
10 Reviews
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Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
Lizzie McGuire is okay
21 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't want to say it's awful, the worst show ever, etc. I say it's okay. It's about Lizzie and her two friends Miranda and Gordo facing the problems of middle school, family, and friends. All the problems are realistic, but they don't go that far with the problem. Like, when Miranda became worried about her weight and went on a diet, she fainted only one day after she decided to diet. The episode would of been better if Miranda decided to diet for like, a week.

Another thing I don't like about Lizzie McGuire is their humor. Some of it is kind of funny, but I don't actually laugh out loud. I just kind of smile.
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Lilo and Stitch is a great show
20 July 2006
I really like the show Lilo and Stitch because it's pretty funny, and something about it makes me want to watch it to see what the next experiment will be. The only thing I don't really like about it is the plot. In every episode, it's the same. Find experiment, capture it with Gantu right behind them, and find it's perfect home. But I have to admit that while the plot is the same in every episode, it's still very original. I think most of the experiments are really cute and their powers are really creative.

Lilo lives with her sister Nani, and often causes trouble while trying to capture experiments with her loyal, lovable, and evil pet "dog" Stitch. When they find an experiment, they try to capture it before Gantu, who work for Hamsterveil, an evil hamster. Once they capture it, they turn it good and find it's true place.
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Zoey 101 (2005–2008)
Zoey 101
20 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Zoey 101 was the best show I knew when I first watched it. But, as I watched more and more of it, it got more and more annoying and boring. The plots are, I guess, okay, but to be honest, the actors aren't that good. Jamie is pretty, but she's NOT a good actress. She always seems to have this blank expression on her face. Alexa Nikolas (Nicole) is kind of good, but she doesn't seem to fit her character. As for Kristin Herrara (Dana), she's also not that good playing her role. Everyone else is okay.

Zoey is a teenager who is one of the first girl students at PCA, a boarding school. She lives with Dana and Nicole, her roommates in dorm 101. Dana is usually very cranky or grumpy when Nicole starts blowing her hairdryer, because her hair frizzes up if she does blow-dry it, and she's afraid the boys will make up a nickname for her like Miss Frizz. But then Zoey fixed the problem with Quinn's (Erin Sanders) silent leafblower. Dana is a slob and is always sleeping. She kind of unfriendly. Nicole cares a lot about her looks and boys. While taking a test, one question asked her: What makes you happy? Nicole's answer was typical of her: meeting cute boys. When the next question asked her what made her most unhappy, Nicole answered, Not meeting cute guys. Quinn is a science geek. She's always doing experiments and often paying Dustin to help test out her experiments. Logan is a sarcastic, sort of hot, sort of obnoxious boy on campus. His dad is really rich and he's crazy about himself. Chase has a crush on Zoey, but doesn't want Logan to know. He's a nice, friendly guy. He isn't that special, and I don't have much to say about him. Michael is Chase's best friend. He's the only one who knows about Chase's crush on Zoey. Dustin is Zoey little bro. She tends to like to butt into his business and likes to baby him, but they don't fight much. In fact, they get along pretty well.
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Hannah Montana (2006–2011)
Hannah Montana rocks!
19 July 2006
Hannah Montana is a great show because it's funny, and you can kind of relate to all the characters. If you have something to hide that you don't want anyone to know, you can relate to Miley. If you're the middle child or if your sister or brother gets all the attention, you can totally relate to Jackson, Miley's older brother.

Miley has two different lives: one as a regular middle-schooler, and another as a "14-year-old sensation Hannah Montana." Hannah Montana is really cool, with long blonde hair and highlights. She wears totally hip clothes and is a pretty good singer. What confuses me though, is that in the first episode sometimes Hannah was wearing a totally blonde wig shorter than the one she wore on stage.

Jackson is kind of ignored, but he seems pretty happy with his life, although his dad is always treating him like he's done something wrong. I don't really have anything to say about him.

Lily is Hannah best girl friend. She's always there for Miley. I think Emily Osment does a really good job playing Lily. Again, I don't really have much to say about her.

Miley's dad is pretty cool, but he gets a sort of small part. A lot of people say he isn't a good actor, but I think he's pretty good.
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The Fairly OddParents (2001–2017)
I think FOP is okay
19 July 2006
I think FOP is okay. It's pretty funny and unpredictable, which is good. I just don't like the fact that Timmy can be such a selfish brat sometimes. But, I know that no one can be perfect. My favorite character is Wandisimo because he's probably the funniest of everyone. I think the show is cute and the plot is good. The script goes pretty smoothly and everything seems to be all planned out.

Wanda is the sensible, practical one.

Cosmo is the dumb one that always does everything wrong

Timmy is overall a good kid but can be lazy, careless, or irresponsible sometimes

Mr. and Mrs. Turner are also kind of dumb. They don't really care about Timmy

Vicky is Timmy's evil babysitter and the whole reason Timmy got fairy godparents in the first place.
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Spongebob Squarepants
19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
SS is a great show for all ages. Sometimes it's kind of silly, but what animated show isn't? SpongeBob is a bubbly, friendly, happy, carefree, sponge living in the sea. He has a pet snail named Gary. I like Spongebob because he's the kind of, um, sponge that doesn't really get mad. He's always willing to help and is very loyal to his boss, Mr. Krabs.

Mr. Krabs is a greedy money-obsessed lobster who owns the Krusty Krabs. Once he traded his fry cook, Spongebob, for 62 cents. Krabs doesn't even like to spend a penny, so when his spoiled daughter Pearl didn't want to boots Mr. Krabs gave her for a birthday present, he tricked Spongebob into giving up his paycheck in exchange for the boots. But for some reason, Spongebob likes him and enjoys working for him at a low price.

Squidward is the sarcastic squid whom Spongebob thinks likes him. He plays the clarinet-badly and is the Krusty Krabs' cashier. He lives next door to Spongebob.

Patrick is Spongebob's dumb friend. He is a pink starfish. He lives under a stone.

Sandy is an athletic squirrel from Texas, which explain her southern accent. She wears a suit that allows her to breathe underwater. When in her house, she wears a purple bikini.
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The Wonderful World of Disney: Life-Size (2000)
Season 3, Episode 8
Life-Size was pretty good
19 July 2006
Lindsay Lohan was cute as a kid and as a teen, but personally, I didn't think she was that good. As she grew up, I think she became a better actress. Life-Size is probably above average. I used to hate it and think it was really lame, bad plot, blah, blah, blah, but after reading all the comments on the first page, it really got me thinking.

The plot IS original yet simple.

Tyra Banks DID do a fantastic job as Eve.

The movie WAS pretty funny.

Now I've realized that the movie was good and the actors all did a good job.
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Get a Clue (2002 TV Movie)
Get a Clue is...
19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw it, I thought, hey this movie is pretty cool, but then I kept watching it over and over again and it got, well, more annoying. I only like it because Lindsay Lohan is starring in it. I don't really think every kid in New York dresses so trendily. Anyway, Get a Clue would be a bit better if they got different actors. The movie was supposed to be comedy, but I didn't think it was that funny. Like, when everyone was coming in the hotel and chasing everyone, it wasn't that funny, and in the beginning when Lexy woke up and touched the side of her mouth where she had drooled the night before and then wiped some of it away with her hand with a disgusted look, it wasn't that funny either. I don't really think Lexy is spoiled, but I might in real life.
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The Parent Trap
19 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the movie The Parent Trap for two reasons: 1) it stars one of my favorite celebrities: Lindsay Lohan, and 2) it has twins in it. I really like movies and TV shows with twins in it, whether it's one person or real twins. Hallie and Annie are twins; they met at a camp. At first they didn't like each other and played pranks on each other, until they both got punished. Hallie lives with her dad on a ranch with her dog and their butler. Like Annie, she is very good at poker and is allergic to strawberries. Annie lives in England, and her mother is a famous wedding gown designer. Annie lives with her grandfather and her butler in a big house. She likes oreos dipped in peanut butter, like her twin Hallie, and can speak fluent french.

Anyway, they meet and Hallie gets the idea to switch places. However, they have a few problems: 1) Annie has longer hair than Hallie and 2) Hallie has pierced ears, but Annie doesn't. To solve this problem, Hallie cuts Annie's hair and pierces her ears. After they successfully switch places, they run into a problem: Dad's getting... shhhhhhhhh-oops, don't want to spoil the surprise.
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Life with Derek (2005–2009)
Life With Derek is okay
19 July 2006
Life with Derek is okay. It's not great, but it's not bad. It's more in between. Sometimes I watch it, but not very often; only about twice a month. I don't really like Casey, because she's overly-dramatic and a control-freak, but no one's perfect. I guess I just don't like the plot. There's a lot of shows out there with a similar plot as Life with Derek, but they do it in a more, well, creative way. Some examples are That's So Raven, Phil of the Future, and Hannah Montana. If there are too many shows with the same plot, who's going to watch it? I bet I'm making a LOT of enemies right now. Another thing I don't like about Life with Derek is the fact that it isn't that funny. I don't want to be negative, but that's my opinion.
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