
49 Reviews
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Definitely Entertaining
26 May 2024
Movies are meant to keep you entertained and Boy kills world delivered just that. It doesn't try to be too intelligent, it doesn't take itself too seriously either, it just want to show you how beautiful camera work can make an action movie look and it achieved that. The story would have done with a better development, but I don't think it was interested in that. It simply just wanted to go for the Jugular in terms of entertainment. (Pun in intended). It's the kind of movie you watch with a friend and you are both excited. It's definitely not here to win any awards but the visual concept is something I would like to see more.
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Perfect stand alone.
24 November 2023
I look at the negative reviews and I can't help but feel they are mostly haters. The only genuine complaint I've seen is the lighting. Asides that, every other thing was cool.

It's not a mind blowing show, but it has a lot of upside. For an action movie, it did justice to the genre and is worth every minute spent trying to understand and go through the emotions with the various characters.

I look at the negative reviews and I can't help but feel they are mostly haters. The only genuine complaint I've seen is the lighting. Asides that, every other thing was cool.

It's not a mind blowing show, but it has a lot of upside. For an action movie, it did justice to the genre and is worth every minute spent trying to understand and go through the emotions with the various characters.
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Soft n sweet
20 November 2023
Thank heavens I didn't let the 6.0 rating deter me from going ahead to see this. I went in almost blind cos I didn't focus much on the plot but I saw the trailer and i was determined to see it regardless of what the critics say and boy was that a spot on decision.

Everything about it works for me and I really don't like romantic movies but it wasn't even that. It had this subtleness about it with the occasional humor that actually made me laugh once or twice but smiled a lot.

The cast was perfect. I almost feel like a different cast might not have done justice to what the script was trying to portray.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Organized disorderliness
15 July 2023
The beauty of this movie ended at the visuals and the acting. Every other thing about it was a convoluted mess. It was like the actors were willing to do their possible best to portray a story that wasn't even there in the first place. For a movie that had a lot of talking/ talking points, it was absurdly paper thin in terms of story or substance and that's putting it nicely. You can't really tell when the movie expects you to laugh and when it expects you to hold back. It just does it's thing. I felt more betrayed cos I put in so much effort trying to grasp where the movie was going but I was rewarded with absolutely nothing. It was so bad I didn't even care to put up any reviews initially, but stuffs like this with that massive marketing, needs to be discouraged at all cost. It was frustrating. The visuals and effort from the characters earns it a fair 4/10.
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Why all the hate???
12 July 2023
I seriously really can't wrap my head around why this is getting so much hate here. I mean, I read through the reasons why some people gave it 1/10, 4/10 etc and I couldn't see one tangible reason. I sense an agenda or just poor taste in movies.

You don't go into a Transformers movie expecting a realistic outcome. You leave your brains at the door and try to enjoy the ride.

At worst, this movie is a 6/10. The action, story and performances is enough to get it there. You can't because one scene didn't play out like you wanted and give the movie a 1/10!!! That's just pure negative agenda to me.
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Reality (I) (2023)
Absolute Winner
15 June 2023
The only way this movie is getting any negative reviews or ratings below 6 is the fact that those guys have poor taste in movies or they just want to spin an agenda strong enough to surpress the movie. However, unfortunately for them but fortunately, this one is heading for the top because the performance and the dialogue is so strong you can't help but get reeled in!

Its just perfect on different levels. Kudos!

The only way this movie is getting any negative reviews or ratings below 6 is the fact that those guys have poor taste in movies or they just want to spin an agenda strong enough to surpress the movie. However, unfortunately for them but fortunately, this one is heading for the top because the performance and the dialogue is so strong you can't help but get reeled in!

Its just perfect on different levels. Kudos!
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Hypnotic (2023)
2 June 2023
I absolutely don't get the hate for this movie. It did exactly what it was meant to do and that was to entertain. It wasn't trying to win any oscars or anything but jeez! It was never boring at any point. The acting wasn't fantastic but that wasn't the case so often.

Watch this and be glad you did.

Would have normally given it a 7 but the reviews were so unfair.

I absolutely don't get the hate for this movie. It did exactly what it was meant to do and that was to entertain. It wasn't trying to win any oscars or anything but jeez! It was never boring at any point. The acting wasn't fantastic but that wasn't the case so often.

Watch this and be glad you did.

Would have normally given it a 7 but the reviews were so unfair.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
How to know if your partner is boring.
19 May 2023
I can confidently say that this is one of those movies that will divide opinions. However, here is a free tip, put this on for a date night with your girl or your guy. If he or she doesn't enjoy this, there is every chance you are dating a boring person. You are welcome.

I don't need to say much cos the title pretty much tells you what to expect. If you expect anything more or less, that's fully on you.


I can confidently say that this is one of those movies that will divide opinions. However, here is a free tip, put this on for a date night with your girl or your guy. If he or she doesn't enjoy this, there is every chance you are dating a boring person. You are welcome.
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Don't overthink it.
10 May 2023
I think the problem with most critics of this movie is that they tend to overthink a movie a lot rather than just enjoying it for what it is. There's no denying that it was predictable and wasn't in any way ground breaking. But saying it wasn't interesting enough to keep you hooked to an extent is being dishonest and pure lies. Don't read too much reviews before going into this. Just know that it's a crime thriller and that's all the information you need. In Truth, this is actually a 7/10 standard bit saying it's anything less than 5/10 is simply being a hater. Like I said, it had it's faults but for Chris sake, movies are meant to entertain and it did just that.
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Beautifully Made
9 May 2023
I can't stand why anyone would give this a rating below at worst, 6/10 if you are not being absolutely dishonest to yourself. I hear a lot of rubbish reasons like the stakes were stagnant. I guess you were not even following the story in the first place. There is literally no way out. It's pure evil that prayers looks like music to it's ears. You need to watch the original Evil Dead and even the second one to understand how far this movie had come and the beauty in the way it paid homage to those classics. As a horror movie person, the is definitely my best most recent horror movie since IT. Enjoy.
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
Don't mind the overserious critics.
7 May 2023
Truth be told, this is not a 9/10 movie. It's a solid 7.5. But considering the absurd poor ratings I'm seeing here, it deserves a pat on the back. This was meant to be pure fun. People rating it lowly probably went in expecting something serious. Even the movie itself wasn't taking itself serious. So, I wonder why the high critical expectations! Don't let the poor ratings decieve or deter you from watching this fun fest. Go in with your popcorn and have fun. Not everything has to be a serious chess game. A little hide and seek helps once in a while. You can thank me later.

Enjoy, and you are welcome.
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C to R to A to P!!
17 April 2023
Coming from a strong DC fan, anyone giving this anything above 5 can't be taken seriously. This was absolutely shambolic. I couldn't place my finger on one salvaging moment or aspect of the movie. Everything was so boring and dull that I slept off the 3 different times I tried to watch it. A friend of mine who saw it in the cinema, hates himself for wasting his hard earned money. I hope DC can start taking us seriously and stop producing anything every dick and harry directs. It's becoming painful and unbearable to watch. Even more painful for me cos now it's more difficult to defend DC's failures in the cinemaverse.
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Beautifully Unsettling
9 February 2023
I walked into this one, clueless! But came out with my heart heavy and my head full. There's something about it that creeps up on you especially as it begins as a straight up comedy but ones the camel's back is broken, you keep hoping for the best resolution but it never comes.

I walked into this one, clueless! But came out with my heart heavy and my head full. There's something about it that creeps up on you especially as it begins as a straight up comedy but ones the camel's back is broken, you keep hoping for the best resolution but it never comes.

Kudos to everyone involved in this masterpiece.
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Aliens (1986)
It's 2023 and it still looks modern.
4 February 2023
Considering this was already doing magnificently on imdb ratings, I didn't need to add mine but it left such a mark in my head and heart that at a point, I seriously doubted this was made in the 1980s. It's perfect in everything it did and tried to do. I can't just place my finger on a single fault and that's something I'm always guilty of. Some could say this is a classic but I think this is more than that. Something made in such a manner that it lives with you long after the credits roll, it deserves its own shelf in the hall of fame of movies. If you read up to this point and you are yet to decide on whether to watch or not, I have no words for you pal.
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I understand the plight of some negative reviews but..
29 December 2022
This is an absolute spectacle from start to finish. You can't tell me otherwise. If you are in the theatre just for the thrills, you might find it boring cos it took it's time to develop the characters down to the animals and also the state of things in every environment the main characters found themselves. As soon as it got you immersed into their planet, it let rip with the thrills and boy!! It was always a sight to behold. Half of the things I thought were unnecessary, eventually played out to ensure that the movie despite being a fantasy of the highest order, played out naturally and as understandable as possible. This is nothing short of a classic. This is infact, everything Black Adam needed to be a monster hit. Top notch character development!
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Barbarian (2022)
Dumb decision contest.
1 December 2022
I hardly pen down negative reviews because most times, the ratings would already be down or average so, I simply just ignore a terrible movie. But I'm so pissed off at this cos I enjoyed SMILE with a much lower rating where as this was utter RUBBISH!! Take away just 1/3rd of the dumb decisions in this movie and they wouldn't have had anything to act at all. I tried hard just as I always do while watching a horror movie to put myself in the shoes of the characters just to justify their actions but at key moments, they decide on going with the dumbest decision a human being can make. It's so off putting and if you are a fan of horror, avoid this at all cost. The ratings are definitely doctored and you can't tell me otherwise. Even the story itself which would have been explored better was ignored and the run time was spent on useless scenes. It had a nice concept but the execution was absolutely awful. Hell, I even beat my minimum limit due to having so much faults against this movie.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Biggest Smile of the year
18 November 2022
I love it when I sit in front of a horror movie and I'm simply left speechless. The story, the graphics, every single thing about the movie had me on the edge. I don't think you will find a better horror movie in 2022 having people doing realistic things and still getting creeped out. Just give it your time and thank me later.

I know my rating of 8 seems too charitable but I see it having a rating of 6.7 just merely above or on par with some averagely made horror movies of the year and I always stand for justice, hence the reason why I'm giving it a confident 8/10. In fairness, it should stand at 7 or 7.5 but we'll.
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Exceeded my expectations.
10 July 2022
This was funny, unexpectedly cute and pleasing on the eye. The acting was top notch, almost every department of the movie delivered. You already know the movie will end happily but you really can't tell what direction it would take before it gets there and for that, I give it a big thumbs up.
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Honest review.
3 July 2022
To start off, this movie is a 7 at best. The extra 1 point is for the unfair reviews. Yes, it lacks a strong storyline but don't believe anyby who tells you you won't enjoy yourself watching this movie. It's as entertaining as a Hart movie gets. Maybe not memorable, but you will get your time's worth.
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Pure Joy!
26 June 2022
The movie never tried to take itself so serious, so I wonder why people are judging it with so much discontent.

It came to purely entertain and for majority of the movie, it did just that. If you expect more or less, you will most likely be disappointed.

This is my first review for an Indian movie and I just had to in order to suppress any rating below 7 against this movie.

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Father Stu (2022)
Fun and hearty.
9 June 2022
This absolutely brought out the 10/10 rating in me without me having to debate it and it's just the second time I'm ever giving a movie anything above 8. I can't remember the last time a movie moved me into wanting to tear up and laugh all at once.

There was never a boring moment and the lines were all hitting home.

I didn't expect anything that was playing out on the screen. This was just beautiful by all standards. Mark and Gibson were just on another level.

Get in here with your tissue and enjoy.
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Morbius (2022)
Not as bad as rating suggests
15 May 2022
Now, hear me out, this is not a masterpiece worth giving an 8 neither is it as terrible as to give less than 6. People like making comparisons a lot instead of enjoying a movie for what it actually is. Drop all comparisons and you will find a good pop corn movie. I enjoyed it better than the latest Venom and Eternals hence I rate it 7/10.

The extra rating is for the unfair reviews.

Just relax and enjoy.
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Ambulance (2022)
Gripped from the get go!
29 April 2022
I couldn't take my eyes or my mind off the screen. I kept on anticipating the next event and the fast pace of the movie like the cars was a joy to behold. I enjoyed it for what it was. An action movie!!

Y'all criticizing should learn to relax your brain , get a popcorn and enjoy a movie.
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Uncharted (2022)
Had to Sully it more
29 April 2022
It's still at 6.5 at the time of writing and that's way too deceptive for me to pass by considering how whack I found the movie.

They were intent on flying the whole time I just didn't get the point of most of the things I was watching.

But thank goodness the movie was finally over and I'm here to pull the ratings even lower to its rightful position.
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The Batman (2022)
As unique as possible
22 April 2022
It's sad when I see people who has no understanding of what a movie is trying to say jumps on the bandwagon to criticize a movie.

This was definitely not the best Batman movie ever but the performance of Pattinson in particular, impressed me.

If you don't understand the concept of Batman as a superhero, then you are probably not going to enjoy this movie. Why??

Because his humanity was explored and most people were expecting a fantasy with explosions and badass gadgets.

I loved and enjoyed every bit of this and would watch again if I was into rewatching movies.
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