
64 Reviews
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Already slipping before crashing
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie considered a classic with good rating , i thought could be an interesting watch .

The small description on IMDB for this movie , yes this could be interesting .

The start is not bad , and i find Gary Bond does well , and the movie is at first a nice watch also for the scenery .

The story is engaging at first , but along the way i find it becomes somewhat disappointing , as at some point later in movie i expected more to happen then actually does .

Where at first it seems he might be getting in risky situations and comes in contact with " strange or dangerous people " , and there is some tension in the movie , this kinda dies out along the way , as he kinda becomes one of " them " .

But then towards the end , there is a hunt on kangaroos , and i find this just awful to watch and horrible end to movie that was already not fully delivering on promises .

Afterwards i read some scenes have been left out , like cutting of the testicles of a kangaroo , so it could been even worse .

But its bad enough already , i felt disgust and was kinda offended by these hunting scenes in the movie , making a 3 star rating very generous .
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Depressing to watch
5 June 2024
Cat on a hot tin roof is a promising title and sounds like a classic .

Paul Newman an Elizabeth Taylor together in a movie is in theory very interesting .

To be fair i watched this movie without any knowledge beforehand what its all about , as i don't like spoilers and such .

But i was in for a nasty surprise as it turned out it was not my cup of tea at all .

Paul Newman playing a depressed guy is just depressing to watch .

This review could be the above sentence repeated enough times to fill the minimum amount of characters limit .

Elizabeth Taylor is absolutely gorgeous and a pleasure to watch , but this works only for so long and the content of this movie just drags the pleasure down to a point its not a pleasant watch anymore .

To me it feels like a wasted chance to have these actors in a movie like this .

All i could think was like i wish they were in some Alfred Hitchcock like thriller , not this depressing drama .
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caught up by time
22 May 2024
This movie from 1963 , it is no shame , but its kinda caught up by time , like the cigarette smoking in this movie to be cool .

The premise , idea of the story , it could bring something , but the reality is this movie moves very slow , and has lack of everything.

There is no real tension , or action , or humor .

Its maybe " psychological movie " and i think somewhat vague at moments.

It offers a look back in time and that can be nice , some nostalgia, but thats it .

There is really not much there to watch this movie a second time years later .

Magnet of Doom , the title is surely cool , but its a bit much for this movie and would be more fitting for a new superhero movie .
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watch and forget
20 March 2024
After the not that impressive first MI movie , this is not a good follow up .

This is mainly on the story and script .

But also when look at the cast , there are no impressive support actors here .

Only Thandiwe Newton is a "name " , and u dont need well known actors to make a good movie , but in this case i find it is telling and adds to being not a good movie .

I also dont like Newton that much in this role in the movie .

Memorable moment can be Cruise shooting a gun while on a motorbike , and thats it really .

This movie is bit of letdown and doesnt have enough to offer to rewatch over time , i rate it 5 stars .
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Not so impressive start
20 March 2024
When watching back this movie , i find it is a bit surprising.that many others followed , as i find its not that good of a movie .

I think its more the star power of Tom Cruise and him putting his weight in to this , that makes it a succes .

When looking at later M. I. movies , its a plus in this movie Cruise still looks natural .

For me this movie doesnt offer enough to rewatch over time .

In a way this is the USA variant of the James Bond movie franchise , and even though many James Bond movies could have been better , i find they still offer more then this movie .

Jean Reno , Jon Voight. And Vanessa Redgrave do add a touch of class to this movie , but its not enough for me to rate any higher then a 6 .
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Surprisingly bad , needed time to recover after watching .
3 August 2023
Never thought this could end up to be so bad .

For me the movie starts right away a bit chaotic , not good .

But seriously after like 25 minutes or so i really wondered to myself more then once , what the heck is this , what kind of BS is this .

Seriously .

There is no recovery possible with some Drax oneliner .

Only after reading some reviews here , yes its weird this movie has some animal cruelty , but even though im an animal lover , frankly i did not even notice is how bad this movie is .

I did not expect this to get any better then 1 or 2 , but i never never expected this to be so much worse , incredible really .

I was just really grumpy how bad this was and this lasted to most of the next day .

More and more it seems useless the IMDB rating , 8.0 at this time for a movie that is just a huge fail .
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Andor (2022– )
All in all pretty good !
2 March 2023
I found season 1 overall a positive succes .

For me this series cant touch Mandalorian , but it is really enjoyable .

Its nicely done , fits well in Star Wars universe .

The series strengthens the Star Wars brand , while at same time profits greatly by being a part of it .

There are some moments in this series maybe where u need not think things over too much .

An example that sticks in my mind is a moment where somebody headbuts a startrooper unconsious , while this startrooper is actually wearing a helmet , it is really silly .

Some other moments where startroopers seem more like bad guys in an A-Team episode , they really cant hit anything at times .

But ok , these are minor complaints .

Good enough story , good enough script .

Good enough actors , here u go .

If u get these basics right , u already go a long way towards being a good series , and this series has extra appeal through its Star Wars setting .
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not bad , not good - generic netflix production
27 January 2023
This movie gives partly what u kinda expect from Hart and Harrelson, at same time its problem these are not stand out characters .

Hart is likable , but as often in the movies he is in , the script , the actual comedic content could be better .

Harrelson is not bad , but seems in a way clichee and comparible with roles he has done before .

As to create more content for its service , this netflix movie has been made , it does feel like that to me .

There is need for content and not much time to perfect the script or work on other aspects of the movie .

Lets do a movie with Hart and Harrelson , it will generate some views on their names alone .

Even though the movie has its moments , and sort of delivers what u can expect from it , it really left me with empty feelng when finished.
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De familie Knots (1980–1984)
Brilliant series with magnificent character creation .
11 November 2022
Not many series ment for children are fun to keep rewatch as an adult .

There is nostalgia envolved when seen this as a kid offcourse .

But this is still fun to rewatch from time to time .

The absolute strongpoint of this series is the fact 3 main actors play several roles , it works really well here .

You really need to wonder why similar is not done much more often .

Only Austin Powers - Dr. Evil comes to mind , but that is childsplay if count the amount of roles the 3 main actors take upon them during this series .

There is very good chemistry between the 3 main actors .

Its maybe a bit typical for that time every episode has a song in it , can be a bit weird at times , but its the way it is .

Another possible small negative , but this is just typical for Dutch productions like these , the child actors at times i find not superconvincing.

The series scores extra points for the nice and fun characters and the fun concept of the pink paint .

When the series starts with the strong score the fun already starts .

Also the voice-over works pretty well .

Hetty Heyting , besides being one of the main actors , also created and wrote the series . When look now i see she did do some other stuff on tv later , but for me it always felt like she kinda completely dissapeared after this series , i never could understand .

Its nice to see when doing small research for this review , Heyting had worked before with Minkema in a childs cabaret and Kappers she had worked with on a radio play .

Original and creative and fun .

Easily my all time favorite Dutch series .
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Title is great - nice concept - Bad end result
11 November 2022
This movie is known to be somewhat of a cult classic .

Escape from New York -- In itself a great movie title .

Also the movie poster looks great .

Snake Plissken character maybe had some potential .

If u read the short description on this website of this movie , it could be something good . Potentially a nice concept .

Besides Kurt Russel , i do find him intresting actor , there are some very decent names in the supporting cast .

This is where the positives end .

While Snake character became somewhat iconic , it seems to be mainly based on him wearing an eye-patch .

The character has nothing to offer that is likable personality-wise .

But what its all about is the actual movie .

What to say i was highly disspointed with this movie , just really bad .

There is just nothing in this movie that justifies any cult status , i found the movie has very little to offer .

Seems im just not a fan of Carpenter as director , he also directed Big trouble in Little China , another 80's movie with Kurt Russel .

That movie also has some following while i found it to be really really bad .

Russel i find intresting actor and has some presence , but i just wish he been in some better movies in those days .

There is Tango and Cash , Tequila Sunrise , these are not bad 80's movies , but he never landed in iconic movie in 80's . It feels like missed chance .
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Ip Man 2 (2010)
Starts nice , becomes lame , similar to first movie .
11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For me this is very much the same as first movie .

Only now the evil Japanese are switched for evil Englishmen .

The movie is good and fun when Ip Man needs to prove himself against a number of local martial arts masters .

But it seems there was this need to fight some great evil again , this time some foreign champion boxer .

Its not as shocking change of scenery as first movie , still the movie moves from being kung-fu movie with some comedy elements , and a story that is intresting , in to a movie where its suddenly all about fighting some white devils . To make sure we understand , a couple of the Englismen act pretty mean , also the boxer , he is clearly not a nice guy !!

Too bad this foreign enemy aspect had to be taken in to this movie also , like the first movie , i really find the movie is crippled by this , story becomes lame and predictable and i lose pretty much all intrest .
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Ip Man (2008)
Japan invades and destroys this movie
11 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie would been much better if it went along the lines of the start of the story in this movie .

In my view this movie should be kung-fu movie with some comedy elements .

This movie really takes a turn when Japan invades Hong Kong .

From colorful scenes , its like it turns into a black and white movie .

Its like it becomes a propaganda movie , its clear the Japanese are the bad , evil guys .

Story wise it becomes completely unintresting and mostly predictable .

This really hurts the kung-fu scenes , as they are pretty good , but because the story i just lose lot of intrest .

An evil sadistic Japanese general who really likes to fight kung-fu , i just find it lame , and it kills the movie for most part .

So as far as im concernhed , this movie has a nice start , shows some potential , but the story becomes so weak it hurts .
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The A-Team (2010)
Movie has its moments , A-Team members mostly badly cast .
22 October 2022
The original A-Team cast is incredible good mix in actors and personalities.

Offcourse this is just a movie and not a series with many episodes , and it was always going to be hard to replace the original members .

Still , i find the casting has been weak for this movie .

I only like Quinton Jackson as B. A. , he is well casted and does a good job.

This is kinda curious as he has done a lot of stuff by now , but he became famous for being MMA fighter .

Liam Neeson for me was not convincing as Hannibal , on paper he is kinda supposed to carry the others as senior actor resembling also the position in the team .

To be clear im a older guy by now who has the A-Team dvd box , so maybe for younger viewers the bad casting is not relevant at all .

But for me besides no good Hannibal , Face and Murdock come in no way near the original ones .

Its more like the actor that played Face in the pilot , but changing him for Dirk Benedict is just huge difference .

The special chemistry is not present , preventing the A-Team from being back in full force and the succes was not such that more movies were made .

Still the movie is not bad , i find even some scenes really make a big impression .

I would think A-Team still has the potential to be a hit , but this was not the right mix of actors .
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Struggled to finish the series .
22 October 2022
Series has a high rating and i was somewhat curious to see what series this was with Pratt.

As with more series lately , this series has a promising start , but for me it gets tedious after couple episodes .

The action scenes are mostly boring .

I really completely lost intrest mid season and kinda skipped through the end.

So i kinda wonder about reviews claiming this series is so good and special.

It felt to me like some promotional film , maybe kinda funded by Navy or the NRA . Bit like Top Gun was supported by Air Force.

Guns are good and nice , we just need all be good guys with a gun .

Maybe this production mainly tries to cater to American Replublcan audience .

Besides Pratt there are not many intresting or big names in supporting cast , the story and script is such that most will not make any lasting impression .

Reece character is in the end not intresting ,.

First episodes there is suspense , but after that the series manages to completly lose my intrest .

I prefer to blame this on the series instead of looking for some problem on my side .
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Intriguing and delightful way to create comedy series .
27 September 2022
Alan Partridge the masterpiece creation by Steve Coogan .

Its not constantly superfunny and not everything works .

But the way Steve Coogan goes about it , its intriguing character creation.

Alan can be pretty selfish and not so considerate to others , but how can u not like the guy at the same time .

The setting now where he still has a tv show , it is nice , but the quality is all in all some lower then the later Alan Partridge series .

Still this is good and has rewatch value , i watch this series again and again over time .

The series was the solo-breakthrough of the Alan Partridge personage and could be considered as season 1 of the Alan Partridge series .

This series has extra value due to all the Alan Partridge content that has followed , as these where the succes days of Alan Partridge , where later we see him also in harder times , so these series kept some relevance in the later development of the Alan Partridge character .
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Friends (1994–2004)
One of the most overrated series ever .
27 September 2022
Ive never been able to understand why the succes for this series .

These days this series is still rated 8.9 on IMDB .

Thats some higher then a lot of classic comedyseries that do manage to provide some comedy from time to time .

For me this series mainly delivers lame jokes about relationships and sex , and thats it really .

Just mainly cringe and unfunny jokes and situations that are related to sex and relationships , but it had huge succes .

In a way this series helped pave the way for garbage tv like , Big Brother , MTV series like Jersey Shore , or even the fame and succes of Kim Kardashian .

The series fits in a trend where its all about superficial appearance , but the actual quality of the content doesnt seem to matter anymore , but it sells so all is good .
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Decent series , very good Renner
27 September 2022
While watching this first season , at times i felt this is really good , but overall i do think its not the level of the absolute topseries .

Still this is pretty good compaired with all series that are around these days.

When i became aware of this series , i was intrested mainly in how Renner would do in this series .

I had some fear this would be mostly taking part inside a prison , and thereby i could find this somewhat boring series , but thats not the case .

For me this series strengthens my opinion that the Hawkeye series is bad , but Renner is an intresting actor .

Renner could easily shine in a Hawkeye series , if it would been done right ,really a missed chance in my opinion .

Im happy to see Renner in a decent series and making some decent impact here .

In my book he scores extra points here and secures 8 stars for this series .
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The Sandman (2022– )
Not for me .
26 September 2022
Even though im really unfamilair with this character , i felt this could be intresting series .

The start was not bad , but as the series moved along , i lost more and more intrest .

Somehow i found it hard to follow any story , or i could not have any investment in any of the characters .

This is instance where i think the 600 character rule is a bit much as minimum thats allowed to use in a review .

I stopped watching after like 5 episodes .

For me the current rating of 7.7 is definately too high .

The Sandman , it sounds like a good series , it should be a good series , but its not a good series .
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More of the same , but also couple strong additional characters .
17 September 2022
I find this trilogy works very well in the sense that extra time for beloved characters like Austin and Dr. Evil works really well .

Also some nice new ones like Mini-Me and Fat Bastard .

A fun extra is Rob Lowe in this movie .

Typical for this movie , in beginning there is hilarious scene in Jerry Springer show , but this is followed by really weird sequence where Basil asks Austin how his honeymoon has been .

Austin explains that Vanessa turned out to be a fembot . !!!! ????

Basil replys ; " Yes , We knew this all along , sadly . Anyway , we have a new assignment for you . " Really weird i think .

Maybe this is so bad it is kinda funny , but it is very blunt way to get rid of the first sidekick and while we dont need take everything to seriously, i think it takes away in taking the spoof story seriously .

I hope readers understand what i mean here .

The movie combines great hights with moments u can consider low points.

Hard to rate this movie compairing with first one .

I give 10 stars anyway as the current imdb rating for this movie is on the low side .
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Absolutely Iconic Characters , lots of hits but couple big misses also.
17 September 2022
Humor is always some matter of taste .

I find Austin Powers movies very funny , while at same time all movies have some failed jokes or weak moments .

The 60's settings makes it a nice watch .

An absolute pluspoint in these movies is the fact Myers plays several characters , this really adds to it all .

The real magnificance of these movies are the characters , some of them are truly iconic .

I think its safe to say Dr. Evil is more iconic then any villain in any Bond movie . He may even outweigh all villains all together from all Bond movies.

Austin Powers character also is iconic character .

This is not easy to create by any means .

They stand out but i also like smaller characters like Number 2 and Scott Evil .

These movies have also generated some of the nicest t-shirts ever .

I have 4 of them , my favorite is Bert and Ernie imitating Austin Powers and Dr. Evil , i think is just hilarious .

In general i have the feeling in all 3 movies , the female side kick is in tough position , to come out really good and funny .

I think this is on the script and not the actresses .

I think Elizabeth Hurley did best out of the 3 movies .

This movie i rate 10 , even though i find it has weak moments , not all is funny . But a lot is .

It scores extra points for the creation of iconic characters .

It scores extra points for rewatch value .

It scores extra points for Myers playing several roles .

Also the current imdb rating made me give 10 instead of 9 stars .
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Mostly succeeds in what its trying to do .
17 September 2022
I think this is good quality production .

Some big names , familair faces in it .

I find it doesnt dissapoint .

Nice role and play by Clooney , for my taste this is one of best productions he has been in .

William H. Macey i always find intresting actor , and always nice to have him in this kind of movie .

Luiz Guzman , it feels he has been in ton of similar roles , movies , he does fit in nice also here .

Comedy movies , its sometimes looking at the percentage of the jokes that are good , compairing to the amount that doesnt work .

Then i think this movie does very well .

Also i think it doesnt have complete fail jokes like in some other funny movies .

Cant say why , there is something preventing most characters from becoming really memorable , unforgettable characters, maybe with exception of Clooney character .

But as a whole i think this movie works excellent .

Bit hard to rate as for me it falls between 8 and 9 stars .

I do feel this is a nice movie , u can rewatch again over time .

As i always value high , the fact a movie remains good when watch several times , this really makes me want give 9 stars .

But this one is hard somehow , i kept change 8 to 9 and back during making this review , then lets be generous and give 9 stars .
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Movie does not really deliver on promises .
17 September 2022
Movie is a good watch for the cast and at times the setting .

No shame on other actors , but Walken for me stands above the rest .

For me Harrelson does have some screen presence , but in a way his character in this movie is a bit clichee .

Sam Rockwell character also struggles a bit with being clichee .

Colin Farrel , is he good in this movie , or not so good , im not sure .

The fact some scenes are for the script Farrel's character is working on , i feel it takes further away from this being believable , "realistic " , movie.

I dont mind a bit over the top situations, characters , but it makes the movie does not work as a thriller , there is no real tension .

When look at this movie more as a comedy , humor is always bit personal taste offcourse , i find the movie does try with the bit over the top characters , but in practise it just never becomes really funny .

For me this is the main problem in this movie , it never delivers on the comedy aspect even though i think they try .

I just have seen similar type of movies that worked a lot better .

This movie tries , but falls short somewhat .

For me this is definately not a classic worth rewatching over time .

I did see the movie now twice , as i was unsure if i seen at first , and that will be it .
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Movie is a mixed bag , Stallone is pretty good .
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Somehow i had high hopes for this movie .

Just a feeling as i always avoid watching any trailers or info about movie , that can greatly spoil the enjoyment of watching later .

People should never watch any trailer is just my opinion .

The movie did not fully deliver , but certainly has its moments .

Partly this movie had a nice view on superheroes , on the other hand at times it had a bit feel of B - movie .

A couple of times i found part of story weak .

Boy is fan and always on the lookout for lost superhero , who then it turns out lives in appartment across the street . Thats not very convincing .

The bad guys are bit cardboard , their actions mostly clichee .

When u find out your enemy is really the long lost evil hero u always worshipped , but then kinda just continue wanting to kill him , i found this a weak part of story .

Stallone is good in this movie and i can only be in awe that at this age , he is able to make this movie , i find this very impressive .

Its understandable this movie incites a desire to have witnessed Stallone in a good superhero movie years ago .
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
At this moment hugely overrated with 8.6 stars
5 September 2022
To think i rated 9 stars after 2 episodes .

I seen now 8 episodes , and i find this has become really bad and boring .

Milly Alcock had a great screen presence and without her its pretty much like nothing is left .

Kinda weird she had to go because time gap but then some others look still the same , also this jump in time happens , but still nothing happens, so u wonder what is it all good for .

But it was getting bad anyway .

First 2 episodes , i found promising , but from then on each episode is just dissapointing .

You expect something in episode 4 or 5 or 6 to happen , but never does.

Pretty much lost all intrest by now .

Watching episode 8 , i notice i wonder who again are some of these characters , but then notice i dont even care anymore .

A lot of talking in very dark rooms , i dont see how this is great tv .

I dont see how this can be rated much better then Rings series , even though i find that series has some big flaws as well .

Watching last episodes felt like a waste of time , i never expected this series to become this bad and boring after the promising start .
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Dredd (2012)
Very well made sf action movie with a lot of personality .
20 August 2022
I find this movie is pretty much good on all fronts .

A good story , a fine script .

Good acting .

Karl Urban is definately a very good Dredd .

Olivia Thirlby absolutely delivers as side kick .

Lena Heady manages to be the perfect " Bad Guy " , she really is very good in this movie . Only now when making this review is see i completely missed the link with Game of Thrones .

She probably is one of the best , most intresting actresses of our time .

When everything in a movie works , i always think need give credits to the director , in this case Pete Travis , well done .

This movie can be rewatched again and again over time , it deserves a very high rating .
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