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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
Ruined by a Kardashian
28 September 2023
I love AHS. I've watched every episode up until now. I want to love this season because Emma Roberts and Matt Czuchry are favorites of mine. This episode was completely ruined by Kim K. She's awful. She can't act. She looks like she's made out of plastic. I guess the "horror" this season is having to look at what she's done to her face - she's hideous. The insecurity and self-hatred she must have to have butchered herself like that is truly pathetic. Her presence makes me not want to watch, so I've removed this show from my DVR. I'm not rewarding Ryan Murphy with ad revenue for destroying a once-favorite show. If there's a season 13 - with REAL actors like Frances Conroy or Adina Porter instead of horrible stunt-casting - I'll come back. Until then, no thank you.
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American Sadness Story
28 December 2022
I have mixed feelings about this season and especially about this episode. It was very emotional, well-acted, serious, all that stuff. It wasn't "horror," though. There was nothing scary about it. It was very depressing, though. I'm of the generation that came of age in the early '80s, having started college in 1984. I witnessed the AIDS crisis firsthand, watching so many of my friends get sick and die during that decade. I don't need a TV show to remind me what it was like to be a gay man in the '80s because I remember exactly how it felt.

It's not that this kind of story shouldn't be on TV; I think it's important to tell people what happened. That said, had I known this season of AHS wasn't going to be a horror story but rather a story of the start of the AIDS crisis, I probably would have opted out. Or I could have at least made myself emotionally prepared for it. Instead, I'm stuck in PTSD-land crying over memories of the loved ones who were taken far too soon.
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New Amsterdam: I'll Be Your Shelter (2022)
Season 4, Episode 22
The writers have lost their minds
26 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is by far the worst episode of the series so far. Nothing makes sense. The disasters are all completely unrealistic. Dr. Bloom just happens to encounter human trafficking in the ED. Dr. Reynolds just happens to be in a room where a woman is pinned under a beam. Max just ha opens to be walking past a guy who gets pinned under a food cart - AND the guy's kidney is failing. AND there's apparently only one stairwell inside the hospital. Iggy just happens to have a whole group of patients in a stairwell where there's a carbon monoxide leak, then in a hallway with downed electric wires and water spreading on the floor. And there's no other way to get anywhere in the hospital. And there are no other people anywhere around in a giant, busy hospital.

Then the writers blew up every relationship for no reason. Characters didn't behave like themselves. People just gave up. No one cares enough about anyone else to even discuss things. I know they have to create tension in order to have drama, but have they lost the ability to do something that isn't tired and unimaginative?
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The Rookie: Simone (2022)
Season 4, Episode 19
I'm going to love the spin-off!
26 April 2022
Niecy Nash-Betts is simply the greatest! Everything she does is fantastic - always entertaining, always compelling, and always full of sincerity even when her character is ridiculous. I can't wait for the spin-off so we'll get weekly Niecy Nash-Betts back on TV.
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Nancy Drew: The Celestial Visitor (2021)
Season 2, Episode 15
Fun episode
15 January 2022
I really enjoyed this episode. Interesting story about the meteorite, plus a fun new character in Tom Swift. The fact that this episode upset all the privileged white folks who turn into snowflakes when a person from a marginalized group talks about their experiences was a huge bonus! Those white-supremacist types believe POC should keep quiet and stay out of sight, but Nancy Drew refuses to do that and it's wonderful!
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It was actually pretty scary
2 November 2021
Maybe I've become jaded, but I find that most horror movies these days don't scare me. This one was actually pretty scary. While it broke no new ground - the plot was simple and predictable - it told its story well and managed to get some real horror in. Acting was very good, as were the production values.

It's probably best to go into it with the understanding that this film is not at all like the other Paranormal Activity films. Think of it as a POV horror film (like a found-footage film) and you'll probably enjoy it more.
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Surprisingly enjoyable
21 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I came in with low expectations. I'm old enough to have watched the original series, which was quite terrible after the first season or two. I expected this to be as bad or worse, but I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised so far. Don't get me wrong; it's not ever going to be included on lists of the greatest shows ever made, but it is fun and a little poignant , too. I quite like the Elena Roarke character, who is both a little mysterious and a little humble at the same time. It makes her seem more...human, if that makes sense. Ruby is certainly an improvement over Tattoo.

Don't go into this show thinking it'll be a new Lost. It's definitely not that. Just watch for a fun hour of TV - a perfect summer series.

Dave and Odette Annable were really fun to watch in this episode, too. They looked like they were having a great time playing each other. It's to the show's credit that they hired a real-life married couple to play these characters, since they really know each other and can pull off the Freaky Friday body-switch in a way that wasn't TOO over-the-top and ridiculous.
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Expedition X (2020– )
It's as bad as everyone says
8 August 2021
I love Josh Gates, and I LOVE Phil Torres. I've been following Phil on social media for years. He's a real scientist, which is what makes his contributions to this show so puzzling. He seems to have forgotten how to be a scientist. There's being "open-minded," and there's "sure, it might be supernatural." No actual scientist considers a supernatural explanation for...well, anything. Scientists know that there's always a "natural" explanation, even if they can't find it.

Jessica Chobot is truly awful. She assumes EVERYTHING is supernatural and will apparently believe anything she's ever told. She's not a scientist and she contributes nothing of value to the "expeditions" because she is apparently unable to understand how scientists work. If she were dropped from the show, it would get 500% better.

The worst thing about this show is that they seemingly abandon each expedition right as they're starting to uncover things. "Oops, we're out of time; gotta go home." If there was some real thing to find, they'd of course stay to find it. They know what they're doing is BS and they're just putting on a show of "investigating."

If Josh Gates wants to resurrect Destination Truth, he she do it himself. Phil would make a great team member. Just get rid of Jessica, please.
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The Blacklist: Godwin Page (No. 141) (2021)
Season 8, Episode 20
Oh, my!
5 June 2021
Wow! This was a FANTASTIC episode! The questions are starting to get answers. The whole episode was full of fun twists and turns, leading to some very unexpected places. Everyone involved with this episode did a great job. I can't wait to see the next episode. To bad we have to wait nearly two weeks for.
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Expedition X (2020– )
Needs improvement
20 May 2021
I'm a fan of Josh Gates and I've been in love with Phil Torres for years! I was so excited to learn that Phil was joining up with Josh to make a new show.

Unfortunately, my excitement ended when I saw the first couple of episodes. My excitement hasn't returned, either. Why? This show is just ridiculous. They go investigating things that are obviously not real. They pretend to be doing scientific investigations, but it's really just bad "ghost-hunting." Instead of doing ACTUAL scientific investigations, they're running around with cameras, screaming every time the wind blows. They spend a couple of hours investigating something that would really benefit from multiple days' worth of investigation. Worst of all, they do all this and then the episodes just end with no follow-up or serious scientific explanation.

If they'd investigate things that aren't just imaginary boogeymen, if they'd allocate enough time to do a proper investigation, if they'd do real follow-up on each investigation, then maybe the show could be a lot better. As it is, this show isn't really worth watching.
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Clarice: Ugly Truth (2021)
Season 1, Episode 7
Finally, Clarice gets interesting
8 May 2021
Clarice has suffered from an abundance of problems, not the least of which was the overuse of outdated TV plot tropes and one-dimensional characters. This episode finally broke out of much of that, gaining a compelling narrative as part of the process. Frankly, I had given up on the show and had let this episode sit on my DVR for a month, but I'm glad I picked back up. I hope we get more of the Clarice/Ardelia character and relationship development, since that aspect of the show has proved to be quite humanizing for the character of Clarice.
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Clarice: Get Right with God (2021)
Season 1, Episode 5
Spectacularly bad
19 March 2021
Clarice has been a huge disappointment so far, but this episode went above and beyond to take the series to new depths of awfulness. TERRIBLE writing. Bad acting. Boring plot. It's like the producers couldn't come up with enough of a story to fill 10 episodes, so they told the writers to fill up the middle of the series with the worst parody of 1970s TV they could come up with. Take the worst episode of The Bionic Woman you can remember, make it about 10 times more boring, and you'll start to approach how bad this episode was.

It's a shame this series is this bad. It didn't have to be. Obviously the showrunner and producers have zero original ideas and no concept of how to write a compelling and interesting story. CBS, please put this show out of its misery.
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Grey's Anatomy: Helplessly Hoping (2021)
Season 17, Episode 7
Please end this
15 March 2021
My god, this show is awful. Will someone PLEASE put this show out of its misery? Shonda doesn't know when to quit, so someone else needs to do the right thing and euthanize this barely breathing beast.
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Clarice: You Can't Rule Me (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Butthurt snowflakes gonna snowflake
13 March 2021
Wow, reading these reviews is like going to a Butthurt White Snowflakes rally. I've never seen so many white people who can't handle having their privilege pointed out to them.

That said, this episode was dull, dull, dull. The story seems to be going nowhere, or at least moving so slowly as to appear motionless. The actors all appear bored, just reciting their lines with no effort behind it. The "mystery" is not in the least bit compelling. Most of all, the actress playing Clarice just isn't good, with her terrible accent and mediocre acting abilities.
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The Walking Dead: Find Me (2021)
Season 10, Episode 18
A good episode, but it was overhyped
10 March 2021
This was a really nice episode. We learn about what Daryl was doing during his time away from the group. We get to see him in a way we've never seen before. It was a quiet episode with relatively little "action." Definitely one of the better episodes in recent seasons, and a nice break from dealing with the major conflicts of each season.

However, the marketing department REALLY overhyped this episode. They went so far as to ask viewers not to spoil the BIG REVEAL. I was expecting the return of some character we haven't seen for a while or some truly shocking revelation, and we didn't get that. It didn't live up to the hype, as far as I was concerned. Had I not gone into the episode with such high expectations, I would have genuinely loved this episode. But I was disappointed, thus my 8-star rating rather than 10 stars.

My advice to anyone who hasn't seen this episode - don't expect too much. Be prepared to be underwhelmed. You'll enjoy the episode far more if you don't buy into the hype created by the production team.
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Clarice: Ghosts of Highway 20 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
Better than the pilot, but still not good
24 February 2021
This episode marked a fairly substantial improvement over the pilot, which was awful. That's not to say that this episode was good; the show is still a notch below mediocre. While the writing improved somewhat, the acting From almost everyone is still as stiff and bland as cardboard. Overall, the show comes across as almost satirizing The Silence of the Lambs, only without humor. If they'd let the actors bring more of themselves to the characters, perhaps we could move past the "acting" and pay attention to the stories.
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Clarice: The Silence Is Over (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Very poorly constructed
14 February 2021
I really want to like this series. The producers are making that very difficult. Creating ridiculous, unrealistic tension by having no one trust Clarice is lazy narrative. The whole structure of the story felt like the worst of 1970s TV cliches.

This show drains out all of the intelligence that made The Silence of the Lambs great. It's an insult to the characters, to the actors, and to the fans. It's pedestrian, it's boring, and it lacks anything that could possibly make it compelling.

If you liked The Silence of the Lambs or Hannibal, do yourself a favor and skip this. If you think The Bionic Woman was the pinnacle of TV drama, however, you might enjoy this.
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All Rise: Keep Ya Head Up (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
This is what the show is about
24 November 2020
This episode deals with current events and the way each character deals with those events. It is real, it is important, and it is impactful. It's what the show has been about since the beginning.
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So many terrible things about this episode
11 November 2020
My god, the writing on this show is horrible. I thought Fear was bad after those idiot showrunners Chambliss and Goldberg took over, but World Beyond is making Fear look decent by comparison. All of the characters behave as if their brains have already been eaten, doing ridiculously stupid things in the most laughably contrived situations.

The dialogue is terrible. The acting is terrible. The plotting/narrative is simplistic, seemingly copied from bad 1970s shows. No attempt is made to make the story even vaguely realistic - how does Elton have an endless supply of film for his flimsy little camera 10 years into the zombie apocalypse?

We were promised lots of answers about the CRM in this series, but we get essentially nothing from episodes like this one. What we do get comes in the last two minutes of the episode in what is basically a stand-alone epilogue. Why are the writers unable to organically incorporate this plot into the actual body of the show?

The only things keeping me watching are these tiny snippets of information they toss out. Well, that and Nico Tortorella, who is too cute for words. Everything else about this show is not worth watching. The ratings reflect that.
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A Haunting in Salem (2011 Video)
Unoriginal, dull, lacking atmosphere
1 November 2020
While not the worst horror film ever made, this one is pretty bad nonetheless. It just isn't scary. It rehashes tired tropes and it does it with zero horror atmosphere. There's no suspense. You don't care about the characters and therefore you don't care what happens to them. Don't waste your time with this one.
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Fear the Walking Dead: Welcome to the Club (2020)
Season 6, Episode 2
Halfway decent episode
19 October 2020
I see the producers and showrunners of this show have all their friends and family members leaving over-the-top 10-star reviews.

Don't believe them. Those reviews aren't genuine.

After a season-and-a-half of AWFUL episodes and a terrible season premiere, this episode was halfway decent. It still suffered from the overly simplistic narrative and one-dimensional characters that plagued seasons four and five, but at least it moved the story along pretty quickly.

The horrible showrunners lied to us about the way this season would unfold with their "everyone will be separated" nonsense, since many of the characters were together in this episode, and we're certainly not seeing any "new way of telling the story" that they promised, but that's a good thing since their ideas have been universally abysmal. They have proven themselves utterly incompetent, causing the show's ratings to tank, but somehow they've been allowed to continue.

At least we got a flash of OG Strand in this episode. That's worth something. Just don't count on it lasting. The showrunners will figure out how to ruin it soon enough, I'm certain.
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The decline continues
12 October 2020
This show was once great. After season three, the show went downhill very sharply. While the decline has slowed - it's so bad now that it can't get that much worse - it's still headed in the wrong direction.

Viewers don't watch because there are new villains or more creative ways to dispatch walkers; viewers watch because they get invested in the characters. The showrunners of this show seem completely unaware of this, since they've killed off the most-loved characters and drained the rest of their personalities.

Morgan's original personality left us last season, and now the show is removing the "new" personality, too. I expect the same to happen to the rest of the characters as the season unwinds. If the new personalities were interesting, this might be forgivable, but the showrunners seem to be incapable of creating a three-dimensional character. Every character here, both new and old, is one-dimensional and boring.

Plots are equally flat, with no creativity or depth. Stupid cliffhangers are used to try to keep the audience coming back, but ratings are showing that the audience isn't buying it.

This was truly one of the most boring 75 minutes of television I've ever seen. If you're a fan of the show who missed this episode, there's no need to watch it. You didn't miss anything.
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The Flash: Love Is a Battlefield (2020)
Season 6, Episode 11
Wow, that was awful!
19 August 2020
This episode felt like it was written by a 12-year-old - who has never seen The Flash. One-dimensional characters doing things they would never do. Iris is a big girl who doesn't need a superhero to protect her. Amunet will now believe absolutely anything she's told, no matter how how ridiculous. Barry can't capture a villain, despite having the ability to put them into a cell at STAR Labs before they even know he's in the room. Childish dialogue, asinine attempts at humor, and a complete loss of every character's personality.

Skip this one. You won't miss a second of the larger story. This is the kind of awful episode that causes fans to stop watching shows they used to like.
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NOS4A2: Bruce Wayne McQueen (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Terrible episode
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was just awful. The characters all did things that made no sense. None of the characters had the slightest bit of awareness of anything happening around them. The boy playing Wayne never acted truly afraid of anything that happened and practically walked willingly into the Wraith. Wayne couldn't even outrun an overweight adult. Guns sometimes needed to be reloaded, but usually seemed to be capable of firing 30-40 bullets. Vic was flung into the air by a car and beaten with a hammer, yet remained uninjured. TERRIBLE writing.
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Ridiculous superstition and pseudoscience
22 July 2020
I love Don Wildman. His shows have always been fascinating, exploring buried cities or places the public isn't usually allowed to visit. This show, though, is just full of garbage.

I guess the Travel Channel wants more "ghost hunting" and "supernatural" content, since this show is about looking for supernatural entities or visiting "cursed" places. There is nothing scientific or even vaguely skeptical here; this show is all about presenting these fictions and myths as fact. Con artists and delusional people are presented as experts and allowed to spew idiotic nonsense, providing no evidence for anything they say.

If Mr. Wildman were investigating these places and phenomena with actual scientists who were testing claims and looking for actual evidence of the supernatural, the show might be interesting. As it is, though, it's just a show about mind-numbingly asinine stories and adults who have the intellectual development of toddlers. If you're going to make a remarkable claim, you need remarkable evidence to back it up, otherwise you're just an adult who believes the Tooth Fairy is real.

I really wish I could like this show, because Don Wildman is a great and genuinely kind person who is always interesting to watch. This show is just so bad that even Don Wildman can't make it watchable.
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