
27 Reviews
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Great Acting
28 March 2021
This movie is a very good movie. A simple idea that has been seen before but done so well.

As I said in the title, the acting is fantastic from both Adam Driver and ScarJo. You feel what both of the main characters feel throughout the movie and it is nice to see the perspectives from both sides. The one scene that people talk about is just amazing; I was left speechless by the culmination of events.

Although, there are some scenes that mess up the pacing of the movie but not to a great extent. The characters also do things that seem somewhat out-of-character at times.

Overall, a good movie if you want some feels.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
The Mandalorian is a bad show
4 February 2021
This show has my favorite depiction of the Star Wars universe I've ever seen. Because of that, it really goes to show how bad the rest of the series must be in order to get this low of a rating.

There is literally nothing that happens throughout this show. The Mandalorian goes to a place because he needs a thing and he helps some people do a thing so he can get a thing to go to the next thing. This is more than half of the episodes. Then, at the end of the season, he gets together with the people that he helped throughout the season and they do something with actual significance.

This entire show could have been accomplished with less than half of the screen time that it currently has. The show is just constant filler.

The reason that this show is a 4/10 is because a good amount of the filler episodes would be a good episode if it was the only filler in the season. The show also has a definite amount of grit to it, letting the viewer see a new side of the Star Wars universe. There are some decently cool parts but it's not worth watching the whole show for.

Overall, this show is only worth watching if you have the largest hard-on for Star Wars or you love the plot of Marvel movies.

p.s. Grogu (Baby Yoda) is actually really cute and one of the main reasons I watched the show
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Holes (2003)
Probably the best live action Disney movie
2 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Holes is so fun and has a halfway decent plot line compared to the usual stuff that Disney shovels out.

The idea of having the descendants of all of the people from so long ago somehow meeting up at the lake is great. It's actually fun to watch the story develop and learn more and more about the connections between all of the characters given.

The ending is great but I think Jon Voight getting randomly arrested was pointless and the family just giving Zero half of all of their money was dumb.

I think that the acting was alright but some random plot points were a waste of time (like Twitch).
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Jackie Chan does his best in this plot
1 February 2021
This movie is not good. The original plot of circumnavigating the world in 80 days is great but they had to water it down with pointless plot points. The entire Jade Buddha plot was so pointless and it was very annoying. This whole movie is so 2-dimensional; nothing of significance ever happens.

Even Jackie Chan's fight sequences seemed worse. They seemed like they had a quarter of the available time to choreograph the fights compared to other Jackie Chan movies.

Besides those points, the red head repeatedly getting beat up while trying to stop Phileas and Passpartout was pretty funny. Jackie Chan and Steve Coogan also had some arguably funny moments.

Overall, there are better mindless movies to watch with kids, not to mention yourself.
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Goodfellas (1990)
Just a 2-bit Gangster Film
31 January 2021
I honestly do not understand why people like this movie so much. The most I can say for it is that it is decent. There is nothing more than decent in any aspect of this film. That's not saying that it is bad, I watched it and I think that it was fine.

Overall, this is just a basic gangster movie that has nothing going for it.
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Extremely Niche Movie
31 January 2021
This is a movie that I did not personally like, but I know for a fact that there are certain people that this movie was made for.

This is extremely dialogue heavy and I can only like excessive dialogue to a point. I also felt like the dialogue was just words instead of things I can think about. I felt like the words were just going in one ear and out the other.

There are also so many characters in such a short time that I had to rewatch the earlier scenes to actually grasp the whole plot. As for the plot, it seemed very poorly paced.

Everything aside, the great scenes were great. I love the car drive conversation before the robbery and I think that the ending was enjoyable.

I think that my favorite part of this movie were the actors and their characters. Everyone played a different character and I felt like the characters worked well with each other. I especially liked seeing James Gandolfini and Ben Mendelsohn in this movie.

The last thing is that the sound design in this movie is very unique and hit-or-miss. I personally found it an interesting change, but it could definitely be irritating for some.

Overall, you should give this movie a try because on the off chance that this is your cup of tea, you'll love it.
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Good for a True Story
31 January 2021
Easily the most redeemable aspect of this movie are the scenes of DiCaprio's cleverness. You always think it's over for him but he just wont quit.

The romance scenes in this movie were definitely a bit much. There were multiple times where I was taken out of the movie because of the many romantic endeavors. The beginning of the movie was also pretty slow compared to other movies and it took me a little bit to get into it.

As for the final 20 minutes of the movie, it wasn't great. I understand that it's hard to make some true stories into good movies, but the ending was just boring. He does all these things in the end and it's like, "And?"

Overall, its fun to watch a smart main character.
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Try not to take the negative reviews to the heart
30 January 2021
I definitely liked this movie.

Robin Williams going from event to event and coming to the terms of his condition. The events were always funny and the side plot of his family/ doctor trying to find him were paced fine.

The language was a bit much at times to the point of extremeness. The acting was fine but that one scene with Louis C.K. and Mila Kunis hit me like a truck. The reasons for Robin Williams travelling from plot point to plot point seemed iffy at times as well.

Overall, Robin Williams raging is refreshing.
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Great movie with little flaws
29 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Reservoir dogs is the pinnacle of dialogue. Although it can definitely be brass at times, it always fits the characters.

One gripe is that the ending seemed a little ham-handed. It seemed like there could have been more thought about everyone pulling up and shooting each other.

Another thing is that the disruptions in time can be a little disorienting for someone new to Tarantino.

Overall, a very solid movie.
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A fantastic set of Old West experiences.
28 January 2021
This movie is a collection of stories set in old west America that can be a little difficult to watch at times if you are impatient.

It really is amazing how each and every segment leaves you speechless. The characters that you come to know come and go in such a short time but it feels so completed.

As for how the stories interact, it is definitely not made clear or easy to understand. I think it's something like the development of America but it's hard to say for sure.

Overall, this is a very entertaining movie.
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Great first two acts
27 January 2021
This movie is very entertaining with all of the intertwining stories but the third act brought everything to a standstill.

All of the characters just seemed to be randomly placed and doing random things for random reasons. All deaths seemed random as well with no purpose other than to move the plot.

Overall, the music is nice and the original fairy tales are refreshing but you should turn it off after the second act.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Fantastic Kids Movie
27 January 2021
This movie has a ton of memorable moments but there's not much besides that.

Marlin and Dory go from event to event but there's not much substance in between. Because kids don't really care about this, I would give this a 10/10 for children 10 and under.

The ending also didn't have that much going for it and felt like another random event.

Overall, a great family movie.
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A really great revenge movie
25 January 2021
I must have been in a bad mood when I first saw this because I thought it was nothing exceptional. The second time around this is an epic movie.

It's really nothing more than an awesome movie with so many awesome moments. The only thing is that nothing exceptionally exceptional happens, unlike Vol.2
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Se7en (1995)
Great moments interspersed with boringness
24 January 2021
Se7en has some of the craziest kills in all of film and the genius of John Doe is astounding at times. Some say that the boring scenes of the characters doing nothing enhances the listed scenes, but I just find them a waste of time.

The ending is the one thing keeping this movie from a 7. That along with Kevin Spacey's psychopathic acting creates a final 15 minutes that are heart pounding.

Overall, watch this movie because of the ending.
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A worse Oceans 11
24 January 2021
This movie falls flat in the area of plot, heists, and new characters. The 11 from the original are the only thing keeping this movie afloat.

This movie is whatever, but you should watch 11 or 13 if you want to see an Ocean's movie.
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What Could've been Fantastic
22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To sum it all up, The Dead Don't Die could have been a fantastic mini-series or even a 2 - 2 and 1/2 hour movie.

I thought that it was doing well with all of the different storylines but I feel like with most of them it was just wasted time. My favorite scenes were with the police by far, but after that, the other characters were not interesting.

Some people have said that it's purposely bad to be meta with what Adam Driver was saying the whole time. I just see it as an excuse to have poor writing.

The monologue by the Hermit at the end of the movie was super annoying as well.

Overall, the only reason this is not a 4 or lower is because Bill Murray and Adam Driver gave me a couple of laughs and I like the cast.
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Popcorn movie
19 January 2021
Great heist movie with nothing exceptional happening.
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This 7 star rating will probably be my death sentence but...
19 January 2021
This movie had a lot happening. Some people love that type of stuff, but everyone has their own opinion. I, for one, was overwhelmed by the amount of characters and scenes throughout this movie. It got to the point where an "emotional" scene would happen and I'd be thinking, "Okay, and?"

Another thing would be the fights. I think that the fights were mediocre on average. I love the Battle of Helms Deep, but I think that these fights lacked the grit that they used to have.

For the most part, they handled the many different storylines as well as they could and I would recommend this for anyone looking for a fun evening.
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Superbad (2007)
Top 10 Funniest Movies
14 January 2021
This movie has some of the funniest lines and funniest moments I've seen in movies. Michael Cera and Jonah Hill are great.

The reason why this is an 8 because there are some overly raunchy/cringe scenes and a boring scene here and there.
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Lots of boring scenes
12 January 2021
There were a lot of boring scenes dispersed throughout this movie. Other than that, the story kept me watching for the most part and the ending was better than I thought.

Overall, watch this if you like Matthew McConaughey or AIDS movies, otherwise, avoid.
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A great adventure story with a few hitches
11 January 2021
Castle in the Sky has so many gorgeous and breathtaking moments throughout the movie thanks to the animation team at Studio Ghibli. I think that this is the strongest point of the film, along with the strong story that is given to us.

The only problems with this film is that the characters sometimes make out-of-character decisions and the ending of the movie. I felt like a lot was being set up towards the end and it could have gone so many different ways but I feel like it just fell flat.

Despite the ending, the third act is beautiful and is well worth the wait to get to it.

Overall, this is a great movie to watch with family or friends but make sure you don't get your hopes up for the end.
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The Best Superhero Movie You'll Get
8 January 2021
The Dark Knight has tons of great moments that you'll be thinking about days after watching. This could include memorable set-pieces or the great acting of Heath Ledger as the Joker.

The only reason why this is a 9/10 is because of a cheesy Batman voice that can sometimes take you out of a serious situation and a couple of unnecessary or drawn out scenes.

Overall, this is the first movie you should think of whether you want to see an action movie, a superhero movie or anything in between.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Uninspired and Obnoxious
8 January 2021
This movie feels like it was written by one writer who wanted a "woman strong" movie, and the other writer recently broke up with the first writer and wanted to make a "woman need man" movie.

In the end, this movie is way too loud and annoying and the plot was a bother to put up with.

The 4 stars are only for people who have a hard-on for DC Movies and/or Gal Gadot. But if you are brain dead and love big noises and flashy colors, this movie is also for you.
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This is an Entertaining Film
6 January 2021
Independence Day has a variety of plot issues, but if you try, you can look past that with all the action scenes and crazy characters.

Overall, you should probably watch other movies first, but if you want something to play in the background, this is a great choice.
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The Bad Reviews are "Critics" Who Need Every Movie to be Mindblowing
6 January 2021
To put it simply, Kong: Skull Island is a movie where you can sit back with some friends and have a good time.

The monster scenes throughout the movie seem inspired and very interesting. I think that I was amazed whenever a new monster was shown and that surprised me.

I think that the bad reviews walked into this movie expecting the Peter Jackson version, and that was their first mistake. This is not the Peter Jackson version.

The plot is the biggest downfall of this movie as husks of characters move from Point A to Point B to do a thing with a thing for a thing.

Besides that, I thought that the movie was watchable and I was able to sit through all of it and be entertained. The only real problem was Samuel L Jackson's character which was especially irritating towards the end of the movie.

Overall, Kong: Skull island is not a masterpiece, but you can enjoy it if you watch without the precedent of high standards.
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