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Not quite as good as afterlife but enjoyable
8 April 2024
Not quite as good as afterlife but enjoyable, it lacked the energy of the other movies. A fairly shallow plot (ghosts have turned up, who you gonna call?) it felt like some scenes and characters could or should have been left on the cutting room floor. Some fairly silly plot holes (but it's a movie about ghosts so I'm not sure i care) but it was definitely a ghostbusters movie. Bill Murray phoned it in but a Ghostbusters movie none the less.

If anything, it felt like an overlong episode of a Ghostbusters TV show and really could have been a bit shorter.

But; it was definitely Ghostbusters, and when that theme tune kicks in at the end I had to admit that regardless of whether it was nostalgia or not - I quite enjoyed it!
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Baldur's Gate III (2023 Video Game)
Genre changing masterpiece
1 November 2023
Every now and then something come along that change's things. Star Wars changed sci-fi, Lord of the Rings changed fantasy, Elvis changed music. Baldurs Gate 3 just changed things for games. I've been playing video games since the Atari 2600 and there aren't many that have had an impact like BG3.

The game play is phenomenal, I have never seen a game as intricate as this, the level of detail is truly awe inspiring. If you are stuck on a boss and you read a dozen different guides, you can find a dozen different but completely valid ways to beat that boss. You are encouraged to think outside the box and use every single trick and tool at your disposal to create almost any tactic or strategy you can think of. At the end of a corridor there is a room full of enemies, far too many for your team of 4 to deal with. Have your team stand at one end of the corridor, create a large puddle the length of the corridor (either by pouring it from bottles of water in your inventory or using spells to create the water) separate your character, attack one of those enemies and then run back down the corridor through the water, the large group of enemies will chase you. Once your character is clear of the water, cast an ice spell on it. The water will freeze and the enemies chasing you will slip over, bunching up. Cast a large fireball to hurt all of those enemies and melt the ice, then cast a lightning bolt on the water, it electrocutes everyone stood in the puddle. The number of options you have for each and every step of the encounter are vast.

The story line is great, epic, engaging, intricately crafted and effected by you, your choices have permanent repercussions that will follow you for the rest of the game, your mistakes will haunt you, your victories elate you. I've lost count of the number of occasions where a choice of mine has led to a result that feels like a kick in the guts or just left me grinning at the screen for far too long. And this is only magnified by a brilliant cast, the actors playing your companions smashed it out of the park! The voice work and motion capture performances are top rate, and not just the companions, the villains as well - JK Simmons and Jason Isaacs bring the calibre you'd expect. The actress playing Orin the Red - wow! And Raphael, I love to hate that guy! Even the minor NPC's are unique, they aren't just 'City Guard' they have a unique name, appearance, and notably, a unique voice actor and script. There are hundreds of unique NPC's walking around each of the three acts in this game, often for nothing more than world building.

And it's a beautiful world, its huge, its intricate, it looks amazing, and it sounds amazing too, if this were a movie the Oscar for best soundtrack would be a sure thing. Again, the number of times you just stop and drink in the sounds are abundant. Borislav Slavov - Hollywood needs to realise he's the next John Williams. Even at the character creation screen, just stop what you're doing and listen to 'Down by the River' playing in the background. That's just one of dozens of masterful compositions in this game! Also, on the subject of sounds - the Narrator: lord that voice! I could listen to her read a shopping list.

Is BG3 perfect? No. In a game this massive there are going to be bugs but they are minor and largely ignorable, I'm more annoyed that the likes of Alfira or Zevlor can't join the party. More importantly, there are no microtransactions or stupid DLC's. This is a complete game that has been years in the making and it shows. It oozes class. Anyone making a game right now will play this and I suspect the vast majority of them will realise they need to go back to the drawing board. Things just changed for them.
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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (2023 Video Game)
Brilliant Game
4 May 2023
I've been playing for about 20 hours now and I'd guess I'm about half way through. I'll stop and find EVERYTHING before i push on any further into the story but so far - this is an awesome game.

I'm playing on the PS5, amazing graphics and performance - it looks great. Very fun gameplay. Challenging fights with a lot of variety in strategy, there's 5 different lightsabre styles and a nice array of force powers to use. The story is interesting, the acting and cutscenes are very high quality too. The planets all feel very large and Metroidvania fans will certainly enjoy themselves, there's a vast array of goodies to find hidden all over the maps.

Its not perfect, the map is almost painful to try to read and the way the side-quests or 'rumours' are handled could be better, there's one or two game play bugs like you try to avoid a heavy attack, but you cant dodge back because there's a wall there that the camera angle didn't let you see and boom your dead but overall these are minor concerns in the bigger picture.
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Silly, Solid and Fun
4 May 2023
This is a movie based on a 40 year old computer game franchise about a plumber who fights lizards by eating flowers in order to save a kingdom of mushroms. It is not Shakespeare.

It is however good, simple fun. My 8 year old daughter loved it and I, a 43 year old man who first played Super Mario Bros when i was a little younger than 8 also quite enjoyed it!

Theres not much more to say really, the cast all do there job well, the animation, story, pacing etc is probably a lot better than you would expect for a movie based on a computer game, theres some lovley little easter eggs and reminders of the classic games.

Again, a simple and silly, but fun movie that the target audience will love and parents will enjoy, or at the least not have to suffer through.
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Hogwarts Legacy (2023 Video Game)
A Truly First Class Game
15 February 2023
I've just spent a whole weekend playing this on the PS5 and - Wow. This is what I always wanted computer games to be! I admit I am a fan of both open world RPG's and the Harry Potter series, so I have the potential to be biased, but regardless, I have to say this is an incredibly well polished experience. The story is intriguing, the graphics are beautiful, the world is huge and immersive. It feels like this is one of the largest open world games I've ever played - there's a LOT to be seen and keep you interested.

Combat is very well handled, a large pool of spells gives you plenty of options in each battle but it still manages to keep the combat streamlined, fast and challenging. Flying on your broom is both fun and thanks to some truly breath-taking Scottish highlands scenery even a long flight doesn't feel tedious.

There are one or two minor quibbles but they are soon forgotten, this is an absolutely first class and highly enjoyable game.
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Not as bad as I had heard, but could be better.
7 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First of all it looks great, just as pretty as Peter Jacksons films and most of the cast are actually very very good, but they're let down by the writing - especially Galadriel, whose character has been massively changed from Tolkien's work and the LOTR movies. For a well-known character that's a bit jarring plus this new Galadriel is just not likable. Elrond feels very very different but at least is written in a sympathetic and likable way. The 'hobbits' and dwarves and most of the humans are also well written and well played. My main concern is the plot which feels fragmented and dislocated. There doesn't seem to be a well thought out timeline either, one group of characters leaves an island, sails across a huge ocean then rides across half a continent in the same time it takes another group of characters to walk from one side of their village to another? Whilst at the same time the hobbits push their caravans across another half a continent? Galadriel swam across half an ocean? The writers have chosen to take a series of events that, in Tolkien's original timeline, happened over the course of two thousand years and have them all happen at the same time but they've now missed bits out. The seven and nine rings for dwarves and men weren't forged - so how will the Nazgul ever come to be? I hope the writers have a very clever way of solving it but it feels like we may be getting another case of 'I've never even read the works by one of history's most influential and popular authors, but I'm sure I can re-write it better' that seems to be a requirement for getting a job in Hollywood. I hope they can improve this for the next (planned) four seasons and I will watch it, but my expectations wont be high.
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A Worthy Heir
22 November 2021
A strong cast, witty script and a healthy dose of nostalgia make up for a predictable, if comfortable, story.

It ticks all the boxes, it looks great, its sounds great, I laughed when I was supposed to laugh and I enjoyed the ride. Not quite as good as the original, but then the original is a cultural icon. It still a very worth heir and I look forward to any further movies.
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In fairness, He-Man isnt actually in the title...
28 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So its not a show about he-man. Its a sequel to the cartoon series from the 80's. He-Man is killed off in the series opener and the series is about Teela.

Its ok, its better than he show from the 80's which when you watch it back now - is terrible. The animation in this is pretty good, the voice cast is excellent, but the main character, Teela, comes across as more of a stroppy teen who is clearly more upset that she didnt know He-Mans big secret than she is that hes dead and the universe is about to be destroyed. We then get a relativley cliched story arc about reforging the sword of power blah blah blah As I said, its OK - its not as good as the She-Ra reboot though and i think theyd have been better off going down a similar route rather than the one taken. Theres a second season coming so hopefully it will pick up but for now, this feels like an oppurtunity wasted.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Ive tried but, no...
10 December 2020
Ok, im a bit of the way through season 3 now and, no. not doing any more. i just cant warm to the main character, the show is about Michael, everyone else is a supporting character, and Michael is just annoying. she cant speak she can only make speeches. all the time. she cant have a conversation cos she just keeps making speeches, and crying for no apprent reason. she goes off and does whatever the hell she likes for no apparent reason and everyone just goes along with it cos she makes a speech and evryone cries and then blah blah blah i think Lorca, spock and Pike carried the first 2 seasons. just. left with Micahel on her own and meh, cant be bothered.
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Dredd (2012)
Spot on
20 May 2020
I started reading 2000AD and Judge Dredd 30 years ago. I always thought it would be pretty much impossible to film properly and the earlier Stallone movie confirmed that for me - I didn't think it was completely terrible but it didn't feel like Dredd. This movie however gets it right, not 100% comic book accurate but it gets it right. it keeps the important parts of Dredd's world and the unimportant parts it bleeds into modern day culture in a way that makes even a world as fantastic as Dredd's seem very real and probable. the story, limited to one mega bloc, was definitely the right way to go and focussing on just the 2 main characters rather than forcing cameo's from all the thousands of Judges and supporting characters that have appeared over 4 decades of comic books was again a very wise decision. The 3 lead actors are all excellent, they play their parts exceptionally well and special kudos to a 100% perfect Karl Urban. Fingers crossed we'll see Urban under the helmet again. Taken as a movie in its own right, I think it's a decent bit of sci-fi, ordinarily I'd give it an 8 or a 9, but as a life long Dredd fan finally seeing a true Judge Dredd movie on the screen I have to bump it up to a 10.
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Bitterly disappointing
5 May 2020
Its hard to find any positives here. the story is disjointed and illogical, i spent a lot of the film trying to figure out what was happening. moreover, there are a lot of points that negate the original trilogy which is disrespectful as best. it just feels like a lazy, unimaginative , corporate mess with a plot that was thrown together by a committee consisting of a few people that had never heard of star wars before sat around a pub table one lunchtime. Say what you like about the original trilogy and even the prequels, they shared a common theme of telling a story. ROS doesn't even bother with trying to tell a story. It's a collection of adverts for lego sets. Whilst Disney's TV offerings, the Mandalorian and the clone wars are first class, this fall way short. The difference between the tv shows and the movies is the tv shows are made by fans who love and respect star wars and the movies.... Aren't.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death (2020)
Season 7, Episode 12
First class!
5 May 2020
Credit where credit is due, Filoni and the cast and crew of clone wars delivered an incredible finale to an already top rate series. some of the best writing in star wars, fantastic visuals and masterful voice performances, this episode is 10 out of 10 and when you consider the final 4 episodes as a single story (hopefully one day it'll be cut as a single movie) 10 out of 10 just doesnt do it justice. as a long standing star wars fan that was bitterly disapointed in the sequel trilogy, this is the star wars I've been dreaming about since i was a child.
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29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow... just Wow! where to start? plot is brilliant, a tight script, brilliant performances all round, but Sam Witwers performance as Maul really deserves recognition. then theres the animation. Watching "the" lightsabre duel and its immediatly noticable that its a massive jump in quality over the previous lightsabre fights in the Clone Wars - they werent bad but they had a stiffness to the movements that had a very 'action figure' feel to it. With this duel - the footwork, the speed, fluidity and strength of the strikes, even the movement of their heads. i knew it had to be motion captured. it looks glorious! After watching it, i had to google it: it was indeed motion captured and they got Ray Park in to do it! it really is Darth Maul fighting there! just awesome! i watched it again and i had goosebumps. not only is it just brilliant quality its massive fan service there too!

The only drawback to this is: when youre watching shows like the Clone Wars and the Mandalorian; their quality really does hightlight just how poor the last jedi and rise of skywalker were.
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
Just Terrible!
4 March 2020
There's so much wrong with this episode that it's hard to know where to begin. plot holes, plot devices that make no sense or have no purpose, terrible dialogue, the dismissing of decades of doctor who lore and undoing of a major story line that had been brewing for the last dozen seasons, a Franky boring and irritating villain, the outright contradiction of story lines from just a few seasons ago... This whole season has been pretty poor, two episodes that had zero story or purpose other than to preach (cos they really weren't trying to entertain us with those episodes) but the finale was just terrible. I'm pretty sure Jodie Whitaker would make a really good doctor and her companions also have a lot of potential, although so far only Bradley Walsh has been given a few brief moments to shine, but the last 2 series have just been marred by terrible terrible writing that wouldn't even make for good fan fiction. Doctor Who has all of time and space to play with and the writers just don't seem able to come up with anything. Chris Chibnall has been a disaster, had he ever even watched the show before he took the job? If he had (which I doubt) he clearly didn't like what he saw. The show ended with the doctor in prison. Hopefully she can stay there for a few decades and just stare at a wall. It would still make for a better story than this.
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Frozen II (2019)
Kids will love it!
25 November 2019
Personally, it was ok - as a parent you have to sit through it and it wasn't too bad at all. Kids movies today do take parents into account so it's far from torture and I even had a chuckle at a few scenes. i didn't think it was as good as the original but ultimately the opinion of a 40 year old man is totally irrelevant. My 5 year old daughter however described it as "The bestest movie in the world ever!" - I countered that she hadn't seen movies such as Citizen Kane, the Godfather, Casablanca, the Shawshank redemption etc. but before finishing my list of contenders my little girl pointed out that none of those movies had a talking snowman. You can't argue with that. I'll probably have to take her to see it again and given how much she loved it I'll be more than happy to sit through it once more. I asked her how many stars to give it and after a careful ponder she judged it to be '60 hundred and 40 infinity' - but 10's as high as it goes.
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