
99 Reviews
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The Gathering (2024– )
An excellently written top-class drama series
30 May 2024
I never have expectations when I watch any new drama series. Because to do so can set one up for disappointment.

So I was delighted to be gripped from start to finish. Firstly, the script was a knock-out, superbly written and created by Helen Walsh, copperfastened by very intelligent directing by Gareth Bryn. But is was the standard of the acting for me that truly astonished me: I was amazed at how so many new and young actors mastered their skill by delivering first-class and resoundingly authentic and believable performances. Bazi and Jess were excellent but Kelly ( Eva Morgan ) and Adam in particular shone in performances that had me hooked from start to finish. I hope and trust we will see a lot more of them on TV in the future.

I can most easily highly recommend this drama series which pulls no punches and can be an eye-opener for parents of teenagers...

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Deeply Powerful and Distressing in equal measure
13 March 2024
This is an extremely difficult but I think necessary watch. It depicts the horror of abject physical, mental, and emotional violence, and abuse, torture and evil neglect on innocent children in a care home. It is extremely hard-hitting and pulls no punches in the recounting of Paul Connolly's story.

Michael Socha gave an exemplary performance in his portrayal of the tragic childhood that Paul endured and his nightmares in adulthood as a survivor dealing with lifelong trauma that can only ever be managed but never cured.

The director was superb in showing the viewer the resilience that Paul was able to find amidst his pain, tremendously helped by the love of his wife to be, who took the time to listen and understand and for which kindness, empathy and love can move mountains.

I wept when she hugged him as this may well have been the first time he had ever been given tenderness of any kind. From that point onwards he was able to be safely vulnerable and tell his story.

Thank You Paul for doing so and shedding light to that part of mankind that must NEVER remain hidden...
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Outrageous and Diabolical Miscarriage of British Justice
5 January 2024
I was aghast watching this riveting but desperately sad depiction of true events that befell and still befalls over 3,500 subpostmasters in Britain from 2001 to date.

Superb performances from Toby Jones, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Will Mellor and Katherine Kelly but to name all who brought this drama series to life. Thank You.

My deepest sympathies and condolences to all who suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of an unquestionably evil British Post Office - and by extension, British government past and present - who treated and continue to treat some 3,500 people, their families and wider society with outrageous disdain, cruelty and pure evil. Shame on all those lawyers who sacrificed their souls by an egregious contempt of integrity, decency and honesty by hiding behind that of which is called law and justice, which to date, is no law or justice whatsoever.

Particular mention should be made of Paula Vannells, the former CEO of The Post Office, who acted dispicably and reprehensibly in never accepting any wrongdoing on the part of the Post Office, or her role as CEO. That the book was not thrown at her is an affront not just to that of law and justice themselves, but to the moral and ethical fabric of society itself. That she was 'out of her depth' is no shape or form a defence of her evil actions. She epitomises what is wrong with SO MANY so-called leaders in society today, be they in business, politics, sport, religious or charities. She is a poison that continues to poison and her role as a part-time priest is beyond nauseating.

I wept a number of times throughout this outstanding TV production and urge all to fight with all their breadth wherever and whenever injustice reigns. Because if you don't, you will allow people of the ilk of Paula Vannells and her cohorts, to continue to reign contempt and evil on all who never ever deserved such injustice against them...
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The BEST murder thriller of ALL-TIME from which all others are judged...
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this film a number of times but it took me two viewings before I fully got it. That was back in the 1980's.

Quite simply, this film is beyond extraordinary. The acting is beyond breathtaking, the script is stupendous but the direction is so off-the-charts, that it almost defies belief. If you ever questioned why Hitchcock is regarded as the BEST director of all-time, this film will absolutely demonstrate this. I am always moved to tears at the way the film is played out as effectively every scene is done to perfection. I don't believe any other murder mystery film can match Dial M for Murder. Grace Kelly's performance is simply spellbinding - I am still taken aback every time I watch her.

But it is the conundrum with the mystery of the keys that is in itself a masterful piece of filmmaking. You might need to watch it more than once to get it but that is OK.

The villain in this film is a criminal mastermind but is matched by a detective who himself is a genius. But even that is not enough as a trap must be set to entrap him and save Grace Kelly from the gallows. Will it succeed?

My favourite murder mystery of all-time.
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Monster (2003)
Heartbreaking and horrifying in equal meaaure
21 December 2023
I only watched this film for the first time, twenty years after it's release.

A simply superlative and beyond outstanding performance by Theron. Few actors and actresses could deliver on such a role and I still find it hard to believe this was actually Charlize Theron playing this role. For once, the Oscars got it right and she most deservedly won Oscar for best actress. Virginia Ricci, as her lover, also put in a spellbinding performance.

Female serial killers are extremely rare but the background to Aileen Wouros' life is staggeringly horrific and I am sure many viewers will have shed tears along the way.

It is believed by neurosurgeons and specialist psychiatrists that three exceptionally rare genes in the brain need to to be activated to set off the path of a serial killer. One of these genes is a 'violence' gene which was probably activated in Wouros at a very young age. The others followed years later. Once all three genes are activated, there is no going back. The serial killer will keep on killing until stopped.

This is an exceptionally harrowing and incredibly depressing film to watch. But I would urge those yet to watch this incredible film to do so. It will give at the very least a glimpse into those in the gutters of society who also deserve to be loved and treated with kindness and compassion. Just like the rest of us.

If for nothing else, then watch for a performance from Theron in particular, which surely will be remembered for years and years to come...
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Stunning film that most reviewers fail to get...
21 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I must firstly warn those that have yet to see this film and are wondering whether to watch it, that there are very serious and deeply harrowing scenes that contain extreme physical violence, coercion, bullying, manipulation and deep trauma embedded by highly damaging Childhood Emotional Neglect.

I urge those who have been impacted by any or all of the above to please Take Care.

This is a necessarily hard-hitting film that pulls no punches and is superbly written. I was equally taken aback by the quality of the acting which puts many bigger film productions to shame. The direction was executed to a fault.

As an expert in Childhood Emotional Neglect who has suffered a large part of my life with this deeply damaging condition that can manifest in both raging violence and a life of emptiness and withdrawal, accompanied by very serious self-worth and trust issues - not to mention the very serious issue of toxic shame - which is a major precursor to suicide ideation, I watched this film with outrage, horror and deep sadness that made me weep.

That society can and does turn a blind eye to this deeply distressing trauma that both boys manifest throughout this film is utterly shameful. And their mother who suffered what is insinuated as horrendous violence by her late alcoholic husband, and felt compelled to kill him. All witnessed no doubt by two young brothers who unquestionably suffered, and will continue to suffer serious mental, emotional and psychological damage that society seems to fail on, again and again.

I highly recommend this film to community leaders, social workers, police, schools and universities and those in the psychotherapeutic professions.

This is a story that needs to be told again, and again.

No one should suffer like the family in this film. And so many do.

Thank You sincerely to all involved in this stunning but deeply harrowing - but necessary - production...
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Deliciously Entertaining
15 December 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this excellent drama series. Unlike many here it would seem who relish in finding fault in just about everything. Lighten up and relax!

Two hot and sexy couples peaked my interest from the start and they held my interest throughout. The script was both thought-provoking and at times zany in equal measure. Was it perfect? No. Was I entertained? Absolutely. The acting, while certainly less than perfect throughout, made me chuckle and laugh out loud in parts. Hugh Dennis was playing a serious role but boy, was I entertained. Maybe there was a bit of tongue-and-cheek by a clever director as his role felt like dark comedy to me, whilst at the same time,I was acutely aware of the sadness of his character.

The reason I give this series a nine is because I was seriously entertained throughout. And in a way that had me smiling and laughing out loud on numerous occasions.

If you too can put the flaws of this production to one side, maybe you too might be able to give yourself a well-deserved laugh. Isn't that what great TV is all about?
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A most enjoyable watch
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, let me start by castigating those rewiewers ( almost certainly young men and teenagers) who gave this film very low review scores. They simply have NOT experienced real life or otherwise live in a bubble. Comments like ' this film is nothing new' and zoning in on the fight scenes and comparing them to ridiculous - and in my view considerably worse - fight scenes in films such as John Wick, exemplifies my point: this film should not be compared to other films and should be viewed for the film that it is. Which is an absolute reflection of real life and a man getting consumed by his job/ career to the detriment of his family / loved ones and demonstrating how a rampant ego can destroy oneself, those around him and society at large. Did the low-reviewers get this? Probably not. Too deep for them perhaps.

That he then decided to avenge the murder of his family is something all of us would probably consider if we were in the unfortunate role that Frank ( Banderas ) found himself in.

I found the fight scene where Frank was accosted by four male thugs and what could have been a ferocious German shepherd dog ( who turned out to be the opposite) to be particularly poignant and highly realistic in that could happen to anyone. And in broad daylight too. And that even with exemplary fighting skills, that can still come to naught, as after expertly dispatching all four thugs, one then shoots Frank in the stomach and leaves him for dead. What would you do in a similar situation? I thought this scene was one of the many highlights of the film and was considerably more realistic than the riduculous fight scenes in the John Wick films.

I found the script to be excellent ( and so what if this has been done before? ), the acting to be on point - with the usual most reliable of performances from Banderas - and a direction which copperfastened a very well-made low budget film that gives much food for thought, and I believe, puts much bigger productions to shame.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
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Boat Story (2023)
Outrageously entertaining...
5 December 2023
This is a black comedy like few others I have ever watched.

Firstly, enormous credit to the script writers Harry Williams and Jack Williams who wrote a drama masterclass. It is absolutely off-the-wall crazy, zany and everything in between. There are beyond numerous scenes where imagination and believability are completely stretched to the limit. And then stretched some more.

But of course, as we know, superlative scripts cannot exist in isolation where great dramas are concerned. The acting here was for me, astonishing and delightfully unexpected: everyone - and I mean everyone - acted their socks off, and gave utter credence to their roles. Whilst making the viewer laugh out loud on their zany journeys.

But if that weren't enough, this wonderful drama series was copperfastened by out-of-the-box direction that I am sure the master of this genre - a certain Quentin Tarrantino - would probably readily and wholeheartedly approve. As well as laughing his head off for good measure. And - I nearly forgot - the genius narration throughout, which added sublime to the most glorious of ridiculousness.

I hope I am not overstepping myself by saying this drama should be nominated for numerous awards. Take your pick from the above.

Entertainment and enjoyability of the highest order.

Thank You All involved in this wonderful production...
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Bloodline (III) (2018)
Deliciously horrifying
5 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a horror movie fan, and particularly as a psychological horror movie fan, I loved this movie. I perhaps foolishly looked at the overall rating of 6 before watching this film but glad I put that to one side, and gave this film a shot. Because, as others have already mentioned, this film was a real gem.

For me, the most important attribute of any horror or psychological horror film, is the script. This one excelled on all accounts with a wonderful and quite unexpected twist at the end. We knew to that point that Evan was something of a restrained but highly effective serial killer, who was a wonderful and caring Dad - the antithesis of his brutal and violent Father - and that his Mother helped sow the seed and exacerbate his psychopathy ( as a young child, Evan killed his Father when he could no longer take yet another beating of his Mother by his despotic Father. ). Subtle and dark humour here by a very intelligent director showed the Mother burying her husband in the back yard, and teaching her son gardening. We also learned during the film that his Mother too was not averse to killing and she too, like her son, was clinically cold and adept at dispatching the horrible nurse who was so caustic and vile in her words to patients, including to Evan's family.

But the twist at the end, when his wife figured out her husband's psychopathy and also - like Mother and son - cooly dispatched the teenager Chris who was getting way too close to the truth, and the detective likewise - by making it look like a suicide, was pure genius for me by the scriptwriters. Whilst I abhor all serial killers, I could not help myself rooting for Evan - and his family - and getting away with their killing spree. And they did. And from these reviews, most feel likewise.

Excellent acting throughout and stellar direction cements this wonderful gem.

Finally, I read some of the critics' reviews ( which I rarely do ) after watching the film, and would strongly criticise many of them who claimed the ending ( the wife saving the day ) to be preposterous. Yes, this may be unlikely in real life, but it could most certainly be possible, and for me, that believability cements for me a deliciously horrifying ( but clever ) watch.

I hope you enjoy this film as much as I did...
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Sonny Boy (2011)
Beautifully scripted film based on true events
12 November 2023
I love World War 2 films and was looking forward to watching this one. This was a beautifully scripted story that started in the 1920's and depicted love, rejection, discrimination, prejudice and racism. Throw in infidelity and then the evil of the Naxis in World War 2 and the film becomes an epic of the intertwining of lives and the survival of the main characters throughout. It shows the cards we are all dealt with and how people deal with same. This film also depicts huge courage and strength in the face of great adversity and many pockets of kindness and love throughout. It is both heartbreaking and uplifting in equal measure.

I would most definitely recommend this film and sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
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Lupin (2021– )
TV drama at it's finest
1 November 2023
This is how you make TV drama!!

Of course this drama series has more plot holes than you could drive a bus through, and one must suspend belief in many parts, but that is to entirely miss the point. Which is that this is a drama series that goes beyond entertaining the viewer: it takes you on a roller-coaster ride that is as thrilling as it is enlightening. Yes, it is action and thrills mixed with ample doses of fantasy, but what is wrong with that? For me, I could not have spent my TV time better, so Thank You one and all for the superlative direction, production, script and consumate acting.

And as for those viewers who relish in pointing out the many plot holes but fail to see the sum of all parts and the bigger picture, I say to you ease up and get a life!!

An immensely enjoyable drama series, I heartily recommend...
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Dear Child (2023)
Outstanding top-drawer psychological drama series
21 September 2023
This is one of the best Netflix drama series to hit our screens in recent years. Don't take my word for it - apparently it is the second most-watched drama series worldwide produced ny Netflix ever.

The three hallmarks essential for any drama series or film to succeed are excellent script, brilliant acting and a direction and production that forces the viewer to engage. Whether one is aware of this or not. The more your emotions are heightened, the better the direction in my view.

This had it all: a thrilling script based on the book of the same name that commanded the viewer to follow and try and make sense of the storyline as it was presented.

The acting was completely top-drawer throughout with some astonishing acting from the kids Hannah and Jonathan. There was a lot of sombre tones from all throughout which was not only deliberate but absolutely necessary in honouring a very dark and spellbinding psychological storyline. The fact that this series was originally made in German but dubbed into so many other languages should not detract the viewer from all the aforementioned positives. Not everyone understands German. And how else does Netflix bring this to a worldwide audience?

For me, the standout hallmark of this drama series was the direction. It was as electrifying as it was impactful. Clearly superior intelligence was at play here because the director knew how much or how little to give the viewer in wonderfully crafted scenes that were incredibly well-thought out. It was like a complex jigsaw being assembled before our eyes.

This is a drama series that has the potential to sit with the viewer long after the dust has settled on the last riveting scenes. Like all great dramas or films do.

I highly recommend. Enjoy ( if you can ).
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The Equalizer (2014)
Completely astonished how good this film is...
17 September 2023
I only watched this 2014 film for the first time today.

Like everything I watch, I never have expectations as that opens one up to disappointment. But if I had, I would have presumed it to be a good film and help pass a nice evening. I would have been wrong.

The script here is nothing new - we have all seen likewise before. But this was far more compact and loved the overt good versus evil messages throughout.

Denzel Washington clearly shone and carried this film but all others, for me, gave fine performances.

It was the direction that was the standout for me. The attention to detail given to scene after scene was a sheer pleasure that most directors seem incapable of reproducing let alone exceeding. The music score was a superb accompaniment to the stellar film direction and never felt invasive.

If only we had more 'Equalizers' to spread this kindness and eliminate the pieces of evil who so despairingly contribute to destroying the world we live in. If only....
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The Loch (2017)
Commendable, if a little clichéd, drama series.
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this serial-killer drama series. Like many reviewers here, I agree that the backdrop of Loch Ness and the spectacular Scottish Highlands added much intrigue and mystery to a decently written, if clichéd, crime drama series. The acting was reasonable but this too was clichéd in parts. The direction was perhaps trying to be too clever by highlighting so many potential suspects, but certainly the final episode was the standout and I am sure the killer was a surprise to many viewers.

That Jordan ( who pretended to be Kieran, by switching names with his brother ) turned out to be the killer, was certainly a surprise, but there were clues along the way, which many may have missed.

It also proves that serial killers are not born but made from extreme trauma that has to satisfy certain and very hidden genetic triggers that need to be amplified in very extreme circumstances. Hence, why thankfully they are so extremely rare.

However, very sadly, trauma is much more common than most are even aware of, and this manifests in a catalogue of mental and emotional disorders from anxiety and depression through various personality disorders to sociopathy, sadism, extreme egomania and narcissistic disorder ( which is on the increase. ).

This was an entertaining drama series, not without it's faults, but sometimes we can all be too critical for our own good.
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Slow burner becomes superb in second half
2 August 2023
This film is a difficult watch for the first half. There are many who may even say it is boring, tedious and laborious. And I would be one of them. And yes, perhaps some scenes could have been quickened up and other scenes re-shot to give the opening half of the film more pace.

Having said that, this was unquestionably a serious character-driven film that had many sad and serious undertones but also welcome moments of light humour. I believe this was absolutely deliberate by a very out-there and intelligent director who brought an initially slow script to life and copperfastened by excellent acting throughout, particularly from Gibson and Vaughn.

For me, it is the real-life questions that are asked of us, the viewer, not during this excellent film, but long afterwards, that mark this film out from many others which have considerable less impact.

I would most definitely recommend this film as an excellent watch. But you will need to pass the endurance test of the first half or so, and then you will get your reward over the second half.
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The Walk-In (2022)
Tough but necessary viewing for all
28 July 2023
It goes without saying that if Stephen Graham's name is listed on a new drama series, then you know it is an excellent bet to watch.

And The Walk-In is just that. A hard-hitting and tough drama to watch. Based on real events, amidst the shocking murder of Jo Cox in 2016 - a week before the Brexit Referendum - this drama series is raw, gripping and highly disturbing throughout. The script was authentic and most sensitive to what really happened during this time. The direction was very intelligent balancing some very difficult scenes with humanity and sensitivity.

The acting was superior throughout but the stand-out performance for me was Robbie Mullen's character played by Andrew Ellis: he simply lived and breathed the role and it would not be unfair to say he gave Stephen Graham a run for his money. He has a bright TV future ahead.

This is yet another top-notch drama series to hit our screens and yet another which more than delivers.

I highly recommend.
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Simply Outstanding
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, let me express my deepest sympathy and empathy to the families, friends and loved ones of Peter Farquhar and Anne Moore-Martin who so despicably and needlessly suffered and died at the hands of Ben Field.

Secondly, let me issue a warning to those who have not yet seen and may intend watching this drama series: there are many distressing scenes of emotional manipulation and coercion and scenes of wilful suffering and then calculated murder of the abovementioned. Please take care.

This is a superbly scripted drama series which honours that of what really happened. It is hard-hitting and I think necessary ìn doing so. Excellent acting from one and all with exemplary performances by those who played Peter and Anne. Eanna Hardwicke who played Ben , was a revelation and one whom I am sure we will see a lot more of on TV.

Superior direction, both hard-hitting and deeply sensitive in equal measure, cements a drama series that will undoubtedly shock many viewers whilst leaving others in tears.

Ben Field was and is a classic narcissist with a vile and callous personality who was undoubtedly on his way to being a serial killer until Anne Moore Martin's niece so courageously called him out and informed the authorities of her suspicions.

The police and lawyers, often rightly castigated for scew-ups that should never happen, acted with integrity, perseverance and fortitude, and were a credit to their professions.

And as for we the viewers? Our lesson is never to be silent when we see or feel that evil is admist us. Because it is then - and only then - that each of us has the power to stop evil in it's tracks.

Thank You sincerely to all involved in the making of this outstanding and riveting drama series.
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Johnny (I) (2022)
Immensely Beautiful and Sad in equal measure
28 June 2023
This is probably a very difficult film for most to watch. And that is completely understandable and OK. But if you can persevere, this film will reward you with how true kindness, love and selflessness really is. It shows us that all of us have the capacity to give of ourselves to othes at some point in our lives, no matter how small in measure. And that love and kindness no matter how small we might think it might be to us, can have an enormous effect on those who receive it.

This was a giant of a man, who happened to be a priest, who inspired and uplifted all those who knew him. And many who didn't.

In a world that is dark and much divided in so many ways, this film gives us the hope and chink of light that each of us has the ability to make a difference. And that we should never forget this.

Thank You sincerely to all involved in the making of this heart-warming and deeply powerful film.
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Extraction II (2023)
Very poor and preposterous
22 June 2023
This was a number of steps down from the first Extraction movie. A complete and wasted over-reliance on riduculous and completely unrealistic nonsensical fight scenes took from a film that could have had much potential. Chris Hemsworth is a competent actor but he was completely constrained by a very poor script, egomanical film direction and production and less than satisfactory acting throughout.

More Hollywood rubbish to line the pockets of those who clearly lack talent, creativity and imagination. But of course this is no surprise from Hollywood nowadays.

I feel sorry for those who really believe this was a great film - you would not know imagination or intelligence if it hit you in the face...
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Clean Sweep (2023)
Extremely enjoyable
20 June 2023
This is an excellent drama series that starts slow and builds. And then builds again. I rarely have any expectations before I watch any new drama series as this can open one to disappointment. So I kept an open mind. And can safely say that I was completely engrossed from start to finish. The acting was on-point throughout with a superb and commanding performance from the lead actress, Charlene McKenna: this is HOW you act! The direction was very clever but please be patient - it is like pieces of a jigsaw that comes together at the end. The script too was extremely well-written and easily passes the test of believability.

But it is the very final scene between the lead actress and her detective husband that brought in equal measure a smile and tear to my eye that copperfastened for me, how a proper drama should be made.

I highly recommend. Enjoy!
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Blood & Gold (2023)
Incredibly enjoyable
28 May 2023
I eat and sleep WW2 films, whatever their style. I went into this film with no expectations and by the end I was completely hooked.

The script is extremely well-written, notwithstanding that this style has been done before. The story builds throughout the film and never disappoints. The acting is on-point throughout and I was more than satisfied.

But it is the direction that for me is the standout. There will be Tarantino comparisons but that is only a good thing. Dark and outright funny moments brought me lots of laughter, and they certainly didn't compromise on the gore, which kept the film fresh and raw throughout.

This is a proper film, highly entertaining and all who were involved in it's making should be very commended.

I highly recommend.
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Deeply thought-provoking and immensely sad
26 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, let me get the basic stuff out of the way: the acting was excellent and on-point throughout: the script was as engaging as it was sad; the direction was subtle but superb.

Yes, this film was on the long-side but I believe necessary for the development of the characters, particularly the lead role of Petr's.

I take on board many comments here that this film was about religious conflict, class and pride.

But I don't think ANY reviewer has picked up on the most central of issues at play here - and this is a very serious condition that is as much a problem today as it was in that era ( but at least understood by some today ) - that of Childhood Emotional Neglect.

As an expert in this field from suffering most of my life with it, I can clearly see the nuances at play in this film. Petr was starved of love, nurturing and love as a child and young adolescent by his parents, particularly his Father. Religious dogma of course had a big part to play, but that is to hide the very real pain that is the central theme of play here: Childhood Emotional Neglect. Petr was unable to connect let alone embrace his emotions and be his true self. This is agonisingly painful for those who suffer with this condition and Petr struggled his whole life to try to find himself, with broken relationships and friendships along the way. That he was a genius too, complicated and further alienated him from those around him. And yet there were those who loved him but he had great difficulties in accepting this love.

The lesson for ALL of us is to try to withhold judgment on others if at all possible and to do our very best to be kind, sensitive and loving towards others, and in doing so, the pain of Childhood Emotional Neglect can be greatly diminished.

Thank You to all in the production of this deeply thought-provoking if immensely sad film...
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Four Lives (2022)
Diabolical and shameful actions by a disgraceful police force.
21 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am and remain utterly incensed by the catastrophic and diabolical failures of the Metropolitan Police in this excellent but deeply distressing documentary drama.

Firstly, my heart goes out to all the families and loved ones who suffered needlessly and deeply painfully in this utterly appalling and cataclysmic police failure to investigate these horrific murders properly. Gross incompetence does not go anywhere close enough. There are very real fears that the police were homophobic and simply didn't care. They cannot just be THAT incompetent or that stupid surely?

I would like to Thank all the production and direction team who delivered a most commending drama series and were cognisant of the sensitivities of the families throughout.

Equally, special mention to Sheridan Smith and Stephen Merchant who delivered fine performances in their opposite roles. And everyone else who did justice to their roles.

In conclusion, it is further shocking that NONE of the seventeen police personnel who were subsequently investigated were ever reprimanded let alone summarily dismissed from the police. Indeed, five went on to get further promotions.

It is also very cold comfort for all the families that they succeeded in taking a civil case against the Metropolitan Police, because when a face of evil presents in this world of ours, only scupulous and pain-staking investigation can ever be warranted in bringing such pieces of evil to justice.

I weep for all the lives lost and lives destroyed by such evil human beings...
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DI Ray (2022– )
A top-class police drama series.
27 January 2023
I was most impressed with this police drama series. Excellent acting, supplemented by tight and focused writing that aptly contained all the high drama to four episodes and completed by very intelligent directing that succinctly brought all parts together.

Parminder Nagra was superb and carried this drama series in large part. I hope I speak for many in saying we want to see more of her on TV. She simply lives the parts she acts.

I thought both the direct and not so direct leanings on racism were extremely well portrayed and a credit to all in the production of this top-class drama series.

That anyone - male, female, straight, gay, transgender, white, black, Asian, able-bodied or not - should be subjected to the direct and indirect shameful innuendo that DI Ray was subjected to, is something that should outrage all who are decent, honest and have integrity.

I highly recommend this excellent series.
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