
9 Reviews
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
Sadly disappointing
2 May 2024
I do usually like Neil Gaiman's material. In occasions I love it. This is not the case, I'm afraid.

Shallow characters with 0 charisma. Plot holes everywhere with random choices and twists that simply make no sense, other than fitting a very predictable formula.

The way Crystal or Niko join the gang is ludicrous, to say the least. The interactions with the secondary characters (Witch, Crow, Cat King or Landlady) feel disjointed and hollow.

The universe rules fluctuate and there are so many 'deus ex machina' that I was flabbergasted to learn Gaiman was behind the scripts.

Other than some few background stories for the main characters, there's no real character arcs or storyline.

This could be so much better with a little screenwriting work. The actors are fine. The characters and the plots aren't.
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Detective Forst (2024– )
Don't waste your time
4 February 2024
Visually nice? Yes. But that's about it.

The script is one mistake after another. Complete nonsense from beginning to end. The characters are empty archetypes regurgitating old tropes we've heard a million times in similar stories. At least twice every episode I'd find myself asking WTF? At some ridiculous decision by the characters and the screenwriters. And then the attempt to have some sort of twist or surprise about something you can see clearly from episode 1...

It's like it was written by a 4 y.o. Who's watched CSi Miami too many times.

The only redeemable feature is the photography direction. I guess the acting is not too bad if it wasn't because the dialogues and scripts make no sense at all. So, the poor actors just look confused the whole time... pretty much like the audience.

Save yourself the pain. Watch something else.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
Save yourself the hassle. Not worth it.
17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I guess in writing it made some sort of sense. Time paradox with 'unexpected' twists, etc...

But, oh boy, did they get it wrong?

To start with, you need a better job with the casting: nothing against the actors. It's about making sense when the pieces of the puzzle get together at the end. You just look around and think: nope, there's no way X is Y. (Pun intended) And the 'mystery' is solved too early when you can see the body types in the fighting scenes.

Then, I haven't read the original story, but I'm sure it works better there. Because using half of the movie as a narrated flash-back is a big no-no in good movie narrative.

I think people hyping this movie up have either not really read/see much Sci-fi and/or are easily confused.
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Totem (I) (2017)
It started ok... then it all went wrong... VERY wrong!
11 July 2023
It could have been a good nice simple ghost story.... But the twists and character reactions are ludicrous at best. The 3rd act is stupid decision after stupid decision, with a script that seems written by a 3 year old...

My review has nothing to do with budget or acting, which, given the poor writing, it's not that bad. It's just a ridiculous story, full of plot holes and hollow dialogues. I don't mind cliches and stock characters that we've seen a thousand times, as long as they make some sort of sense. These here make none.

When I see something this bad I genuinely wonder how did a script this bad get greenlit for production.

Avoid at all cost.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Promising premise... wasted by bad writing
25 February 2023
I was a bit sceptical at first but, by the end of the pilot ep. I thought: maybe they can pull this off. At least it was clear what was happening (not so much how or why, but that's what the show is about, right?) But NO: as the season advances the writing becomes more ludicrous and choppy. Character reactions that seem taken from a 1940's sitcom, ridiculous twists that simply make no sense... too many plot holes to fill. Anyways... maybe some day one of these shows will hire good writers... it's mind boggling that someone read the scripts for season 1 and thought it would be a good idea to spend money on it. And then, there are more seasons...
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Masterpiece at so many levels
30 January 2023
I simply can't understand all the disappointed low reviews. I imagine it's people who don't like to think and simply want to point and shoot.

This game is a master class of storytelling, character creation, paradigm shifting... all wrapped in a beautiful shell. No other game had ever made me throw the control away because I simply couldn't decide which character to hurt. And that's the whole point: this game makes us question violence in games and the futility of violence in general as a response to conflict. If nothing else, just for that, it deserves every recognition in the world.

The way it introduces the different characters and makes you realise that your antagonist may be someone else's protagonist, is flawless.

The characters are full of life and truth. They're believable and 3D, not flat archetypes.

I could go on and on. And I genuinely feel sorry for those who feel disappointed by this game. I honestly believe they missed the whole point of it.

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Requiem (2018)
Promising start... that never delivered
2 July 2021
The main character takes one after other bad decisions. The characters relationships make no sense with constant changes of heart. The script -and most of the dialogues- seems to be written playing dice, mixing all sorts of cliches and with a total disregard to any logic. It's such a shame, as it has plenty of elements to built an interesting thriller. Instead this is a mixed bag of ideas that, most of the time, don't match. I think the writers take the audience for stupid. And, judging some of the raving reviews, they might be into something...
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Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Descend into screenwriting hell
10 June 2021
Let me start saying I love the work of Stephen King. And I also appreciate the necessary differences between literature and tv/film. I completely respect the order changes in the novels/seasons. I also understand the changes of storylines and characters, necessary to accommodate the previous changes. BUT, and it's a capital but, I can't understand the poor dialogues. The beyond-believe poor decisions and constant changes of objectives/purposes of so many characters, simply trying to justify the continuous plot twists. These are not plot twists that honor the original material in letter nor spirit. And I'd appreciate them if they were well done and served somehow the story. But they simply don't. First season was good. Second and third are deranged. Very sad. Very poor writing.
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Delinquent (1995)
One of the best endings ever!
14 June 2007
I saw this movie long ago and I've been looking for it forever. It's not the best film, but it has something that makes it appealing, different. Tim deals with his terrible life, fantasizing he's a hero, and saves the day. Nothing new, so far. But the way the story is told and the simple, yet full of details, performance of the actors (i.e. the main character) makes it angrily haunting. I enjoy the way the "fantasy" part is integrated with the "real part" as if we were always witnessing the kid's mind. It's hard to tell whether it's really happening or he's daydreaming again... until something off-the wall happens. I think beyond the "moral" of the story, the plot is "realistic" enough to be considered for a "debate" class. The ending (no spoiler) is one of the most honest I've seen in a long time. After watching it I was "shocked" for a while.
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