
3 Reviews
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Buy VHS not DVD
13 July 2007
I recorded most of movie on VHS many years ago, and have just bought a used DVD from USA.

I wish to warn viewers, that a full 17 minutes is omitted on DVD, near the films end.

From point where the older Olivier returns home finding Serge delving in the garage, asking for help to sort out mess, to the point where Olivier drives on his motorbike to the little house and gives Marcel his just deserts, full 17 minutes omitted on DVD .


Will try to relate what is missing on DVD :-

Father Serge in Garage, finds old bottle of Calvados; he and Olivier consume it all getting drunk. They accuse each in turn of running away from home.

When they rejoin the two women, man and boy are in a bad way, Olivier singing 'House of the Rising Sun'.

Wife takes Serge to bed nursing his hangover

Later mother relates to Nadine what happened out shopping. Surrounded by lady shoppers, Gossip questing about return of husband and son. Newspaper reports true relative Olivier ? (Implication rent boy).

Nadine finds Olivier in bed crying. She joins him. Olivier produces sisters questionnaire board and supplies Nadine, with all the correct answers.

Then Olivier half dressed, enters Nadine's bedroom; she in turn is crying. He joins her in bed, he is cold and lonely. Nadine questions him again about Paris. He explains that his life has been in a series of railway station, his orphanages.

She draws him closer and then they have sex.

(Viewers wondering is this incest)?

Later Nadine becomes utterly convinced that Olivier is her brother and rushes to tell father Serge what she has seen and heard outside the house

At this point, we rejoin the DVD near the film's end, Olivier sorting out Marcel.

I think it criminal that heart of the film omitted on DVD.

olivier olivier is a very fine film, ruined in the DVD version. Buy the VHS and enjoy !

Sincerely, Michael Darlow.
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Leolo (1992)
A Film Unlike any Other
13 May 2007
My review is intended, to add to information, given earlier by other reviewers.

It is difficult to fully appreciate this film on one viewing. I really liked the films complexity, brilliantly directed, with nice background soundtrack..

Leo adopts Italian name Leolo. No one else goes along with this save his mother when she fears he is near to death, late in film. There are many dream sequences set in Sicily Italy, the country of his beautiful neighbour Bianca.

Save for young Leo and his mother during the course of this film; their entire family are in and out of institutions for the mentally disordered.

We move quickly between totally unrelated scenes. Brief episodes, adding up to a whole.

Leolo makes written record of his thoughts and fantasies. These writings are a continuing philosophical self analysis, an appraisal of his life at any given time. One would think far too deep to be expounded by a child. These pages are discovered and then read intermittently throughout the film by an observer.

Leolo lives out sexual fantasies, employing strange accessories, something he has in common with his friends during this film. He seems to have an affinity with water. His grandfather in rage holds him under water. He is employed by his dim 'muscled' brother, as a diver, in filthy waters, to gather fishing tackle, knives et cetera, or anything they can sell.

After the failed murder episode Leolo hospitalised because of his injuries.

We find Leolo again in hospital, this time with a serious illness. Leolo is seen near the end of the film,floating naked overnight, in a bath of ice. This apparently a cure in those times for certain illnesses. (Initially thought Leolo to be dead).

The episode where Leolo tries to murder his naked grandfather in his bath using a pulley system and hoist, reminiscent of Gerard Hoffnungs Bricklayer's Story.

Hoffnung's story hilarious. Leolo's unsuccessful attempt to murder grandfather, dramatic and spectacular; proving dangerous for them both.

(I give an shortened version Hoffnung's story at end of this review.).

Bricklayer's story.

I rigged up a beam, with a pulley, at the top of the building and hoisted up a couple of barrels of bricks. When I had fixed the building, there were lots of bricks left over. I hoisted the barrel back up again, secured the line at the bottom and then went up and filled the barrel with extra bricks. Next, I went to the bottom and cast off the rope. Unfortunately, the barrel of bricks was heavier than me. Before I knew what was happening, the barrel started down, jerking me off the ground. Decided to hang on! Halfway up, I met the barrel coming down, received a severe blow on the shoulder. I then continued to the top, banging my head against the beam. When barrel hit ground, it burst it's bottom... allowing all the bricks to spill out. I was now heavier than the barrel and so started down again at high speed! Halfway down... I met the barrel coming up and received severe injury to my shins. When I hit the ground... I landed on the bricks, getting several painful cuts from the sharp edges! At this point. I let go of the line! The barrel then came down... giving me a very heavy blow.

Note for IMDb staff. IIn lieu of printing story you might wish to advise viewers to look up in Google under Gerard Hoffnung's Bricklayers Story.

Please feel free to edit this review should any part prove unsuitable for your website.

Sincerely, Michael Darlow.
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A hauntingly beautiful movie
9 August 2006
Saw this enchanting movie 30 odd years ago. Warner Brothers own the rights, but do not offer it commercially.

For those interested, it may be available on VHS from 'Childhood Visions Movie Club' at cost US$ 39.99 plus taxes and postage. 'Childhood Visions Movie Club' also hire it out on VHS.

It was a most appealing movie. Never forgotten. Fredrik Becklen also appeared appeared in 'Hur Marie Traffard Fredrik" 1969. Probably similar movie, which is mentioned on a Russian Internet Site, in Russian language.

I am surprised that 'HMTF' 1969 is not on your movie clubs wanted list.
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