11 Reviews
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68 Kill (2017)
Dont waste your time on this movie
2 February 2022
Every character in this movie is unlikable. The protagonist is surely somewhat relatable for being attracted to these beautyfull ladys, like the fly to the honey in the beginning, but his actions beyond that are so unbelievable stupid that it took away everything what could be good about this story. Enough said. Dont waste your time on this movie.
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Timecrimes (2007)
Enjoyable but not that great of a movie.
8 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All in all I think the movie is good for entertainment but there is a major flaw that I just cant ignore.

Spoilers from here on.

How did it all start? The premise for Hector is, that he Voyeuristicaly watches a naked girl, searches for her (which is creepy on its own) and finaly gets chased into the time machine by himself.

But the very first Hector who started all this(which we dont see in the movie) must have gotten into the time machine by his own, because there was no one who could have chased him. So I waited all the time that this major plot point would get explained at the end. Or better said: I waited for a twist which opens our eyes how it all started.

But all we get to see is dumb hector who willingly travels back into time several times and the scientist just does whatever Hector tells him.

But it was still an enjoyable movie. But I dont think that I will watch it a second time.

I think the movie would have been much cooler if hector got lured into the time machine by the scientist. Imagine that the scientist hired someone to chase hector to the lab, so the scientist can make experiments on him. At first hector will play along, cause he thinks the scientist tells him the truth. At some point he finds out the truth and seeks revenge.

But with everytime hector travelled back, he changed something out of stupidity, like talking to himself in the past, and the final showdown between the scientist and hector will take place at an altered reality. Hector wins and goes into the time machine a last time. He comes out and sees that he traveled to the future but this time everything is normal again.
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Harpoon (2019)
Very Good Movie
27 March 2021
I just recently watched "the art of self defense" which is sort of in the same alley as this one. Its dark and twisted, funny and serious at the same time.

The actors did a fantastic job portaying the characters. The cinematographie is top notch and feels like a huge step above your typical indie movie.

The plot is very interesting and takes you through a rollercoaster of emotions. It can get from funny to very intense and bloody.

Ive read some reviews which shredded this movie apart for not being ultra realistic. But I assume that they went to the movie with the expectation to see a ultra reallistic and serious horror movie. Which this movie simply is not.

Its funny, suspensfull, interesting and horrific.

I hope we see more movies like this in the future.
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13 Eerie (2013)
Just Stay Away From This One
26 March 2021
I bought this movie because I have read some good reviews about it. But - oh man - they must have reviewed another movie because this one is bs. The actors are your typical standard low budget actors. With one exception: Brendan Fletcher is on board. But he isnt enough to save this movies thin plot and bad ideas. The effects are all handmade. But they are made cheap. With the simplest tricks and solutions you can come up with when you dont have any money for practical effects. I gave this movie 2 Points because I have seen worse Zombie Flicks than this. Like the terrible movie: cabin of the dead aka Wither🤢
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A real gem that hit me by surprise
25 March 2021
A weak man with low selfesteem begins to be interested in self defense after he got punched up really badly. I stumbled across this movie via streaming and watched it without knowledge which twists and turns this movie is going to have. And I absolutely loved it. This movie is best watched without any knowledge what going to come to fully enjoy this dark comedy.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
Style over Substance
20 March 2021
The plot is just a simple revenge story. Girl gets killed, guy seeks revenge. The presentation on the other hand looks like a trippy music video from a 80s Rockband. The people and the sorroundings are dipped in a red/purple color and you often times are left wondering why. This color mish mash begins even in the beginning where it seems to have no signigicance other than to look mysterious and meaningfull. When in fact it isnt. The antagonists are a bunch of religious freaks who seem to just drive around and kill people. The reason for it gets explained by a black dude in the middle of the film and its really so f dumb that it made me scratch my head . And Nicholas Gages character is inconsistent as well. At the beginning hes a normal dude. Then he becomes a cool badas$ spitting out one liners. Then he goes back to normal again and is emotional and than serious again.

The revenge part is the best part of the movie. The splatter effects are handmade and look decent. But its the way how the story progresses and how Nicholas Cage gets to the bad guys which is so nensensical that it can get quite boring and confusing to watch. It all just feels so stitched together and feels like an attempt to be something very special, while it is all style over substance, which makes the movie boring and blend.

And there are a lot of references to old classic horror movies like hellraiser and texas chainsaw massacre which are so obvious that its not cool anymore.

But all in all its a watchable movie. But not as good as some people want to make you believe
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Wither (2012)
Plothole Nightmare
21 February 2021
The director must have been thinking that horror movie viewers are dumb idiots who dont care about plotholes and consistency. Throughout the movie are visual effects like grain, dust, sunlight, birds and rain which are obvious just after effects to make the movie more visual appealing. But they dont. The Things act sometimes like zombies and sometimes like demons from evil dead so there is also no consistency. The gore and splatter effect are okaish till good. Some splatter effects are more convincing than others but never as shocking or cool as youd think it should be. The actors are very much not that talented but they do their job ok for a low budget movie. Apropos low budget. There are low budget movies that are awesome, where the director put all his love and admiration for horror movies into it and Made a masterpiece out of the limited resources he had. But this movie? Maybe they tried. Maybe they didnt. But they failed miserably....
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What a mess
19 December 2020
The movie starts promising, you guess whats going on in this facility, and the overall atmosphere is dark and gritty. But then it starts to go out of hand. The first time I felt ashamed for the people in the movie was the scene with the arm and the kids, you will know it when you see it. Just embarassing hilariously bad acting. The next embarrasment, is in the operating room *minor spoiler* a women gets bitten by a "hungry"(yeah, people in movies always dont know what zombies are [🙄]) and turns into seconds into one of them. The way she acts was just too much for me, it was hard to watch, because I felt ashamed for the performance of the actress, and couldnt stop laughing at the badness *minor spoiler ends*

Together with the bad zombie acting, the very bad cgi effects (0% practical effects) and the dumb decisions some major characters make and the sometimes unconvincing scenes, made it a torture for me to watch this movie.
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Downrange (2017)
Great Horror Splatter
16 October 2020
This movie has it all. Suspense, splatter, gore, good acting and cinematographie. The movie is from the beginning to end interesting and fun to watch. The effects are all handmade and are more plenty than I first thought before watching this movie. The actions of the protagonists are mostly relateable and convincing. Some people here are craptalking this movie, like that the acting was bad. I cant really see what they mean. The actors did at least a decent job in delivering their characters and lines. I was very sceptical before I watched this movie but it didnt disappoint me. I dont know why I expected less, because since now, I enjoyed all of kitamuras movies.

Downrange deserves a higher score here on imdb. At least a 8/10

A must watch for all horror fans
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Almost a masterpiece
20 May 2020
This is one of the few horror movies where everything is done right. The Director has been a fan of clive barker since his teens and he always had a vision how the movie should feel and look like. And you can see his passion for clive barkers work in MMT. Even Clive Barker himself was involved in this movie and likes it a lot!

The story is simple, intriguing and effective and it has always room for surprises and twists. Jumpscares? Nope, not really. Its good oldschool horror. The Acting is good and the actions of the protagonists are comprehensible for the most times. The gore and splatter effects are really good and unsettling. Sure, this movie uses cgi in a few scenes but mostly practical effects. I find the cgi effects well placed and they have their own charme in itself (normaly I despise cgi in movies. But when its done right, its done right.) Vinnie Jones as the Killer is a joy to watch.

I have read many reviews where I heard complains about plotholes, about how can it be that the police never noticed the disappearing of the peoples and bla bla bla. People tend to forget that this movie takes place in its own universe and that theres many room for interpretations. Like, why is the killer cutting these things from his body? Why did no one before notice the killings and the connection to the train? Just open up your mind. The movie gives you hints. The rest is left open for own interpretations.

And you shouldnt forget that this was supposed to become a trilogy. But due to the Distributers fault,the movie didnt have commercials and didnt have many screenings in cinemas. Thats why the movie wasnt a commercial success.

All in all, this movie is one of my favourite horror movies of all times.
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From Beyond (1986)
Nice try but not a good movie at all
1 March 2020
I really like the Re-Animator Trilogy and Jeffrey Combs as an actor was very good in them as well. But sadly his acting skills in From Beyond are not on the same Level in as in Re-Animator. Overall the acting is not good at all in FB. And what noticed in Re-Animator was, that Stuart Gordon and Brian Yuzna are no good Film Makers. In RA the bad film making skills were recognizable but the script and the ideas were clever and the effects were good enough to get a pass and the story was easy to realize. But in From Beyond you can see, that they tried to ride a bull, that was just too much to handle for them. This movie would have needed a lot more budget and better directors to realize what Yuzna tried there. I can see that this movie could be a lot of fun with friends and a few beers. But it aint a good horror movie at all.
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