
21 Reviews
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Changed my life forever
16 June 2020
You'll laugh, You'll cry, You'll question your life goals and then realize that it's the 1940s, Fight in WWII and then watch this amazing masterpiece of--

(bursts out laughing)
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Focus (II) (2015)
The most joyless and boring experience I have ever sat through.
31 May 2020
I could not actually sit through this thing. I literally couldn't.

Let's talk about the pros.


Margot Robbie is nice to look at, I suppose. The title is the most intriguing title I have ever heard of for a film. Will Smith seems as if he's trying to make this film worth watching. The soundtrack (with The Rolling Stones and other fantastic old rock songs like that) is too good for this hot garbage. The cinematography is some of the best of 2015, the only reason this film is not a 1/10. The twists are, ummmmm--

NEGATIVES The screenplay SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSS. The acting SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. There is no charisma at all with the characters and Will Smith is just boring to watch due to this. IT WAS BORRRRRINGGGGGGGGGGG. It feels as if it is one big first act and one "two second" second and one "half-second" third act. The film is annoying. The film acts like it's so fun when it's really not AT ALL. The pace is some of the worst, second thought, the worst pacing I have ever seen in a film that's shorter than 120 minutes. It is so forgettable and overlylong, I'd rather watch a SuperMarioLogan video, It might be a awful video, but at least it isn't overly long.

I wish I could continue writing this review but it hurts to type this. It hurts to think about this boring POS, I'd just recommend watching literally anything else, like literally, ANYTHING. Go watch literally anything else. You'll just want to run out in the middle of the road and scream for someone to run you over by the 1 hour and 20 min mark, which btw, I stopped watching the film at that point because it was giving me a headache to continue watching.

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A well-acted and never boring Slasher slightly based upon the #MeToo movement.
21 May 2020
Yes, Black Christmas (2019) is very feminist (I personally didn't mind as I didn't find it too distracting/offensive to me, considering I am a male). Yes, Black Christmas (2019) has a lot of the #MeToo movement type-of-messages within it.

However, I can easily look past all of this because the film tended to have a lot to it that helped it not be annoying to me.

The writing I found to be great. The characters I found to be extremely likable. The chemistry between the leads is good, The twists are unexpected and shocking. While some of the dialogue has a lot of cringe within it, I found the film/writing to be mostly realistic enough that the dialogue blended in because in the end, Everyday we say a lot of cringe, and this film does it well.

People kept complaining about jumpscares, but I found there were probably under 10, and even then, Most of them weren't too annoying for me (and I hate jumpscares too). To me though, The jumpscares somewhat helped the films creepy vibe, I don't know.

The direction is average. Not amazing, but certainly not anything below OKAY. The direction is good enough, and the cinematography is fine. I don't look for amazing cinematography in the films I watch and if you're like me in that sense, You'll be just fine.

(If you do look for exceptional cinematography though, Go watch Little Women or The Lighthouse.)

Now, It is time to address the elephant in the room.


A second remake. Now, Here's where everyone reading this review questions me. I have never seen the previous films. I watched this due to the fact I love slashers, and this one was the newest to release to DVD (and during this pandemic, Walmart is still open, and I got money I wanted to buy a new release with!). I also loved the cast (the acting is great also) so I bought it to watch. From what I've heard, This film is nothing like the previous two, and I suppose if you're looking for a true "Black Christmas" It seems you won't get that (why is it called Black Christmas though? I question that slightly).

Overall rating: 6.5/10. I personally loved it but find that a 6 fits it best. THE GOOD: Cast is great. Great characters/character development. Never boring. Writing is better than most BLUMHOUSE productions. Creepy vibes that might just scare you. Great soundtrack/score (For the few seconds you heard it THAT IS). Great twists/Awesome ending. Decent-enough tone. Somewhat funny at times (intentional I'm assuming). Cast shares great chemistry. THE BAD: The feminism might divide viewers (me personally, I had no problem with it and if anything, kinda enjoyed the added feminism purely because it made the film feel more unique, which is what I freaking love in fun horror flicks like this). Somewhat bland direction despite the great pacing. Film leaves a lot to be desired due to all the "quote unquote" cuts made to make the film PG-13 (which I didn't mind personally). Has barely anything to due with the originals (once again, I DO NOT MIND THIS). Cinematography might just be too average for some viewers (not me though). Jumpscares might annoy some.
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Glass (2019)
Second worst movie of 2019?
23 April 2020
M. Night, Why? WHY? I didn't expect anything from this film and you still failed me!

Okay, I'll stop being dramatic. What did anyone expect? It floors me that this has a 6.7 currently on IMDB, That's higher than a lot of films that are much better (IMO) like Hulk (2003), A Little Help (2010), The Happening (2009), Many more films are better than this.

Yet, This trash seemingly has a lot of fans. I respect those people, I'm glad someone can actually like this film. I personally found this film to be disappointing, yet awful also. The cast is excellent per usual for this cast, Bruce Willis, Anya Taylor-Joy, Spencer Treat Clark, who is surprisingly great considering I've never heard of this actor and never seen him in a film, James Mcavoy, who is the best thing about this bad movie, How do you mess that up?

Well, There is one way. Sarah Paulson. Yep, Am I supposed to talk about her? She just isn't that great. She's not bad, but due to the crappy script, It kinda ruins everything.


It feels as if M. Night felt that this film wasn't boring at all, Unfortunately, It is boring. The writing is odd and feels like a fake movie script inside a movie. Remember Scream 3? Half the movie was about a cast/crew making a movie inside a movie, It feels like that movie. This doesn't feel like an actual film, It feels, kinda fake.


I'm pretty sure Night knew that people were gonna hate this film. I get it, He doesn't care what we think. However, We have brains, We have thoughts, and that's why this film doesn't work. If the whole film was as ambitious as the last two mins of the film, This film would've been excellent.


I'm not going to spoil the twists, They're too dumb for me to even explain. If the film would've had literally any other twist, It would've been better BUT NO. There are so many plotholes to the point where a 2/10 seems generous, but whatever.
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LolliLove (2004)
An excellent satire that oddly enough makes you think.
21 April 2020
2004, Year of Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, The Incredibles, Sideways, Harry Potter 3 or whatever, but I never heard of this. LolliLove sounded a little odd at first, not gonna lie. When I saw it was a satire and it starred Jenna Fischer and James Gunn, two of some of my favorite filmmakers, I was sold.

Now, Amazon Prime is doing 7 day trials, and this movie was on there. It's on Vudu and Tubi for free as of 4/20/2020, so anyone with internet has no excuse to not go check it out, Right now, Stop reading this review, Just watch it.

So, I decided to check it out, It was 6:45 AM, I needed to get to sleep so I could get back to writing when I woke up. It was only 64 mins, so I decided to check it out.

From the beginning, There's narration from someone who I'm willing to bet was just a friend of the Gunns (at the time at least, considering now Fischer and Gunn are divorced) and after he helped write Jenna write it, he said "I WANT TO BE THE NARRATOR!" Jenna and James probably looked at him like he was nuts, but they needed a narrator, so there we go. We got whoever Peter Alton is. The narration isn't bad, although I still think it'd possibly be better without it. HOWEVER, Due to this being a satire, I can understand why so I can't be too angry at it considering I probably would've wrote narration for a satirical documentary if I was the writer.

We immediately, after some amazing shots of California, get straight into the Gunns talking about their marriage (they're divorced). They do share chemistry for sure, They work as a couple in the film about as well you'd expect from a real-life couple, What I'm saying is, They work. Gunn and Fischer are both extremely likable, despite how many lines of Gunn's tend to be offensive (I was not offended because honestly who cares) and Fischer's lines tend to sound somewhat selfish. However, Their acting is so excellent that we can't help but like them.

Immediately, Once they begin the charity work, The hilarity begins. Fischer begins calling probably every single company in California (although I'm going to guess the calls were staged). It's hilarious to see this woman scream curse words at random Company peeps and Gunn seeming to fail at almost everything he attempts to do. Gunn becomes obsessed with the drawings. He urinates on paper, He screams at the paper, It's awesome to see Gunn play this ridiculous version of himself.

Eventually, After Fischer continues to be hilarious and Gunn feel like a crazy slasher killer about his drawings, Someone named Larry Fitzgibbon, a company person, gives them a chance. They begin their presentation, and this is where a subplot about their marriage comes in. After the presentation, Larry seems as if he's going to give them the money-- BEFORE he wants to see the lollipops.

This is where that marriage plot begins to kick in, Gunn blames Fischer for the lack of lollipops and then they improvise something. However, Gunn takes all the credit, and as they leave, They speak to a woman who wants to volunteer. Gunn then calls her beautiful (THE woman who wants to Volunteer, by the way), which causes Fischer to give her infamous death stare for anyone familar with her filmography/her role in The Office (US). Then once they're about to get in their car, They break. Fischer goes nuts and screams curse words once more (and it's still funny and awesome to see this actress going nuts to her husband who's playing a self-obsessed/selfish character). Her husband in this film is portrayed as kinda your average self-obsessed character, He even plays GTA instead of helping her with the lollipop artwork!

There's also a lot of cameos by actors and actresses like Judy Greer (who per usual feels like she's bored out of her mind), Jason Segel, and Linda Cardellini, who were dating according to the narrator. There's a funny scene involving Fischer, Gunn, Segel, and Cardellini where the Gunns ask for over 250,000$ for this "LolliLove" charity, in which Segel and Cardellini deliver surprisingly good performances for the cameo roles they have. They pretty much shut the Gunns down as soon as they ask for it.

This kinda begins the characters' downward slope, but I've already explained what went down from there.

Overall, I won't get in to what happens after all the events I mentioned because that is where this film gets better (although it was excellent to begin with) and even somewhat shocking (Lloyd Kaufman has a freaking cameo man!). Overall, Just see it, It's an excellent satire that makes you curious about what would happen next? Due to Fischer and Gunn's divorce, I'd love to see a sequel with Jenna Fischer and Lee Kirk, her now-husband, trying something bigger and better, They have two kids, so maybe that could make a sequel much more interesting! Oh well, It'll probably never happen unless an actual studio asked her to make it, but oh well.

We can at least hope for it to one day happen.

One day.

One day.
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World War Z (2013)
The excellent Zombie-Black-Comedy we've been needing.
19 April 2020
Yeah, I get it, "This isn't a comedy! Blah-blah-blah!"

Well, The thing about it is, This is how it feels by the end. With Brad Pitt spazzing out on a hospital bed screaming "WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!" sounding like Nic Cage and a hilarious scene where his wife calls him in the middle of him trying to get past zombies by being quiet. That's not very quiet, huh?

There's a lot of unexpected hilarious moments also, like a cop screaming at Brad Pitt's family in a car before he's RAMMED INTO BY A SEMI-TRUCK. WTF? It's excellently darkly comedic in the acting too. There's a lot of over-the-top acting here too. Not as good as Nic Cage, but I mean, Did anyone expect it to be? No, The answer is no. If we get to the fine details of the acting (what did that mean?), Well, OH BOY. The wife's actress Mireille Enos seems like she's here for fun (she's constantly smiling and sounding happy-go-lucky-go), She doesn't seem like a bad person, It just doesn't work. Maybe we should've got someone else, I dunno, Maybe Jenna Fischer? Sandra Bullock (wait, no)? Julia Roberts (maybe not)? I kinda could see Lena Heady in the role too actually. Any other actress may have been able to pull off the role better, It's just that the direction that Enos decides to go into (her character is pretty stupid too) doesn't really fit the tone, but it certainly fits the character (what I'm saying is, the tone of her acting isn't very great and that fits her character).

Brad Pitt is obviously not that bad, but at the same time it kinda makes me wonder, If it wasn't for his company getting the rights for the film, Would he of been in the film? I kinda wish someone else would've been cast. However, Brad Pitt does indeed fit into the film well.

If we talk about the comedy again, IT'S EVERYWHERE. A girl gets her hand chopped off and there's no blood! Even with blood, with how random the chop is, it's still hilarious! The soldier characters constantly spout out one-liners that are either so dumb/bad that you can't help but laugh out loud, or so cringe that it makes you chuckle inside.

The zombies are so over-the-top that if you don't laugh, I'll question you. The characters, while seeming to be cliche, I don't mind. The cliches kinda work and make the film feel even more like a black-comedy. I can't praise this film enough, It's hilarious. Plus, The whole zombie-twist, Oh boy, It's so dumb that it's hilarious!

While this film isn't a so bad it's good film at all and it's just a overall great Dark Comedy, You will either love or hate this film.

Maybe you'll freaking hate it, Maybe you'll freaking love it, Whatever you think of it, It's hilarious.
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An underwhelming crap-fest.
18 April 2020
To sum up my thoughts into a sentence, This is one of the most forgettable films ever made. I used to love the AVGN series, so I checked this out ASAP when I heard it was on Tubi back in the day.

Well, At the time I said it was okay. That's the problem, It feels as if it's trying to be at least OKAY. Yet, It's not okay. It's not even close. This film would be a masterpiece if it was okay.

The film is painfully slow. The pacing feels off, The faithfulness to the web series is wrong, Everything just seems a little wrong/off. Web series-to-movie usually doesn't work. I guess SMOSH the movie didn't pay attention to the past (what I'm saying is that AVGN:TM was awful and SMOSH the movie according to IHE was too).

Bottom line, If you love AVGN, You're probably just gonna like this movie. Not love it (the plot is one of the most stupid plots I've ever heard for a movie). I have nothing against James Rolfe (I have a lot of respect for him), but sorry James, This sucked.
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My family despises me due to how much I dislike this film.
18 April 2020
This, This film is-- Is--

It's probably the second funniest film ever made-- Scratch that, It's funnier than the previously stated funniest film ever made, Stir of Echoes, This film is so mind-bogging bad to the point where it feels like a parody of films like Twister. It's a hilarious experience that will give you one weird feeling after a while. It leaves a pit in your stomach upon the second watching, and when you begin watching it for the third time, You feel that pit coming. You feel it coming, and it comes and feels deeper and deeper each time you watch it.

The acting is hilarious, The female actress doesn't seem like she has any chemistry with her daughter and the main male actor overacts a lot. His overacting isn't as good as Nic Cage, but it comes dang close.

The cinematography, Well, I can't say much about it because it's one of those frustrating found footage flicks. There is really no reason for it to be this way other than-- Oh wait never mind. It is because of the most forgettable line/throwaway line in film history of "School Project that dad forces us to do about some documentary" and blah, blah, blah.

The film isn't original at all. It is somewhat kind of original in the since that it is about crazed-storm-chasers who would make anyone with an actual brain (then again, Why would you be watching this if you had an actual brain like me unless you watched it because your family randomly messaged you and said it was amazing and you wanted to watch it to prove them wrong because you knew it was going to be one of the worst films ever) scream "YOU FOOL!" There were comedic relief hillbillies which were the least funniest things about the movie. These characters were awful and the actors were also bad. "WHY ARE YOU IN THE MOVIE?" I thought, I screamed at the TV about it and I was thinking "Why wasn't you written out of the script?" also.

I'm not going to talk about the CGI either. People keep praising the CGI and I have no comment. The CGI wasn't memorable enough to make it stand out, so maybe it wasn't as good as people said? God, I don't know. Just don't watch it. It's the funniest movie ever made, but Stir of Echoes has Kevin Bacon, Into The Storm has Nathan Kress.

Never mind, This movie's amazing 10/10 Watch it immediately. /s
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The Fare (I) (2018)
A excellent throwback to M. Night thrillers!
15 April 2020
I went in to this movie just wanting to watch some 80-something minute movies to reach my goal of 100 movies by the end of the year, and I was blown away.

From the excellent acting from Gino Anthony Pesi, Brinna Kelly, Jason Stuart, and Jon Jacobs to the surprising twists and turns written from Brinna Kelly herself, This was one heck of a thriller.

Now, The plot (the plot is about taxi driver and his passenger who find themselves locked in an endless time loop trap so they have to repeat their journey over and over again) does sound cliche. I'll admit that. This caused my expectations to be lowered, However, Even if I had them very high I'd still give this film a high rating.

Imagine combining a M. Night thriller with Greek Mythology, You'd get this excellent film.
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"You're Fired, Janice."
14 April 2020
For the first 30 mins of this film, That's what I was wondering about the director. Did no one try to axe Lee Kirk off the directing/writing spot? It feels like the first 30 mins was written by someone else, and they left the script on the subway. Lee Kirk went on that subway and spotted the script "Huh. I should finish this!" He probably thought, and he finished it. Or you could say he wrote the first 30 mins and then someone like his wife (Jenna Fischer) or his best friend probably read it and then continued writing it. I questioned the cast. Was Jenna Fischer only brought here because she was married to Lee Kirk or something when the film got filmed? I suppose she may have done it because her husband probably begged her or something. However, All of these questions I had faded away slowly once the film got past the 30 min mark. At that point, The film actually realized "Oh yeah, We got an audience watching! And they want a actual decent film!" and it randomly kicked in to full gear. Obviously, Jenna Fischer is excellent and winning as Janice, Chris Messina is okay I guess. I never heard of him and I didn't really think he did that great (although I think it was probably the way his character was written). Topher Grace was great as a professional creep, and the rest of the cast was alright, although some were somewhat forgettable. The film is only 88 minutes, and the problem is the ending feels somewhat rushed. At the same time, It doesn't. I don't get it, I say it feels rushed, but at the same time, it kinda works. The whole zoo job stuff is kinda uhhh, Well, It feels as unrealistic as the whole entire cast/crew not feeling that the first few pages of the script were good. Someone had to realize that the first few pages feel somewhat bad! Although, I can't give Lee Kirk too much crap. To be honest, Throughout the whole film, I was beginning to realize something. This feels something I would write if someone forced me to write a romantic dramedy! From the weird teeth dream stuff that makes me question the writing even more, to the way Janice's sister and her husband act, This feels like exactly something I would write (I am a screenwriter by the way)! I was then thinking, "Lee, You clever little--" Clever, Kirk, Clever. Overall, I'd say a solid 8/10, It's not bad at all, and the acting is excellent, but the pacing and writing stops it from being a 9 or 10.
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The Amazing Bulk (2012 Video)
Worst Film Of All Time.
11 April 2020
Screw Cats, Screw The Fanatic, Screw Battlefield: Earth, Screw Catwoman, Screw literally every mockbuster, This film takes the cake for worst film of all time. I cannot even explain it either. Watch it, Just watch it, It is free on youtube, so if you want to understand my rating/review, You'll just have to watch the movie, but I'll try to explain it. Worst Special Effects, Worst Editing, Worst Sound Mixing, Worst Soundtrack, Worst Ending, Worst Villain(s), just worst everything.
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I'd call it Sex Memes The Movie.
1 April 2020
The 41-Year-Old-Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It. How can you call this the worst movie ever? That title alone should make you realize you're kinda dumb if you decide to call it "Worst. Movie. Ever." This movie isn't something you're supposed to take seriously. A fellow reviewer bradleyluke79 stated this was the worst movie ever. They said that Superbad was their favorite movie, and that sprouts the question, If Superbad is your favorite movie, How in god's name is this the worst movie ever if that movie is your favorite? However, This isn't a review about me ranting about how wrong bradleyluke79 is about this movie (Superbad is, god, but Jesus Christ, Really? This is Worst movie ever is this out of all things? Wrong! You. Are. Wrong.) Superbad About It (that's what I am going to call this movie) is something I would compare to Neil Breen or Cool Cat, It is a meme 10. This is a decent satire of the Judd Apatow craze of the 2000s (I love the 2000s, but god Judd Apatow, STOP, WHY DID YOU CONTINUE INTO THE 2010s AND 2020S? STOP). It is funny, weirdly charming and warming, and just flat-out something else. This isn't a film you need to expect anything from. I recommend just watching it as it is. You'll hate it, or love it, but this film is surely enjoyable. We follow these random characters through twilight references, and weirdly out of place-feeling Hitler references. It certainly will make you either nauseous with laughter, or questioning with extreme chuckles down your neck. I don't know really what to explain to you about Sex Memes The Movie. It is just an overall middle finger to those who hate this film. If you end up thinking this is the worst film of all time, You misunderstood everything about it. I don't know what else to say, other than this is a solid 10/10, Watch it right now. Don't even question it, Just watch it. This is one masterpiece of spoof and satires of the crappy movies that Judd Apatow, one of the worst filmmakers still working today, would be jealous of.
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An Overrated flick, but not a bad one.
30 March 2020
Note: I say it's overrated, but I still think it deserved the Oscar. Now To the review! When I heard this film had a 97 percent on RT, I was shocked. A Spider-Man movie with a 97% and everyone including some random dude chanting in a Apex Legends lobby screaming INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE RULES!? My friend (who is a freaking legend) gave me a copy of Into the Spider-Verse and when I went home, I instantly watched it. I then proceeded to say "Wow" and thought it was the best Spider-Man. Several months later and rewatching it several times, Yeah, This isn't the best Spider-Man (not even close). This film has several flaws that kinda hurts it for me. 1. Dr. Ock sucks. I disliked Dr. Ock in this film, I question her motive and I questioned even more about how did she end up like this? 2. A pig Spider-Man? Really? Okay, I'm kidding about that, that isn't a flaw, Although, I still question out of all the Spider-Mans, Why this one? 3. Aunt May feels out of place. 4. Several origin stories feel somewhat rushed. 5. The self-awareness just doesn't work. 6. Most of the Jokes feel out of place. Overall, I say this is a solid 7/10, because some jokes were funny, the voice acting was awesome, and the soundtrack was almost as good as TASM2's soundtrack, which is my favorite Spider-Man film and soundtrack.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
"He was not her brother, that's something John Carpenter and Debra Hill made up. This totally isn't expostition!"
30 March 2020
This film is simple. It is a simple film that didn't work as much as I wanted it to. I remember thinking after I left the theater "BEST HORROR MOVIE EVER! OMG!" After re-watching it by buying it on Vudu, My thoughts changed a lot. This isn't a bad sequel, Far from it, but it suffers from what I like to call "Modern Horror Problems!" Problem 1. Too many dumb Jumpscares: Let me explain, Jumpscares aren't bad (although they're not scary), The only problem is that some feel unneeded. It is just part of the checklist I guess. 2. Half the acting is always really bad in Modern Horror Movies for some reason: Two words, Judy Greer. Tell me, Did they drug her and bring her to the set? She felt as if she was asleep or just here for the few pennies she was probably paid. The guy who played the Dr. Loomis replacement was disappointing and just made me wish he wasn't even in the film. Then we have the podcasters and comic relief cops, who sucked and that's all I need to say about them. 3. Dumb character decisions aplenty! Overall, A solid 8/10, I kinda question why I think it is good enough for an 8/10, because now that I think about it, Maybe a 6 or 7 would be a more fitting rating, but screw it, A 8/10 will due!
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Hope Floats (1998)
Not my type of movie, but I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.
29 March 2020
It isn't as bad as people made it to be. It isn't a masterpiece, but should it? Why should every romantic drama be a masterpiece? You got a good cast, good soundtrack, good drama, It is supposed to be a straight good film. And that's what it is. Sure, Maybe Sandra Bullock always seems to act as if she has a weapon to her head and she was told to act (She was great in Premontion though), but her acting could've been worse. I'd compare this to a "A Little Help" and possibly another film I forgot about. A Little Help is one of my favorite films, but it is a romantic drama also, which I don't usually think it is my type of movie. You could compare the characters of Jenna Fischer's Laura to Sandra Bullock's Birdee. Hope Floats is the happy version of A Little Help (yes I know A Little Help came out after Hope Floats so I would say that differently but I do not care, whoever's reading this understands what I mean so yeah). Hope Floats has a much happier ending, whereas A Little Help is the much more realistic (and overall better film) version. Jenna Fischer is much better than Sandra Bullock in their respective films. But, At the same time, These films do carry a different appeal. They are very, very similar, but at the same time, they are much different films that happen to just possibly feel like they have the same template. Watch Hope Floats, and then watch A Little Help, or just watch A Little Help, it is a much better film (and I'm not the only one that thinks that, Roger Ebert does too, If you don't know who that is, go to the Roger Ebert website and read his amazing reviews, Read his certain reviews for Hope Floats and A Little Help to understand what I mean, except I'm giving Hope Floats a positive review whereas Roger Ebert did not give Hope Floats a positive review). Overall, Hope Floats is your average chick flick, I am a male, but I do enjoy these quote on quote "Chick Flicks" and rom-coms. Watch A Little Help, or watch that and Hope Floats, They're both worth watching.
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Borat (2006)
The funniest film ever made.
29 March 2020
This film, This is, Well, It is a film, what did you think it was? This film is a hilarious piece of work (unlike that POS Bruno). Borat is one of the funniest characters in history (counting films, tv shows, songs, plays, history, whatever you could think). You end up loving Borat and his character. I was in pain laughing at this. This film is just flat-out funny, Even if you don't get the satire, You can still enjoy it. This film however, will divide audiences. On one hand, You may be freaking disgusted, or you may fall in love with the satire. You may love it, You may hate it. This film is a smart one, one of the smartest films ever made, Sacha Baren Cohen is an amazing actor. You truly believe Borat to be a real person. I certainly wasn't expecting anything when I found 7 copies at Dollar Tree. I thought "This looks dumb. Maybe it'll be funny!" So, I bought it, because I wanted to finally get a copy since I am a collector of DVDs and I heard it was a freaking masterpiece. Well, That isn't wrong, It is a masterpiece. Borat without a doubt, it the ultimate comedy. Watch it. Go to that piracy website and see it. Just see it.
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Road Trip (2000)
Not bad, although I probably would've enjoyed it wayyyy more if I was much younger.
29 March 2020
Decent enough acting (BLEEP you Tom Green, Go away). Some really funny gags. This is your middle of the road sex comedy, Slightly better than Euro-trip, but Euro-trip is more fun to rewatch. This film also has a lot of songs thrown in. It is your average 2000s music, I love 2000s music, but this wasn't exactly the ones I loved. They were good, not gonna lie, Just not my personal favorite. Overall, If the film went on for slightly longer, it would be a 5/10, because by the end the film can get stale, but it knows when to end, so it does. Overall, A solid 6/10.
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Android Cop (2014)
A intriguing action thriller that is much better than most Asylum stuff.
29 March 2020
The acting is excellent, The action is choreographed surprisingly good, Not John Wick levels, but much better than most recent action thrillers. There's also several twists that were not predictable, and if anyone says to you that they predicted them, They're lying. Punch them in the face, because these are not predictable twists, I'd say Saw levels of twists.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
One of the best films ever made, Yes, I mean that.
6 March 2020
The first Shrek movie is one of the worst films ever made compared to this film. This film takes everything from Shrek 1, and does it better by 42069x. That is really all I can say, It deserved the oscar for best Animated Picture, but the oscars are retarded (Parasite did deserve best picture in 2020 though) so yeah lol. This film will amaze anyone who will watch it, Watch it with your cat, your dog, your ghost of the slave that the former person who lived in the house owned, your mom, your dad, your imaginary friend, Watch this ASAP. And Shrek the Third is amazing too, fight me.
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Saw (2004)
You must "Saw" this (that was awful)!
6 March 2020
Saw, Ah yes, Saw, Saw, Saw, Saw, The first film of the Holy Trilogy-- I mean holy quad-- Really, Five--? Freaking nine?! Anybody else hyped for Spiral? Anyhow, Saw is one heck of a Psychological Thriller. On one hand, Some will hate it and think it is just mindless torture porn (anyone who says that the Saw movies are just torture porn is kinda dumb, sorry), Some will love it and be scared, and me with 3 hands wasn't scared by it, but I loved it. Great acting (yes, Even from Leigh Whanell or however you spell his name ;), Great lighting/cinematography, great plot, great thrills, intriguingly great editing, and the objectively and my thoughts best twist ending of all time. Screw The Sixth Sense and Star Wars, Saw is the only twist no one whatsoever could predict. Just an overall great film. Final rating, 3.5/4.
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Axed (2012)
I made an account just to review this garbage.
6 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have a youtube account called Treehuggersunite! that I may do a review for this movie, IDK, This movie is just.... UGH! This movie was so (bleep, if y'all even care)king bad that it will give you cancer to watch it. Jonathan Hansler does good only because he is able to bring some jokes to his horribly written villain, The mom is awful, The daughter and her boyfriend were some of the worst characters I've seen in a British movie of all time, The son however, is quite possibly the worst character in Cinema. His character was so bad I wanted to strangle him to death, HE WAS THAT BAD. The lighting is off half the time, The Cinematography would make any cinematographer squeal, the screenplay feels like if you forced a two year old to write a horror thriller (plot holes and underdeveloped subplots a whole!), the whole thing was so imcompentant and boring (AND REALLY, REALLY LAZY!) that I'd rather blow my brains out and drown in a volcano of lava then be strangled by my own mother than watch a single second of this godawful movie. If you like this movie, Do me a favor and message me on Xbox Live: rocketrider2065 or on Wii U: same username as the Xbox Live one to explain to me just why and how you like this film that worse than the coronavirus. Don't even get me started on the ending (I wanted the dad to kill everyone just to make the movie over). Overall rating, Zero out of Four Stars.
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