
10 Reviews
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Shout About Movies (2004 Video Game)
Pretty fun!
3 August 2005
Probably a take-off of Scene It, which came out first. But, Scene It is more expensive. I haven't played it, so I can't really make any other comparisons. The DVD explains the game to you as you go, and and you use the remote to either input answers or just add up points. At first, you and your teammates are provided with lines, scenes, or interesting trivia facts about a movie. Then, you either shout out the answer, or use the remote to select your answer. Like Jeopardy, at the end, you can bet a portion or all of your points. From movie lines, to still photographs, to locations and landmarks, the game is a fun challenge to all movie lovers.
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Enjoyable, but not spectacular
29 May 2004
All around, a pretty good movie. You got your share of that feeling of impending doom. Some humor was thrown in - Why can't we shut down the US/Mexican border as easily as Mexico did??? There were also random and insignificant plot twists thrown in.

First, why did Professor Hall HAVE to go to New York to find his son? What is he going to do once he gets there? hmmm?

Second, the kid with cancer - what was that all about?

Apparently, the freeze in the library elapsed over several days, but, it seemed like it all was occurring in one day. Oh well.

But, the effects were awesome, and the basic plot of man vs nature was very enjoyable. Go see it - it's well worth a watch.
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Wrong Turn (I) (2003)
This was really scary!!!
1 June 2003
First of all, I grew up in southern WV, and I know how creepy the woods can be. There are various legends of ghosts, spirits, monsters, etc. lurking in the woods of West Va. But, what's scarier is the possibility of mutant, inbred, cannibalistic half humans who live in the woods!

I don't quite understand how our hero winds up on a back road in Greenbrier County as he travels from Pennsylvania to Raleigh, NC. I don't think it's possible! But, anyway, if you overlook that - you've got a very disturbing atmosphere and back drop for a highly terrifying story! There were a few questionable, unbelievable twists in the plot, but again, just overlook them and enjoy the show.

It is not uncommon to find secluded houses like the one in the movie scattered throughout WV. Cluttered with various, random objects, broken down cars in the yard. This really does happen in WV. I challenge any native WVian to argue otherwise!

I love horror movies, and this was one of the best I've seen. There were some genuinely frightening moments when I actually jumped! And I never jump at movies. There were moments I didn't want to see what happened next.

Go watch it... if for no other reason to make fun of inbred West Virginia rednecks!
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Donnie Darko (2001)
This Movie Was Awesome!!!
23 January 2003
It has been a long time... I'd have to actually sit down and think about it... since a movie has touched me in such a profound way. A friend recommended it, and after her synopsis I thought, "A giant rabbit... riiiight!" Amazingly, the next day, I found it at K Mart on the bargain DVD rack. Sometimes you find some real surprises there! So, I got it... just over a week ago. And I can't stop watching it! I've probably seen it 10 times already! Donnie experiences a phenomenal occurence. Whether I would actually like to know "what might have been" is something I'm not quite sure about. Perhaps we're better off not knowing. Regardless, this is an amazing experience - to get to see, hear, feel... LIVE the chain of events that will occur based on one simple decision. Do I stay in bed and ignore the talking giant rabbit? Or do I follow him? I suppose some form of time travel must have occurred with the airplane, since there was no crash. The engine must have been hurtling through space and time, through one of Roberta Sparrow's worm-holes. Roberta Sparrow must have known about Donnie's experience - that's why she kept going to the mail box. Donnie is a tragic, yet heroic figure. In order to prevent all of these tragic events from unfolding, he must himself become a tragic event. But, in the process, is Jim's kiddie porn NOT uncovered? hmmmm I could go on and on about how much I love this movie, and how it has somehow awakened something in me... and I'd never get it quite right. I'll probably have to buy another copy if I continue watching mine over and over over! Enjoy!
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Interesting, Bizarre....
15 October 2002
As I am recently re-discovering "Halloween" after many years since seeing the original, I must say I was quite fascinated with this movie. Granted, that with the 6th installment (technically 5th), one automatically has low expectations for this movie. The plot line fairly closely paralleled Halloween. We figured out why Dr. Wynn "allowed" Michael to escape in 1978. We see Tommy Strode all grown up. But, what happened to Lindsey Wallace? (Was she the Lindsey in Part 4?) We also have a better understanding as to why MICHAEL MYERS WILL NOT DIE!!! The supernatural influences are even reminiscent of Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Perhaps the producers were attempting to tie the entire series together??? The Myers house was not the original Myers house, but MUCH more acceptable than Dracula's Castle from Part 5. The kills were interesting, grotesque, and chilling. The lighting, the shadows, the cinematography were all equally creepy. I was saddened, though, that Dr. Loomis would no longer be with us. Halloween 6 did a great job of tying the series together. Here we had forgotten all about Laurie Strode, and the series was going in a totally different, and unique direction. Then, comes H20 and we're back at square one. Granted, I really enjoyed H20, but one has to either accept 4 - 6 as the definitive story of Michael Myers, or reject it as fiction with H20. So, what happens to Kara, Danny, and Tommy? Will they resurface in Halloween 9? Anything has to be better than Resurrection!
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Signs (2002)
A "horror" movie that was actually scary....
22 August 2002
yeah, it was kind of a rip off of other space/alien/ufo movies, but

this movie genuinely scared me. Even nearly a decade of "The X

Files" did not prepare me for this movie... the silence, the sound, the light, the darkness the awesome, spine

tingling score... everything balanced out perfectly to bring all my

darkest fears to the surface. And no, I'm not necessarily afraid of

little green men and UFO's, but this movie played so well on the

fear of the unknown. I was psychologically terrified. When the alien popped out from behind the tree at the Mexican

Birthday Party, my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. When

Mel Gibson was hearing sounds all around him in the field, I

looked all around to make sure nothing was behind me. I was literally afraid throughout this movie. And a lot of "horror"

movies are just gore fests with bizarre looking puppets and knives

and chainsaws. But, not this. Watch it... I was even more scared

during this than I was "The Exorcist" the so-called "scariest movie

of all time." Enjoy!
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Much better than it's Halloween counterpart
12 August 2002
I think I like this movie more than the original Alien. It was smart. It was up-to-date. It was interesting, and lacking of dull, sluggish moments that other Alien films have had. The method behind re-incarnating Ellen Ripley is much more acceptable than other "resurrections" in the past. Namely, my Halloween reference, of which the latest installment is just horrible and stupid. Unlike the previous "definitive" Alien movies, there is ample room for this saga to continue. Though, let's hope it is not as choppy and random as some other un-mentioned movie series. All in all, a great movie. Don't bother watching all of the Aliens for clues, plots, and stories. This one stands all on its own.
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Bizarre, Interesting.... to say the least.
5 August 2002
With my disappointment in Halloween Resurrection - ugh - I decided it was time to re-visit all of the Halloween movies. Yes, ALL of them. I've seen them all at one time or another, and I'm still working on tracking them all down again. I found this at a video rental store... who'd have thought?

Anyway, I can understand the original concept to do several different movies around a HALLOWEEN theme. NOT a Michael Myers/Laurie Strode/Sam Loomis soap opera. So, going back about 12 or so years when I first saw this, I still recall "Eight more days till Halloween, Halloween, Halloween....". It's etched firmly in my mind.

So, I found this and watched it again. Many people immediately ask "What about Michael? What about Laurie?" If no one can see beyond that, then they are not viewing this movie correctly. No, this isn't a great movie. The Sci-Fi/Android/Computer Chip elements weren't really scary.

However, the Druidism/Stone Henge/Mind Control is really creepy. Sure the acting and plot were laughable, but the idea of those creepy weird citizens staring blankly around Santa Mira, the supernatural powers of Stone Henge, the constant Big Brother surveillance.... all of that is much creepier, and much more original than a knife-wielding half-human lunatic chopping people up.

I love the Michael Myers story line, don't get me wrong. But, this movie features more creative deaths than stabbing or slashing. There are melted faces, crushing between cars, burning by lasers, drilling through heads, ripping skulls apart, and blowing oneself up. There is the potential of having a good movie, but its turned more into a plain old fun, gore fest. Enjoy it... and stop trying to make Michael Myers fit into it.
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Horror? Only if you watched it....
2 August 2002
This was probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. To think that the producers, directors, and everyone associated with the "Halloween" series would even attempt another movie after H20 boggles the mind. I assumed that the Laurie Strode/Michael Myers conflict was resolved, and that Laurie would get on with her life, which has been put on hold for long enough. The acting - a term I apply VERY loosely - was deplorable. The plot - if there was one - was ridiculous. In the quest to cash in on "reality entertainment" which only reminds us that our TV networks don't think that actually hiring writers, producers, directors, and actors is important, this movie ranks down there with "Fear Factor" or "The Real World".... The ONLY saving grace of this movie was over in the first twenty minutes. To FINALLY bring closure to Laurie Strode's life was a very welcome event. Unless, there will be some Halloween Part 25 where she actually is still alive and simply dreamed up the whole thing.... who knows? Thumb's down.... WAY down.
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Rasputin (1996 TV Movie)
A Bit Before Its Time
5 June 2001
This movie was pretty well acted, written, filmed, and directed. The problem was it was made a bit too soon to do much good. When "Nicholas and Alexandra" was released in 1971, the lavishness of it covered up the historical inaccuracies. "Rasputin", however, came out in a time when new information was just becoming available. Since 1996, the DNA tests have been performed, the bodies have been ceremoniously buried, and the nation of Russia has once again reformed itself. If the producers of "Rasputin" had just waited a few years, imagine the possibilities that could have been added to this film. It is inaccurate in many places. For example, Alexei could not have known that "Aunt Ella" was murdered. She, along with several other relatives, was murdered the day following Nicholas' own execution. It focuses too much on the Romanovs. Perhaps it should be called "The Romanovs" as opposed to "Rasputin". My personal pet peeve is the execution of the Romanovs. As in "N & A", the numbers are still wrong. There were 11 people executed in Ekaterinburg. In "N & A" there were 8, and in "Rasputin" there were 10.

The film does flow rather nicely, and gives those interested a fairly accurate glimpse of the lives and deaths of the sadly inept Romanovs and the vile, vulgar Rasputin. I would strongly recommend it to anyone interested in Russian history, especially to anyone teaching such a course.

Alan Rickman was wonderful in his portrayal. Greta Scacchi and Ian MacKellan were as well, in view of the fact that they were portraying such boring, stupid characters. The supporting cast was a nice backdrop for the glory and pageantry of the Russian Court.
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