. Is there alien life out there? Probably. Are they visiting us and producing hybrid babies? There is no evidence of that. So, put away your tinfoil hat, watch "My Favorite Martian" or "Mork and Mindy" and be confident in knowing that Uncle Martin and Mork aren't here (yet). Alf, on the other hand, lives next door to me.
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Lake Perfidy
26 August 2022
Although of little widespread interest, this film should be viewed by any American who mistakenly trusts the word of the US government. As a former resident of Kinzua (one of the beautiful towns inundated by Lake Perfidy), I can testify to the feeling of betrayal felt by Native Americans and valley residents alike. "As long as the grass shall grow" rings hollow. President Washington would certainly chastise President Kennedy. The Seneca's alternate proposal was certainly a better way. But the Army Corps of Engineers would not be denied. Shame on us.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Where's the Beef?
26 August 2022
Gratuitous sex and violence abound. No compelling characters. Iffy CGI. If the original Game of Thrones rates a 10, this is certainly a 6. I will watch the second episode, but if the low quality of the pilot continues, I won't watch any more. It is very difficult to make a prequel or sequel to an outstanding original concept. So far, the producers and directors have failed here. I sincerely hope George R. R. Martin isn't involved. This breech birth isn't worthy of his talents. UPDATE: After watching episodes 2 and 3, I dropped my rating from 6 to 3. Acting is poor, dialog is forced, violence is gratuitous, and the characters are shallow and unmemorable. I won't waste any more time on this turkey.
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"Documentary" HA!
15 August 2022
This is a perfect example why the "Found Footage" genre should not exist. If Amazon Prime continues to call this kind of tripe a documentary, they will soon find themselves in the same sinking boat as Netflix. Start a category called "Found Footage Fakes" to draw in the kind of people who enjoy this genre so we serious-minded people won't be wasting our time watching nonsense.
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