
122 Reviews
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Roadkill (2020)
3 stars for Hugh Laurie attempts; talking DULL silly no plot snoozefest. Boring.
7 May 2024
Due to high reviews of Hugh Laurie's performance, I watched this 2020 PBS "Masterpiece" mini series free on Amz prime. Regret time wasted. How PBS has lowered its standards. PBS gave viewers Forsyte saga (Damien Lewis "Billions"); Sherlock (B. Cumberbatch) for FREE!

Here, after 1 & 1/2 eps, I lost interest due to poor lazy writing, no interesting plot nor dialog, & did other tasks playing this in background. Literally talking series with NO action, no intrigue, no real satire. Hugh does a fairly good job with a lousy script that fast becomes pure nonsense, playing a "crafty Political survivor & climber" in Britain. His family life drama was def not needed & became a distraction of 2 whining ungrateful blue collar looking adults acting like 8 yr olds brats, blaming Daddy for ALL their personal / life/ career problems, despite his "U are free to choose your own path". Like ALL politicians' kids, both enjoyed many privileges others fail to receive, & neither have $ problems like most struggling young educated adults.

This series has big plot holes, "mystery deaths" that go unexplained. Worst, the supposed "hook" for the viewer to finish dull series is ID of another adult with good upscale upbringing who claims to be his kid after 20+ yrs bc educated mother CHOSE this to hide birth from Laurie. Viewer stops caring fast bc it's torturedly drawn out to end of series. One needs to fast forward 4 eps.

Other cons: The political betrayals are nonsensical. Writer wants viewer to feel sympathy for those imprisoned despite the severity of crime committed. Clear black/ dark skin Brits prisoners are selected for viewers' sympathy but fails since NO character development is written, plus NO remorse shown by any prisoner - just being "black" is writers' lazy justification for sympathy. Def Not Shawshank Redemption, nor Green Mile, nor even OZ. Last, token Asian female has disgusting behavior of snacking like caveman on special hors d'oeuvres she serves for rich while in VIEW of kitchen & during their gatherings; one can HEAR her unsanitary smacking; she's predictably gay; adds 0 to series except nausea.

Summary: Def SKIP IT dull waste of time series despite high praise of Laurie's acting attempts bc poor writing. Like all failed films/ shows, it's free on prime.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Best original satire show in long time.
6 May 2024
Ignore the haters. S1 was great. Hugh Laurie & cast were all very good, even annoying characters Karen , who played that part to MAX bc she's supposed to annoying!!.

Sadly S2 became more tame & mainstream. I wanted S3 but it was cancelled bc of overhyped hate reviews. So many formula, NOT funny, Unoriginal "comedy" shows that get YRS of new seasons. The Simpson's is one of them- I never thought that cartoon was remotely funny but I know many who love it. It's not for me but I don't write "hate reviews" of Simpsons.

Sadly, Ave 5 was cancelled. It reminded of when old creative HBO had most creative producers & good writing- thus GOT. Even the tiny but strong Korean aide of billionaire ship owner was spot on. Do u think billionaires retain those who refuse to do their every bidding? & she was HIS rock too, flipping the "meek timid non speaking" Asian stereotype Hollywood populates everywhere.

As many who truly like the quirkiness & satire of this show have already commented, if U don't like it , THIS show is NOT for you. Leave those who DO WANT NEW FLAVORS, writing, original witty shows alone. U can have ALL boring dull formula shows spewed everywhere for YRS. We don't complain about those to remove them off the air.
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Rewatched it; remains insulting to Asian iconic cast
29 April 2024
Jet Li & Michele Yoeh are wasted in this silly film. I truly like Brandon Frazier as actor. But his talent is also wasted. In a man to man fight, is it believable that Brandon, whose middle aged character relies heavily on guns, can out fist fight legendary Jet Li, esp after Li has immortal powers? Opening shows how fast he is against other Chinese martial artists as regular man. Suddenly Brandon can head butt him 2x & stun Jet Li? If u ever watched Free martial arts contest of real fighting, a head butt is easily deflected. Yeoh is lovely but her martial arts & acting are wasted too. The girl who plays her daughter also needs Brandon SON's help after guarding the tomb for 2000 YRS - right; & she cannot kill 1 lazy rich college dude - Right.

Plot- none. Scenes are copied from Indiana Jones incl traps. Brandon's son digs up the tomb that looks like it's in Egyptian desert, or maybe it's Siberian bc Yetis are in this film too. Lots of CGI special effects than any character development. No tension, no build up. Jet Li has 4 minutes of screen time total.

I won't repeat the many other flaws many others have already posted. This film was made more than a decade before USA had any political conflict with China. Summary: wasted potential all around, esp bias against iconic Chinese Asian martial artists & actors.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
S1-7; S2-5 for 1st half; S2 second half to S3- 1; degraded to snoozefest show lost all its charm. Overall 4.
27 April 2024
S1: This SYFY series surprisengem started out uniquely comedic & fun with interesting characters, entire cast had chemistry- rare indeed. Lead comedian Alan T unique comedy skills shine in S1. Even the 2 kids were interesting. Good writing & no gore, with flawed quirky experienced "big city ego detective demoted to small town Sheriff" & his faithful female "in training" deputy who also skillfully let her boss to take the credit while also manipulating him to do her bidding bc of her wit. ALL characters were unique, humorous, believable, & well cast.

S2: Alan's character starts to erode incl comedy during last half of season, every ep becomes predictable, drawn out & formulatic despite another 1 yr hiatus before filming.

S3: Another Yr hiatus. Show is now Boring slog soap opera. It's as if ALL original writers left the show during S2. Lead characters have notably aged, kids are now teens; & viewer is supposed to believe NO hiatus timeline in plot. Entire cast changed to same boring "by numbers typecast" one expects in this dead time of writing in most films & shows.

S2& 3 cameo Guest stars are "bait" for ppl to watch but add little to decaying plot/ writing. Worst , Entire Cast lost chemistry bc of poor script, & all deliver lines as if knowing script is poor. S3 devoid of real sci-fi, not even bit comedic, DULL as watching paint dry. Main plot is replaced with one that's been done repeatedly thru past generations B flicks. Alan the alien is converted to mostly silly dull human, incl his speech, instead of advanced ET from another galaxy. By end of drawn out S2, All that made this show surprise hit has been intentionally discarded. Most of characters become irritating, & chore for viewer to watch = failed memorable show.

So enjoy S1 & first half of S2, then stop watching & wasting your time bc it just gets horribly bad, dragging out plotless series for $$.
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Disney film crew killed entire filmed snow leopard family
19 April 2024
In bonus features, Disney film crew boasts how they had 24/7 access to ER care & air transport. This super mother snow leopard WAS a legend to local Mongolians, thus she was tracked, darted & UNNATURALLY COLLARED for THIS film. Those reviews admiring all filmography are NOT informed how Disney film crew caused her death & her twin cubs deaths bc streaming fails to show bonus clips. The film crew boasted they "laughed & ate food for 5 days few feet away" watching her slow death, her 2 nearby teen female cubs shivering & starving to death. The entire snow leopard family's death is entertaining to this horrible film crew.

IF she wasn't darted & filmed, the super mom snow leopard in her PRIME yrs would've raised her 2 cubs- an extraordinary feat, & she herself would remain alive, her incredible genes passed down to populate a near extinct species.

Disney crew caused her death by refusing to aide her after an illegally grazing ram severely injured her during a hunt. That's why she looks pleadingly into the camera lens often at the end. The worthless crap quote of "life's balance being Ying/ yang" is akin to Pinocchio's nose growing 10 feet long. Disney crew justifies their greedy motives & INaction to aide her by stating "it's nature." Is it "nature" to hunt her, dart her & Force a collar on her while she's raising 2 cubs so the crew can easily film her? She entrusted them- a huge gift, & Disney crew betrayed her. All reviews who mention her death due to THIS film have been removed.

I never would watch any film that causes the death a critically endangered creature, esp the lead.. I discovered this AFTER on blue ray bonus features.

Def SKIP this abhorrent profit only purpose film. There are better films of snow leopards filmed with hidden cameras that do not dart them nor Jeopardize their lives, esp when raising young.
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The New World (2005)
1 star for nature tree shots; 0 for no plot montage film that insults Native Americans
15 April 2024
There exists photo of real of Pocahontas & John Smith in North America @ time both lived. She was only 10 yr old small child, Smith was an old man @ 38. In truth, Pocahontas was demanded & taken like prized turkey by Smith & his men, making Smith a true child predator & pedafile. Real Diaries & letters from Smith & his men exist as proof of this disgraceful sexual enslavery Smith intentionally created with Pocahontas & her outgunned tribe. Smith also raped her before she became his property/ guide in new world.

Here, This film is pure fiction, the actress is near 17, & def never given title as "lady", nor returned to Europe & lived like a "princess" , birthing a royal child.

I Watched out of curiosity bc of lead casting. After falling asleep @ 30 min mark, I fast forwarded it; & regretted lost time. I love trees but there's a better lovely film "Seasons" that is true art film for nature lovers.

This 2005 film is about Pocahontas, & once again, Native Americans are portrayed in a bias "savage / utopian/ naive" manner without sophisticated culture. Utter nonsense! In reality, Pocahontas was later abandoned by Smith after he used her navigation skills & body; she died young & alone when Smith sailed back with "new world" map & all info gained from 4-5 yrs of owning his slave child Pocahantis.

Arrival of Europeans was start of systemic Genocide that continues today. European diseases killed masses of natives, & Europeans intentionally used infected blankets / objects in order to spread same fatal diseases like chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever. NONE of the richness of Native American culture, skills, true values are shown in this film. Also, here the Dutch/ English ppl & royals are shown as benevolent & welcoming to all darker skinned foreign "savages" - all false bc non whites = subhuman. DEF a skip film, unless U need to sleep.
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Marlowe (2022)
Down the wandering dull rabbit hole to boredom.
15 March 2024
Such waste of talent, sets, & photography. Liam @ 70 has permanent hoarse voice & looks his age despite costumes. His character's "physical prowess" of dirty fist fights & killing strong young thugs is laughable. Script / direction has no mystery, no suspense, esp wandering pointless dialogue between cast & cameos of good actors. Some Nice cinematography & lighting but a lot is dark. Convoluted repetitive dialogue delivery from wide cast is same as discussing paint drying.

Nothing is captivating nor engaging for viewer. I fast forwarded it & Liam & Kruger are exchanging same lines in middle & end of film.

This tries to be "LA Confidential" but fails. Motive is ultimately greed that's written in prolonged dullest manner. Liam lost his acting ability & credibility with each new film released. No young RICH pretty female socialite lusts for 70 yr old poor man (Liam) without social manners, esp when she has many other men available. During THIS time of OLD Hollywood status & classy manners were mandatory. Classy intelligent charisma kept Humphrey Bogart, Betty Davis , & Katherine Hepburn at top during that era.

Def skip this bc you'll never get your time back.
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Wonka (2023)
Good sets, cgi but casting too young Willy; trailers are better.
14 March 2024
Gene Wilder's Willa Wonka is best portrayal of the eccentric mysterious chocolate maker. This musical redo is absurd bc NO TEEN can create such incredible masterpieces of confectionery, ESP CHOCOLATE!! Try making just 1 chocolate plain candy bar from scratch yourself. Ingredients alone are costly. Then special pans, heating & stirring etc. It takes decades of manual artistry & usu requisite mentoring to just make a good plain chocolate bar before one can do fillings, ganache & fancy chocolate candies with fillings.

Sets are nice but the main plot is Willy & how he became such a great confectioner, esp from poverty.n That critical development is missing here. No amount of " imagination'l songs, dances, & cgi packed decor can alter that VIP plot. Here this Willy is portrayed too young & lacks maturity to build a candy chocolate empire, esp when only 3 unnamed families maintain monopoly control over the entire GLOBAL cocoa bean market = chocolate market. Hugh Grant as 1 tiny red burned color Oompa/ elf is not really comedic despite obvious slap stick jokes & digitized gadgets Hugh has, incredulous at this period of time - early 1900s.

If Gene Wilder had the same cgi tech available in 1970s film, it would remain a classic bc Wonka is a multi layered charismatic character. Depp's remake performance as Willie was better than this remake, but Depp's film had wrong director (Burton) who focuses on weird, not magical delights.
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Wildlife Specials: Lions: Spy in the Den (2000)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Stunning natural behavior; groundbreaking film of what WAS & why restoration is VIP.
13 March 2024
Sir David @ his best in this series made about 27 yrs ago from 2024, which captures TRUE natural, undusturbed lion, elephant, penguin, tiger, & dolphin behaviors when our planet still had large pristine ecosystems.


Should be mandatory viewing globally in every school, @ Every level to remind & show youths how much PPL have allowed to disappear globally. No music score- just real wildlife sounds & Sir David narrating wonderfully. No PPL noise back then. It's the young that must survive their entire lives in now unstable planet bc Old Guard refuses to change out of greed.

No nighttime military grade cameras but LOTS of cubs / pride/ youngster/ family behavior & dusk & early morning.

Nat Geo & BBC should release these unique films freely, or at least stream them despite our military cameras can now film color @ night. Older Heat lenses display a lot- NOT shining blinding bright lights @ wildlife esp during hunt or conflict bc light clearly disturbs natural behavior.

In past generations, PBS released "Nature" freely @ 8 pm Sun, incl these wondrous films.

Despite most of habitats now destroyed, there remains tiny areas PPL can & are trying to save, incl areas that are being restored. These films show the result of such VIP endeavors that benefits ALL humanity.
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Queens (2024– )
Dull basic clips; nothing new.
13 March 2024
Narration is delivered at a monotonous whisper, with well known facts. Lots of ads. Lead animals get 1/4 of screen time while other animals not advertised get the majority. Distracting score is odd mix of modern songs incl heavy metal rock; wildlife sounds are not synced. Bias agenda of pro female is emphasized throughout each ep. Producer Basset claims this took "4 yrs to make" but not for filming bc of huge time gaps. During that time, Africa & other wild places have drastically changed, but it's not shown.

No real background of lead females' survival. Most clips are recycled from other docu series. Tries but fails to copy scripts of successful docus like Savage Kingdom, Dynasties, & Planet Earth series. Better than Ambien for sleeping, so it's good for that purpose.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
Needs better script & lead European actors. Sets & costumes do NOT create a hit story.
1 March 2024
Overhyped show. So much potential wasted here. Bad lead European cast. Sets are OK, costumes are credible, sitting in chairs or cross legged is NOT credible for Japanese during 750 AD. Japanese male cast is better. Mariko actress is OK , but better actress, script, & no modern agenda would've improved this series greatly.

Some reviewers claim this is next GOT. Def NO. GOT had well known Brit actors/ actresses & unknowns in 1st ep. GOT was global hit bc it's FANTASY with dragons, magic, based on European history. Plus Old HBO had most creative producers, & diverse cast bc they FIT character & could ACT- no political agenda. GOT would never be made now.

Here, the lead Englishman male does Tom Hardy "Mad Max Fury Road" impression at times. He's not charismatic nor believable. NO prisoner SCREAMS out temper tantrum continually at LEADER of one's captors, esp after witnessing beheadings of natives from samurai swordsmen, & how Japanese ppl act in reverence when in presence of same samurai.

Here, the Japanese male lead cast is better but too much importance is placed on Mariko & esp her Catholic beliefs. All Daughters must honor their father's by unquestionable obedience - a duty that remains in modern Japan.

The 1980s show was such a huge hit bc of Richard Chamberlain, good script with author's input, realism of male dominance & correct male chauvinism in Japan that also existed GLOBALLY in 750 AD. Yet, the 1980s hit show insulted every American Japanese person I knew. I read the book too- enjoyable fictional tale of Japan from white westernized male view.

In real history, Japan distrusted all European missionaries / foreigners, incl Christian religion. These Europeans believed daily bathing caused lethal flue, were riddled with body lice & diseases unknown to Japanese. Europeans were kept on a guarded special island and killed if they left it without escorted permission.

Here, I've seen both new released eps. It's average for THIS era. Shame lead "Englishman" & Catholic priest are lame. The subtitles are fast a few times & do not bother me. But knowing so much about Japan from close friends, having read bestselling book, studied Japan's history, & remembering original TV massive hit with Chamberlain, causes this series to be a disappointment bc so much potential was discarded. A good story already exists.

Thus, Watchable, but not really memorable like the original series nor book.
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Entertaining for civilians; fictional tale based on true event
27 February 2024
This film is engaging & rewatchable, one of the best war films I've seen. All star cast, good score, chemistry among large cast, & mostly believable action until I saw real pics & docus of this same event.

This film did very well in USA alone. Due to docus & real footage clips, I now can hypothesize why other nations did not like this film. The recovery / rescue was an international coolaberation. Also, USA military ppl strongly dislike this film is a fact to bear in mind that this is FICTIONAL account of a TRUE event.

Here, what Ridley does do very well is entertain mass civilians & cause sympathy for all various USA military soldiers who endure the living hell of combat, esp in 1993 before "smart bombs" & drone bombs were invented. Civilians cannot Empathize this type of real horror due to lack of combat war experience when odds are 100 to 1 against you, & well armed enemy waiting to ambush you.

NO film could show true battle scenes nor wounds bc it would be horror film. Nor show true hell of tens of thousands of bullets, RPGs, etc being unleashed non stop onto our USA & allied troops for hours during that night op. Also, film fails to show Clinton admin tragic failure to provide proper protection to our military, denying common sense requests from general Garrison, bc in truth soldiers are "expendable".

It's incredulous that very young men, just graduated from high school with no real combat experience could perform this recover dead / dying soldiers op.

This film states 19 elite died but not the USA 66 dead 18 yr olds who comprised ground forces that performed heavyweight dangerous burden of removing many enemies' burning barricades, house to house clearance, so armed humvees, squads, etc could reach both crashed black hawks & many wounded. Also, film omits courageous great leadership / cooperation from Italian , Pakistani, and Malaysian militaries. In 1990s the UN had global power to rectify many atrocities in other nations.

This Ridley film draws in the viewer very well with what should've happened, & myriad emotions new & non veteran soldiers in combat war must overcome against overwhelming odds, incl intense strict leadership to keep them alive, & how ALL the military leaders kept modifying the plan out of necessity. In reality, the rescue / recovery of wounded, & dead pilots occurred mostly at night, not in daytime.

Regardless, Plato's quote @ start of the film is true "only the dead have seen the end of war." This film is from an USA patriot viewpoint. I do not know how Somalians or other nations feel about this 1993 event, but globally other nations sacrificed significantly to aide them.

As USA patriot, & knowing truth from docus & pics, I enjoy this film & admire our military more, despite few incredulous scenes ie, dead soldier with live rocket stuck in his body is loaded into a crammed humvee with the wounded; colonel's driver shot in face, then Colonel is shot, & both keep on driving.

Emotionally this film gives viewer TINY taste of real combat, & immense courage our military & allies faced in insurmountable odds situation. Not heroes, not supermen, but real youngsters & elite military who served their country proudly without hesitation to aide starving masses in Somalia for humanitarian purpose, not political nor to protect oil / other coveted resources.
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True Detective (2014– )
Review for S4 Night Country snoozefest; S1 to S3 very good
15 February 2024
Writers for S4 "Night country " in Alaska are def not same as previous 3 seasons.

In S4, usu female pro agenda is clear. Yet, script writers believe that females cursing like a sailor = brains & courage. Cursing is fine as long as it's done well & with purpose ie., Wolf of Wall Street; Happy!. A character can spew foulest language but delivery & meaning need to justify it. AI can do better writing.

If Hollywood want females to be "more clever & better" than males, give females an intelligent vocabulary 1st, not just cursing or bad 1 liners.

Aged Foster fails in her delivery, going thru motions. Cursing at everyone to "f** off" etc, as her main dialogue in insipid script reduces her intelligence. Foster's very young black female "alaskan native" ex partner is not credible either.

No reason is given why Foster & her ex partner despise each other. Flashbacks are nonsensical & are filler time killers. Foster's ex partner is given the same type of poor script with abysmal delivery. Worst , 0 chemistry between the two females.

NO character development for anyone, no suspense, no resolution, no pay off for viewer. Entire cast has no chemistry with each other & give poor commercial ad quality acting; Sudden discovered "murders" & "frozen scientists"are nonsensical too, creating unexplained sci fi aspect.

This S4 gives no closure IF one can slog thru this snore fest. I skipped to ending of last released ep, which repeats the 1st ep.

NO native Alaskan is cast in S4. Many white & other ethnic ppl are "Alaskan natives" but no REAL Alaskan natives.. So Hollywood bias against American API.

Incredibly boring 1st ep that feels like 3 hrs is def skip series. Tragic every new hyped Hollywood show / film has same formula agenda plot. Watching concrete crack is more entertaining than S4.
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SLOW; Dull, boring, sporadic time jumps; no plot; poor casting & acting.
18 January 2024
Unlike Humphrey Bogart who was Old Hollywood's great leading man, Clive fails to resemble any engaging character is this hyped, no where, achingly slow & stagnant plot series . Cast has no chemistry nor decent acting. Clive lost twinkle in his eyes & looks bored most of the time. Trailers are more interesting. Lots of subtitles too.

Aging Clive did not beef up for this role causing the few physical scenes against young thugs , or lust from very young pretty ladies, UNbelievable.

This fails even as slow burn bc there needs to be some foundational plot to set up any series. Here there's NO plot in 1st ep. All viewer gets is a "possible unknown Dad" who supposedly does not want to care for a teen girl, but other "unverified unknown bad guys" want same teen girl; they maybe kill other ppl to take possession of teen. Everyone & everything is literally unknown bc nothing is shown, no facts stated in short script. No real reason why Clive continues to be risk his life & be part time guardian of teen.

All these unknowns facts / plot holes viewer must "guess" every motive & persons' identity, incl lead Clive- it becomes tiresome fast.

If you want to see older Clive sit, light & smoke a lot of cigarettes, then this is for you.

I will not be wasting any more time on this nowhere dull series where cast goes thru the motions. Def skip it series.
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The Lion King (2019)
Redo ruins iconic original; dull cast & cgi; boring script & score
17 January 2024
This redo fails in every aspect. Flat vocal acting, no emotional peaks, different score, changed script , all add up to one dull prolonged joyless film.

Unlike the original, casting & script was more about current politics like virtually every film. No Quality vocal acting. CGI of lions is bad- their fur looks electrified, not sleek.

Lions like all mammals do have facial expressions esp in EYES. Besides, this is CGI - one expects artistic license- not docu. In wild , all lions & cubs DO show emotions from crying, getting misty eyed, to joy, love, family bonding, fear & anger. EYES & eyebrows display expressions, incl whole body. They smile when content & happy.

Here , Scar has freakish body, flat vocals. No one can beat J Irons "Scar" performance like most of the main characters. Even the new "Circle Of Life" score lacks same vocal quality .

Clearly animators & director never watched any wild lion docu where lions show variety of facial expressions & body language when relaxed, scouting, hunting, playing, grief, danger, or during pride conflicts.

Skip this & watch original. Ruins iconic film; poor vocal casting & cgi; dull from start to end.
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Happy! (2017–2019)
Unmatched Uniquely satirical humorous S1; S2 boring
16 January 2024
I saw this on Syfy when it was 1st released, prior to it becoming huge hit, bc I enjoy C. Meloni. What a joyful surprise to find a gem instead same shows. Use of Xmas music & themes for satire are innovative & hilarious. Those who view Christmas as sacred, or watch "vanilla by the numbers shows" will NOT like this.

Meloni stated he did a lot of improv during filming, Unicorn voice & animation were added later to match his great comedic skills.

Thoroughly enjoyable since there's huge selection of Xmas music, themes, & props to use for comedy.

S2 huge disappointment bc Easter has few commercial music, & writers changed Meloni's character to average Dad. All weird unique satire of S1 is gone- nothing is funny. S2 pot of "be good Dad with job" is dull; script & Unicorn are bland; girl has same stereotyped teen issues.

Enjoy S1 but skip 2.
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Enjoyable Lovely filmography, lots of old stock NG scene fillers; overall good narration factual story; good for kids
6 January 2024
WHY ppl complain millions of other sentient mammals stories, most have gone extinct by 2023, CANNOT be told as if human, is an INSULT to ALL same beings who evolved over millions of yrs, esp top predators, long before chimps evolved to humans. Humans have existed for mere 10k yrs & in under 1 century, destroyed true Eden for greed.

Here, Narrator's voice fit the rare true black panther that usu fails to live long bc black fur does not give adequate camouflage in India's wild areas, & is killed as cub.

Note: this film says 2020 release date but uses many DECADES OLD scenes been enhanced.

Yet, ALL black panthers endure same survival challenges. Tigers kill regular coated leopards when Indian rangers try to bring diversity back to their national parks .

Script is well written & narrator has vocal acting ; no kills , no gore, shown so def G rated. Real facts are told in tale, too. VIP: Kids can see what existed 60 yrs ago in India's tiger reserves.

Filmmakers followed this decades old black panther for 2 yrs & hard work shows.

Fact that no nighttime heat vision/ night vision was used to film which PROVES TRUE Age of this film in 1980s, def not 2020.

If PPL can try to see this world thru perspective of other intelligent beings on this planet who are needed in any health ecosystem, the natural world would be cherished & protected. Since 1990s science has proven repeatedly ecosystems benefit PPL MOST.

Despite 30 yrs global info free spreading of facts, PPL continue to plunder & destroy all nature & wildlife for short term greed, putting HUMAN survival at risk since 2010 as global climate accelerates & entire pristine habitats are erased forever.

For haters who posted reviews: Plenty of OBJECTIVE boring dull FALSE nature docs, made for arrogant who believe only PPL possess emotions & culture. Those same PPL, incl their kids, will suffer in an ever rapid climate changing "no natural" HUMAN planet, as last few viable ecosystems die/ harvested. Billions of PPL will suffer globally bc of these antiquated beliefs & short term greed.

Without WILD natural ecosystems working FREE tirelessly 24/7, THIS planet is doomed because of certain PPL's apathy & arrogance. That's fact- not fiction since 1990s.
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Recycled scenes of BBC's Frozen Planet, Blue Planet Frozen Seas with new fictional toddler narration
29 December 2023
Watch Frozen Planet 1&2, Blue Planet 1 & 2 instead of this folly. This film is a disservi once to viewers intelligence by enhancing outdated scenes to HD, which Disney tries to fool viewer one is seeing recent antarctic conditions. NO. It's a LIE.

NO declaimer these scenes were shot decades ago & bought by Disney simply to enhance & stream in 2023 with new silly fictional script.

It's Been over 25 YRS since Antarctica looked like this!!!

Images from space prove the thick snow, frozen sea, & millions of penguins, like all other snow dependent wildlife, have been greatly reduced to extinction levels. Penguins have moved to other viable habitats- that's still NOT enough survive.

Disney should STOP steaming its OUTDATED nature films made by others , unless Disney puts big BOLD DISCLAIMER to viewers the film is near 30 yrs old , incl habitats that been extinct since 2000. Since 2005, millions of penguin species populations have collapsed globally like the rest of world's wildlife due to PPL nonstop activities.

Next, what's missing is VIP INFO re daily consumer choices that can stop global warming, ie, replace all lights with led bulbs, weather stripping windows & doors = $$ in one's pocket instead paying utilities co. Eat 1 vegan meal 1x per week- it'll keep U healthy & save $$ too. Eat NO SEA LIFE from poisoned toxic sea bc ALL SEA FOODS, ESP FISH have NO OMEGAS; we squeeze oil from fish for omegas. Fish eat omega greens - their bodies have 0 omegas.

Not eating seafood = not being poisoned with 10x lead & mercury, plus every toxins ppl made &! Then dumped in ocean for centuries , incl Nuclear waste.

This script is farce. Lone penguin usu dies in blizzard- Steve main penguin is clueless for comedic attempts. Yet Clueless in nature = no survival, but that's not shown here. Main character adaily penguin Steve is shown doing series of fatal blunders. Camera switches to another adaily penguin with silly narrative naming another penguin Steve. Nothing bad is shown bc truth is hidden.

1 star for cherry picking best scenes of 4 films. ZERO stars for fictional script & lies to kids who must survive in this severely changed warming planet & shall never receive great benefits of healthy planet, unlike ppl who lived 80 yrs ago.
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Polar Bear (2022)
Recycled BBC "Spy in Ice Den" film scenes; fictional narration for toddlers
26 December 2023
Disney nature simply buys film rights, enhances it to HD, & inserts new narration / script. It's sanitized so ppl can believe lies that wildlife do not die or experience bad things. Even if they do, they're not human so it's impossible for any other creature on this planet to be sentient.

Script is written for kids & barely touches on how tough life is. When cub loses her brother, no mention of grief is hinted. BBC's Frozen Planet 1&2, the Hunt, & "7 worlds 1 planet" narrator, Sir David , describes how polar mother & twin cub stayed dying cub's side, protecting weak twin cub from our changing planet's increasing frequent sudden below freezing prolonged violent blizzards. Both Mother & twin cub remained next to dead cub's body for 2 days despite their own hunger. Those are facts but omitted from this film. How is that behavior not grief? They did not eat the cub despite both were starving.

1 reviewer states "no proof ice is melting" & spewed lots of same propaganda that puts humanity's future in jeopardy. Have u been living in a cave? Space & satellite images prove 1/3 of both polar ice caps have permanently melted. This ice has NOT melted in millions of The yrs. Polar bears are now endangered- many adult polar bears drown at sea.

Scientists who tag & count remaining global polar bears , see mothers abandoning cubs before 2 yrs- far too early. Or worst, cubs die when still on milk bc mother bear has NO seals to eat at all = no milk for cubs. Largest iceberg on planet is cracking off huge chunks size of empire state building & falling into the sea bc sea is warming.

Only science model needed amending were the ones created in 1970s , who stated this climate crisis will be evident by 2010. Ppl ridiculed them. Not anymore.

Narrator sounds like Scarlett Johansson with sore throat.

1 star for choosing best shots of BBC films.

Zero stars for nonsensical entertainment written false script.

All wildlife is being pushed to extinction due to PPL.
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Dolphin Reef (2018)
Clips of BBC Blue planet & Spy in pod; gives WRONG facts; FICTION not docu.
25 December 2023
Laughable Pure FICTION script to match pieced clips. Narration from Portman is OK- for young kids script like bedtime tale.

ERRORS in script: Only Florida has few mud ring hunting dolphin pods - takes 5 yrs minimum to learn. No Polynesian island spotted dolphin hunts in mud rings. Too much time wasted on male mantis shrimp esp no female mantis shown which is VIP to male. Cuttlefish do NOT eat large mantis shrimp, they eat tiny crabs. Tiger sharks do NOT hunt & eat other sharks- PPL named it "Tiger" due to its stripes.

Omitted FACTS: Nature controls predators population by very limited breeding & most predator babies die; 1 in 1000 sharks may survive to adulthood; whales breed 1 in 4-5 yrs, whale calf usu dies after leaving mother. Only hardiest survive, then PPL slaughter them or die from OUR garbage that's flooded entire planet; or ship strikes bc ships been using whale routes daily instead of moving away from known areas; includes giant expanding ports; globally very great city is founded next to ancient whale cove.

FALSE SCRIPT : "if left alone, corals will thrive." NO. Our global pollution can be seen from SPACE!!! Wide poison flows out rivers & beach drains 24/7 globally into every sea. THAT kills all corals, incl overfishing, & plethora of HUMAN activity in sea from recreational boating to huge shipping cargo fleets to oil drilling; of course global warming of seas by over 1% = death of ALL corals ( bleaching) billions sea lives, no coral regeneration. Seas have already warmed 1%- thus loss of 1/3 Great Barrier Reef, vital sea ice in both poles, & extreme global severe weather. These 2018 Facts again all LACKING here.

FALSE script: dolphins & sharks do NOT socialize, they're enemies. Adult male Dolphins ram sharks so mothers & young can escape. Male humpbacks don't fight to "escort females with newborns." Humpbacks battle to mate at same time other females give birth & many newborns get injured if mother cannot escape unwanted courting with newborn. Mother whales all STARVE for 8 mos, so she must have enough reserves to feed calf or no milk & both may die. ALL large whales are single moms.. Male whale escorts may be allowed months later at end of migration to poles.

Fact: Orcas do kill whale calves but usu hunt them when there's a whale baby boom, & orcas do NOT fail in newborn hunts that take 4-6 hrs, exhausting calf which is then easily drowned.. Male humpbacks CAN be nearby & do sometimes help but usu fail bc orcas are skilled fast group hunters.

This 2018 script & film is PURE FICTION, showing pristine coral reef = big lie. Reefs looked like this 75 yrs ago, not after 2000.

Most VIP is coral reefs CAN become pristine again IF PPL CHOOSE to change, stop over fishing, stop oil drilling, stop polluting, govts enforce anti pollution acts agreed in past & enact new laws, esp ENFORCEMENT OF laws, to MANAGE seas that benefits all. Stop short term greed that's killing our future & kids future too.

Fact: Plastic, abandoned fishing nets that both degrade, pollute & kill ALL sea life has increased; incl using ocean as human garbage dump for every toxin, biohazard, radiated waste, fleets of floating garbage that are let loose on the seas until it sinks.

Re dolphins- fact: Pretty & young dolphins like Echo in film are hunted to spend lifetime of misery imprisoned in new global marine parks for ppl entertainment lead by Sea World. Echo would witness his entire family slow brutal screaming slaughter in Japan's coves ( secret govt sanctioned yrly atrocity hidden from Japanese ppl) & be expected to perform in marine parks. Many young dolphins die from shock after slaughter. Dead dolphin still looks like it's smiling- that's their biological curved mouth curse- ppl think they're "smiling" when they're truly suffering. Dolphins cannot change upwards curved mouth. But they do express joy vocally & posturing when FREE & play, incl surf. Those are facts NOT in this fictitious tale.

Dolphins like all sea life are facing extinction. When that happens, PPL shall suffer greatly, & die out slowly too.

1 good message in film is debunking shark myth. But NOT showing huge depletion & millions sharks, all sea life from turtles to blue whales, killed in gargantuan fishing nets as "by catch" , dumped back into sea as trash for past 40 yrs 24/7 is totally irresponsible in 2018 ; now viewer think seas are just fine, packed with life, when the truth is complete OPPOSITE.

For those who don't want to "scare" kids", pretty lies are NOT the answer since it's same kids who are & shall struggle their ENTIRE LIVES in this once incredible Eden, & same kids will suffer lifelong consequences of those adults choosing to do nothing, refusing to change for all PPL survival. Changes needed are not hard nor costly.

Disney continues to stream THESE SHAMEFUL LIES as factual documentary.

SKIP THIS & watch BBC Blue Planet 1 & 2; Plastic Ocean, & for kids 10 yrs +, "Seaspiracy" docu filmed in 2010 ( Netflix) for global reality, & see small daily choices EVERY ONE can make that'll create true global difference.
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Dumbo (2019)
Irrelevant freak show; 1 star for showing real abuse of circus elephants & No elephant belongs in any human entertainment, incl riding.
22 December 2023
Burton's fondness for weird has no place is this outdated ignorant film. Title is just as bad- naming a sentient creature "Dumbo." This early 1900s take been irrelevant totally bad fiction for generations & should never been remade.

No newborn infant can survive without mother's care & milk . DeVito's Medici character is just as cruel by knowingly hiring an abusive elephant handler to remain employed. Subplot of Mother's premature death of 2 odd kids is distracting from main story. 2nd subplot unneeded is Colin's 1/2 arm loss handicap due to war service.

Casting is not well done, no chemistry nor charisma among cast. Script, cinematography , directing, CGI all bad. No investment in any character esp baby elephant.

Film is plain all around poorly executed, silly, never should've made reboot of tale that's too incredulous after 1990 when so much about elephants is common knowledge.
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Man Among Cheetahs (2017 TV Movie)
1 star for few cheetah shots used in other docs; filmmaker ruins few cheetah clips ; dull & time wasting.
22 December 2023
Skip this talking head pretend "docu". It uses footage from the NG shows like Savage Kingdom. Viewer sees cameraman Poole 90% of time. Incessant irrelevant nonstop talking from Poole, including closed caption senseless chatter, makes this film complete waste of time.

Instead of SHOWING the cheetahs, he TELLS viewer absent script, about the cheetahs he sees "walking, cubs playing, hunting, running fast etc etc" . Viewer wants to SEE cheetahs runs, hunt & play, not hear it described, & maybe get 1 second glimpse of cheetah.

Viewer sees Poole driving, sitting in car, & him looking thru a camera for most of this film. Script is for toddlers. Irritating format.

Def skip it, unless U like mindless chatter about nothing , & watching one drive a bumpy Rover.

Watch Savage Kingdom or BBC the Hunt.
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Baumlöwen (2018 Video)
Misleading title & waste of time. Cameraman mire interested in his own fame than filming lions
22 December 2023
This "film" is what one expects for " behind scenes clips". It's also fictional & complete waste of time. Viewer never gets any answers, incl title. I agree with the other 1 star review.

This camera dude has ZERO knowledge of lions yet he goes & tries to film them by doing everything wrong, endangering the entire pride,& ultimately FAILS to film them in any worth while manner.

One sees more of HIM on screen than lions. Filmed in 2018, he chooses to stupidly use bright lighting at night, not night vision cameras. He barely uses his drone, & buzzes it 1 foot from lion's face who is resting high up in tree. Would you like big buzzing drone circling your head for a long time while trying to rest in branch 20 feet high?

1/2 of entire film is about finding & treating 1 lioness neck, ear & eye severe deep snare injuries. These African snares are placed in millions all over Africa daily for free "bush meat" to sell / eat. That's NOT in film but it IS FACT since yr 2000. Here, Other experts find injured lioness & treat her while he watches, NOT FILMS.

Meanwhile, this rookie cameraman FAILS to show the lionesses severe snare wounds - something ALL PPL including children should see bc this IS what ALL African wildlife must now endure, from elephants who've lost their trunks & cannot drink, to cheetahs, leopards, rhinos, & Wild Cape Dogs who get horribly caught daily in these inhumane barbed wire snares.

Again, Not in this film, 1 wild female Cape dog died bc the snare ripped off her skin, spine, & 1/2 of her back body. Cape dogs run 40 to 50 mph, & human guards cannot keep up. Lethally wounded Cape dog had cubs, her K9 sister stayed with her until she died from horrific wounds. There was nothing the packs' assigned rangers could do except watch her die next to her loving sibling. Again, NOT in this film but VIP TO SEE THE SUFFERING WILDLIFE endures even with devoted armed escort rangers.

My point IS SHOW the deep snare wounds of the lioness to EDUCATE ppl. There's NO blood since she bled out for 4 days already.

As ppl push out wildlife globally, ppl need to see the real problems to solve.

Africans, esp those residing on national parks, know how to make these snares & place them literally in every wildlife /game park. Here, lioness was just walking when she stepped on the hidden trigger causing barbed wire snare to snap up around her neck & face, At the end of THIS WASTE of time, the ignorant cameraman said the lioness "is going to be OK because she's eating." That shows the depth of his total LACK of knowledge of any big cat.

10 minutes after getting most basic aid ((antibiotic ointment) does NOT mean 2 inch deep circular gash that nearly cut off her ear, gashed her eye & 3/4 of her neck = full recovery.

Since her eye is cut badly, she's likely blind in that eye & may not be able to hunt by herself or with pride. No one checked her injured eye.. Only the healthiest lions survive on this increasing human planet where ppl remove lions' prey, add 2 YRS DRY SEASON common now due to climate change, resulting only the hardiest toughest survive, not injured or lightly disabled.

Top predators have to work very hard to survive BEFORE 1980s. Now in 2023, or film's time 2018, it's FAR WORSE.


Nat Geo should be embarrassed to have funded/ bought it.

Watch better docs with devoted big cat experts who actually KNOW many facts of wildlife being filmed bc they've spent decades IN THE FIELD & collaborations with other experts before making a film.

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Snowfall (2017–2023)
S1-4 =8; S5= stagnant 6; S6=1 skip it; Singleton's masterpiece
17 December 2023
From the pilot, this series is unique, well cast,well written,& well acted by all. There's realism of how ppl lived in the 80s. Singleton died before the series aired but the original writers & co creators honored his vision until current "woke" political agenda ruined S5, esp S6. One realizes this occurs bc original co creators and writers have left the series by S5.

The ensemble cast is unknown but all give great performances, esp lead Franklin Saint. Viewer is immediately invested in the well crafted characters , believable, and stay true to life in the 80s. Even the quirky villains are interesting.. Despite long 16 month hiatus after stagnant S5 that reverses most of S1to S4, S6 becomes incredulous with huge nonsensical plot holes & no satisfactory believable ending bc current political agendas are overbearingly inserted instead of staying true to 80s & basic plot of series. Again this occurs bc original co creators and writers have left during S5, & Elba (actor who portrayed Saint incredibly well in prior seasons) is exe producer too.

Def watch & enjoy S1-4; S5 kills all momentum & tension of S4. Sadly, S6 , esp finale, ruins entire series bc it reverses everything that made this series uniquely great due to poor writing, acting, no credible rational given to viewer.
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DR. LAME; Marvel's Focus on Politics Instead of GOOD STORY & Cast RUINS STRANGE; $200 mil SNOOZE FEST;Viewers $$ & Time Wasted.
13 December 2023
This film is such prolonged boring scattered MESS IF one can stay awake through to end. Waste of Cumberbatch's talent & incredulous $200 mil budget. He's NOT main character in his own film! It's more Wandavision- so THIS film should be named after her. I have NO interest in her character after her Avengers cameos.

Shame on Marvel for changing THIS Dr Strange into "The Walking Dead" horror spin off. These paid Script writers have NO sense of cohesion among the MCU characters, never saw entire 1st film, & never read 1 comic book of this popular character. Horridly dull teen lead casting & acting incl cameos. Zero charisma among cast, esp Strange & Christine who made believable "caring ex- couple" in the first Dr. Strange film.

Grand Plot: 1 Wanda in 1 universe wants to be with "kids" she has in another universe. That's it - for 2 hrs 40 min.

Despite modern fertility methods or adoption esp of 10-12 age boys, that could easily make Wanda a mom, Wanda instead does EVERYTHING ELSE in this truly waste of time $$ Disney cash grab flop.

MANY MAJOR CONS: Tilda Swanson from 1st Dr Strange as "Sorcerer Supreme" had FAR more power than now Sorcerer Supreme Wong. In clear racial bias against Asians script, here Wong has skills of a novice mystic. Wong does not even possess same type of mystic daily clothing like Mordor who wore magical boots & used magic staff- "objects pick you" Mordor explained in 1st film.

Predictable "woke " script, BAD overall writing; Here, No one needs to see yet another ethnic hybrid TEEN GIRL with ZERO charisma, no acting talent, taking up most screen time, & has character dementia in script. She's Latino Aladdin in NY & other 69 universes is same useless boring dementia suffering "pizza loving" thief.

THIS FILM is both teen (America) & Wanda's film. All acting is flat & one dimensional- zero character development, incl Strange.

NO CONTINUITY RE PRIOR MCU CHARACTERS: If Latino looking Scarlet Witch / Wanda is SO powerful, then why she didn't prevent Thanos from killing her beloved? Captain Marvel is supposedly the strongest of all heroes and female- more like a god since she can blast travel to other worlds without spacesuit. Here, Capt. Marvel's powers are omitted from all universes.

This film makes Wanda / Scarlet Witch more powerful in every universe than ALL MCU characters COMBINED !! Also, Wanda has temples, worshipers, followers, monster guardians, etc., placed in many universes, but she FORGOT ALL mighty beings, temples, weapons, all at her command until she literally runs into them while chasing teen girl.

Dr Strange follows same TEEN to 2 universes as protection. I fell asleep repeatedly bc other universes are that DULL incl script. Of course black women replace whites, so why not replace Prof X (P. Stewart) with Idris Elba who is Brit & good actor? Shazam is new Spock? Strange died fighting Thanos?

How many Thanos infinity stones events occurred? Wasn't Thanos' life long purpose of time traveling ALL the universes to take 5 "rare" infinity stones, set them in custom glove, then "reset ALL universes time to 1/4 population" causing the 5 year blip? WTH with THIS film's plot & contradicting backstory??

Can Marvel script writers have a conference call with previous writers, or at LEAST watch recent prior MCU movies with characters they're using in plot? Is anyone with common sense going to state the obvious irrationality and inconsistencies, esp DULLNESS viewers can easily see?

Here, less powerful Dr Strange can inhabit his dead body double- so why couldn't godlike Wanda do same & "be a Mom" instead of sending her monstrous "agents" to 70 universes for YRS, causing constant chaos & many deaths, chasing same dementia girl. Also, nonsensical Wanda needs to imprison, steal teen's "power" via "special ritual" using "dark power book" as reserve "universe jumper" tool. Wanda has god powers- nothing else needed.

POOR FOCUS ON FEMALES & BAD acting: This LONG boring plot "'Wanda wants to be a Mom" when she already is plot prolongs this film , stretching it to convoluted boredom. Film focuses primarily on bad acting bad scripted female characters. Strange's ex Christine, looks odd in wrong red dyed wig & enlarged bust; despite Strange's everlasting love, she loathes Strange, Christine becomes both scientist & expert fighter in mystic antiquities with NO training in Kamertage Tibet. Christine suddenly knows how to kill demons from hell @ 1st encounter, but NOT Strange nor Supreme Being Wong? So female Christine is better than Strange = political message.

Final big VIP CON: Racial BIAS against Asians of Mongloid ancestry CONTINUES: Tibet is IN CHINA, mystic arts "founded by Japanese sorcerer mighty Agamoto" per 1st Dr Strange film. Why give mystic arts an Asian, not India, history if U fail to use Asian PPL? WHY are majority of sorcerers now black or Latino, NOT any of Mongloid descent? No Native Americans, nor blondes are sorcerers in this film's Tibet.

In HOLLYWOOD films, Why no Asians actors with real lines ESPECIALLY in YRS of Disney's self proclaimed "LEADER of wokeness?"

Most VIP DISNEY: STOP DISRESPECTING real ASIAN AMERICANS in YEARS "woke leadership" role by REDUCING Asians to mere SET DECOR WITHOUT ANY lines. Westernized American Asians & THEIR $$ have SAME VALUE as other ethnicities.

Give Wong well written script, notable screen time, & more POWER esp in battles as Supreme Sorcerer, like you gave female "Celtic" Tilda. Or replace him with a better Asian actor, NOT tasteless Akwafina. 1 push & Wong is knocked out while petite females can sustain long physical battles. Wong had no battle plan either nor main aides. Tilda fought off 3 young male sorcerers with only hand fans, & she had her R hand sorcerer black Mordor. None were Asian. 1 hand Korean master sorcerer remains MUTE in both Strange films.

Tilda as "Ancient One Sorcerer Supreme", foresaw NIL re this teen girl jumping thru 70 multi universes thru YEARS, adversely affecting every world & timeline due to all deaths that followed her from Wanda. Tilda, with extra long life had "multiverse connections & oversight" that's echoed in new teen Spiderman franchise films. Yet, in THIS FILM Wong as "supreme sorcerer" has NO connections with multi verse despite him taking multi verse business trips in prior MCU films.

HORROR effects: Hey MCU execs - make Guardians of the Galaxy into "Walking Dead-" It already has strange looking characters in franchise. Return Dr Strange to his original character & purpose- refining his "science" craft & visiting different worlds like Star Trek. Dr Strange is not a horror zombie, conjuring up demon souls, nor babysitter of random teen.

What an incredible disappointment THIS sequel is to 1st Dr Strange!!!

Sadly, Disney owned Marvel & other studios continue recent tradition to focus on political propaganda , continue same racial bias, instead of focusing on entertainment = creating good film, esp story, & casting good mature actors OF EVERY ETHNICITY- not few.

Entertainment is primary reason ppl PAY to view films. Too bad ppl cannot get refund after costly ticket. If THAT were possible, studios would again focus on entertaining viewers, instead of certain political agendas. Free political rallies exist IF ppl want to witness/ voice such agendas with others.
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