
29 Reviews
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Fun to watch
16 October 2022
It's a fun watch with some good fight scenes and Jason Scott Lee did a good job (I think this is the role that put him on the map), but you have to question how much of it was actually based on his life. There are some definite events that it was based on, but just how much is questionable. At least it (now) says a fictionalized tale here on IMDB. I owned the VHS tape and I don't think the box ever made that clear, trying to make it as if it was mostly real, but I'll take this one over the other fictionalized accounts that have come since (like "The Legend of Bruce Lee" and "Birth of the Dragon"). Oh, and after watching 60 second Ed Parker tournament match, watch it again and time it. If I remember correctly, that one minute match took them around 3 minutes and 6 seconds to tell.
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Most hilarious fiction of Bruce Lee tales yet...
16 October 2022
A "modern take"? More like the most ridiculous and hilarious fictional tale of Bruce Lee yet, especially the end. As a movie, it is not terrible and I can see this working if they used fictional characters (mainly the end part), but to take a pure piece of made up fiction and call it a modern take on a real event or from the life of someone is just misleading. No wonder why the average score is low.

I think it is worth a watch, but if you know anything about Bruce Lee's life and history, go into it knowing what you will see is ridiculous and will be in no way accurate in any historical context and maybe get ready to laugh.
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Another fictionalized tale and this one got boring in the middle.
16 October 2022
I saw this show on Hulu before you had to pay for Hulu and somehow it was a 30 episode format instead of 50 and the episodes in the middle got so boring, I wished it was around 20 episodes and can't imagine what 50 would be like. I can appreciate what they did with the small budget, but it would have been better and cheaper with less episodes.

I like how they actually used people from his life and encounters, but it's highly fictionalized and I can't believe they "demoted" Dan Inosanto into some kind of arm chair scholar documenting JKD and that's it. C'mon, he's Bruce Lee's most well known student and still practicing to this day! And even though I just mentioned that they took real people from his life...the famous fight in this show wasn't with Wong Jack Man?
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Seems like the most historically accurate tale of Ip Man, until...
16 October 2022
I guess as a movie it isn't bad. But, I've been getting really tired of the highly dramaticized tales of real people and then turning it into pure fiction. Of all the Ip Man movies, this prequel seemed like it could have been the most historically accurate, and then abruptly seems to change it's tone and focus in the last 30-40 minutes with a fairly ridiculous plot. And then after watching it, see if you can find any mention that Ip Man even had a brother, adopted or otherwise. When this movie first came out, I looked and could find none. When I look now, he may have had a brother with a completely different name than the one in this movie.
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Pretty Good
7 October 2022
At the time of this writing, I know of 4 productions regarding the rescue in Thailand. The others I know of are "The Rescue" which is a documentary told mostly from the perspective of the cave divers (due to a trust fund one of the parents et up for the team, there were legal reasons why the kids could not be part of most of the other productions made outside of Thailand) and I think that one is very good too. "13 Lives" by Ron Howard follows that one closely. This one is a documentary and it is pretty good and you get the other side of the story from "The Rescue." While they do interview the cave divers, the focus is on the 13 who were trapped and what was going on. Things like, "There was bubbling and we thought we were being rescued...except it was a flash flood and had to run!" Of the productions know about on the subject, I'd recommend this one and "The Rescue" to get the real story from both sides. I have not yet seen 13 Lives, but many say it was excellent and follows "The Rescue" closely. The NetFlix series, "Thai Cave rescue" is my least favorite. While it is a good show, it has glaring omissions and changes events a little too much once you know the real story.
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The Rescue (2021)
Amazing Story of Regular People Turned Into Heroes
3 October 2022
This is an amazing story and with all the coincidences that happened to make this rescue happen, Divine Intervention can definitely be argued. And all he struggles and logistics that had to be figured out are

When these events happened, I remember just hearing "Thai Navy of the rescuers's been so long, can the kids be alive...(then nothing for a while)...The kids are saved!" I never heard that it was an international group of cave divers that did the rescue.

About a week before this review, the Netflix mini series "The Thai Cave Rescue" came out and it is the only one so far to focus more on the kids and the coach (for legal reasons, 13 Lives and The Rescue could not focus on the kids because one of the parents created a trust fund to protect them from Hollywood taking advantage). However, after watching this before watching the Netflix series, I have to say that the Netflix one has some glaring inaccuracies and gets the personality of the main cave diver wrong.

RIP to the heroes that died. Thai Navy SEAL Saman Gunan died in the rescue attempt after coming out of retirement to help. And lesser known is Beirut Pakbara who died a year and a half after the rescue, due to an infection he got in the caves. There were 5000+ heroes who helped in the rescue and you men also gave all you had.
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Glaring Inaccuracies and Omissions
3 October 2022
As a show, I'd give it an 8, but I watched "The Rescue" on NatGeo before this and that is a documentary of what happened, told mostly from the perspective of the cave divers who did the actual rescue. Because I know what I know, I had to knock this one down. Some say we finally get to see from the kids' and coach perspective (and in other versions of this story, we legally could not as one of the parents started a trust fund to protect the kids from Hollywood vultures), but considering the inaccuracies, I don't know that we really do. **UPDATE** after watching this one, i watched "The Trapped 13" which is also on NetFlix. It is a documentary that includes the kids and the coach and others.***

You'd expect some dramatization and changing of facts, but some of this changes the story tooo much, especially when I read that Jon Chu wanted to "tell the real story" of what happened. Most notably, the cave divers "accidentally" found and rescued 4 stranded pump workers nobody knew were in the caves before finding the kids. When those 4 grown men panicked and flailed and made it difficult to be saved in a shorter stretch of a swim, it had a huge influence decision on why the main/first cave diver thought they might have to sedate the kids. And in the last id that got rescued, the merged 3 different events to make it more dramatic and changed some things around.

I also thought they did a bad job of representing the first/main/lead cave diver and made him more arrogant than he actually is. In fact, I'd say it would be better represented if they swapped both the actors and the demeanors of the guy who played the first cave diver and the guy who mapped a lot of those caves.

And RIP to those who lost their lives. Thai Navy SEAL Saman Gunan died in the rescue attempt after coming out of retirement to help. And lesser known is Beirut Pakbara who died a year and a half after the rescue, due to an infection he got in the caves. There were 5000+ heroes who helped in the rescue and you men also gave all you had. And also RIP to "Beam" Papangkorn Lerkchaleampote who died 6 months before the series got released.
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Not Terrible, Not Great
1 October 2022
Like 6.5 stars. I didn't think it was as bad as many people said, but got a bit too silly at times. For me, most of the fun was getting to see a pre-director Nick Fury with 2 good eyes and agent Colson who just joined SHIELD.

As for Captain Marvel...well, remember Nuclear Man? Yes, the bad guy in that train wreck Superman 4 movie. I feel like they took that guy's powers, gave it an upgrade and made him a woman.

It seems like she got her powers too easily and when she learned to use them, it was almost like the Justice League movie when Superman came back to life to fight Steppenwolf because he easily beat him down and it was like the rest of the team didn't matter much. This was a bit like that.
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The Pieces of a Good Movie Are Here
1 October 2022
Overall, it is not a bad movie. But to put "Bourne" in the title and not include Jason Bourne seems like a mistake and maybe it didn't bother me so much since I knew he wasn't in it. That being said, I think what really does drag the movie down is that they try too hard to connect it to Jason Bourne. If they ditched much of the Jason Bourne angle and just focused on this agent went with general Treadstone or Black Briar stuff, I think they would have had a stronger movie. In fact, now that I mention it I think I might rewatch it and skip over every part that focuses on previous movies and see if that holds true.
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American Auto (2021–2023)
Definite Potential
1 October 2022
After watching Superstore, I had really high hopes for this (same creators) and it fell quite short. It has potential, it really does, but while there are some funny moments in every episode, it is really the first and last episode that are the funny ones (at this time there is only one season).

I am glad that they got picked up for another season and I really hope they can get closer to the bar they raised with Super Store.

I don't know what else to write, but I need over a hundred more characters to post this review, but I think I said everything that needs to be said... So, to sum this up, it might be worth a watch, but is also missable.
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Superstore (2015–2021)
1 October 2022
Unfortunately, I did not start watching this show until about 6 months after it ended. I got to see it on Hulu and it is hilarious. The first and second seasons were funny, even if less polished and some times it isn't even the stuff central to the episode that is funny, it's the cut away shots between scenes that can some times make the episode. Like, you know someone had some Walmart security footage and based customer behavior between scenes on it.

It is worth watching all the way through, and I knocked it down a star because I think it was around season 3, the main relationship in the show seemed a bit too forced and carried on for a while and then Jonah's character just got more and more annoying as time went on.
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More like the "Confused, Hypocritical and Unnecessary Sequel"
1 October 2022
After watching this documentary, my thoughts were summed up well by the reviews written by @bobby007 and @RodMartinJr

This documentary seems to confuse the point it is trying to make. Highly slanted as one would expect, but then basically loses all credibility, by fighting itself. As @bobby007 said, the first hour is good and raises good points. It starts off talking about the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab and their evils...and then glorifies Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and obviously wants you to vote socialist. They even still seem to give a little credibility to Greta Thunberg in one short clip.

And if you don't know why this all would be hypocritical, look at what the WEF is actually trying to do and the socialist (downright totalitarian communist rhetoric) being dropped by Klaus Schwab. And then look into his father and see where he gets it from. They are basically trying to sell you on the nicer side of the same coin. Instead of actually wanting to give the power back to the citizens, they want to take the power from the corporations, give it to a bigger government , but give a higher minimum wage that you'll have to pay back in taxes.
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Shetland (2013– )
Slowest Moving Detective Show You CanNOT Stop Watching
29 September 2022
Seriously, this show moves slow. And when I say slow, the last season I got to see was 6 episodes and the entire season was dedicated to one case. The seasons before probably had 6-8 episodes and each case took 2-3 episodes to solve.

And as an American, I understand about 1/3 of what they say. Some of the accents are SO cackly I can barely hear words through them.

Despite the pace and inability to understand the linguistics, I cannot stop watching, because it draws you in and you want to see what happens. Definitely worth a watch, just understand going in that you're not going to see a lot of action, it's more slow and dramatic.
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Hilarious Show: Rating Based on Episodes with Richard Ayoade
29 September 2022
As an American, I apologize if anyone from Britain sees this and is offended. I was introduced to this show on the Samsung TV Plus app on a channel called Journy. The first time I turned it on, I almost turned it off because I couldn't understand a lot of what was being said through the accent, mostly because I was doing other things and every time I looked up, they were at a restaurant or bar and it seemed boring.

When I finally paid attention, it was one of the most hilarious shows I've seen. Just two people wandering an unfamiliar city with only 48 hours to do it and Richard has such a sarcastic and witty (though some times dry) delivery, it makes the whole show. I still can't understand some of what is being said between the accent and some times Richard isn't loud enough, but at least twice an episode, he says something that makes me laugh hard enough for so long, I miss some of the next part. Luckily, I saw on Tubi (which is free), that they currently have seasons 1-8 (except season 3, which is a shame, because I want to see what he says about NYC, which was that season - and all I got to see are his hilarious comments to trying his first cro-nut) and a few specials that are basically longer episodes.

I thought maybe it stopped at Season 8 due to COVID and travel restrictions, but I see there are 10 seasons and Richard chose not to be part of it any more and the ratings went down. Understandable, since he really was the show and I cannot see it being done with anyone else. My only complaint is that due to the 48 hour limit, it seems a bit rushed at times (and I am guessing that is why it seems like 1/3 of the places they go in some episodes are bars or restaurants), and it's surprising where they don't go when they are in a city with a big attraction, though that would probably take a full day. I wish they went to some cities and took 3-5 days to see his take on things we've all seen, because I know he'd have some funny things to say.
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Looks more like a spoof of a Thor movie
29 September 2022
This movie is about 2 hours long and had this been on TV and I happened to catch it in the first hour and fifteen minutes, it is highly likely that I would have though it was a big budget spoof. Just bad comedy and the only thing I'd say I liked was the classic rock music and the Guardians of the Galaxy being there. Christian Bale is looking like Hellraiser and Matt Damon is in it, but barely and I don't know why he is even there. I couldn't take this movie in one shot, but it gets better focus after the hour and fifteen minute mark. Until then, even Thor's lines are just absolutely ridiculous attempts at humor. I've seen other productions with Taika Waititi's name on it and they were not bad...just maybe don't let him touch another Marvel movie. And if you plan to watch this purely to keep up with Marvel in case something important in a future movie plays off of this one, do yourself a favor and just look up the "Honest Trailer" on YouTube.
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That's My Jam (2021– )
Really Fun Show...
29 September 2022
Just don't get caught up in the rules, they're long and convoluted and just watch what happens. A lot of it seems like new takes games from the Tonight Show or something like that, all relating to music. The first episode was a little difficult to watch, mainly because Blake Shelton and Ariana Grande were teamed up and Blake acted like a a jerky frat boy and blamed Ariana (or Jimmy) for his losses in an abrasive, but joking manner. Ariana's reactions made her seem like a little girl with no confidence in herself. The second episode is what sold me on it. Most episodes were fun, though the one with Anthony Anderson got annoying. He blamed everything he didn't know on, "I'm black, I never heard that song" and excuses like that. He also got so overbearing with Jimmy at times that it screwed Jimmy up on the rules. Otherwise, a fun show I recommend watching.
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Ghosted (I) (2017)
Definitely has its moments
29 September 2022
I caught this show on Hulu and it is a like a poor man's X-Files comedy. It is dumb, but mostly fun to watch and worth a look with the understanding that you'll only get a season out of it. There were some episodes that got boring, but there were also some absolutely hilarious scenes and dialogue (like the blue tape spider soup lady - I had to watch that scene over a few times). But some of it made no sense in the overall story arc. Like the last episode seems to ignore like the last 1/3 of the season. After reading some of the other reviews, I guess it makes sense after it made a 6 month hiatus and returned with different people in charge. I am guessing the last episode was made before the staff changes and maybe didn't actually air.
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
5/10 conclusion?
29 September 2022
I guess I liked it more than many of the other reviewers. Maybe it is because I hadn't seen the original since I was a least 30 years ago. I wanted to see this one and it was okay. I do agree with many of the other reviewers that much of the feeling got lost. Some of it, they just seemed to make the scenes less impactful, some of it was the delivery of the actors. I watched the original after this one and this one generally followed the events of the original with some changed details (though the whale scene was REALLY changed up) and the way to get to those events are different and in some ways make more sense since they've had 8 decades( yes 80+ years, believe it or not!) to think about it. But the most disappointing thing is that the final scene or event that we expect...well, it isn't there. It's like they didn't finish the movie and ended it with the escape from Monstro. Complete inconclusive disappointment.

Otherwise, Tom Hanks mostly seems to mumble as Geppetto and okay, yes, he's an old man, but raise the volume or something. I thought the CGI wasn't bad, but it often didn't look right in a lot of places when Pinocchio or other CGI characters were outside during the day time. And it seemed like the people were not quite interacting with the CGI characters, like Tom Hanks was not looking at the right angle when talking to Pinocchio some times.
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Slow moooooving suspense
17 October 2020
That's right, it is not horror, it is suspense. But it moves about as fast as frozen molasses in the bowels of a constipated turtle. It isn't a bad show, it just takes waay too long to get anywhere.

I watched it all the way through (so far, 9 episodes) just to see if something actually happens. The first half of the season seems like just a bunch of weirdness that doesn't really seem to impact the characters. Then it starts coming together (still slowly) and honestly, almost the entire last episode was like an epilogue. They could have just taken the first 15 minutes of it and tagged it on to the previous episode and ended it.

They could have made shorter episodes to make it more interesting and get the point across, but there's just too much needless stuff like random monologues that may literally put you to sleep. Again, it is not bad, but I fail to see how this is on Netflix's US Today #1 spot.
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Cop Out (2010)
Fun and some scenes are hilarious.
25 April 2020
The first ten minutes are pretty funny and set the tone for the movie. There are many hilarious scenes mixed in with ones easy to tune out, but the funny ones make it worth the boring ones.

Overall it feels like Lethal Weapon was put through a Kevin Smith filter, though I suppose a lot of movies that feature two cops can seem like they're trying to be Lethal Weapon.
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Extraction (2020)
25 April 2020
If you don't mind a basic story with nonstop action (seriously, I felt like this movie was mostly 3 long action scenes, or possibly a bunch of "scenes" that blended and blurred into long sequences as hand to hand fights become gun fights and then become running away scenes with gun fights and fist fights that become car chases that become gunfights and fist fights again, etc.) then this is the movie to see.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
No, it's not Star Trek. And I like it.
11 April 2020
Overall I like it. Only 10 episodes in season 1 and it gets off to a slow start. But it's about a retired Picard, you should expect it to be slower. Though the action scenes are ACTION SCENES in many cases.

It's very story-based and and probably cannot hold people's attention as well in today's "cut to a new camera shot every 3 seconds because we'll assume everyone has ADHD world." It's more like an adventure that goes into space in the Start Trek Universe and happens to have Star Trek characters from Next Generation and Voyager. I would not call it a Star Trek series though...if that makes sense.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
8 April 2020
It's fun to watch, though traditional trekkies will definitely hate it.

I did not understand why exactly they put it before the events of the original series, as it seemed like there was no advantage in doing so and the ship is vastly more advanced than the Enterprise of the original series. It becomes apparent in season 2, almost like they put it in that time frame for Season 2. Seems less Star Trek like and more just Sci-Fi with some Start Trek characters.

The big issue with putting it in the time frame they did is that it puts it in danger of messing with already long-established characters. And by the way, who has been doing the make up? Seems like every Vulcan and Romulan in this show and Picard have crooked eyebrows. Their right one is always raised.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013–2021)
Took a little bit to get it's stride, but worth it
27 February 2020
The first couple of seasons were okay, but Season 3 is where they hooked me. That's where it becomes hilarious, particularly when Adrian Pimento shows up. Some times the show has some dry spells and then they get an episode with Pimento and it gives them more momentum. Much of the show is a hilarious ride, but I think Pimento needs his own spinoff.
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Lethal Weapon (2016–2019)
Was a pretty great show
27 February 2020
I was skeptical at first. How could they turn the movies into a weekly show? In the end, they did a great job capturing the essence of the movies even if the execution and interpretation of the characters is a bit different.

Most of Season 1 and 2 are great, though it seems like some story lines get dropped halfway through and swept under the rug, or changed and the audience is expected to just forget what happened.

Season 3 is where things changed because the actor who plays Riggs was fired, partially for being hard to work with and being a danger to others in episodes he directed. Cole was not a bad character, but the chemistry wasn't as good and too much hanging on to his ex. That whole part should have been done away with. I wish Cole had another chance with a 4th season, but it sounds like Damon Wayans just kept finding reasons to not want to sign, and maybe rightfully so (16 hour shooting days with diabetes and little time to eat and keep his blood sugar in check).

Well, even though Damon Wayans wanted out, I could see making a good series out of a Riggs prequel or a continuing with Cole going solo.
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