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Grindhouse (2007)
Tarantino: Get Laid And You'll See, Girls Really Aren't That Scary
14 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK. I love Rodriguez, and I had a fairly solid appreciation for Tarantino before I saw this piece of sh*t.

I think the general problem with this movie is that you can't make a remake of grindhouse cinema. It comes off as a pathetic attempt in this unholy year of 2007.

Both Rodriguez and Tarantino reveal themselves as fanboys, but for Rodriguez its forgivable since his half is fairly entertaining. The point at which he lost me came towards the end when some chick got bladed up her vagina. That didn't digest well.

I wish I could say Tarantino's half was boring and leave it at that. But worse, its incredibly irritating listening to those chicks yap about nothing through pages and pages of not-witty dialogue. I would have left at that point, but was with friends, so forced to nod off to the MP3 player. Just awful. Tarantino (what is he 40 now?) is a raging teenaged geek. Clearly has issues with women.

I don't know, the 15 year old audience ate it up so maybe you will too. I'm not above the genre or anything, for instance I dug Black Snake Moan. But this was just fanboy crap.

Baaaaaaaaad. I give it a four only for Rodriguez's half, and the attempt at bringing back something cool. Too bad.
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Apocalypto (2006)
I've got a sinking feeling that Mel Gibson likes to torture kittens in his spare time.
10 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Why disguise a C-level slasher flick as an historical epic? If your true calling as a director is directing films that are thin on plot and gratuitously violent, why not just direct The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part Deux?

This film was marketed as a lavish historical epic chronicling the last days of the Mayan civilization, and one would expect to see a film that had something to say about decadence and political corruption. Hardly a new theme, but if done properly it could have made for an entertaining film.

Unfortunately Mel Gibson fails to execute even this minor task. As in Braveheart, which WAS an entertaining film, Gibson paints his characters in black or white. They are two-dimensional "good guys" or "bad guys." In Braveheart, the English and their Scottish co-conspirators are Eeeeeevil, as are the Mayan elite in Apocalypto who are practically drooling blood from their grinning mouths. This is called pulp, which when treated by someone with an ounce of wit (i.e. Tarantino), is fair game. However, Mel Gibson isn't witty but painfully earnest, and thus his violent formula is disturbing rather than entertaining.

I won't even address this film's glaring historical inaccuracies, other than to say that Hollywood rarely delivers in this regard and one no longer expects it to.

This convoluted, meandering film was either one of three things: 1. A failed epic in love with its own pornographic violence. There was no point to the violence as there was no point to the film. 2. A subversive propaganda tool which painted the Mayans as bloodthirsty savages whose own wrongdoing earned them their downfall. The final scene showed the arrival of the Europeans, which we know spelled a new world order for Mayans who had so suffered under their own leaders' excesses. 3. A film whose only point is to say that violence is pointless and inescapable. I say this in light of the final scene in which the two mains have escaped the ruin of the city, and instinctively also veer away from the approaching Europeans. They decide to "go to the forest" in hopes of living out their lives in peace, away from the destructiveness of all civilization. The point in this case, is very bleak, since we can assume that they won't be able to escape no matter how far they run, and will likely perish from smallpox or some other disease within a few years. Or they will escape and become the descendants of generations of Maya leading into today.

But who knows what Mel Gibson is attempting to say with this picture? I certainly don't. I base my one-star rating on guesses 1. and 2. I suppose if his motivations are more in tune with 3., then we would have at least something of a theme, and as such my rating could go up to 5. or 6. But I really will never know because if he is in fact making a point such as the one I have guessed at in 3., he fails in his utter vagueness and leaves us with a film that is ultimately disappointing, if not entirely offensive!
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This Film is a Love Letter
28 November 2006
There is something really endearing about this film that sticks with you. It's a beautiful little film that deals with enormous horror and tragedy, but in the end is a love letter to family.

Everything is Illuminated is as sweet as its characters, and like them it charms you. I especially love its attention to old people, it's hard to describe what I mean here, but this film lets them tell their stories in a way most films and even modern Western society don't.

The actors are all amazing, notably Elijah Wood, "Grandfather," and "Lista." Eugene Hutz gives a hilarious and poignant performance as Alex.

The first half of the movie is really, really funny. But it never actually makes fun of anybody, and you can feel that the humour is part of the love the writer has for the old country and its characters. The latter half of the film is tragic, yet manages to escape being heavy-handed or over-dramatic. One of the film's greatest strengths, rather, is that it is sentimental in all the right places, and unwavering in giving voice to its characters rather than reversing the mirror onto its own "art."

I highly recommend Everything is Illuminated - Liev Schreiber has made a great movie that is sweet, unpretentious, and heart-filled. Always despite its most tragic subject matter, it is a joy.
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Dark, Twisted & Slick - Pretty Decent Action Flick.
27 November 2006
I'm starting to like French action movies. This one reminded me a little bit in its feel of Kiss of the Dragon, minus the kung-fu.

The colouring and mood of the film are dark and edgy, as are its characters. Jean Reno delivers a good time, as per usual.

I will say that the plot twists to the point of nonsense, but it's still a good ride.

The film also has a hint of an Islamophobic air, given the current geopolitical climate, but not to the point of being overt.

In all, one of the best action films I've seen in a while, highly recommended within its genre.
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Joyeux Noel (2005)
Surprisingly .....boring
27 November 2006
This film manages to render potentially fascinating true events into a story that is, in a word - boring.

The characters were one-dimensional and the acting, excepting that of Guillaume Canet and Daniel Brühl, ranged from forgettable to plain bad. Benno Fürmann was especially wooden, and Diane Krüger came across as a silly twit. The Scotsmen were portrayed as, well, "jolly good Scots" and not very bright. Suffice it to say that too many characters were annoying, and as a viewer, I wanted to slap them after a short while.

The film itself sunk into Hollywood depths of cheese, which shouldn't have happened in a Euro telling of this subject matter.

Very disappointing.
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No Man's Land (I) (2001)
Dead-On Mix of Comedy and Tragedy
27 November 2006
An excellent film. No other film I've ever seen so perfectly mixes humour and tragedy.

What's more, this film isn't for a moment melodramatic or forced. The actors are perfect - and this film has a bullsh** factor of zero.

From my admittedly limited knowledge of the Balkan wars, the story seems to be told from a neutral standpoint, though I don't think any of the actors, writers etc. were Serb.

Funniest scene: A Bosnian soldier is bored on the lines, reading a newspaper. He's very disturbed to read about what's happening in Rwanda .... pretty hilarious reaction from his comrade, lol.

In sum, this is a really well-made film, that manages to tell a story about this horrible war that is at times really funny, and never once becomes melodramatic. Thankfully, it is the antithesis to the Hollywood war epic.

10 stars.
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Pretty Awful
27 November 2006
I really hope this was intended as a black comedy. Sadly, I don't think it was, though it would have failed as a black comedy regardless due to its being extremely unfunny.

The characters were so two-dimensional and boring that the audience has a hard time caring what happens to them.

To be fair, I couldn't get more than 3/4 of the way through this film, as it was meaningless and hollow.

Unfortunately this is the case with too many German films, which are so bent on pretension that in the end they have nothing to say.

I'm really not sure there is more to say about this film, other than that it was annoying and a disappointment.
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The Fountain (2006)
Suspend Your Disbelief ..... or Have a Good Laugh
26 November 2006
I realized about 30 seconds into this film that I had two choices: one - laugh my ass off, or two - swallow hard and just go with it. I chose the latter, and ended up really enjoying this film. Stunning visuals aren't enough to carry a movie, and there were moments where I couldn't quite suppress a snicker (levitating as a shaven-headed Buddha, for one). However, what made the film was Hugh Jackman's performance. He was bloody amazing. I had no idea. You should see it if only for his performance.

All in all, if you are willing to suspend your disbelief, and if you have at least a medium-level tolerance for pretentious film-making, you will be rewarded with a genre-defying film, whose merit lies not in any particular cleverness but in its ability to make you feel something. At worst, it will make you laugh. At best, it will make you feel a certain spiritual awareness.

It bears mentioning that if you're single and lonely, this film is a kick in the pants. ** ALSO, this is not a date movie - perhaps the worst possible date movie of all time. Moreover, if you're in a two-year relationship that feels so-so ... not a good pick. You wont be able to leave the theatre and get away with the usual chit chat.

In sum, as I rate films according to genre, this one managed a perfect 10 if only because it is in it's own wonked-out universe. Suspend your disbelief, and you may really like it. Failing that, roll a big spliff and you almost certainly will enjoy it. Or, just laugh your ass off.
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Casino Royale (2006)
Boyfriend Bond is a Flaming Piece O' Poo
21 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Over-long, boring, MELODRAMATIC (!!!)

Who the hell wants to see James Bond in a gooey love melodrama resembling an episode of The Bold & The Beautiful?

UNBELIEVABLY terrible. I'd sooner see the series end than "rebooted" in this insulting manner.

Save yourself the heartache of losing an old friend - don't see this movie if you haven't been suckered in already. All your hopes will be quashed, at the very latest when Bond tells his girlfriend, "I have no armour left, you've taken it from me."

Steer clear!
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