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This movie isn't a western.
5 June 2014
Sorry but this movie isn't worth watching and I'm only 12 minutes into it. It's out of focus and this may be hard for non Americans to understand but The dialogue and slang in no way comes close to the American west. The cinematography is decent and I like the way they processed the film for color but this doesn't cut it as a western. OK 30 minutes into the movie and it still is terrible and I'm now changing the channel. Sorry but Germans should stick to things they're good at like making cars. Germans are talented people of that there is no doubt. but making westerns is not one of them. I have not read any of Karl Mays books so I can not say if his novels about the west were any good but this movie adaptation is not good but this may be a reflection of his time. Not a reflection of his talent.
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17 November 2012
This could have been a great movie it had a good cast of mostly proved actors. Yet I found at least half of the time there was no heart in the acting. I could have lived with some of the tech they used even though it certainly isn't period but when I saw a wooden ship that was so heavy it would have never gotten off the ground with a blimp ten times the size much less the size it was well lets just be polite and say I had a lot of bad words for the idiots who dreamed up the monstrous clap trap it was.You would think that the director Paul W.S. Anderson would have had his fill of that in the resident evil movies but no he took a perfectly good story that I have liked every incarnation of it till now. And another thing I love Milla Jovovich but thought this may be one of her worst performances ever and I usually think she is very good. If you enjoy eye candy it's Okay to watch.
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House M.D.: Alone (2007)
Season 4, Episode 1
16 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode reminds me of 1st season in style of writing one of my favorite's. House's world is tossed strait into chaos which seems to suites him well.he constantly battles everyone angered by the rest of his team, Dr's Foreman and Cameron. he then is pressured by Dr's Cuddy and Wilson to deal with the situation. he decides that he can work without a team and when pressure increases he takes a janitor and uses mechanical analogy's to bounce idea's off of him. then Dr Wilson does something to House and a battle of wills takes place that Dr Cuddy has to mediate and the details that lead to a very cool finale with the promise of much more drama in following episodes.
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good movie that has nothing to do with Original story
8 July 2012
direct quote "A behind-the-scenes look at director Paul Verhoeven's imaginative re-telling of Robert Heinlein's classic science fiction novel". WHAT CRAP while I liked the movie, Mr Verhoevan trashed the real story I bet Heinlein is rolling over in his grave, Did he even read the book before he rewrote it where is the powered armor where where the skinny's there where many moments in the book that should have been in the movie like when Johnny dropped a speaking bomb into a skinny habitation and it said I am a 30 sec bomb I am a 30 sec bomb 29 28 27 etc etc oh not to mention they changed a guy's role into a female role and which I could live with since he put the totally awesome Dina Meyers into the role but the original dizzy Flores was a dude and his friend, but back to my gripe why completely change a story that was far better than what you changed it to Im sorry But Robert Heinlein was one of the best SciFi Writers that ever lived and this was an insult to him period.
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