
48 Reviews
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Very very good.
21 April 2024
In 1985 I was 24, in the prime of my life. Dancing to Lionel Richie songs in clubs. Had just seen Springsteen on THAT tour at The Meadowlands. On a work night! Owned the albums of most everyone up there. So seeing this now at almost 64 puts me at a different perspective than probably many other reviewers. For instance, I didn't expect to be teary eyed so many times while watching. Priceless nostalgia. Everybody is so young. Too many gone now. Many many memories swarm in. Texted my college friend back in NY telling her she just HAD to watch this. Thank you to whomever was smart & talented enough to KNOW the world could use this again! A united moment in time for the globe. An era of great music that to this day still plays on at-work & drive-time stations all around the country. Now, I'm going to go pour myself a kamakazi & re spray my hair!
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Where is the movie?
2 January 2024
This is not a review because I haven't been able to watch it. Ignore the stars. Where's the movie? I see it was reviewed here on Dec 8 2023, so it recently was available to watch. But now no longer on TUBI and Amazon Prime says "Video currently unavailable". Where did it go? The fact that it's missing makes me more interested in watching it. I submit this hoping IMDB could place a banner or something stating when it'll be available again, or why it was pulled. I always say, these types of movies are either all acting off a script- in which case in some instances there should be academy awards handed out for this category. OR ..... it's all TRUTH. Maybe that's why it was pulled from viewing?
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Swing & a miss.
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow moving, slow burn movie that takes two hours twenty minutes to tell us not much of anything. From the beginning we are not sure if it's a cyber attack, CME, attack from foreign enemies, alien invasion... it's like a mish-mash of What events can possibly happen at this moment in time to end life as we know it. So many things were just weird-- the foundations of our existence are failing & crumbling around us but the electricity and water stay on until the last act? Any self driving car needs functioning GPS to drive itself. Wait, what was the reason the migrations of animals was effected? Is it China? Korea? Doesn't matter, "they're both the same". Maybe Afghanistan? What was the purpose of the Spanish speaking lady scene? Why in the world would Friends be given such a big role in a movie made for 2023? Maybe an attempt to attract more millennials?? I call that part a silly fail. They give us a two line explanation in the last minute of the film before the disappointing ending. I thought Julia Robert's & Kevin Bacon- the best two- did great, although alas, both are old and knackered like me now. No hiding that in this film,
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Done very well with an outstanding cast.
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
For the first 45 min I had no idea that was Robert Downey Jr, until my husband said Wow, he's getting old!, commenting on the make up. I asked WHO? And he said Robert Downy Jr! .... That's when I finally saw him. I'd say he did a fabulous job playing Admiral Lewis Strauss. He & Emily Blunt we're the two best in the movie although all did outstanding work. Lots of history and intensity to fit into 3 hours. But done well. Not rushed yet It didn't feel like three hours. I didn't know hardly any of the story at all and I followed it just fine. Example: I didn't know Los Alamos was built specifically to bring in the scientists & staff to build the bomb... The Manhattan Project. Film is done in flashback & then the timeframe starting several years after bomb was exploded, which is done in black&white so you can always tell where in history they are. I think oppenheimers emotions and darn near PTSD are interestingly expressed with good effects. I hope the film is nominated for Best Picture, but I also think it should win for makeup and costume design. Very good.
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The Observers (2021)
FREE on TUBI now. 9/5/22
4 September 2022
There are many movies/shows out like this one over the recent years. Many are horrible and ridiculous. Some are good, and some are better, leaving one to think logically, explore and learn more if they choose to. I put The Observers in this category. I won't say much except if these folks are nothing more than actors following a memorized script, then there needs to be a new category at the Oscars for "Actors in UAP/Alien documentary type films". If acting, many deserve to win an award. If not actors, then go back to my previous statement and at least study for yourself what truths we are shielded from in this crazy world we live on.

I think it's the second to the last segment Richard Dolan has is very powerful.... Words to chew on, think about, consider, whether you follow this stuff or not.
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That's a No for me.
14 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How come Leo and Obama, to name only two from this movie- didn't mention the fact that USA has Thee best environmental controls, laws, rules in place on the entire planet? And some of the cleanest air, water & soil found anywhere. I think until we can get the absolute corruption in governments around the globe eliminated - starting with Indonesia as mentioned in the movie, ending with us and including every other nation in between, the Uber wealthy -like Hollywood, politicians, corporation CEO's, rich people like that lady in India states she is and mentions others like her, the rich Chinese factory owners , and all the rest hanging out in that echelon and who leave the LARGEST carbon footprint of any of us EVERYDAY- This layer of global humanity should start paying full carbon credits starting tomorrow. When they see how much is taken out of the pot before an ice cube is saved from melting, only then will the actual problems of this planet begin to be addressed and right themselves. *MAYBE* Oh, and the carbon tax doesn't really do anything besides virtue signal and line pockets. The carbon gets out there anyway! Put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is. Need to prove to We The People that it's about more than power and dollar signs to sell it.
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I Love Lucy & she loves me, we're as happy as ...
23 December 2021
These reviews are so diverse! A very distinct deep line between those reviewers who lived through this, or at least through the first round of re-runs, and those who just tuned in to watch the new Amazon release or maybe they heard about I Love Lucy in the '90. When they were 8. So funny to read many of them. But I digress...

The movie was good. Sweet. Transporting. Accurate. The pregnancy part WAS a HUGE deal. Ground breaking. TV was nothing like it is today back then. The Communism thing- it's real and also a HUGE big deal. But enough of this drivel ...

Nicole Kidman as Lucille Ball is next level. The way she plays Lucy in the scenes from the old episodes, OTHER WORLDLY. It's clear she worked HOURS memorizing the movements, the nuances, the Voice! And the makeup, the whole package. Simply Amazing!

My second fav character is JK Simmons as Fred Mertz. He was perfect, made me laugh! And learned some things about Bill Frawley I never knew.

You know who you are, you WILL Love this! Watch.
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Dopesick (2021)
Truth is painful to watch.
17 October 2021
One thing that many of the negative reviewers forget when they go on their current-day diatribes about big pharm is that this movie STARTS over 20 years ago. Pharmaceuticals weren't as they are today. It shows how the door was allowed to open, causing this country to be in the situation we're in today with the Big Parm and incessant pill pushing. MONEY TALKS. Nothing else matters. Not the FDA, CDC, you name the letters. $$$ This method of running a planet needs to stop!

Michael Keaton is, as always, very good. We are blessed that he came back to doing what he does best. This series is honest, emotional, raw, sad and frightening. Do the one month free subscription to HULU and watch it. (and Only Murders in the Building. But that's another review :)
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Smart & FUNNY Who-Done-It...
16 October 2021
A very smart & funny show. Great actors and acting where all compliment each other so well. You will Love the "old guys" still on their game! You will enjoy this way more than you'd ever imagine. Especially if of a certain age range. Lots of good chuckles from "the old days" especially in season 1. Now that we're three seasons in, it's clear that Martin Short is the one holding it all together- he's the strongest, the funniest & cutest cast member by far. I love all the cameos, they work so well! In season three that would be Meryl Streep. I wish they would either completely avoid the political advertisement commercials- which may be a HULU thing and not an OMITB thing- OR advertise for all sides (candidates) because the flat out lying JoeBiden Ads are more than I care to deal with when watching such a good show as this one is.
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Old (2021)
Mindless summertime fun.
31 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was what I call mindless summertime fun. It was, at least for us, a new story. A beautiful beach which ages you 1 day every 30 min spent there, and there's no escaping it. I do feel the ending feels much like the ending of The Village- out of place, stupid and ruins everything which happened before it. I wish they would've just escaped through the coral, emerged back at the resort handing the diary log to the cop without any of that Frankensteins Lab stuff, which I didn't even understand. But even with the ending, we still found it entertaining. A solid 6. We disagree with all the 1 & 2 star reviews. As usual, many of those low star reviews written by people from other countries, which you can tell by the words and phrases used in their reviews. I am 60, my husband 68 & avid movie watchers.
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Moonstruck (1987)
Italian Love!
2 May 2021
I've watched this movie 100 times since 1987. For me it is a happy feel good movie, a go-to movie, and at times throughout life, the DVD left perpetually in the slot! I will admit being an Italian American living in downstate NY definitely helps with its allure and charm. So many traditions, dialog and yes funny stereo types are spot on. So many classic quotes still repeated in usual conversation to this day. Snap out of it! Grab an expresso and watch without much thought. Just enjoy the ride. Cher deserved her Oscar & Golden Globe, her finest moment. The music is great too.
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Unwavering focus to the goal in spite of the challenges along the way.
21 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Late to the game, we just watched this for the first time last night on Disney+. I don't know how or WHY we missed it when it came out almost 5 years ago! I knew nothing of this story and had no expectations. Wow, so surprised at how good it was. First of all Hugh Jackman, who knew?! He did a great job at his part and with no hint of his Aussie accent. Good character and back story. He and Eddie played so well opposite each other throughout. Another special surprise for me was Christopher Walken. Love him and while his part was small, it was MIGHTY! I laughed at good comedic moments, held my breath and covered my eyes at the uncertainty and thrills of the sport, and cried with emotions towards the end. Fabulous feel-good family film. Add it to your must see list.
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I was entertained.
5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We really don't know what we don't know, no matter how strongly some people feel "it's all figured out." It's not. But having said that, the part about Boats flying around space made me laugh! However, No one in my local corner of the planet were ever able to tell us what those very deep, loud and frequent booms were that rattled windows or knocked pictures off the walls and went on and off for years, only ending a a few years ago- if they ended at all. Not news media, not elected officials, not utility workers, no one. So, clandestine underground bases & under ground "railway" systems--YES. Possible alien technology and EBE's in Antartica-- I can believe that too. Time travel- yes- but not anywhere near what we humans on Earth think it means. Rings of pedophilia and other atrocities at the highest levels are being brought to light right now, as write this, in REAL MSM news stories. That's disclosure, prime bits a little at a time interwoven with "crazy people". PS .... our planet is round, we did land on the moon and this thing called LIFE is being ran by a very small group of powerful elitists, whether they're homo sapiens-sapiens or not.
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13 July 2020
Let me just say, this is NOT a feel good Trump series. Definitely a hit piece, be prepared. What I loved about this series is the same thing I Loved about the book The Art of the Deal. They both prove that Donald J Trump is and always has been exactly the same man. Has always thought the same way, spoke the same way, dressed the same way, had the same hand motions (fist pump in the air), same optimism and same vision. He takes after his mom in the way he speaks and he shares her unwavering faith that all will be great. Therefore, those who aren't fans today might try learning by reading the books. A note about the music: I didn't notice any music at all until Ep 4. Man, is it depressing doom music. And it goes on & on, like the Death Doom third "Ding-Dong" in Christmas Vacation, only over and over and over again. Really obvious and way over done.
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No straight line leading to a conclusion. And boring.
21 June 2020
Brittney Kaiser: everything about her and her supposed role in whatever the heck point they were trying to make SCREAMS spoiled brat "Look at ME" leftist who couldn't pass up the opportunity to make (another) buck on the premise that "TRUMP BAD", "BREXIT BAD". While I agree the mining of and using my data without being compensated, all while YOU get rich is wrong, I am quite sure nothing they pulled from my Facebook and any targeted ads that followed would have influenced me on who I would've voted for. You know why? I don't participate in group think, my eyes are wide open. I'm not a "persuadable", possibly more of a Deplorable. I hope Cambridge Analytica and all those like it, along with Zuckerberg, et al FAIL & FALL hard for this great deception. I've said for years, truth now more than ever- FACEBOOK IS THE ENEMY of the WORLD.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Just don't.
27 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THE GUY SITTING NEXT TO US IN THE THEATER SUMMED IT UP BEST: The last 15 minutes of the movie bring the rating up from a 2 to maybe a 5. Frantic & loud, being a native NY'er I didn't mind the loud talking over one another. I did mind the fact that much of the talk made no sense. If you are a native NY'er you can probably add a star or two. You'll walk out exhausted, if you make it until the end. The soundtrack was just plain awful. The choices were made to add to the chaos, I'm sure. What was that noise, certainly not music or songs. Many walked out of theater, we haven't seen that before. SPANGLISH remains my favorite (and most under rated) Sandler movies. More like that please. Adam Sandler is in no way up to the role of Howard Ratner. Really terrible. His wife was my favorite character in the movie. Besides "Trainwreck", the take away feeling from this movie is sadness. What a mess.
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The Upside (2017)
Extremely good movie!
20 January 2019
I knew nothing about this movie going in. Didn't know it was a remake. Never heard of the original. So, as a stand alone film, it was GREAT! There is so much emotion, real feelings. Kevin Hart in a serious, poignant role, yet still funny. His best role yet and revealed another side of himself. HE IS GREAT! Bryan Cranston's greatest acting was absolutely not moving his arms or hands at all throughout. I'm sure this took amazing concentration as it is a reflex to move ones hands without even thinking. Nicole Kidman very good, haven't seen her in a while and was surprised. Audience laughed at all the right moments. You could feel everyone was really into the movie. I also shed tears, you will too. Very entertaining and a great story. In the end, they saved each others lives. GO!
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie tonight with the husband. At one point, surprised myself by leaning over to him and admitted I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying it! Good story with a lot of suspense. I was genuinely into it, not wandering in thought at all throughout. I am not familiar with any of the actors, but they were all very good and believable. I loved all the detail put into each of the scenarios through the different rooms. An action-terror fantasy as I'm pretty sure actual escape rooms don't work like this. Kind of got lost at the end, we still can't come to a conclusion as to how all the rooms went away that quickly (the whole building, for that matter?), and after the airplane scene are we left to believe that all of life is just one big search for the clues to escape?? Probably a bit too esoteric for us. May be a sequel lead-in ending? ? I can't pretend to know, but I still recommend. Me 57, Husband 65.
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I was blown away
6 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great movie, in spite of what the professional critics say. I either had the goose bumps or tears in my eyes throughout most of the film. Movie portrays the exciting and extremely SAD life of Freddie Mercury. He was a genius who birthed the vision for QUEEN. Those reviewers who state the movie is Fake because it doesn't represent his true life.... Look, we all know his life and how he lived it. They respectfully show enough tidbits of his inner demons and pain to make one remember-AH, yes, he was out of control, but kept the emphasis on the music, the band, the relationships, the feeling. You don't need to see more, you get it. The LiveAid ending of this film will be remembered as one of the greatest movie endings of all time. No kidding, we were clapping, arms in the air, gasping in disbelief, crying. It was truly a moment. Of course it MAY help if you were of age back then in '85 and actually saw it happen. But even if not, by this point in the film, if you have a soul or a penchant for nostalgia, you will gain much from this ending and leave with nothing but a feeling of melancholy & Love in your heart. Long Live QUEEN!
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Bradley Cooper is the Star
7 October 2018
Movie is good, slow moving, so much so that my husband was making the snoring sound more than once. Music is good, Gaga's voice is great, as always. But for some reason I found her distracting me throughout the film. Bradley Cooper is Thee Star of this movie. Seriously unrecognizable and magnificent! I rarely if ever thought about it being him playing the role of Jackson Maine. He WAS Jackson Maine with all the pain and suffering that person holds on to. Wow! Truly set a new highbar for himself. He should win an Oscar. He is the reason to go see this movie. Also, fun to see Sam Elliott again. I'm 57, husband 65.
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Adrift (I) (2018)
If for no other reason, go for the ending.
11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie, but of course, I'm a woman, 56. Adrift is a heartbreaking, scary thriller, but really at its core it is a romantic chick flick. Beautiful ocean cinematography, both when serene and calm and when terrifying. Very good acting and chemistry. I've never heard of either one of them before this film. This is actually a very deep movie about survival and the subtIeties of the plot may not be noticed or appreciated the first time watching this movie- AND will hopefully lead to good conversation afterwards with whomever you watched with. I went in expecting to leave unimpressed and let down as this story has been done many times before with varying degrees of effectiveness. The ending pulls the whole movie together with a gut punch and, for me, the immediate need for a tissue! And then the ah-ha moments of understanding why certain scenes of the movie were, well, the way they were. Other reviewers are mentioning full on nudity. We did not see this at all. My husband cannot remember seeing even naked breasts, except for *maybe* in silhouette when she's sitting , back towards us, naked on the boat. So maybe there are two versions as another reviewer alluded to? We did see the 2 hour long version. The only lingering question I have is why weren't the sails lowered long before they actually were lowered when they had plenty of warning about the coming storm? Husband thinks maybe they miscalculated the direction they were sailing "away from the storm". Would it have made a difference anyway? I think so.
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3 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Cartoonish-type plot, totally silly. But we laughed throughout and were entertained. Two words...ELTON JOHN! Hysterical to this 56 year old lady and her 64 year old husband. Understandably millennials won't share the same heartfelt enjoyment in seeing Sir Elton John in this role. But he was great & he made us Laugh! We only wished he would've belted out one of his hits from the piano loft in the last scene. (or even during the end credits) Julianne Moore was perfectly wonderful as the villain, she never disappoints. In fact, most all the cast did a good job keeping the story moving along and with much comic relief! Halle Berry was the only disappointment as Ginger. I didn't see any worth in her character or how she played it. I call this type of film Mindless Fun. In this regard, I think you will enjoy it.
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American Made (2017)
Tom Cruise redeemed
1 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Between the time of Jerry McGuire & now, the only two Tom Cruise movies I've watched was War of the Worlds & Valkyrie, both of which I liked. But I am not a fan and avoid his movies. We went to see American Made because lately we're all swept up into NARCOS and the like. The subject matter interested us so we went. It was very good, better than expected. Tom Cruise in his best role AND his best acting. Maybe because he's older and wiser now, same age as me. Maybe he's had a good acting coach as of late. He's had much work done to his appearance, maybe this also lends to his "rebirth". He doesn't look like you remember him, this is a good thing. The film moved at a good pace, I was kept interested and involved throughout. I thought the relationship between Barry Seal and his wife Lucy was never fully developed. She's was just kind of there, keeping quiet & dragged through, never seen asking many questions but was seen dripping in jewelry and furs which we never saw being purchased or given to her. Just a disconnect in that relationship, probably because of time constraints. I think Caleb Landry Jones as JB, Lucy's broken brother, did a FABULOUS job. Wow, good acting there. We've watched much about the 1970's & 80's drug trade and the cartels, movies and documentaries. This was a different story I hadn't heard. I didn't know they dropped drugs into the swamp bayou in Louisiana! And much like Walter White & Pablo Escobar, one wonders how much is enough money before you can just stop- Just Say NO- and enjoy life. There is never enough . Give this one a chance.
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Save for PPV
23 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS Very, VERY slow movie. What I loved were the period costumes, I LOVED the wife, good actress, and he should've brought her along when she asked, The sense of adventure and awe as the group set out the first time, And the second time, the Beautiful scenery all around, The portrayal of the savages and their village, just perfect & fascinating in every detail. What I DIDN'T like and found extremely distracting and just plain wrong was the time line of the movie. I found my self thinking about the kids way too much and how old they were and how old I thought they should be considering the previous dialog or scenes. Although the director did give us time stamps throughout the film, I couldn't reconcile them with the children's ages and the age progression of Percy Fawcett. Also, I was personally let down by the fact that we never do see the lost city. It is post scripted that now in modern day there has been evidence found showing indications of a lost city in both the location and in detail of what Fawcett was searching for. But what about the compass?? DID he and his son make it to the city of zed and then held captive so no other White Man would ever know, OR did they chose to stay until their end of days?? OR were they boiled and eaten??

Life is mysterious.....

Married female 55
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Life (I) (2017)
I was scared
1 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
55 year old female here (I wish folks would write their age and sex when then review) For at least half the film I was fully engaged in this alien horror film. I was scared, more than once, turning away or covering my eyes. There are intense, scary moments. For a while, it absolutely reminded me of a remake of Alien. But distracting ridiculousness kicked in. I found myself turning to my husband saying Wait, what was that? How is this happening? Where did that come from? I thought it needed oxygen to live...... etc. We walked away saying it was a good movie, but predictable and turned silly towards the end. Not as smart & intelligent as Alien, but not a waste of time. The end is supposed to be a twist, but is almost expected and opens the door for a sequel, which I'm sure they'll do. It won't be any good.
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