
62 Reviews
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6 - 6 1/2
29 April 2024
Really enjoyable, I feel like a lot of movies lately are leaving things sort of half finished because they can't think of a good ending.

So it left me a touch unfulfilled

But that seems to be what they all are doing.. leaving it up to the audience.

If you like horror give it a watch.. not all that much gore and no realllll killings. Like not a slasher

Main actor was pretty cool but it kept me thinking of the American dad ep with the night hawks..

And the girl acting as the devil was pretty cool as well. Had them creepy facing the camera eyes you want from a devil girl.

Still would have preferred a bit more explaining... Who and what between the trees?
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17 November 2023
Don't really have a lot to say and really don't want to rite 600 letters...

This movie was just errrrr I didn't enjoy it.. just to break the 4th wall by showing a movie that was the making of a movie. Fairly predictable what was going to happen. I don't understand where the 40 randoms showed up from and I don't under stand why they agreed to go along with murder.. like we're they not aware and thought it was a movie I assume ? I'm also unsure if it was all dubbed or some parts were in English or now.

Glad it wasn't supernatural I guess not a big fan of movies that are horror and supernatural.

There was also not much gore and the deaths sucked.
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Way better than it's rating really enjoyable
4 November 2023
Saw the rating and almost passed. Glad I didn't, generally won't watch something under a 5 but this turned out great. I was a bit confused at stages but it all comes together. There could have been a bit more back story to tie it all together I mean who was the guy messaging and who was the mum messaging while In the bath. All seemed like useless little tricks added that resulted in nothing. I enjoyed how the game pieces showed cause of death. Smart. But it kept me Guessing and I wasn't sure which way it was going through out which is good. Definitely worth a watch. Keen to see what other people said about it.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
I enjoyed it
8 October 2023
For some reason I thought I heard this movie wasn't very good. I didn't read any reviews or anything but remember not many people loved it.

I don't know what more people could have expected, it was about a bear high AF going around killing people.

All the bear attack were pretty gory and there was somewhat of a story line.

Overall I enjoyed it and was entertained, maybe because I wasn't expecting much but it was worth watching.

It was strange the cop betraying the other cop because that didn't really add or change the story at all.

RIP oh hey ray liotta you have the skin of an Autumn Squash.
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Saw X (2023)
More of an 8.5 than 9
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like the ending could have been better. Felt a touch lazy and only thing stopping the 10

I've always wanted to see more of John in saw and this gave that side of view. I felt like he knew it was a scam the whole time but then maybe he didn't which would be strange. That was fairly predictable.

I'm not sure if they were trying to show a nice side of John by him saving the kid. I was waiting while he was up there on the stage pretending to be in a bad situation and then I was hoping his face would change, something would happen and he'd have the upper hand. I mean the only reason his plan worked was the bad guys left him alive while drowning (I assume he was ready to die) but it wasn't very saw like. I mean what happens if john dies (drowns) then they kill Amanda walk up and then one of them die and one survives. All the work he's put in in the post movies would have gone to waste sort of.

NB Most of the kills were awesome and some of the worst stuff you'll see and looked great.
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1BR (2019)
Actually hated watching this
19 August 2023
Can't stand movies where people, especially young women, are held against their own will

Not sure why I agreed to watch it.

Don't get me wrong it's a great movie I just felt like I didn't want to be watching it at all.. if you know what I mean.

I would have liked to see more people escape at the end to show the community was built on a hill of lies. But I didn't mind the way they finished it.

Thought the main character was a great actor really pulled off the old I don't wanna be here but I am and pretending that I like it. Really happy two old mates go theirs as well. Also felt really sorry for the poor cat :(
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Influencer (II) (2022)
The influencer! Enjoyed it
22 July 2023
I enjoyed it because I feel like the bad guy (girl) sort of won. The only problem was I felt the ending was a bit rushed but I guess where else could they have gone.

Would like to have had the island explained a bit more and how Madison go finding her ded bf. Movie had enough twists and turns plus the classy boobs included which was an added plus.

I think Madison should have had a better tan too, 30 days on the island? What did she do hid in the shadow the whole time. All in all it was a good enjoyable movie with a nice take on an idea. The only negative was it made me want to go back to Thailand again! 7.5 stars.
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Nah fam that was not it
28 April 2023
We watched the first two and they were good but this one was this horrible

Surely there was some budget considering the first two did well. But this one was shot with a horrible filter and a lot of dodgy saw like cuts...

Acting was average and I'm never a fan of who done it movies that turn out to be a paranormal killer...

I mean what's the point of guessing the whole movie for it to turn out to be the same bloke from the first ones who had already died....

I assume it's because they bought the hook on eBay and he's attached to it but it's a sad sorry end to the I know what you did last summer movies.
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Deadstream (2022)
Started slow but picked up a whole heap
4 April 2023
Didn't like the main character Shaun at the start.. found him to be annoying but then he grew on me fairly quickly

A lot of movies could learn how to build a character arch..

I also like how they didn't add a lot of modern slang/woke stuff

It start slow but it was needed and got really enjoyable.

I thought it was really entertaining with 2-3 jump scare moments and the special effects were good enough but not over the top.

Would have been 10 stars apart from the start and I didn't like the ending, it made sense but I wish it finished some other way

Rate how he taped the dead finger onto his hand instead of his actual finger he chopped off.

All in all if you like "found footage" it definitely worked!

Give it a go.
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Crabs! (2021)
Crabnado? Really undecided about this movie
25 March 2023
Come in with expectations that it's fairly low budget and just taking the piss out of its self and you'll leave happy

I watched this with my wife and honestly we both haven't laughed that hard at a movie ever. But some how didn't really enjoy it

During the major battle at the end where Hunter jumps out of the car and rolls up next to the group was the best part. And the montage of making the battle shark probably the worst... that bit was strange and not sure it was needed.

Umm I originally rated it a 5 but added 1 for the sex scene at the start.

And I also can't decide if they gave Radu too many lines or not enough.. would love to know how old that guy is but there isn't any info to be found on the whole of the internet.

Final decision would probably be don't watch it unless you enjoy light piss takes.
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Well that was definitely a.. umm movie
14 February 2023
Look I didn't hate it but it was pretty stupid for a horror..

I went to the movies to see it and every was laughing at some of the stupid parts...

The concept was ok but there wasn't a real story line and it went pretty quickly.. felt like just a touch over an hour.

The characters didn't really grow or have any real meaning or development. I couldn't recall any of their names by the end of it.

I also didn't like how at the end they said Pooh will be back... expecting there will be a second movie.. considering the quality of the 1st one. I think they would have been better off just killing Christopher.

And one last thing what happened to tiga or rabbit?? No real explanation.
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
Wow that was bad
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I havnt hated a movie this much for a long time...

Gee this is just horrible, the acting and The story line...

Every part about it... I hated it

Why would they not finish it by at least having reggie run to the burning car and get some of the money out. Would have been better than him just taking a small amount of it.

How did they fix a fan belt at night with no tools

Why would the family think the could give the money back and Mr Cross and his crazy wife would stop chasing them..

If you are looking for a movie I would not recommend this.. it was fairly obvious where the story was going.
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The Intruder (I) (2019)
Worth a watch
1 January 2023
The Intruder, thought it was a great movie. One of the better Horror/Psychological On Netflix. Normally we watch horror but this was a nice change

Dennis Quaid was great! Portrayed a crazy man and was very believable.

A little bit of character back story for Scott and Annie was a nice touch and added some depth.

Was more of a 7.5 than a 7

Some old story a lovely young couple buy a house from a guy who didn't want to sell and he shows up all the time and can't quite hide the crazies for long enough.

You could tell from the start poor old Mike was going to cop it one way or another. And that is all.
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5.5 out of 10
17 October 2022
This was interesting and all the characters did a great job

I appreciate it's a remake of a short story but surely they could have added a bit more to it, put a bit of effort in...

I mean the added so much to the movie that was completely pointless... his friends, even the guy he shared a room with at college all seemed a bit pointless.. I mean him being at the cool iphone table all sort of didn't mean anything and by the end of the movie it left me felling a bit empty. I mean what's the point of showing something and then never referencing it ever again.. just seems pointless and a waste of the views time.

A show like breaking bad never showed anything that is pointless and that's why it's so good...

Oh well worth a watch, just don't expect too much.
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Rick and Morty: Final DeSmithation (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
What an ep
3 October 2022
Ahhhhhhh that was great, just finished watching it and really enjoyed this one.

So far season 6 has been great with out being awesome.

It's nice Rick and Morty finally heading closer to fun adventure eps which is what the writers were going for.

Isn't it everyone's worst nightmare to have sex with their mum and then it being inevitable....

600 letters for a 20 minute show is hard..... ummm I'm conclusion this has been my fav ep of the season without having to rely on Rick and Morty law which is nice. And then the ending was really clever. Even sticks to the wall guy had a reason to be there and conclusion.
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X (II) (2022)
Worth a watch
2 October 2022
Not really a jump scare sort of deal and like if you read the little description about the movie it has all the spoilers in it already.

First point, I thought it was really funny when kid Cudi was standing in the door frame and you could only see his shadow

Secondly For a movie about making a porno, there were adequate number boobs shown.

And the prosthetics used to make the main actor look older we're great. In all worth a watch like most things above 5 stars

Little note to IMDB -Not only do I not want to write a 500 word essay I also would not like reading other peoples 500 word essays. Make it like 200 easy.
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Errrrrr it was ok
1 October 2022
Ummm pretty much what I expected, was ok and worth a watch.

All the actors did their job and were enjoyable to watch. Not much back ground or character development.

Probably more of a 5.5 than a 5 but more a 5 than a 6.

I'm not sure if it was a comedy horror because it didn't really have any comedy, like at all.

Haven't seen a movie with this idea so it was interesting to see and we'll thought out. Left us guessing till the end.

I've just realized 500 characters is a lot to write about a movie review and not sure how to fill in all the letters.. I give 500 character reviews a 1 out of 10.
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Day Shift (2022)
Wasn't left disappointed
27 August 2022
Probably more of a 6.5

Worth a watch I wasn't disappointed by it and enjoyed watching it.

Not a massive fan of vampire movies but this was alright from a fairly big cast.

Snoop dog was the draw card and played an enjoyable character.

Not sure why those two brothers were brought into the movie surely one of em could have died.

It's saying I need 600 characters but that seems like a lot of characters and this was all I wanted to say.

So In conclusion and foremost the part of the story I was trying to get to could be summarized under the colloquial term of how to kill a vampire in under 4 days.
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The Free Fall (2021)
I don't think I enjoyed it
19 August 2022
Everyone saying it has a massive twist but it's fairly obvious to see coming from a long way..

First half was a bit boring and I can see why some people wouldn't watch it the whole was through.

There did seem to be a lot of pointless stuff through out.. think a 4 is fair.
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I thoroughly hated this movie
13 August 2022
God it started boring and didn't get any better

Predictable boring and a drag... I couldn't wait till it finished...

The acting was fairly ok it was just so boring for a "thriller"

I was glad everyone died.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Loved it
13 August 2022
I mean apart from the science of cramin that thing back in a skull I though it was great! Loved the backwards man 😂😂

Couple of ripping kills, what's not to like about it.
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Not for everyone
13 August 2022
Took me a very long time to realize it was a lead up to the Manson killings.

Really interesting, I had only just watched wolves at the door so was nice to see a twist on the story.

Had its funny parts and interesting view point.
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Thought about it the next day
13 August 2022
Normally when I'm thinking about a movie the next day it has to be ok.

Loved Jared Leto's role. I like how he played a creep, I assume that was a fairly easy role for him to get into.

Rami Malek looked like he had toilet paper caught in his upper lip the whole time But still thought he played the role very well.

Smart well thought out movie with a small twist.
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The Trip (2021)
Throughly enjoyed!
13 August 2022
Different take on a movie.

Thought it was very clever and had a lot of details worth picking up.

Normally not a fan of dubs but this was great! Even had a good finish to it.

Thought this was surprisingly smart and funny.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
About a 6 is fair
13 August 2022
Enjoyed it, could see what was going to happen pretty early.. no big interesting twist or anything

Just another partner not taking his wife seriously 😅
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