
167 Reviews
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Hatchet III (2013)
Good solid slasher movie
17 May 2024
Good slasher movie, lots of gore. Decent acting, creepy location, and did I say lots of gore? Honestly, you don't need to know anything more than that.... I start my ratings of a movie starting out as a 5 and move either up or down from there.

Now, I will say, I haven't seen I or II... but III is plenty entertaining. I would have to say, if they made a III, the first two have to be worth watching. I will be checking out the other two movies now.

There is no such thing as a movie that gets a 0 and no such thing as a 10. I give this movie a solid 6 to 6.5. This is a fine slasher movie to grab that bowl of popcorn and enjoy.
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Sentinel (2024)
So BAD....
19 April 2024
Well... I am 50 minutes into watching this 'movie' and thought I would just write my take on this movie.... because typing this is more entertaining!!!! DO NOT listen to the couple reviews that say this is a good movie, because it is NOT.

Like others have said, 'is this movie a school project'?? While watching it, the plot is kinda non existent, it jumps from scene to scene and its just soooo corny. Some of the time, they are just standing in front of a green screen and its so amateurish. Other times they are just using empty basements or other facilities and its just so bad.

If you wanna spend 90 minutes to see what a BAD movie looks like, go for it.... but don't say I didn't warn you.... there are just so many other movies to spend your time on.
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Bobby Z (2007)
Worth a watch
30 March 2024
OK... so this movie wasn't some blockbuster or anything... but its a decent movie.

It has a hot chick, the good looking guy, chases, shoot outs, back stabbing etc... If it was just a little bit better in some of the scenes, this could have been a major motion picture with a wide release.

But hey, you will find this on FREE streaming sites so what do you want for NOTHING?

Its 1:37 minutes long, not too short and not too long, grab some popcorn and enjoy.

I rate this movie a 6 out of 10, I start with a 5 and either go up or down... this movie goes up a notch.... and FYI, there is no such thing as a 10.. but there can be a 1.
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Just watch it....
30 March 2024
I start my ratings at a five and go up or down from there... this goes up a couple of notches to a 7, which iMO, is a good solid movie.

Don't read up about this, just sit down and watch it... its really worth it. Fine acting, locations etc. Not knowing anything about this going in, I was really moved by the story and if you have any heart, you will too.

This is a tough subject, but one that is worth taking note of.

Now I am going to write a couple of sentences that mean nothing so I can get to the required character limit to be able to post my 'review' or what I would call is a recommendation ... watch it... you won't regret it.
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Max Payne (2008)
Knew nothing of the game..... with that said....
29 March 2024
OK... so I knew nothing of the game..... with that said....its not a bad movie for what it is. This is a 16 year old movie, the special effects are fine, the acting is alright, and there is lots of 'shoot'em up's' through out the movie.

I don't need to tell you anything about the plot because it does that in the movie summary above. I would say, my 'review' is to say if this is worth watching. Well, it is. Its got hotties Olga & Mila in it, there is plenty of action, there actually is a plot to the movie. So, since it is 2024, you aren't going to spend money going to the theater to see this, you will see it on Tubi or such (like I did) and how can you really complain about a movie that is free to watch??

Grab some popcorn, drink, candy and enjoy a hour and 45 minutes of action.

Starting at an 'average' 5, this movie ticks up a notch to 6 out of 10.
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Tentacles (1977)
Ehhhh.... if you are really bored...
5 February 2024
OK.... so I have been going through a SHARK (sea creature/monster) movie kick recently and saw that Tentacles was available to watch for FREE... so what the heck, why not check it out... This was made in 1977, a couple years after Jaws to get in on hype....

I like all types of these movies from serious to corny. So basically I should be good to go either way.

Well...since they were riding on the wave of Jaws, this is a SERIOUS attempt at an attempt to compete! And sadly, this is just not a good movie. The acting was poor, the music did little to improve it and the 'action scenes' were just ok.

Honestly, they would have been better off to go CAMPY and get the laugh and the 'it's so bad its good' vote.

I would say there are many other movies that are better in both serious and comical/campy avenues. Save your time and popcorn.
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Not a bad movie...
8 January 2024
6 out of 10..... Heck, I don't know why some people dislike this movie so much, its decent and is plenty entertaining for a couple of hours.

Is it the best movie ever? Of course not. But it does have an original/different story line/plot.

Mila is hot and does her job fine, the other actors do their jobs well. The special effects are well done and there is plenty of action.

There are a couple of times its a little confusing since its a truly new story line, but over all, the story does what it is supposed to do, entertain you.

So if you like syfy movies, grab your popcorn, candy and soda and enjoy.
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Good for a kickback evening
3 January 2024
OK... this is a perfect average movie... NOTHING is horrible and nothing is really GREAT. They could have used a little more time on Number 4's development of becoming of himself and developing his 'powers'.

Basics... guy from outer space being tracked to be killed and he is on the run... You already know its a syfy movie with a decent amount of action. So really, if you are OK with the young adult syfy/action stuff, I can't see any reason that you wouldn't like this movie...... grab some popcorn and sit down for two hours of PG-13 level entertainment.

I will say, I am surprised that they did a movie like this and they didn't feel they needed to have a bunch of foul language or even any nudity to tell the story.
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A different take on how it all started
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK, don't complain too much about this version. I bump it UP 1 from a 5 to a 6.

Of course this is a different take on the original Planet of the Apes, but that can be a good thing. Look, they took a great movie, switched things around a little here and a little there - some of them good, some of them not so good.

Some of the good is that there is enough 'change' so it's a different story, some bad is that the 'apes' have just a little too much strength in the fighting scenes and it looks corny. Personally, its a good movie worth the watch... grab the popcorn and enjoy.


i like how they had IRONY at the end of the movie of him coming back to Earth and its just another Planet of the Apes... he should have STAYED with the hot blonde babe!!!
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Expend4bles (2023)
Come on... its #4 in the series, what do you expect?
1 December 2023
Come on... its #4 in the series, what do you expect? Its turning into a Fast and Furious type movie where it gets more and more over the top and it is what it is.... if you are expecting a cinematic masterpiece, you came to the wrong location..... If you are looking for a shoot'em up... here you go.... you get to have some fun for a couple of hours, typical formula type movie....

Yea, Megan Fox looks more plastic with each passing year and its comical that she is a bad (rear end) kicking butt on all the bad guys... that is why DO NOT OVER THINK IT... its an escape, nothing more, nothing less.

Grab your popcorn and enjoy the show.
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Clown (2019)
2 ... barely...
16 November 2023 its a low budget Clown horror movie made for TV by the wonderful people at The Asylum - makers of Sharknado....

Where Sharknado is GREAT due to being soooooo campy, this movie is not....

I guess they found these 'actors' at the local mall and asked if they felt like being in a movie that weekend... The acting is pretty terrible, the sets are very weak at times, OK at others...

The thing is... the plot is all over the place, there isn't much of an understanding as to what the killer Clown is doing what he is doing.

And holy cow.... at the end of the movie, its like they ran out of film, it just stops....

if you wanna watch a movie to see the things NOT to do in a movie, this is it.
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Had to lower my rating to a 1
27 October 2023
OMG you have to be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!

So is this HAS to be a school project, right??

Seems there is close to ZERO budget, and has the same people (can't call them actors) from the other horrible movies these guys make.

I mean, the zombies are wearing typical Halloween costume masks you can get from Walmart!!!!!!

And OMG again... that Bigfoot costume!!!! And Bigfoot is about the same height as the other actors... he clearly is NO Bigfoot... more like SMALLFOOT!!!

If you wanna sit there and laugh at how HORRIBLE a movie can be, this is a good choice.... DO NOT pay to rent this.... find it online for FREE... you will thank me later.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
How desperate have they become??
23 October 2023
OK Hollywood, just stop it, really, just stop it....... Are you people so hard up for DEI & Woke points that this is what you are making for 'Super Hero' movies????

I am a moderate super hero/ comic book person and had never heard of Blue Beetle before this, why did you think you were going to get enough customers that would want to see this???

Next, I know Blue Beetle is hispanic, but sorry, I don't know Spanish and too often they would be speaking in Spanish as if everyone in America speaks Spanish and WE DON'T... so either do it in English OR PUT IN SUBTITLES so we know that they are saying.

Lastly, WOW... great job stereotyping hispanic people as if they are all loud and corny. This was one movie I was tempted to turn off most of the movie, but I was basically reading the news while watching the movie waiting for it to get good.... yea 3 out of 10. If you are really needing a super hero fix, I guess this could work for you.... but I would simply watch one of the Spiderman, Superman or Batman movies over again.
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Hell Fest (2018)
A good scare....
17 October 2023
This is a totally different take on the typical slasher/scary movie........ not to give much away, but what a better place for a scary movie to take place but at an amusement park during Halloween where there are hundreds and hundreds of scary creatures and monsters workers that are out to 'get you' and all the screams go unnoticed. Lots of anticipation of the scares to happen and when they do... are they real or is it just another park employee scaring a park guest???

Well, this is a slasher film, but in a different sense.... everyone is expected to be scared, but who is going to be the victim??? If you are looking for a newer scary movie, I totally recommend this movie. Good enough that I hear that part 2 is on the way.
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Bones: The 200th in the 10th (2014)
Season 10, Episode 10
Lots of fun
13 September 2023
OK.... what is with all the negative reviews complaining about this episode??? I think they did a great job giving a nod to the films of yesteryear .... stop thinking too hard about it and picking it apart so much.

So let loose and enjoy this episode and enjoy the cast doing a fine job , don't be a fuddy duddy ....

I liked how they mixed up the cast into different characters ..... if you wanna have an hour of fun with a blast from the past...

I don't have anymore to say about the episode, but I have to get 600 characters in the review... just watch the episode and enjoy.. I think you will realize how much fun this episode is.
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100 Million BC (2008 Video)
What do you expect?
10 August 2023
Come on, what do you expect, this is a typical B Level movie. Just accept that this is a B Level movie and know that the 'special effects' are for a TV movie made in 2008.

Its a corny & cheesy movie,with less than average everything.... so it rates in my book, its a 3 out of 10. If you like corny, this will be right up your alley.

Come on, its got Michael Gross in the movie, he is always good in those types of movies.

If you wanna cheesy movie to watch some night, you can't go wrong with this, just know what you are getting isn't special. Now here are a few words to make it to the 600 character leve.
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Deep Blood (1989)
13 July 2023
Well... I just finished watching Cruel jaws and this movie popped up good ol' Deep Blood so what the heck, its Summer Time and time for Shark Movies!!!!

Now if you haven't seen the 'masterpiece' that is Cruel Shark, go give that a ride. BUT... do know.... that the end of Deep Blood is EXACTLY the same footage as the ending of Cruel Jaws... I mean EXACTLY!

I mean the Cruel Jaws was bad enough with stolen footage from a number of Jaws movies etc.... and now this movie steals the same ending as that!!!

I mean if you are into simply terrible shark movies, this is something to watch as was Cruel Jaws... but you don't have to watch the ending of this one because you will have already seen it!!!!
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Extraction II (2023)
Where are the subtitles???
28 June 2023
Great action scenes, keeps you on your seat, but why on Earth would they NOT put in English subtitles?? I didn't know what they were saying in 1/2 the movie.

I rate this movie a 5, would have been a 7 or 8 if i knew what they were saying. As someone else said, this is more believable than John Wick, entertaining, exciting, lots of action.

So why do I have to type 500 characters to make the minimum when I have said all I need to for a fair review of a movie that is 75% action and 25% 'plot'?? But if you can get the subtitles working or you don't mind not understanding what they say 1/2 the time, this is a great movie... thank God the action got good before I turned it off.
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Mummies (2023)
$12 million budget
24 April 2023
OK... I watched this movie not knowing anything about it.

So are there some glaring issues, yea, but then once I heard about the fact this movie was made for $12 million and not $200 MILLION like sooooo many of todays movies, I gave it a TON more credit.

Its a typical kids movie, 'something happens, they go on an adventure to solve the issue, everyone is happy at the end'.

There is one issue that needs correcting, but with a $12 million budget, I can let it slide and for 4-9 yr old kids, they probably wouldn't notice anyways.

A decent non Woke movie that you can enjoy with the kids. I rate movies starting at a 5 and go UP or DOWN from there. This is a solid 5.5 out of 10.

Grab the popcorn and enjoy 90 minutes of family fun.
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65 (2023)
So what is the point?
21 April 2023
OK... the name of the movie is 65....... because this takes place 65 million yrs ago when there were dino's across the Earth, right, got it.

So there really just isn't anything all that great going on, the main character is trying to get to the other part of the crashed spaceship to leave the planet with a little girl that doesn't speak the same language.

Do they want me to just sit back and watch there movie that does NOT really have much of a plot or much desire to reach their goal....

Call me picky, but I really don't get much about this movie other than the special effects...

It does make you kinda jump at times, but I really never got the gist of the movie.... maybe I am missing something... but what they missed is what would have made this a good movie.. A better plot, better motivation for the character, make me want to root for the characters, .

Why doesn't Hollywood pay some people to tear apart a script and give some pointers on how to make a movie flow and remain interesting so we LIKE it and want to PAY to see it??

Worth a watch I guess .... if you can see it for FREE.. go for it, just don't expect much.
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Is it Superhero burnout??
20 April 2023
Well..... where to begin???

The movie is OK, but isn't good and isn't really bad.

Starting off with the daughter in the beginning, it looked like it was going to be a Wokefest at by the 10 minute mark, I was about to turn it off.

But once they get into the 'quantum' world, things get better, but not all that much, but lots of special effects are pretty, but almost glossed over considering what an amazing world they have shrunk into.

You don't really ever get to learn enough about the place or the various characters to care for any of them too much.

By the end, it seems this movie was more about setting up for the next movie, but then again, if I don't really care too much for the characters in this movie, why will I care about the characters in the next??

Maybe its Superhero burn out, I don't know.

Then again, I didn't read comic books as a little kid so I don't have that long term love affair with them outside of the most popular characters.

But if you want a couple of hours of MCU type entertainment, grab the popcorn, you won't be overly happy, but you won't be overly disappointed.

I'm glad I didn't spend $65 taking my GF to go see this.....then again, isn't that the case with most movies now a days?
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Teen Titans Go! (2013– )
Crazy comedy fun
12 April 2023
This show is a parody of the Teen Titans.... the team constantly harasses Robin, they are all wacky in their own ways. So if you like nutty fun and corny story lines, this is a great show to get into.

They have stories that range from Robin being in love with Starfire and all the things he will do to try and get her and of course the endless rejection he has to go through.

Then there are episodes where the team has to go up against Santa Claus.... If you are looking at 15 minutes (an episode) of cartoon fun and getting some laughs, you can't really miss with this show.

Just don't take it seriously....
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M3GAN (2022)
What you would expect from the reviews.
2 March 2023
OK, its an OK movie, totally a PG-13 flick. I hear they worked it down to make it a non R movie. Personally, I think it would have been much better if they kept it more gory and scary and kept it a R rated movie and I would have been a bigger hit.

This movie isn't scary enough to make it a big hit with those over 17 and not 'Gremlins' enough for the younger kids.

There are a few times where you kinda say Yea Right, but its not a deal breaker.

But if you are looking for a 1:42 time of some fun, grab the popcorn, soda and candy and have some fun. As many have said, its a split between Talking Tina and Chucky.... too bad it wasn't more like Chucky....
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Plane (2023)
1 step better than the average 5
22 February 2023
OK... its totally worth watching.... you get action.... you get adventure... you get shoot em' up.

But yea, its very along the lines of these same type of movies they made in the 90's and not much better action... come on, its 2023....they could have had some additional explosions and fight scenes.

I wish the good guys had to(got to) beat up the bad guys more so you can cheer them on more.

But bottom line is..... if you want to watch a 'thriller' movie where there is all the basics of a movie of this caliber... this is a good one.

I am glad I didn't see it in the theater, but its a good one to watch at home with some popcorn and candy.
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A little slow with a bigger ending
30 January 2023
What to say about this movie?? Well, its an OK movie. Its no Oscar winner in any way, shape or form.

What other people have said, its a newer version of Falling Down. Its slow in the beginning and kinda depressing what the guy is going through.

The challenges he faces eventually get too much and he does what he believes is justified to the fat cats that have wronged him.

Its worth a watch if you are having a hard time finding something to watch and will entertain you for a couple of hours.

This isn't what I would call an action movie and its not a thriller... its a guy that has simply had enough.

I start my movie ratings at a 5 and this movie doesn't go down or up a notch.
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