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It's not bad acting, it's just bad.
1 February 2021
Fine, I knew before watching that as an older person I was probably not the age demographic for this movie. But this movie is wrong.

Having cancer sucks, but I don't believe it gives you license to to be an obnoxious brat who doesn't need to obey the law. When we are introduced to Cara's character she is trying to break into a dance club and physically assaults a security guard with a brick.

However, its the Dad, Cuba's character, who is the villain of the piece. Yes, he is an OTT controlling dad. But he just wants what's best for his son, misguided as his attempts might be.

But, let's get back to the girl. She then goes with the son on a road trip where they commit theft, break and enter and take drugs. Lovely, uplifting romance.

Oh, then there is the trans "au pair" who twice commits theft which the movie justifies because the person stolen from is intolerant.

These values really worry me. This is not a sweet movie at all. This movie is broken. 1 point for the hedgehog.
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Greenland (2020)
Fits the bill for a disaster film
28 December 2020
Can not understand the criticism here. If you walk into a McDonalds don't be surprised to get burger and fries. You saw the trailer for this movie. What were you expecting? The film equivalent of a Michelin 3 star restaurant? It was a disaster film, good and simple. Will you have learnt something after watching it? No. Will you be entertained. Yes. What it does do well is bring the peril close to home. A psycho in your car trying to steal your safety bracelet is more terrifying than a comet which will wipe out all life in seconds. Humans are scarier than anything nature will throw at you.
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Ana (II) (2020)
This movie tries to do everything and falls flat.
26 October 2020
What an odd movie. Had no idea what I was getting myself in for here but it had some recognisable names attached so we gave it a go. Like the characters the movie portrays, it seemed a bit aimless.

Travelogue of Puerto Rico? Perhaps, but it didn't leave me with any desire to go there. Quite the opposite. It showed a country in economic and moral collapse. Comedy? Nothing funny here. Yet it wasn't gritty enough to make it compelling drama either. Showed the underbelly of society and finishes off with an expose of crooked religion and corrupt politicians but then wrapped it up in a mismatched buddy road movie.

I'm never one to say that was two hours of my life I won't get back, but it may have dragged on a little long. Some scenes and character's actions were inexplicable and only seemed to be thrown in to carry the movie along. For instance, in one scene the girl runs away from the car. She is chased by her carer who almost gets beat up by a gang after they misinterpret his actions. He returns to the car to find it's been stolen and now in a chop shop. The girl had returned to the car and was still in it when it was carjacked. Why did she run away in the first place?!

Funnily, the end of the movie explains that the bad guys got their comeuppance and the good guys did alright, as if we had just watched a true story. I think the director was trying to imitate Hitchcock who always felt it was his moral duty to explain that crime doesn't pay. Made it all feel sort of feel good but it didn't really sit right.

Basically, it's not the worst movie you'll ever see, and it's sure not the best. If there's nothing else to watch, fine.
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Headache inducing
19 October 2020
It's a sci-fi movie so we'll move past the incredulous plot. However there is no getting past the ridiculous scenarios, over the top score and constant shouting at one another. There was peril, but it never felt perilous. And was never sure where the peril was originating. Elevators fell, mountains crashed, rubble fell and things exploded, all for seemingly no reason. Like a conversation in another room, you never felt part of it. And the rules! Every minute we're being bombarded with this breaking protocol, this being forbidden etc etc. Product of the country I guess.

It was suggested people were placed in a draw to be preserved for the new world and yet we see the absolute dregs of society living in these bunkers. Man, who got bumped for this sorry lot? Made my heart ache when they decide to sacrifice the world's entire digital library, every classic work of civilisation, as well as everything to start a new world: seeds, plants, embryos etc to save this sad pack of morons. Got to get me one of those transporter vehicles though. It drove from Beijing to Indonesia in what, a day?! I'll have to get rid of the stupid scroll ball steering though. Obviously someone who has never driven a car designed that one.

So basically, Hollywood can breathe easy for a while. No competition from China for a while yet.
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The Two Popes (2019)
Enjoy it as a movie, not a documentary or religious sermon
11 October 2020
Apart from the occasional flashback this movie is essentially two old guys sitting and talking. But when those two old guys are Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce, you're in for a treat. Great, entertaining film. If anyone finds it too hard going, please skip to end credits, for a bit of fun!
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Togo (2019)
Great adventure film for adults and children
11 October 2020
My wife and I both loved this film. Great adventure, glorious scenery and based on a true story. More movies like this please!

Interestingly an end note explains that not Togo, but another dog Balto, got all the adulation, and a statue is dedicated to him in Central Park. Had me all upset that Togo did not get the praise he deserved but then I thought "well, he's a dog so what does he care?" I guess the fact that I cared so much goes to show how well the movie was made.
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A Call to Spy (2019)
Worth the watch
11 October 2020
Almost passed on this one. Had a made for TV look about it with no big names attached. So glad we gave it a chance. Great drama about a slice of WWII we knew nothing about. Highly recommended.
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Did not need TS 4, but will need TS 5...
4 October 2020 fix up this mess. Not impressed. Animation excellent as usual, but lacked the humour and the emotion of the last ones.

Buzz Lightyear had no soul and the gang were reduced to the sideline for the majority of this movie. Bo Peep was an empowered female, just right for this generation. Offered an interesting twist but began to grate after a while.

My wife didn't mind it. I still thought TS 2 was the best.
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This emperor is not wearing any clothes
13 September 2020
Surely in several years time we'll be asking "just what were we thinking?". Sub-plots which went nowhere. A nonsensical plot with cringeworthy dialogue between romantic leads and a finale which is ridiculous and sudden.

Everyone is tripping over themselves to praise this movie. It seems the lavish praise is based on having a Down Syndrome person in the 'lead' role, and I'll admit, he was great. Shia also nailed his role. An immensely unlikable person, but portrayed well nonetheless. But the praise must stop there.

And for those reviewers who hailed this as a "family film" let me bring out one or two points:

Aside from the considerable bad language (which I guess is normal these days) Shia's character killed his brother in what seemed like an alcohol related accident, but hey, it means he's a more conflicted individual who conquers his own demons.

He also commits several crimes, including theft and arson, but hey, the guys he had it in for were lowlifes anyway so they had it coming. Yey!

He punches a kid in the face, like really punches this kid out, but hey, the kid was bullying a disadvantaged person so again, yey!

A woman for no inconceivable reason on the planet decides to join these two on their escapade instead of involving the appropriate authorities, but hey it's the girl from 50 shades so who cares?

Not sure what your family values are but don't invite me over for dinner. Yes, this emperor is not wearing only clothes but everyone's too "woke" to notice.
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A gem of a film
7 September 2020
So? A white girl played the lead. Get over it everybody. How can it be that absolute dross gets thrown at us in spades and yet this gem practically went by unnoticed? I discovered this film by accident, and so glad I did. And then I notice nine reviews. Nine! And most of them negative. A tragedy.

I'm not Ethiopian so I can't say for sure how accurate this was, but a great story about something we hear little about. My Amharic is rusty too but Dakota seemed to be doing a bang up job. Well done to her. I would read the book it was based on.
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Not so sure about this one
7 September 2020
After seeing the trailer I just couldn't wait to see this one. It looked like it was going to be hilarious. Seems like I was misled. Definitely humorous in places but not the laugh-fest I was expecting. PC run amok yet again? Or was it just a deliberate zany fantastical reimagining of David Copperfield's life where fact and fiction collide. I'll lean toward the latter but I'm not sure it worked. Love all the actors and actresses involved but, again, not sure it worked. And how does a movie that feels so rushed still just come shy of two hours? Maybe that's a good thing. At least it was clean; one for the whole family. My wife enjoyed it.
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Unicorn Store (2017)
Have to be high to like this.
24 August 2020
If you want to watch a movie about unicorns, vacuums and sexual harassment in the workplace then look no further. A few good scenes with the parents and Kevin and Virgil but everything else was LSD trip, not in a good way. Samuel L Jackson with some streamers dangling from his hair. Enough said.

Another thing: it maybe OK in the movies but in real life adults have to learn to accept failure and move on. To pander to the snowflakes by having them pursue their dreams regardless of the cost is damaging. Criticising those who dared to criticise them is not productive. This girl was not cute, she was mentally unstable and ungrateful.
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Glorified Winter Olympics Advertisement
26 July 2020
The 2018 Winter Olympics serves as the background for an unfunny, uninteresting, unentertaining story about two emotionally stunted people moaning about their lives.
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Don't have to be a dog person to like this one
12 July 2020
There have been a few movies out recently that look at life from a dog's perspective. I'm not a dog or even a pet person so I'm not sure I'm the target demographic but this was still an enjoyable watch, and I think the best of the bunch. A Dog's Purpose was fine but A Dog's Way Home was too burdened down by political agendas. This one has it just right.

There's still a lot going on with racing, death, child custody etc but it is handled well. Sad but sweet, a family film.
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Ophelia (I) (2018)
Messy story catered to PC/teenage crowd
25 May 2020
Reimaginings and back stories can be fun, even clever, but be oh so very careful when toying with Shakespeare. If you want to see it done well with Hamlet, then see (or better yet, read) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Half expected to see Daisy Ridley pull out a light saber. She might as well as she played the same part. Clive Owen was good as Claudius but could not save this mess. Perhaps the "mad" Ophelia handing out flowers scene was well done. For that, one point. And one point for having the guts to take on the master. 6 overall because I love castles and swords.
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Hope Gap (2019)
Not a nice story, but a story well told
13 April 2020
Two great actors in Annette Bening and Bill Nighy take us through the breakdown of a marriage. Not wonderful subject matter and some may argue that there may be better ways to wile away an hour and a half, but it is portrayed very well. I love Bill Nighy in everything, and even though I don't necessarily like his character here, he does it with aplomb.

Having been married for about the same time as the couple portrayed here it was interesting to see what both had done wrong, or could have done better to preserve their marriage. Some reviewers have blamed the wife but I think that's unfair. Perhaps my one reservation is that there was a subtle message running through it that if the husband, his lover and the son could move on and be happy, then so should the wife. That's a bit harsh as I'm sure many jilted wives would attest.

Feel sorry for the writer and director who evidently based this on his own parent's breakup. Interestingly, writing this now as the pandemic wreaks havoc around the world it is interesting to see that marriages are another victim of the virus. Too many couples having grown apart, and then forced to be together, have found the situation unbearable. How sad.
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Harriet (I) (2019)
Informative and entertaining
6 April 2020
Reviews here seem to be really divided between the lovers and the haters. As far as I can see the haters are a) atheists who object to a religious person being praised, b) historians who whine about all the historical inaccuracies and c) the ones who complain the movie isn't gritty enough. There's also those who claim she's made out to be some sort of superhero of the Marvel and DC variety and the ones who complain about the movie score.

To all of the above I say "chill out" or maybe you need to find something else to do with your spare time. The above complaints are unwarranted. Yes, the "visions" were weird but apparently she did have "episodes" due to a sustained head injury and I don't think it detracted from the movie as a whole. As for the score, I loved the soundtrack, especially the final song, and was not surprised to learn after that it was nominated for an Oscar.

Obviously I'm an idiot because when I started watching I had no idea it was based on a true story. Yet another movie that has you Googling Wikipedia as soon as you're done. Thank you for bringing this story to the big screen.
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A Hidden Life (2019)
Good, but if it was shorter would have been better
30 March 2020
Firstly I will say I liked this movie and was glad I saw it. I would even say it is an important story to tell. Visually very stunning. But it is long. Very long. I know with Malick that this is to be expected. His movies are deep and philosophical. I do not need to see buildings blown up to be entertained but just coming in under 3 hours we see a bit too much pacing around, vacant staring and clawing at the earth for my liking. However, it can be said that it adds to the agonising battle that he and his family must have gone through at this time. Perhaps this was the director's aim.

It's noticable that he was one of the very few of his faith that was willing to die for his beliefs. Even the movie portrays he gets no help from the church or his fellow parishioners. However, history records that Jehovah's Witnesses took a stand en masse and many were sent to concentration camps and exterminated. I think I read somewhere that apart from the Jews they were the most persecuted group, numbers wise. Doesn't look like anyone has done a film about them. Perhaps it wouldn't be such good viewing. I guess some 'hidden lives' are best left hidden. Perhaps most of us are not that much different to the prejudicial villagers in the movie.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Great drama
9 March 2020
Never knew what to expect when we started watching it. The movie seemed to come out of nowhere but it had some recognisable names and seemed like a good gritty espionage/courtroom drama type story so we thought we'd give it a go. Then when the story developed and we realised which way it was going we were stunned. Based on a true story; how did we not know anything about this? This movie will have you reaching for Google and Wikipedia as soon as it's done. Then you'll be examining your household appliances. Enough said. Watch it.
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Dead Fred (2019)
Stopped after 15 minutes
3 March 2020
Was hoping for something in the realm of Waking Ned Devine. Instead looked like someone's high school project. Terrible production, acting and sound. Who compared this to Midsommer Murders?! The jokes were there but they fell with a thud. Might have worked with better delivery, timing, acting etc. Finally turned off after 15 minutes, which was probably 10 minutes too late. Might have been a good premise there, but I'll never know, or care.
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