
8 Reviews
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Crank (2006)
Finally... a completely original action film... THANK YOU USA!
28 October 2006
I loved this movie... unlike most dumb-arse, big explosions and a bit of money thrown around action films with hot chicks and bad acting... THIS WAS ORIGINAL! It was exciting... and I've been a huge fan of Jason Statham ever since Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. It was so original and in your face... a bit stupid at times... YES... but c'mon? All films have their flaws! This film will not win any Oscars... but it's a hell of a lot better than all of those other stupid action films like my most hated movie of all time... Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003). This movie rules... it's original... it'z exciting... it's in-your-face... it's fun and it's not that DUMB!
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I refuse to kid myself!
29 September 2006
This film was bad... the only reason I went to see it and the only reason I said that I liked it was because of 3 things...

1. The Rock... I "WAS" a huge fan 2. The Previous 2 movies... The Mummy and The Mummy Returns were FUN!!! 3. The Soundtrack... it kicked @ss!

But now that I am older and wiser... this movie sucks... "IT'S TRUE!!!"

The plot is lame... the acting ain't so good... it was way too short... there were stereotypes and everything... and the amazon women who wear hardly anything with tanned and toned bodies was just laughable... why did THE RAZZIES! not have a field day with this movie? I don't understand... and The Rock... please... RETURN TO WRESTLING GODDMAN IT!
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No different from your typical Sandler, Schneider, Spade MOVIE!
27 September 2006
You know the films I am talking about... dumb-ass comedies that are rushed with loads of lame humor that we've all seen and heard of before... bad acting... hot chicks... dumb plot... cheesy cameos... and it'll sweep the MTV awards and the young stupid teenage generation will lap it up! Will Ferrell can do so much better than this... and this movie is also a black spot on the career of the great John C. Reilly who is a wonderful actor and a multi-talented human being... damn this movie... it's overrated... and no uproarious laughter from myself and all of those in attendance at this movie which was what I was hoping for... damn this movie and damn the modern day SNL Crew too!
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This is a complete and utter insult and a very hard slap in the face/punch to the stomach to each and every single one of the fans of the video games series!!!
18 September 2006
What the hell? For starters... I am Australia... and it'd kind of funny that every time an Australian Actor or Actress is in a film we tend to make a big fuss about it. I don't know why... Holly Valance is just a good-looking girl who just so happens to be a model. She's also apparently an Actress... even though she cannot act at all whatsoever! She'd probably be pretty fit... but we all know that she cannot do martial arts... and even in a movie in which people who have never done martial arts are choreographed and made to look like martial artists... still didn't do a very good job! I was a HUGE fan of the video game series... and this movie gets only a few elements right. If I ever wanted to make a movie out of... it would be an Animation. A good example of this would be Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie. That was fantastic... nothing like the Hollywood/Jean-Claude Van Damme stinker... which had little-nothing to do with the actual Street Fighter game series. Funnily enough... Kylie Minogue... another Australia Pop Star... was in that movie as well. But she's better in every single possible way than Holly Valance... I'll give her that one! Anyways... the plot is crap... the acting deplorable... the fight scenes bad and predictable... the miscasting... the wrong accents used on characters that are supposed to be Japanese and so on and so forth... they don't even use all of the characters from the series... and they don't even use the characters that are in the movie properly! As a matter of fact... what was the point of Weatherby and Max? NOTHING... Damn your Cory Yuen... whoever the hell you are. One more thing... Devon Aoki's only good film she has ever appeared in so far was Sin City... simply because of the fact that she didn't have to say a single word. She's not even that good-looking and if you're going to accuse me of being a sexist pig... stop. I hated this movie... despite some reasonably hot chicks. If they can't act... I do not like them!!! If there was anything good to take from this movie... I thought Kevin Nash and Jaime Pressly were alright in their roles of Bass and Tina Armstrong. Fast-talking, tough American hicks... YOU GOTTA LOVE THAT!!!
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To all of the hardcore Street Fighter fans out there I say this NOW
27 August 2006
Ignore this movie... it has little to nothing to do with the games. The acting is bad... the characters are wrong in most parts of their character... there is no mention or a tournament... this and and that is all screwed! I don't know how and why Capcom agreed to this... they joke about it so much nowadays. As a fun of the Game Franchise... this film really did annoy me to the utmost extent of "Goddamn it just die!" Even the wonderful Raul Julia and the incredibly hot and talented Kylie Minogue couldn't save this movie... if you want to see a Real Street Fighter movie... see Street Fighter 2: The Animated Movie... BUT DON'T YOU DARE SEE THIS ONE... it'll be a waste of your money/life!
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By all means forget about House of 1000 Corpses... this matters!!!
24 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge Rob Zombie fan but I felt a major letdown from his movie House of 1000 Corpses. The music was cool and all but I'd seen the whole damn plot before. If you watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre... if not the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre... you're practically watching the exact same damn movie. However... this film was completely new and different and nothing like I have ever seen before ever! The acting is great... the violence is so real... it's wonderfully over the top and the finale with Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Freebird" playing (in my opinion... their greatest song... I get sick and tired of hearing "Sweet Home Alabama" in darn near every single second movie I see that comes out of Hollywood)... and quite frankly if I was Master of Ceremovies at The Oscars... or The Golden Globes of Whatever... I would award it to this film for Best Picture! Thank You and Goodnight... I hope you had a nice time reading!
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The Matrix (1999)
This is the only one that matters when it comes to The Matrix OK?
24 August 2006
For all of those hardcore Matrix fans who see some sort of religion in The Matrix and everything... they've seen all of those animated shorts on the internet and DVD... and they know all of this and that that so many other people who just wanted to see a goddamn movie do. I loved The Matrix... The First One... and the only one in my opinion! Everything that you really need to know about The Matrix is in this film... the next two just go to far with their "Themes" and "Intelligence" are are "Way Too Over The Top"... they're good... but they just don't top this at all whatsoever! The Matrix... is an awesome film... and I reckon it goes well with the film V For Vendetta.
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Why the hell is "THE BLUES BROTHERS" not in 'The Top 250?'
10 August 2006
Forget the sequel... completely disregard it 100%... this film is the ultimate cult classic and the greatest musical ever made because it wasn't too corny! Fantastic Blues/Rock/Jazz/Swing... very nice stuff... John Belushi Rules... this is my all time favorite movie EVER! From the one-liners to the music to the performances to the dialog... everything about it was just so witty, original, unique, intelligent, superb, hilarious... if only more (or dare I say... less) SNL Spin-Off Film Characters were in TRULY ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC MOVIES LIKE THIS ONE... the world would be a much better place in my opinion! GET THE DVD AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR BLUES BROTHERS 2000! AT ALL!
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