
11 Reviews
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Ummm... Why is this called Bloodsport?
26 March 2012
OK let me start off by saying I have seen the first 3 Blood Sports when I was young..... Number 1 and 2 were both really good, 3 was average but definitely took a step down from the previous 2. I heard how poor the 4th was, but I recently ordered a 4 combo pack movie just to get Kick Boxer. However low and behold Bloodsport 4 happened to be in that combo. I watched it for the first time a couple nights ago, and it was.... just..... strange..... I really don't know what els to say about it? Why did they have Daniel Bernhardt in it and playing a different character then the previous 2? None the less there is a Kumite in it, however I think it lasts for about 5 mins at most. The movie was just dull and boring. Nothing much els can be said about it. The acting was extremely terrible.... And there seemed to just be some really strange scenes that didn't belong in this movie. Basically to sum this piece of garbage up.... Don't waste your time with it.

P.s As for the Action (what very very very very very little there was) Actually wasn't terrible. The first fight of the movie Bernhardt is battling with another guy in some type of competition was kind of sweet. However not even the handful of action that is in it could save this trash. No wonder this movie is so hard to find. Movie stores are embarrassed to have it in stock.
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Fearless Tiger (1991 Video)
I liked it
18 May 2009
Haha it would appear I am the only one that liked this movie, but then again I have always been a sucker for cheap martial arts action movies. One thing I will say with Jalal Merhi type movies, is when watching you really have to get your mind in that state. If your expecting a good martial arts movie like Van damme, or Jackie chan you will for surely be disappointed. However for a cheap low budget movie (with bad acting) I didn't mind it. Jalal might have bad acting, but his martial arts skills (atleast to me) are worth watching for. Point is, I have seen worse and I have seen a lot better. But black pearls was on TV a few weeks ago and I actually enjoyed the movie. The other 2 friends of mine that watched it with me hated it :P But I have yet to find a bad Jalal Merhi movie other then G.O.D or whatever that crap was called. I liked Tiger Claws 1 2 and 3 and I loved Operation Golden Pheonix.
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Deadly Ransom (1998)
Pretty good, wish there was more action
20 February 2009
I bought this movie from amazon, and to my extent it was actually really good.... My only down fall for this movie would be that it had more action.... the last I would say 20 minutes was loaded with action and that is about it, through the course of the movie there was some short action scenes but not much. Definitely not Loren Avedons best, I would say No Retreat No Surrender 2 was his best, but this is still a good martial arts rescue me movie.

It depends what kind of movies your into. The people that would say this movie is horrible, are those of which who are only entertained by todays films such as Rush Hour maybe, or Ong Bak, District b13 etc etc.... its not a bad thing... to each their own, however if you are a fan of Loren Avedon and older martial arts movies... although its not super old, I think 10 or 11 years old... Then rent this movie, it is very enjoyable especially if you are a Loren Avedon fan
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Out for Blood (1992)
A good old fashion Martial art movie
19 February 2009
I watched this movie quite a few years ago and again watched it last night as it was on TV. It is one of Don's best. The above comment explains the plot pretty well haha. If you are the type of person that likes a straight up action movie where you can turn your brain off and just enjoy some good old fashion butt kicking then this movie is for you.

Lately I have been watching a lot of Seagal movies, and except for Pistol Whipped, Urban Justice, and Mercenary For Justice (those were all good) the rest have been horrible. This movie Out For Blood has been a breath of Fresh Air. The thing i like about Don is he does all his own stunts or most anyway, and the action sequences are shot nice so you can actually see him and the bad guy go at it, unlike most of Seagals movies where you see a face and some hands being thrown haha.

Anyway for a simple action martial art movie this is a really good one to see. Go check it out, although it might be hard to find as its not that popular.
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Against the Dark (2009 Video)
12 February 2009
Well I watched this movie last night with my girlfriend.... And Ill say right now one reason it might have seemed worse to me is because I was watching it with my girlfriend and she sat there the hole time saying how bad it was, and how much weight Seagal has put on lol. HOWEVER this movie straight up was just horrible.

I am a huge fan of Seagal HUGE... I even liked some of his movies most people didn't, like Mercenary For Justice, Shadown Man, and Attack Force... lol OK jk about the last one.

But this movie........ there just was nothing good about it. It started off VERY boring, showing these people walking through a hospital and the one guy who played the Stonner (I thought) did a terrible job of acting. It would show a little piece of Seagal and his crew just to remind you that they are still in the movie... The final I would say... 20 minutes was decent with some good fighting. However the movie was SOOOO dark you couldn't see a thing which was very annoying.

I could get into every single detail, but you catch my drift. This movie (as lots have mentioned) Is NOT a Seagal movie. I actually heard from a few people that he took the script just for fun and support this movie.

Skip this piece of crap and wait for Ruslan to come out, as that actually looks like it could be in comparison to Urban Justice and Pistol Whipped.
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The Foreigner (2003)
I thought it was pretty decent to be honest
13 January 2009
Well I watched this last night with my brother, and to our amazement we both ended up thinking it was not too bad at the end of it....

Yes its pretty close to most of his movies with a lot of holes through out and bad supporting cast.... however what made it so different from most of the others is the shooting scenes I thought were quite enjoyable, and at times the slow motion shots were pretty cool as well, however to be honest after a while it just got annoying... I don't want to say to much and give out spoilers, but I do think if your a Seagal fan you should watch it.

Of course I am not saying it is one of his best or even close. But I know a lot of you out there have seen a lot of his straight to video movies such as Out For A Kill, Kill Switch, Attack Force, Submerged etc.... and compared to those bunch this was quite enjoyable. I also watched Black Dawn last week which I didn't know was a sequel till just now, and it was HORRIBLE!!! I actually think it was Seagal's worst movie yet!!!! The Foreginer on the other hand was nothing like it and was a lot more exciting. I give it a 6 over all, and would actually watch it again with a friend.

I guess it just depends what your comparing it to. If I saw this right after watching Hard to Kill, or Out For Justice then I would find it horrible.... however the past week I watched Kill Switch, and Flight of Fury and this was a breath of fresh air compared to those two haha... I might just be being to generous though.
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Not great sorry!!
11 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie again tonight for the first time in a few years, and sad to say (even though it was in his older good days) It was just not a very good movie....

First of all it was way to boring, with hardly any action at all. I know a lot of people always say Steven Seagal's movies are too much alike with him beating up the hole world and thats it..... Your damn right thats what it is and I like it that way otherwise I wouldn't watch Seagal. So keep it that way. There was way to much talking, and to much stupid crap in the movie that lost me a little bit, like his spiritual vision with the natives etc... It seemed to drag on and lost me in parts.

Also I was watching it with my girlfriend and she was not interested at all (go figure lol)So maybe that is another reason I lost focus quite easy on it. There is a very nice fight scene in the bar at the beginning, and that is pretty much it.... There is no more hand to hand combat till the very end of the movie.

All in all to keep it short, it dragged on, some parts didn't make sense, and it seemed very cheap with horrible graphics. Sorry Stevey but this movie didn't cut it for me.

I still give it a 4 because what little action there was, was actually pretty good.
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His best movie!!!
8 January 2009
This is Steven Seagals best movie absolutely. A lot of great action, and Steven and Keenen Ivory put together a great team in this movie with some great humour as well.

It really was a joy to watch... There was not a second where you feel bored or cant focus on the movie. Everybody says Steven needs to lose the weight and get back in shape. The thing is he was not exactly skinny in this movie either and it was his best film. He needs to start making films again like this.

Out of Seagal movies this gets a 10 without a doubt.

If you think about it Kill Switch could have been the next Glimmer Man if it had half decent camera work and producers.
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Out of Reach (2004 Video)
It was not horrible, but not great..... Its worth a look for sure.
6 January 2009
I am being very generous here giving it a 5.... It was not great, but at the same time it was not terrible either..... It did have some good action scenes that were done by Seagal himself.

However the story line is typical, and the dubbing in his voice for added scenes (?) was just horrible and shows how low budget this movie is... I cant say much els about the movie, it was OK at best.... keep in mind I am basing this off his last few movies that were just horrible.... Foreigner, out for a kill etc etc... compared to those it was actually enjoyable. Its still not even close to his standard of movies like Out for Justice, Glimmer Man, Above the Law but we know what were getting from steven now and if this is all were getting then I thought it was actually OK.
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Black Dawn (2005 Video)
Worst of the bunch.
6 January 2009
OK so I decided to go too blockbuster the other day and get a movie, and remembered Black Dawn was a Seagal movie I had yet to see. So I thought might as well give it a chance, thats if they even carry it. Anyways they had it for sale for 7 dollars. WORST 7 Dollars I have EVER spent.

First of all Steven DOES NOT FIGHT AT ALL!!! I think there might be one scene where he throws a karate chop to a guys throat and that is it. A 90 minute movie and he throws one hit.. The rest is all a stunt double (if you get the courage to rent this you will see what I mean) the gun fights were horrible as usual..... Fire off 50 rounds and not hit a single bad guy..... Seagal is also the heaviest he has ever been in this movie. This guy loses weight for some projects and gains it back for other projects..... this one he just looks flat out in bad shape.

Anyway from beginning to finish is the worst thing I have ever seen.... My friend wants to watch it with me, and I just don't think I will be able to sit through it again... One thing I will say is, it is good for a real laugh.... seeing the stunt double work and the horrible hair on the stunt double, and the loss of 40 pounds haha its painfully obvious... TERRIBLE MOVIE!!!!
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Kill Switch (2008 Video)
It was OK if you knew what to expect.
6 January 2009
Well after reading all the reviews on here, I went out and rented it expecting a good laugh and a horrid film, and to my surprise I ended up finding it pretty entertaining. I will say this, I am very upset he would make such a poor film after making 2 very good films: Pistol Whipped, and Urban Justice.

HOWEVER with that aside even knowing there was the classic stunt double in most of the scenes there was still quite a bit of action and yes the editing and showing every punch a billion times got annoying, but for some reason I was able to sit through it and laugh and a lot of the scenes and actually found the stunt double to be very good at what he did.... And surprisingly the scenes where Seagal actually did fight (the end) he looked pretty good himself....

Maybe some need to watch it again knowing what to expect this time haha.... If your looking for a classic Seagal movie like Our for Justice, or Hard to Kill this is not the one for you... but if your like me and have seen his straight to video movies as of late I would say go out and rent it.... what do you have to lose.

By the way Black Dawn, Shadow Man, and Flight of Fury were all way worse in my opinion. So its not like its the absolute worst yet, but compared to Pistold Whipped, and Urban Justice I am very displeased.
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